sebelga / ionic-advanced-carousel

Carousel directive for Ionic Frameworks that allows any custom template as an item.
GNU General Public License v2.0
42 stars 18 forks source link

Plugin not working with ionic app #2

Closed nitesh3691 closed 8 years ago

nitesh3691 commented 8 years ago

I am using the carousel in ionic modal. Referred steps from your readme file but while running the app it is giving following errors in console:

1) undefined is not an object (evaluating parsed.protocol)

2) Failed to load the template: undefined


sebelga commented 8 years ago

Hello, Could you post some code on how you are implementing it? (both in html and in ctrl) Also remember to pass "carousel-options" as Object and "array-provider" as Array from your Controller.

nitesh3691 commented 8 years ago


I have installed your plugin using bower and have injected the aCarousel in the app.js file.

I want to use it in ionic modal in my mobile app.

Tried using on simple html but still far no luck.

This is my controller:

'use strict'; angular.module('ionicControllers') .controller('demoController', ['$scope', '$timeout', '$ionicModal', function($scope, $timeout, $ionicModal) {

        var vm = this;

        vm.options = {
            unselectOthers: false

        var modal;

        // Carousel Options
        vm.carouselOptions1 = {
            carouselId: 'carousel-1',
            align: 'left',
            selectFirst: true,
            centerOnSelect: true

        $scope.carouselOptions1 = vm.carouselOptions1;

        $scope.carouselData1 = [{id: 1, display: '1'},{id: 2, display: '2'}];

        function openModal() {
            var templateModal = '<ion-modal-view><ion-header-bar><h2>Inside a Modal</h2></ion-header-bar>' +
                '<ion-content><button class="btn" ng-click="closeModal()">Close modal</button><br><a-carousel item-directive="carousel-text-item" ' +
                'carousel-options="carouselOptions1" array-provider="carouselData1" ' +
            modal = $ionicModal.fromTemplate(templateModal, {
                scope: $scope

        vm.openModal = openModal;

        function closeModal() {
        $scope.closeModal = closeModal;

        function activate() {

            // To be able to use the carousel inside a modal we need to set the properties on the $scope object
            //$scope.carouselOptions1 = vm.carouselOptions1;
            $scope.carouselData1 = vm.carouselData1;
            //$scope.onSelectCarousel = vm.onSelectCarousel;
            //$scope.closeModal = closeModal;

            function createArray(total, randomImg) {
                var i, model, imgId, arr = [];
                for (i = 0; i < total; i++) {
                    model = {
                        id: i,
                        display: 'item ' + i
                    if (i === 2 || i === 13) {
                        model.display = 'longer ' + model.display;

                return arr;

            // Mock data for carousel
            vm.carouselData1 = createArray(20);
            $scope.carouselData1 = vm.carouselData1;

        function onSelectCarousel(item) {
            console.log('Carousel item selected:', item);
            vm.itemSelected = item;

            // unselect all carousel with id that contains string except one
            if (vm.options.unselectOthers) {
                $scope.$broadcast('a-carousel.desactivateItem', {
                    idContains: 'carousel-',
                    except: item.carouselId

        vm.onSelectCarousel = onSelectCarousel;
        $scope.onSelectCarousel = vm.onSelectCarousel;


nitesh3691 commented 8 years ago

error in console

sebelga commented 8 years ago

I don't see that you call the method activate() at the top of your controller. You have to call activate(); ( to create the data ($scope.carouselData1).

Try it and tell me if it worked.

nitesh3691 commented 8 years ago

I have called method activate() at the end of the controller

sebelga commented 8 years ago

Sorry I just saw that you call it down below. Try to put this in your Controller:

(function () {
    'use strict';

        .controller('demoController', ['$scope', '$timeout', '$ionicModal',
            function($scope, $timeout, $ionicModal) {
                var vm = this;
                var modal;

                // API
                vm.openModal            = openModal;
                $scope.closeModal       = closeModal;
                $scope.onSelectCarousel = onSelectCarousel;


                function activate() {
                    $scope.carouselData1    = createArray(20);
                    $scope.carouselOptions1 = {
                        carouselId    : 'carousel-1',
                        align         : 'left',
                        selectFirst   : true,
                        centerOnSelect: true


                    function createArray(total, randomImg) {
                        randomImg                = typeof randomImg === 'undefined' ? false : randomImg;
                        var i, model, imgId, arr = [];
                        for (i = 0; i < total; i++) {
                            model = {
                                id     : i,
                                display: 'item ' + i
                            if (i === 2 || i === 13) {
                                model.display = 'longer ' + model.display;
                            if (randomImg) {
                                imgId     = Math.floor(Math.random() * 10000);
                                model.src = '' + imgId

                        return arr;

                function openModal() {
                    var templateModal = '<ion-modal-view><ion-header-bar><h2>Inside a Modal</h2></ion-header-bar>' +
                        '<ion-content><button class="btn" ng-click="closeModal()">Close modal</button><br><a-carousel item-directive="carousel-text-item" ' +
                        'carousel-options="carouselOptions1" array-provider="carouselData1" ' +

                    modal = $ionicModal.fromTemplate(templateModal, {
                        scope: $scope


                function closeModal() {

                function onSelectCarousel(item) {
                    console.log('Carousel item selected:', item);
nitesh3691 commented 8 years ago

yes it worked thanks a lot.

Can you please tell me where I made the mistake.

Once again thank you

sebelga commented 8 years ago

Actually I could not find what was the problem in your code :) The only thing was that you changed the order of the methods and $scope vars declarations and probably broke something there.

The 3 important $scope vars to declare before opening the modal are:

If they are not set correctly before opening the modal an error will rise.