sebferre / sparklis

Sparklis is a query builder in natural language that allows people to explore and query SPARQL endpoints with all the power of SPARQL and without any knowledge of SPARQL.
Apache License 2.0
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Unable to connect to GraphDB sparql endpoint #15

Open martinHska opened 1 year ago

martinHska commented 1 year ago

Hello there,

first of all thank you for providing this awesome tool!

I want to use Sparklis for some research work and need to connect it to a GraphDB Sparql endpoint. When trying to connect Sparklis tells me the endpoint was unresponsive. This is not the case since I can connect via curl. I might have found the issue: Fuseki SPARQL endpoint responds with a json and GraphDB by default responds just with a list. Giving "-H 'Accept: application/sparql-results+json'" specifically in the header, GraphDB also returns json.

Could this option be added in the configuration menu? Where would I have to adapt the code to add this option?

Thank you!

Best Martin