sebhtml / ray

Ray -- Parallel genome assemblies for parallel DNA sequencing
65 stars 12 forks source link

Detailed step documentation #244

Open Wookie777 opened 7 years ago

Wookie777 commented 7 years ago

I've a qsub-job with 2*6 metagenome-paired-end-files with these command: mpiexec -n 156 Ray -k 31 -p MG1_R1.fastq MG1_R2.fastq -p MG2_R1.fastq MG2_R2.fastq -p MG3_R1.fastq MG3_R2.fastq -p MG4_R1.fastq MG4_R2.fastq -p MG5_R1.fastq MG5_R2.fastq -p MG6_R1.fastq MG6_R2.fastq -o assembly_ray

The problem is that I don't know if the assembly-process crashed or still runs. Is there a way to show a more detailed documentation as in the ElapsedTime.txt? My job is still at the step "Sequence loading" for 3 days. Is this normal? The files are very big (from 6 - 17 GB, sum 134 GB)

I would be very grateful if everyone can help me.

Greetings, david