sebhtml / ray

Ray -- Parallel genome assemblies for parallel DNA sequencing
65 stars 12 forks source link

Random errors on colosse on some Qin et al. samples #213

Closed sebhtml closed 10 years ago

sebhtml commented 10 years ago


sebhtml commented 10 years ago

Ray: code/KmerAcademyBuilder/Kmer.cpp:393: uint64_t Kmer::getU64(int) const: Assertion `i<((((232)/8)/8))' failed. [r106-n64:17008] ** Process received signal [r106-n64:17008] Signal: Aborted (6) [r106-n64:17008] Signal code: (-6) [r106-n64:17008] [ 0] /lib64/ [0x7ff399baabe0] [r106-n64:17008] [ 1] /lib64/ [0x7ff399875285] [r106-n64:17008] [ 2] /lib64/ [0x7ff399876d30] [r106-n64:17008] [ 3] /lib64/ [0x7ff39986e706] [r106-n64:17008] [ 4] Ray [0x4f5d62] [r106-n64:17008] [ 5] Ray(_ZNK4Kmer24getSecondSegmentLastCodeEi+0x93) [0x4f4633] [r106-n64:17008] [ 6] Ray(_ZN6Vertex15addOutgoingEdgeEP4KmerS1_i+0x1e) [0x55d16e] [r106-n64:17008] [ 7] Ray(_ZN16MessageProcessor31call_RAY_MPI_TAG_OUT_EDGES_DATAEP7Message+0xa5) [0x59e185] [r106-n64:17008] [ 8] Ray(_ZN11ComputeCore15runWithProfilerEv+0x2be) [0x5d812e] [r106-n64:17008] [ 9] Ray(_ZN11ComputeCore3runEv+0xaa) [0x5d946a] [r106-n64:17008] [10] Ray(_ZN7Machine5startEv+0x1441) [0x52f1b1] [r106-n64:17008] [11] Ray(_ZN11RankProcessI7MachineE3runEv+0x24b) [0x52c80b] [r106-n64:17008] [12] Ray(main+0xc7) [0x52ca57] [r106-n64:17008] [13] /lib64/ [0x7ff399862994] [r106-n64:17008] [14] Ray(_ZNSt8ios_base4InitD1Ev+0x41) [0x472719] [r106-n64:17008] \ End of error message ***

sebhtml commented 10 years ago

Rank 93 is adding edges [1/488653] Rank 92 is adding edges [1/488653] Rank 91 is adding edges [1/488653] Rank 90 is adding edges [1/488653] Error i 1 KMER_U64_ARRAY_SIZE 1

sebhtml commented 10 years ago

Patch that may fix this:

sebhtml commented 10 years ago

1. test 5 times on ERS006492

RayGraph-ERS006492-6-1.stdout RayGraph-ERS006492-6-2.stdout RayGraph-ERS006492-6-3.stdout RayGraph-ERS006492-6-4.stdout RayGraph-ERS006492-6.stdout

  1. test this patch on the 124 Qin et al. samples.
  2. merge it !
sebhtml commented 10 years ago

patch seems to work, now testing on 124 jobs of 96 MPI ranks.

sebhtml commented 10 years ago

$ cat

PBS -S /bin/bash

PBS -N RayGraph-SAMPLE-100

PBS -o RayGraph-SAMPLE-100.stdout

PBS -e RayGraph-SAMPLE-100.stderr

PBS -A nne-790-ac

PBS -l walltime=02:00:00:00

PBS -l nodes=12:ppn=8


module use /rap/nne-790-ab/modulefiles module load nne-790-ab/apps/ray/devel-daaceb2c95fa3c41ed46500e4256207a3aec8d8a

mpiexec -n 96 \ devel-daaceb2c95fa3c41ed46500e4256207a3aec8d8a-patched/Ray \ -k 31 \ -write-kmers \ -o RayGraph-SAMPLE-100 \ -detect-sequence-files SAMPLE \

sebhtml commented 10 years ago

sebhtml commented 10 years ago

This is the dataset from Qin et al. 2010.

Dataset: Paper: (PDF)

sebhtml commented 10 years ago

$ ls RayGraph-*-100/kmers.txt | wc -l 124

sebhtml commented 10 years ago

Running times:

==> RayGraph-ERS006485-100/ElapsedTime.txt <== Computing neighbourhoods 2013-10-29T14:26:58 0 seconds 1 hours, 16 minutes, 22 seconds

==> RayGraph-ERS006486-100/ElapsedTime.txt <== Computing neighbourhoods 2013-10-29T13:50:52 0 seconds 37 minutes, 39 seconds

==> RayGraph-ERS006487-100/ElapsedTime.txt <== Computing neighbourhoods 2013-10-29T14:45:57 0 seconds 1 hours, 15 minutes, 56 seconds

==> RayGraph-ERS006488-100/ElapsedTime.txt <== Computing neighbourhoods 2013-10-29T14:56:19 0 seconds 1 hours, 16 minutes, 53 seconds

==> RayGraph-ERS006489-100/ElapsedTime.txt <== Computing neighbourhoods 2013-10-29T15:11:43 0 seconds 1 hours, 28 minutes, 38 seconds

==> RayGraph-ERS006490-100/ElapsedTime.txt <== Computing neighbourhoods 2013-10-29T14:58:49 0 seconds 1 hours, 9 minutes, 57 seconds

==> RayGraph-ERS006491-100/ElapsedTime.txt <== Computing neighbourhoods 2013-10-29T15:20:42 0 seconds 1 hours, 29 minutes, 35 seconds

==> RayGraph-ERS006492-100/ElapsedTime.txt <== Computing neighbourhoods 2013-10-29T15:12:32 0 seconds 1 hours, 20 minutes, 59 seconds

==> RayGraph-ERS006493-100/ElapsedTime.txt <== Computing neighbourhoods 2013-10-29T15:09:06 0 seconds 1 hours, 15 minutes, 38 seconds

==> RayGraph-ERS006494-100/ElapsedTime.txt <== Computing neighbourhoods 2013-10-29T17:58:31 1 seconds 3 hours, 51 minutes, 7 seconds

==> RayGraph-ERS006495-100/ElapsedTime.txt <== Computing neighbourhoods 2013-10-29T15:41:48 0 seconds 1 hours, 14 minutes, 2 seconds

==> RayGraph-ERS006496-100/ElapsedTime.txt <== Computing neighbourhoods 2013-10-29T16:00:13 1 seconds 1 hours, 30 minutes, 33 seconds

==> RayGraph-ERS006497-100/ElapsedTime.txt <== Computing neighbourhoods 2013-10-29T17:44:58 0 seconds 3 hours, 59 seconds

==> RayGraph-ERS006498-100/ElapsedTime.txt <== Computing neighbourhoods 2013-10-29T15:13:54 0 seconds 24 minutes, 55 seconds

==> RayGraph-ERS006499-100/ElapsedTime.txt <== Computing neighbourhoods 2013-10-29T15:43:15 0 seconds 52 minutes, 19 seconds

==> RayGraph-ERS006500-100/ElapsedTime.txt <== Computing neighbourhoods 2013-10-29T15:49:07 0 seconds 50 minutes, 45 seconds

==> RayGraph-ERS006501-100/ElapsedTime.txt <== Computing neighbourhoods 2013-10-29T15:46:07 0 seconds 45 minutes, 29 seconds

==> RayGraph-ERS006502-100/ElapsedTime.txt <== Computing neighbourhoods 2013-10-29T16:13:55 0 seconds 1 hours, 2 minutes, 30 seconds

==> RayGraph-ERS006503-100/ElapsedTime.txt <== Computing neighbourhoods 2013-10-29T15:37:03 0 seconds 22 minutes, 51 seconds

==> RayGraph-ERS006504-100/ElapsedTime.txt <== Computing neighbourhoods 2013-10-29T16:08:26 0 seconds 53 minutes, 39 seconds

==> RayGraph-ERS006505-100/ElapsedTime.txt <== Computing neighbourhoods 2013-10-29T15:38:50 0 seconds 22 minutes, 43 seconds

==> RayGraph-ERS006506-100/ElapsedTime.txt <== Computing neighbourhoods 2013-10-29T16:35:55 0 seconds 1 hours, 13 minutes, 28 seconds

==> RayGraph-ERS006507-100/ElapsedTime.txt <== Computing neighbourhoods 2013-10-29T17:08:22 0 seconds 1 hours, 28 minutes, 52 seconds

==> RayGraph-ERS006508-100/ElapsedTime.txt <== Computing neighbourhoods 2013-10-29T16:45:45 0 seconds 1 hours, 3 minutes, 45 seconds

==> RayGraph-ERS006509-100/ElapsedTime.txt <== Computing neighbourhoods 2013-10-29T16:57:18 0 seconds 1 hours, 12 minutes, 41 seconds

==> RayGraph-ERS006510-100/ElapsedTime.txt <== Computing neighbourhoods 2013-10-29T16:41:27 0 seconds 53 minutes, 36 seconds

==> RayGraph-ERS006511-100/ElapsedTime.txt <== Computing neighbourhoods 2013-10-29T17:11:18 0 seconds 1 hours, 20 minutes, 5 seconds

==> RayGraph-ERS006512-100/ElapsedTime.txt <== Computing neighbourhoods 2013-10-29T17:13:05 0 seconds 1 hours, 10 minutes, 38 seconds

==> RayGraph-ERS006513-100/ElapsedTime.txt <== Computing neighbourhoods 2013-10-29T17:15:24 0 seconds 1 hours, 8 minutes, 15 seconds

==> RayGraph-ERS006514-100/ElapsedTime.txt <== Computing neighbourhoods 2013-10-29T17:37:32 0 seconds 1 hours, 27 minutes, 3 seconds

==> RayGraph-ERS006515-100/ElapsedTime.txt <== Computing neighbourhoods 2013-10-29T17:20:42 0 seconds 1 hours, 7 minutes, 32 seconds

==> RayGraph-ERS006516-100/ElapsedTime.txt <== Computing neighbourhoods 2013-10-29T17:15:27 0 seconds 59 minutes, 14 seconds

==> RayGraph-ERS006517-100/ElapsedTime.txt <== Computing neighbourhoods 2013-10-29T17:44:07 0 seconds 1 hours, 20 minutes, 5 seconds

==> RayGraph-ERS006518-100/ElapsedTime.txt <== Computing neighbourhoods 2013-10-29T17:59:45 0 seconds 1 hours, 21 minutes, 40 seconds

==> RayGraph-ERS006519-100/ElapsedTime.txt <== Computing neighbourhoods 2013-10-29T18:13:15 0 seconds 1 hours, 29 minutes, 17 seconds

==> RayGraph-ERS006520-100/ElapsedTime.txt <== Computing neighbourhoods 2013-10-29T17:33:14 0 seconds 40 minutes, 26 seconds

==> RayGraph-ERS006521-100/ElapsedTime.txt <== Computing neighbourhoods 2013-10-29T17:42:05 0 seconds 45 minutes, 37 seconds

==> RayGraph-ERS006522-100/ElapsedTime.txt <== Computing neighbourhoods 2013-10-29T18:03:01 0 seconds 1 hours, 3 minutes, 18 seconds

==> RayGraph-ERS006523-100/ElapsedTime.txt <== Computing neighbourhoods 2013-10-29T18:18:37 0 seconds 1 hours, 8 minutes, 23 seconds

==> RayGraph-ERS006524-100/ElapsedTime.txt <== Computing neighbourhoods 2013-10-29T18:33:47 0 seconds 1 hours, 20 minutes, 33 seconds

==> RayGraph-ERS006525-100/ElapsedTime.txt <== Computing neighbourhoods 2013-10-29T18:39:39 0 seconds 1 hours, 24 minutes, 51 seconds

==> RayGraph-ERS006526-100/ElapsedTime.txt <== Computing neighbourhoods 2013-10-29T18:20:18 0 seconds 1 hours, 2 minutes, 44 seconds

==> RayGraph-ERS006527-100/ElapsedTime.txt <== Computing neighbourhoods 2013-10-29T18:23:53 0 seconds 1 hours, 6 minutes, 19 seconds

==> RayGraph-ERS006528-100/ElapsedTime.txt <== Computing neighbourhoods 2013-10-29T18:27:24 0 seconds 1 hours, 5 minutes, 27 seconds

==> RayGraph-ERS006529-100/ElapsedTime.txt <== Computing neighbourhoods 2013-10-29T18:15:10 0 seconds 52 minutes, 12 seconds

==> RayGraph-ERS006530-100/ElapsedTime.txt <== Computing neighbourhoods 2013-10-29T18:50:15 0 seconds 1 hours, 15 minutes, 14 seconds

==> RayGraph-ERS006531-100/ElapsedTime.txt <== Computing neighbourhoods 2013-10-29T18:52:56 0 seconds 1 hours, 15 minutes, 5 seconds

==> RayGraph-ERS006532-100/ElapsedTime.txt <== Computing neighbourhoods 2013-10-29T18:49:53 0 seconds 1 hours, 10 minutes, 9 seconds

==> RayGraph-ERS006533-100/ElapsedTime.txt <== Computing neighbourhoods 2013-10-29T19:03:42 0 seconds 1 hours, 19 minutes, 21 seconds

==> RayGraph-ERS006534-100/ElapsedTime.txt <== Computing neighbourhoods 2013-10-29T18:13:30 0 seconds 27 minutes, 6 seconds

==> RayGraph-ERS006535-100/ElapsedTime.txt <== Computing neighbourhoods 2013-10-29T19:06:09 0 seconds 1 hours, 18 minutes, 34 seconds

==> RayGraph-ERS006536-100/ElapsedTime.txt <== Computing neighbourhoods 2013-10-29T19:02:40 0 seconds 1 hours, 4 minutes, 59 seconds

==> RayGraph-ERS006537-100/ElapsedTime.txt <== Computing neighbourhoods 2013-10-29T18:25:46 0 seconds 24 minutes, 58 seconds

==> RayGraph-ERS006538-100/ElapsedTime.txt <== Computing neighbourhoods 2013-10-29T18:49:58 0 seconds 47 minutes, 34 seconds

==> RayGraph-ERS006539-100/ElapsedTime.txt <== Computing neighbourhoods 2013-10-29T19:13:37 1 seconds 1 hours, 8 minutes, 24 seconds

==> RayGraph-ERS006540-100/ElapsedTime.txt <== Computing neighbourhoods 2013-10-29T19:53:47 0 seconds 1 hours, 38 minutes, 14 seconds

==> RayGraph-ERS006541-100/ElapsedTime.txt <== Computing neighbourhoods 2013-10-29T19:28:01 0 seconds 1 hours, 11 minutes, 47 seconds

==> RayGraph-ERS006542-100/ElapsedTime.txt <== Computing neighbourhoods 2013-10-29T19:39:45 0 seconds 1 hours, 21 minutes, 57 seconds

==> RayGraph-ERS006543-100/ElapsedTime.txt <== Computing neighbourhoods 2013-10-29T19:10:36 0 seconds 49 minutes, 20 seconds

==> RayGraph-ERS006544-100/ElapsedTime.txt <== Computing neighbourhoods 2013-10-29T20:01:26 0 seconds 1 hours, 38 minutes, 59 seconds

==> RayGraph-ERS006545-100/ElapsedTime.txt <== Computing neighbourhoods 2013-10-29T19:57:48 0 seconds 1 hours, 31 minutes, 58 seconds

==> RayGraph-ERS006546-100/ElapsedTime.txt <== Computing neighbourhoods 2013-10-29T19:30:56 0 seconds 1 hours, 3 minutes, 23 seconds

==> RayGraph-ERS006547-100/ElapsedTime.txt <== Computing neighbourhoods 2013-10-29T19:49:14 0 seconds 1 hours, 20 minutes, 29 seconds

==> RayGraph-ERS006548-100/ElapsedTime.txt <== Computing neighbourhoods 2013-10-29T18:49:44 0 seconds 19 minutes, 49 seconds

==> RayGraph-ERS006549-100/ElapsedTime.txt <== Computing neighbourhoods 2013-10-29T19:51:25 0 seconds 1 hours, 15 minutes, 22 seconds

==> RayGraph-ERS006550-100/ElapsedTime.txt <== Computing neighbourhoods 2013-10-29T20:00:47 0 seconds 1 hours, 18 minutes, 29 seconds

==> RayGraph-ERS006551-100/ElapsedTime.txt <== Computing neighbourhoods 2013-10-29T20:11:13 0 seconds 1 hours, 19 minutes, 41 seconds

==> RayGraph-ERS006552-100/ElapsedTime.txt <== Computing neighbourhoods 2013-10-29T19:19:55 0 seconds 27 minutes, 54 seconds

==> RayGraph-ERS006553-100/ElapsedTime.txt <== Computing neighbourhoods 2013-10-29T20:11:38 0 seconds 1 hours, 19 minutes, 27 seconds

==> RayGraph-ERS006554-100/ElapsedTime.txt <== Computing neighbourhoods 2013-10-29T20:20:06 0 seconds 1 hours, 27 minutes, 45 seconds

==> RayGraph-ERS006555-100/ElapsedTime.txt <== Computing neighbourhoods 2013-10-29T20:32:46 0 seconds 1 hours, 33 minutes, 2 seconds

==> RayGraph-ERS006556-100/ElapsedTime.txt <== Computing neighbourhoods 2013-10-29T20:24:02 0 seconds 1 hours, 19 minutes, 3 seconds

==> RayGraph-ERS006557-100/ElapsedTime.txt <== Computing neighbourhoods 2013-10-29T20:38:02 0 seconds 1 hours, 30 minutes, 7 seconds

==> RayGraph-ERS006558-100/ElapsedTime.txt <== Computing neighbourhoods 2013-10-29T19:33:12 0 seconds 24 minutes, 2 seconds

==> RayGraph-ERS006559-100/ElapsedTime.txt <== Computing neighbourhoods 2013-10-29T20:30:21 0 seconds 1 hours, 17 minutes, 44 seconds

==> RayGraph-ERS006560-100/ElapsedTime.txt <== Computing neighbourhoods 2013-10-29T19:42:57 0 seconds 27 minutes, 13 seconds

==> RayGraph-ERS006561-100/ElapsedTime.txt <== Computing neighbourhoods 2013-10-29T21:10:30 0 seconds 1 hours, 47 minutes, 28 seconds

==> RayGraph-ERS006562-100/ElapsedTime.txt <== Computing neighbourhoods 2013-10-29T20:44:56 0 seconds 1 hours, 11 minutes, 48 seconds

==> RayGraph-ERS006563-100/ElapsedTime.txt <== Computing neighbourhoods 2013-10-29T20:30:53 0 seconds 55 minutes, 41 seconds

==> RayGraph-ERS006564-100/ElapsedTime.txt <== Computing neighbourhoods 2013-10-29T21:12:26 0 seconds 1 hours, 30 minutes, 27 seconds

==> RayGraph-ERS006565-100/ElapsedTime.txt <== Computing neighbourhoods 2013-10-29T20:56:02 0 seconds 1 hours, 10 minutes, 52 seconds

==> RayGraph-ERS006566-100/ElapsedTime.txt <== Computing neighbourhoods 2013-10-29T21:08:13 0 seconds 1 hours, 16 minutes, 54 seconds

==> RayGraph-ERS006567-100/ElapsedTime.txt <== Computing neighbourhoods 2013-10-29T20:51:27 0 seconds 57 minutes, 28 seconds

==> RayGraph-ERS006568-100/ElapsedTime.txt <== Computing neighbourhoods 2013-10-29T21:15:54 0 seconds 1 hours, 19 minutes, 54 seconds

==> RayGraph-ERS006569-100/ElapsedTime.txt <== Computing neighbourhoods 2013-10-29T21:03:26 0 seconds 1 hours, 3 minutes, 33 seconds

==> RayGraph-ERS006570-100/ElapsedTime.txt <== Computing neighbourhoods 2013-10-29T20:28:02 0 seconds 24 minutes, 49 seconds

==> RayGraph-ERS006571-100/ElapsedTime.txt <== Computing neighbourhoods 2013-10-29T21:08:21 0 seconds 1 hours, 4 minutes, 22 seconds

==> RayGraph-ERS006572-100/ElapsedTime.txt <== Computing neighbourhoods 2013-10-29T21:19:19 0 seconds 1 hours, 5 minutes, 41 seconds

==> RayGraph-ERS006573-100/ElapsedTime.txt <== Computing neighbourhoods 2013-10-29T21:10:47 0 seconds 57 minutes, 9 seconds

==> RayGraph-ERS006574-100/ElapsedTime.txt <== Computing neighbourhoods 2013-10-29T21:38:56 0 seconds 1 hours, 16 minutes, 41 seconds

==> RayGraph-ERS006575-100/ElapsedTime.txt <== Computing neighbourhoods 2013-10-29T21:50:56 0 seconds 1 hours, 24 minutes, 58 seconds

==> RayGraph-ERS006576-100/ElapsedTime.txt <== Computing neighbourhoods 2013-10-29T21:30:51 0 seconds 1 hours, 38 seconds

==> RayGraph-ERS006577-100/ElapsedTime.txt <== Computing neighbourhoods 2013-10-29T21:44:28 0 seconds 1 hours, 12 minutes, 24 seconds

==> RayGraph-ERS006578-100/ElapsedTime.txt <== Computing neighbourhoods 2013-10-29T21:22:50 1 seconds 49 minutes, 55 seconds

==> RayGraph-ERS006579-100/ElapsedTime.txt <== Computing neighbourhoods 2013-10-29T21:52:02 1 seconds 1 hours, 17 minutes, 5 seconds

==> RayGraph-ERS006580-100/ElapsedTime.txt <== Computing neighbourhoods 2013-10-29T21:49:39 0 seconds 1 hours, 9 minutes, 40 seconds

==> RayGraph-ERS006581-100/ElapsedTime.txt <== Computing neighbourhoods 2013-10-29T22:07:17 0 seconds 1 hours, 20 minutes, 7 seconds

==> RayGraph-ERS006582-100/ElapsedTime.txt <== Computing neighbourhoods 2013-10-29T22:04:50 0 seconds 1 hours, 10 minutes, 55 seconds

==> RayGraph-ERS006583-100/ElapsedTime.txt <== Computing neighbourhoods 2013-10-29T22:01:43 1 seconds 1 hours, 3 minutes, 32 seconds

==> RayGraph-ERS006584-100/ElapsedTime.txt <== Computing neighbourhoods 2013-10-29T22:31:59 0 seconds 1 hours, 26 minutes, 7 seconds

==> RayGraph-ERS006585-100/ElapsedTime.txt <== Computing neighbourhoods 2013-10-29T22:12:25 0 seconds 1 hours, 1 minutes, 52 seconds

==> RayGraph-ERS006586-100/ElapsedTime.txt <== Computing neighbourhoods 2013-10-29T22:41:56 0 seconds 1 hours, 31 minutes, 23 seconds

==> RayGraph-ERS006587-100/ElapsedTime.txt <== Computing neighbourhoods 2013-10-29T22:35:36 0 seconds 1 hours, 22 minutes, 35 seconds

==> RayGraph-ERS006588-100/ElapsedTime.txt <== Computing neighbourhoods 2013-10-29T22:28:45 0 seconds 1 hours, 14 minutes, 23 seconds

==> RayGraph-ERS006589-100/ElapsedTime.txt <== Computing neighbourhoods 2013-10-29T21:44:47 0 seconds 26 minutes, 35 seconds

==> RayGraph-ERS006590-100/ElapsedTime.txt <== Computing neighbourhoods 2013-10-29T22:29:05 0 seconds 1 hours, 10 minutes, 10 seconds

==> RayGraph-ERS006591-100/ElapsedTime.txt <== Computing neighbourhoods 2013-10-29T22:14:53 0 seconds 53 minutes, 14 seconds

==> RayGraph-ERS006592-100/ElapsedTime.txt <== Computing neighbourhoods 2013-10-29T22:15:25 0 seconds 50 minutes, 13 seconds

==> RayGraph-ERS006593-100/ElapsedTime.txt <== Computing neighbourhoods 2013-10-29T23:17:21 0 seconds 1 hours, 43 minutes, 38 seconds

==> RayGraph-ERS006594-100/ElapsedTime.txt <== Computing neighbourhoods 2013-10-29T23:08:37 0 seconds 1 hours, 27 minutes, 35 seconds

==> RayGraph-ERS006595-100/ElapsedTime.txt <== Computing neighbourhoods 2013-10-29T22:57:10 0 seconds 1 hours, 10 minutes, 19 seconds

==> RayGraph-ERS006596-100/ElapsedTime.txt <== Computing neighbourhoods 2013-10-29T22:06:20 0 seconds 18 minutes, 54 seconds

==> RayGraph-ERS006597-100/ElapsedTime.txt <== Computing neighbourhoods 2013-10-29T23:11:51 0 seconds 1 hours, 20 minutes, 5 seconds

==> RayGraph-ERS006598-100/ElapsedTime.txt <== Computing neighbourhoods 2013-10-29T22:49:54 0 seconds 56 minutes, 12 seconds

==> RayGraph-ERS006599-100/ElapsedTime.txt <== Computing neighbourhoods 2013-10-29T23:09:40 0 seconds 1 hours, 15 minutes, 23 seconds

==> RayGraph-ERS006600-100/ElapsedTime.txt <== Computing neighbourhoods 2013-10-29T22:35:02 0 seconds 27 minutes, 56 seconds

==> RayGraph-ERS006601-100/ElapsedTime.txt <== Computing neighbourhoods 2013-10-29T22:29:07 0 seconds 21 minutes, 2 seconds

==> RayGraph-ERS006602-100/ElapsedTime.txt <== Computing neighbourhoods 2013-10-29T23:32:38 0 seconds 1 hours, 22 minutes, 38 seconds

==> RayGraph-ERS006603-100/ElapsedTime.txt <== Computing neighbourhoods 2013-10-29T23:21:37 0 seconds 1 hours, 6 minutes, 59 seconds

==> RayGraph-ERS006604-100/ElapsedTime.txt <== Computing neighbourhoods 2013-10-29T23:32:26 0 seconds 1 hours, 14 minutes, 48 seconds

==> RayGraph-ERS006605-100/ElapsedTime.txt <== Computing neighbourhoods 2013-10-29T23:32:11 0 seconds 1 hours, 14 minutes, 33 seconds

==> RayGraph-ERS006606-100/ElapsedTime.txt <== Computing neighbourhoods 2013-10-29T23:46:22 0 seconds 1 hours, 15 minutes, 35 seconds

==> RayGraph-ERS006607-100/ElapsedTime.txt <== Computing neighbourhoods 2013-10-29T23:58:17 0 seconds 1 hours, 26 minutes, 49 seconds

==> RayGraph-ERS006608-100/ElapsedTime.txt <== Computing neighbourhoods 2013-10-29T23:51:52 0 seconds 1 hours, 20 minutes, 24 seconds

sebhtml commented 10 years ago

contigs (by default):

-rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 109M Oct 29 14:17 RayGraph-ERS006485-100/Contigs.fasta -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 36M Oct 29 13:46 RayGraph-ERS006486-100/Contigs.fasta -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 89M Oct 29 14:37 RayGraph-ERS006487-100/Contigs.fasta -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 122M Oct 29 14:46 RayGraph-ERS006488-100/Contigs.fasta -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 117M Oct 29 15:01 RayGraph-ERS006489-100/Contigs.fasta -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 83M Oct 29 14:51 RayGraph-ERS006490-100/Contigs.fasta -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 121M Oct 29 15:10 RayGraph-ERS006491-100/Contigs.fasta -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 115M Oct 29 15:02 RayGraph-ERS006492-100/Contigs.fasta -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 115M Oct 29 14:59 RayGraph-ERS006493-100/Contigs.fasta -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 285M Oct 29 17:26 RayGraph-ERS006494-100/Contigs.fasta -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 99M Oct 29 15:33 RayGraph-ERS006495-100/Contigs.fasta -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 123M Oct 29 15:49 RayGraph-ERS006496-100/Contigs.fasta -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 232M Oct 29 17:19 RayGraph-ERS006497-100/Contigs.fasta -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 24M Oct 29 15:11 RayGraph-ERS006498-100/Contigs.fasta -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 80M Oct 29 15:37 RayGraph-ERS006499-100/Contigs.fasta -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 79M Oct 29 15:42 RayGraph-ERS006500-100/Contigs.fasta -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 64M Oct 29 15:40 RayGraph-ERS006501-100/Contigs.fasta -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 74M Oct 29 16:06 RayGraph-ERS006502-100/Contigs.fasta -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 13M Oct 29 15:35 RayGraph-ERS006503-100/Contigs.fasta -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 57M Oct 29 16:01 RayGraph-ERS006504-100/Contigs.fasta -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 15M Oct 29 15:37 RayGraph-ERS006505-100/Contigs.fasta -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 84M Oct 29 16:27 RayGraph-ERS006506-100/Contigs.fasta -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 111M Oct 29 16:57 RayGraph-ERS006507-100/Contigs.fasta -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 102M Oct 29 16:37 RayGraph-ERS006508-100/Contigs.fasta -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 90M Oct 29 16:48 RayGraph-ERS006509-100/Contigs.fasta -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 64M Oct 29 16:33 RayGraph-ERS006510-100/Contigs.fasta -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 99M Oct 29 17:01 RayGraph-ERS006511-100/Contigs.fasta -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 102M Oct 29 17:05 RayGraph-ERS006512-100/Contigs.fasta -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 99M Oct 29 17:07 RayGraph-ERS006513-100/Contigs.fasta -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 123M Oct 29 17:27 RayGraph-ERS006514-100/Contigs.fasta -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 105M Oct 29 17:11 RayGraph-ERS006515-100/Contigs.fasta -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 90M Oct 29 17:08 RayGraph-ERS006516-100/Contigs.fasta -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 102M Oct 29 17:34 RayGraph-ERS006517-100/Contigs.fasta -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 99M Oct 29 17:49 RayGraph-ERS006518-100/Contigs.fasta -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 124M Oct 29 18:03 RayGraph-ERS006519-100/Contigs.fasta -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 42M Oct 29 17:29 RayGraph-ERS006520-100/Contigs.fasta -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 54M Oct 29 17:37 RayGraph-ERS006521-100/Contigs.fasta -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 81M Oct 29 17:54 RayGraph-ERS006522-100/Contigs.fasta -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 101M Oct 29 18:10 RayGraph-ERS006523-100/Contigs.fasta -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 106M Oct 29 18:24 RayGraph-ERS006524-100/Contigs.fasta -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 110M Oct 29 18:29 RayGraph-ERS006525-100/Contigs.fasta -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 52M Oct 29 18:11 RayGraph-ERS006526-100/Contigs.fasta -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 71M Oct 29 18:16 RayGraph-ERS006527-100/Contigs.fasta -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 99M Oct 29 18:19 RayGraph-ERS006528-100/Contigs.fasta -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 56M Oct 29 18:09 RayGraph-ERS006529-100/Contigs.fasta -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 92M Oct 29 18:41 RayGraph-ERS006530-100/Contigs.fasta -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 94M Oct 29 18:44 RayGraph-ERS006531-100/Contigs.fasta -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 96M Oct 29 18:42 RayGraph-ERS006532-100/Contigs.fasta -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 113M Oct 29 18:53 RayGraph-ERS006533-100/Contigs.fasta -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 11M Oct 29 18:09 RayGraph-ERS006534-100/Contigs.fasta -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 102M Oct 29 18:56 RayGraph-ERS006535-100/Contigs.fasta -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 94M Oct 29 18:53 RayGraph-ERS006536-100/Contigs.fasta -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 22M Oct 29 18:23 RayGraph-ERS006537-100/Contigs.fasta -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 40M Oct 29 18:44 RayGraph-ERS006538-100/Contigs.fasta -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 79M Oct 29 19:05 RayGraph-ERS006539-100/Contigs.fasta -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 149M Oct 29 19:41 RayGraph-ERS006540-100/Contigs.fasta -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 54M Oct 29 19:17 RayGraph-ERS006541-100/Contigs.fasta -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 97M Oct 29 19:30 RayGraph-ERS006542-100/Contigs.fasta -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 43M Oct 29 19:04 RayGraph-ERS006543-100/Contigs.fasta -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 142M Oct 29 19:48 RayGraph-ERS006544-100/Contigs.fasta -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 122M Oct 29 19:46 RayGraph-ERS006545-100/Contigs.fasta -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 81M Oct 29 19:23 RayGraph-ERS006546-100/Contigs.fasta -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 127M Oct 29 19:38 RayGraph-ERS006547-100/Contigs.fasta -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 9.9M Oct 29 18:48 RayGraph-ERS006548-100/Contigs.fasta -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 114M Oct 29 19:41 RayGraph-ERS006549-100/Contigs.fasta -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 115M Oct 29 19:51 RayGraph-ERS006550-100/Contigs.fasta -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 112M Oct 29 20:01 RayGraph-ERS006551-100/Contigs.fasta -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 24M Oct 29 19:16 RayGraph-ERS006552-100/Contigs.fasta -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 99M Oct 29 20:02 RayGraph-ERS006553-100/Contigs.fasta -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 127M Oct 29 20:09 RayGraph-ERS006554-100/Contigs.fasta -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 126M Oct 29 20:21 RayGraph-ERS006555-100/Contigs.fasta -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 102M Oct 29 20:14 RayGraph-ERS006556-100/Contigs.fasta -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 130M Oct 29 20:26 RayGraph-ERS006557-100/Contigs.fasta -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 13M Oct 29 19:30 RayGraph-ERS006558-100/Contigs.fasta -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 111M Oct 29 20:21 RayGraph-ERS006559-100/Contigs.fasta -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 11M Oct 29 19:39 RayGraph-ERS006560-100/Contigs.fasta -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 134M Oct 29 20:57 RayGraph-ERS006561-100/Contigs.fasta -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 98M Oct 29 20:36 RayGraph-ERS006562-100/Contigs.fasta -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 58M Oct 29 20:24 RayGraph-ERS006563-100/Contigs.fasta -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 126M Oct 29 21:02 RayGraph-ERS006564-100/Contigs.fasta -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 76M Oct 29 20:48 RayGraph-ERS006565-100/Contigs.fasta -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 93M Oct 29 20:58 RayGraph-ERS006566-100/Contigs.fasta -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 79M Oct 29 20:44 RayGraph-ERS006567-100/Contigs.fasta -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 110M Oct 29 21:06 RayGraph-ERS006568-100/Contigs.fasta -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 92M Oct 29 20:56 RayGraph-ERS006569-100/Contigs.fasta -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 13M Oct 29 20:25 RayGraph-ERS006570-100/Contigs.fasta -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 75M Oct 29 21:00 RayGraph-ERS006571-100/Contigs.fasta -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 68M Oct 29 21:11 RayGraph-ERS006572-100/Contigs.fasta -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 72M Oct 29 21:04 RayGraph-ERS006573-100/Contigs.fasta -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 123M Oct 29 21:29 RayGraph-ERS006574-100/Contigs.fasta -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 141M Oct 29 21:40 RayGraph-ERS006575-100/Contigs.fasta -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 85M Oct 29 21:23 RayGraph-ERS006576-100/Contigs.fasta -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 124M Oct 29 21:35 RayGraph-ERS006577-100/Contigs.fasta -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 72M Oct 29 21:17 RayGraph-ERS006578-100/Contigs.fasta -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 117M Oct 29 21:42 RayGraph-ERS006579-100/Contigs.fasta -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 109M Oct 29 21:40 RayGraph-ERS006580-100/Contigs.fasta -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 133M Oct 29 21:57 RayGraph-ERS006581-100/Contigs.fasta -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 94M Oct 29 21:56 RayGraph-ERS006582-100/Contigs.fasta -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 65M Oct 29 21:53 RayGraph-ERS006583-100/Contigs.fasta -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 126M Oct 29 22:21 RayGraph-ERS006584-100/Contigs.fasta -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 70M Oct 29 22:05 RayGraph-ERS006585-100/Contigs.fasta -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 133M Oct 29 22:29 RayGraph-ERS006586-100/Contigs.fasta -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 102M Oct 29 22:25 RayGraph-ERS006587-100/Contigs.fasta -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 93M Oct 29 22:20 RayGraph-ERS006588-100/Contigs.fasta -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 17M Oct 29 21:42 RayGraph-ERS006589-100/Contigs.fasta -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 105M Oct 29 22:20 RayGraph-ERS006590-100/Contigs.fasta -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 47M Oct 29 22:09 RayGraph-ERS006591-100/Contigs.fasta -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 54M Oct 29 22:10 RayGraph-ERS006592-100/Contigs.fasta -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 161M Oct 29 23:04 RayGraph-ERS006593-100/Contigs.fasta -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 138M Oct 29 22:57 RayGraph-ERS006594-100/Contigs.fasta -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 84M Oct 29 22:49 RayGraph-ERS006595-100/Contigs.fasta -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 6.4M Oct 29 22:05 RayGraph-ERS006596-100/Contigs.fasta -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 103M Oct 29 23:01 RayGraph-ERS006597-100/Contigs.fasta -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 84M Oct 29 22:43 RayGraph-ERS006598-100/Contigs.fasta -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 110M Oct 29 23:00 RayGraph-ERS006599-100/Contigs.fasta -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 17M Oct 29 22:31 RayGraph-ERS006600-100/Contigs.fasta -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 11M Oct 29 22:28 RayGraph-ERS006601-100/Contigs.fasta -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 123M Oct 29 23:22 RayGraph-ERS006602-100/Contigs.fasta -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 66M Oct 29 23:13 RayGraph-ERS006603-100/Contigs.fasta -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 84M Oct 29 23:24 RayGraph-ERS006604-100/Contigs.fasta -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 111M Oct 29 23:22 RayGraph-ERS006605-100/Contigs.fasta -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 110M Oct 29 23:36 RayGraph-ERS006606-100/Contigs.fasta -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 120M Oct 29 23:48 RayGraph-ERS006607-100/Contigs.fasta -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 102M Oct 29 23:42 RayGraph-ERS006608-100/Contigs.fasta

sebhtml commented 10 years ago

Graphs (via -write-kmers)

-rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 14G Oct 29 13:36 RayGraph-ERS006485-100/kmers.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 5.9G Oct 29 13:29 RayGraph-ERS006486-100/kmers.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 13G Oct 29 13:55 RayGraph-ERS006487-100/kmers.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 16G Oct 29 14:08 RayGraph-ERS006488-100/kmers.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 16G Oct 29 14:11 RayGraph-ERS006489-100/kmers.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 14G Oct 29 14:15 RayGraph-ERS006490-100/kmers.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 17G Oct 29 14:21 RayGraph-ERS006491-100/kmers.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 15G Oct 29 14:18 RayGraph-ERS006492-100/kmers.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 16G Oct 29 14:21 RayGraph-ERS006493-100/kmers.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 37G Oct 29 15:09 RayGraph-ERS006494-100/kmers.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 15G Oct 29 14:54 RayGraph-ERS006495-100/kmers.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 17G Oct 29 14:59 RayGraph-ERS006496-100/kmers.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 32G Oct 29 15:38 RayGraph-ERS006497-100/kmers.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 5.7G Oct 29 15:03 RayGraph-ERS006498-100/kmers.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 11G Oct 29 15:12 RayGraph-ERS006499-100/kmers.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 12G Oct 29 15:20 RayGraph-ERS006500-100/kmers.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 11G Oct 29 15:21 RayGraph-ERS006501-100/kmers.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 11G Oct 29 15:33 RayGraph-ERS006502-100/kmers.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 5.4G Oct 29 15:28 RayGraph-ERS006503-100/kmers.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 10G Oct 29 15:37 RayGraph-ERS006504-100/kmers.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 5.1G Oct 29 15:29 RayGraph-ERS006505-100/kmers.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 9.8G Oct 29 15:44 RayGraph-ERS006506-100/kmers.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 14G Oct 29 16:06 RayGraph-ERS006507-100/kmers.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 13G Oct 29 16:06 RayGraph-ERS006508-100/kmers.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 12G Oct 29 16:08 RayGraph-ERS006509-100/kmers.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 8.4G Oct 29 16:08 RayGraph-ERS006510-100/kmers.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 12G Oct 29 16:16 RayGraph-ERS006511-100/kmers.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 14G Oct 29 16:27 RayGraph-ERS006512-100/kmers.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 16G Oct 29 16:35 RayGraph-ERS006513-100/kmers.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 15G Oct 29 16:38 RayGraph-ERS006514-100/kmers.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 12G Oct 29 16:36 RayGraph-ERS006515-100/kmers.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 12G Oct 29 16:39 RayGraph-ERS006516-100/kmers.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 12G Oct 29 16:48 RayGraph-ERS006517-100/kmers.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 13G Oct 29 17:03 RayGraph-ERS006518-100/kmers.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 16G Oct 29 17:12 RayGraph-ERS006519-100/kmers.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 7.2G Oct 29 17:10 RayGraph-ERS006520-100/kmers.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 8.0G Oct 29 17:15 RayGraph-ERS006521-100/kmers.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 8.9G Oct 29 17:20 RayGraph-ERS006522-100/kmers.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 13G Oct 29 17:35 RayGraph-ERS006523-100/kmers.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 14G Oct 29 17:38 RayGraph-ERS006524-100/kmers.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 14G Oct 29 17:40 RayGraph-ERS006525-100/kmers.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 9.4G Oct 29 17:39 RayGraph-ERS006526-100/kmers.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 12G Oct 29 17:41 RayGraph-ERS006527-100/kmers.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 13G Oct 29 17:46 RayGraph-ERS006528-100/kmers.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 7.2G Oct 29 17:41 RayGraph-ERS006529-100/kmers.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 11G Oct 29 17:58 RayGraph-ERS006530-100/kmers.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 13G Oct 29 18:03 RayGraph-ERS006531-100/kmers.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 16G Oct 29 18:07 RayGraph-ERS006532-100/kmers.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 14G Oct 29 18:10 RayGraph-ERS006533-100/kmers.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 3.1G Oct 29 17:58 RayGraph-ERS006534-100/kmers.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 12G Oct 29 18:11 RayGraph-ERS006535-100/kmers.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 13G Oct 29 18:22 RayGraph-ERS006536-100/kmers.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 5.7G Oct 29 18:15 RayGraph-ERS006537-100/kmers.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 8.0G Oct 29 18:22 RayGraph-ERS006538-100/kmers.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 12G Oct 29 18:29 RayGraph-ERS006539-100/kmers.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 19G Oct 29 18:47 RayGraph-ERS006540-100/kmers.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 11G Oct 29 18:40 RayGraph-ERS006541-100/kmers.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 13G Oct 29 18:43 RayGraph-ERS006542-100/kmers.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 8.1G Oct 29 18:41 RayGraph-ERS006543-100/kmers.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 17G Oct 29 18:52 RayGraph-ERS006544-100/kmers.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 16G Oct 29 18:53 RayGraph-ERS006545-100/kmers.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 13G Oct 29 18:51 RayGraph-ERS006546-100/kmers.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 16G Oct 29 18:56 RayGraph-ERS006547-100/kmers.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 5.6G Oct 29 18:44 RayGraph-ERS006548-100/kmers.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 17G Oct 29 19:04 RayGraph-ERS006549-100/kmers.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 15G Oct 29 19:09 RayGraph-ERS006550-100/kmers.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 14G Oct 29 19:17 RayGraph-ERS006551-100/kmers.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 5.0G Oct 29 19:06 RayGraph-ERS006552-100/kmers.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 15G Oct 29 19:18 RayGraph-ERS006553-100/kmers.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 17G Oct 29 19:21 RayGraph-ERS006554-100/kmers.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 17G Oct 29 19:28 RayGraph-ERS006555-100/kmers.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 14G Oct 29 19:31 RayGraph-ERS006556-100/kmers.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 15G Oct 29 19:36 RayGraph-ERS006557-100/kmers.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 3.2G Oct 29 19:21 RayGraph-ERS006558-100/kmers.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 15G Oct 29 19:39 RayGraph-ERS006559-100/kmers.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 3.7G Oct 29 19:28 RayGraph-ERS006560-100/kmers.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 20G Oct 29 19:57 RayGraph-ERS006561-100/kmers.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 15G Oct 29 19:59 RayGraph-ERS006562-100/kmers.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 8.4G Oct 29 19:55 RayGraph-ERS006563-100/kmers.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 17G Oct 29 20:11 RayGraph-ERS006564-100/kmers.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 9.9G Oct 29 20:07 RayGraph-ERS006565-100/kmers.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 12G Oct 29 20:16 RayGraph-ERS006566-100/kmers.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 12G Oct 29 20:16 RayGraph-ERS006567-100/kmers.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 16G Oct 29 20:23 RayGraph-ERS006568-100/kmers.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 13G Oct 29 20:23 RayGraph-ERS006569-100/kmers.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 4.3G Oct 29 20:16 RayGraph-ERS006570-100/kmers.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 9.9G Oct 29 20:25 RayGraph-ERS006571-100/kmers.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 7.8G Oct 29 20:33 RayGraph-ERS006572-100/kmers.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 11G Oct 29 20:34 RayGraph-ERS006573-100/kmers.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 16G Oct 29 20:49 RayGraph-ERS006574-100/kmers.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 17G Oct 29 20:54 RayGraph-ERS006575-100/kmers.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 13G Oct 29 20:54 RayGraph-ERS006576-100/kmers.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 16G Oct 29 20:59 RayGraph-ERS006577-100/kmers.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 9.7G Oct 29 20:53 RayGraph-ERS006578-100/kmers.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 16G Oct 29 21:03 RayGraph-ERS006579-100/kmers.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 14G Oct 29 21:05 RayGraph-ERS006580-100/kmers.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 16G Oct 29 21:14 RayGraph-ERS006581-100/kmers.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 13G Oct 29 21:17 RayGraph-ERS006582-100/kmers.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 7.7G Oct 29 21:18 RayGraph-ERS006583-100/kmers.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 15G Oct 29 21:33 RayGraph-ERS006584-100/kmers.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 11G Oct 29 21:34 RayGraph-ERS006585-100/kmers.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 15G Oct 29 21:38 RayGraph-ERS006586-100/kmers.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 13G Oct 29 21:38 RayGraph-ERS006587-100/kmers.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 14G Oct 29 21:40 RayGraph-ERS006588-100/kmers.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 5.1G Oct 29 21:32 RayGraph-ERS006589-100/kmers.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 15G Oct 29 21:45 RayGraph-ERS006590-100/kmers.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 8.5G Oct 29 21:42 RayGraph-ERS006591-100/kmers.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 8.0G Oct 29 21:44 RayGraph-ERS006592-100/kmers.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 19G Oct 29 22:06 RayGraph-ERS006593-100/kmers.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 16G Oct 29 22:09 RayGraph-ERS006594-100/kmers.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 11G Oct 29 22:10 RayGraph-ERS006595-100/kmers.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 5.2G Oct 29 22:01 RayGraph-ERS006596-100/kmers.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 11G Oct 29 22:15 RayGraph-ERS006597-100/kmers.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 12G Oct 29 22:16 RayGraph-ERS006598-100/kmers.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 14G Oct 29 22:20 RayGraph-ERS006599-100/kmers.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 5.3G Oct 29 22:21 RayGraph-ERS006600-100/kmers.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 6.0G Oct 29 22:23 RayGraph-ERS006601-100/kmers.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 18G Oct 29 22:39 RayGraph-ERS006602-100/kmers.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 8.7G Oct 29 22:36 RayGraph-ERS006603-100/kmers.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 12G Oct 29 22:41 RayGraph-ERS006604-100/kmers.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 14G Oct 29 22:43 RayGraph-ERS006605-100/kmers.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 15G Oct 29 22:58 RayGraph-ERS006606-100/kmers.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 17G Oct 29 23:00 RayGraph-ERS006607-100/kmers.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 sboisver12 nne-790-01 13G Oct 29 22:56 RayGraph-ERS006608-100/kmers.txt