sebinside / CraftBlock

CraftBlock stands for "Craft Attack 3 Skyblock" and is an expert skyblock modpack for Minecraft.
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
41 stars 17 forks source link

Mod Suggestions #127

Open DisguisedDumbass opened 2 years ago

DisguisedDumbass commented 2 years ago

I would like to share some mod suggestions for the pack (Again a giant wall of text):

All of them are provided with links for further details and source. I also added brief (mostly incomplete) descriptions of their content and my reasoning for them beeing added.

Food related Category

The first bunch of them would be food related, because I think food becomes irrelevant after some time. (e.g. growth lens, astral food-perk, access to mushroom cows from the start, wafflonia-plant)

Spice of Life (aka: Skate ist die Frau im Haus)

This mod forces the player to bring variety into their diet, by making eating the same food over and over ineffient. While beeing a nice reference, it would also make the pack more challenging :)


Provides the opposite approach to Spice of Life. Nutrition provides the player with benefits, if they can uphold different nutritional values (Therefore different diets), instead of punishing them.

Pam´s BrewCraft + JEI-Addon

As the name suggest this mod adds some drinks and spirits. I think they would be a funny addition to the pack :)

Misc Category

Tinker´s Tool Leveling

Allows tools from Tinker to get more modifiers by beeing used. Would make Tinker tools more attractive, even when Botania AIOT would be added one day.

Cosmetic Armor Reworked

The player can wear additional armor and baubles for cosmetic reasons. (That way one wouldn´t have to look at the same enchanted manasteel armor for all eternity)

Mod Name Tooltips

Seeing, that The One Probe does not add tooltips. (Only waila and its forks) It would be nice to instantly see which mod an item is from. (Especially when the pack becomes larger and more content gets added)

The Future (Mods that wouldn´t be useful now or would need to be tweaked heavily)

Building Gadgets

Adds tools that help building platforms, structures. (Would mostly balanced, because of its need forenergy)


Think of this as a spiritual succesor to Witchery. I think it could be a nice endgame magic-mod, alongside somthing like Blood Magic.

Modular Machinery

Allows the creation of custom multiblock machines, if one would like to add something like that to pack at a later date.

Simple Trophies

Allows the creation of custom trophies that could be granted for achievements. (FTB-reference)

Audio Death

One could add custom death-sounds for the player. (Could be funny)

Thanks for reading, pleases share your thoughts :)

J0B10 commented 2 years ago

To be honest I don't think many of these would really fit in the modpack.
The only one I would really look forward to is Tinkers Tool Leveling.

There was already that discussion on food and it should be as simple and basic as possible in my opinion. Players should be able to concentrate on making progression and not contineously be annoyed by food. The more interesting approach is in my opinion integrating food in recipes and manufacturing so it is relevant for progrssion.

But just my two bits as you asked for our thoughts.
Don't let this put you down, I have nothing to decide. And skate always appreciats suggestions.