sebhtml / ray

Ray -- Parallel genome assemblies for parallel DNA sequencing
65 stars 12 forks source link

cycling is broken #10

Closed sebhtml closed 13 years ago

sebhtml commented 13 years ago

Rank 43 makeFusion processing path # 42000043, index= 42 with length 34693


Rank 43 forward paths on first vertex: 3 Paths: 84000000 42000043 32000119 Rank 43 forward paths on last vertex: 5 Paths: 1515000003 397000136 326000222 42000043 32000119 Rank 43 self= 42000043 Other= 32000119 selfDistance: 32646 otherDistance: 32646 Rank 43 diff is OK with # 32000119 received length of path 32000119' length: 34693 Rank 43 keeping other, discarding self [SAME LENGTH] Rank 43 makeFusion processing path # 43000043, index= 43 with length 34693


Rank 43 forward paths on first vertex: 5 Paths: 1514000003 396000136 327000222 43000043 33000119 Rank 43 forward paths on last vertex: 3 Paths: 85000000 43000043 33000119 Rank 43 self= 43000043 Other= 33000119 selfDistance: 32646 otherDistance: 32646 Rank 43 diff is OK with # 33000119 received length of path 33000119' length: 34693 Rank 43 keeping other, discarding self [SAME LENGTH]

34692 0 0 0 2 2 2 2 + contig-192000000 53633 18939 53633 contig-192000119 34723 29 34723 3

contig-192000000 53633 contig-192000119 34723 34693 vertices

sebhtml commented 13 years ago

Rank 119 makeFusion processing path # 32000119, index= 32 with length 34693


Rank 119 forward paths on first vertex: 3 Paths: 84000000 42000043 32000119 Rank 119 forward paths on last vertex: 5 Paths: 1515000003 397000136 326000222 42000043 32000119 Rank 119 self= 32000119 Other= 42000043 selfDistance: 32646 otherDistance: 32646 Rank 119 diff is OK with # 42000043 received length of path 42000043' length: 34693 Rank 119 reverse paths on first vertex: 5 Paths:

1514000003 396000136 327000222 43000043 33000119

Rank 119 reverse paths on last vertex: 3 Paths:

85000000 43000043 33000119

Rank 119 self= 32000119 Other= 33000119 selfDistance: 32646 otherDistance: 32646 Rank 119 diff is OK with # 33000119 Rank 119 self= 32000119 Other= 43000043 selfDistance: 32646 otherDistance: 32646 Rank 119 diff is OK with # 43000043 received length of path 33000119' length: 34693 received length of path 43000043' length: 34693

Rank 119 makeFusion processing path # 33000119, index= 33 with length 34693


Rank 119 forward paths on first vertex: 5 Paths: 1514000003 396000136 327000222 43000043 33000119 Rank 119 forward paths on last vertex: 3 Paths: 85000000 43000043 33000119 Rank 119 self= 33000119 Other= 43000043 selfDistance: 32646 otherDistance: 32646 Rank 119 diff is OK with # 43000043 received length of path 43000043' length: 34693 Rank 119 reverse paths on first vertex: 3 Paths:

84000000 42000043 32000119

Rank 119 reverse paths on last vertex: 5 Paths:

1515000003 397000136 326000222 42000043 32000119

Rank 119 self= 33000119 Other= 32000119 selfDistance: 32646 otherDistance: 32646 Rank 119 diff is OK with # 32000119 Rank 119 self= 33000119 Other= 42000043 selfDistance: 32646 otherDistance: 32646 Rank 119 diff is OK with # 42000043 received length of path 32000119' length: 34693 Rank 119 keeping other, discarding self [SAME LENGTH]

sebhtml commented 13 years ago

with debug messages -> colosse/job/3010989

with debug message & some code disabled altogether -> colosse/job/3010995

NetworkTest -> colosse/job/3010992

sebhtml commented 13 years ago

colosse/job/3010989 will provide some useful information in stdout

colosse/job/3010995 will confirm that there is a bug in said code

sebhtml commented 13 years ago

contig-226000001 and contig-615000182 are the same, mostly -- should me merged.

contig-226000001 41383 41353 vertices

Rank 1: extension-145000001 (41353 vertices) and extension-1311000182 (39891 vertices) make a fusion, result: 41353 vertices.

contig-615000182 39921 39891 vertices

Rank 182: extension-1311000182 (39891 vertices) and extension-145000001 (41353 vertices) make a fusion, result: 39891 vertices.

sebhtml commented 13 years ago
