sebi2k1 / node-can

NodeJS SocketCAN extension
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Not working with Worker thread. #97

Open alexey11231 opened 3 years ago

alexey11231 commented 3 years ago

If "onMessage" listener is called inside worker thread "Segmentation fault (core dumped) " occurs upon received can msg.

sebi2k1 commented 3 years ago

You have a code snippet demonstrating the issue?

alexey11231 commented 3 years ago


const { Worker, isMainThread } = require('worker_threads');

if (isMainThread) {

  new Worker("./worker.js");




var can = require('socketcan');

var channel = can.createRawChannel("can0", true);

channel.addListener("onMessage", function(msg) { console.log(msg); } );

channel.addListener("onMessage", channel.send, channel);



FATAL ERROR: HandleScope::HandleScope Entering the V8 API without proper locking in place Aborted

Today on first run it gave that msg. Before and after it was throwing segmentation fault.

juleq commented 3 years ago

Seems one would need to litter the cpp code with multithreading protection to support workers.

Could you share why you want to use a worker? The whole node idea is to eleminate multithreading complexity by offering an event driven infrastructure and non-blocking async io. The thread pools node uses for that are hidden under the hood.

alexey11231 commented 3 years ago

Nothing specific. I wanted to put can logic in separate worker, no good reason, just force of habit I guess. I was just playing around and noticed this, so I decided to inform you about it.

Btw great job with this(node-can), its quite useful. Ty !

juleq commented 3 years ago

These flowers go straight to @sebi2k1 💐.

I have a direct comparison implementing stuff with node in one instance and C# and its TPL in another. I really appreciate the simplicity that the event driven approach provides for IO heavy use cases.

Your feedback regarding workers is definitely a limitation to keep in mind. If someone is interested in making himself familiar with thread safety mechanisms of V8, it could be a nice little project to implement support. But I have used node-can quite extensively in a busy embedded system and I never felt lonely without the thread safety 😃.