sebescudie / GammaLauncher

A simple launcher for VVVV Gamma
GNU General Public License v3.0
48 stars 7 forks source link

Editable Packages opens VVVV folder #55

Closed mhusinsky closed 1 year ago

mhusinsky commented 1 year ago

A funny bug (or a feature I don't get): As soon as I enter a package name into an "Editable Packages" field, the windows explorer will open a window with the current VVVV installation. is this intentional?

gamma launcher 5.1.0

sebescudie commented 1 year ago

Hey there, thanks for the feedback!

How weird, I cannot repro here :-)

Just added a package name and that was it. I'm in the middle of a project right now but I'll investigate that when I'm back home.

mhusinsky commented 1 year ago

okay, it might just have been some hickup of my computer. after a reboot this behaviour is not there any more. sorry for the fuzz.