sebinside / CraftBlock

CraftBlock stands for "Craft Attack 3 Skyblock" and is an expert skyblock modpack for Minecraft.
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
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Waystones overhaul #33

Closed J0B10 closed 3 years ago

J0B10 commented 3 years ago

grafik Yes, I changed the waystone texture to match the new recipe. This is simply done by putting the new textures in the right place inside the resources folder. So let's have a look at the new recipes:

Waystone Warp Stone
waystone warpstone

Notice the eversio irradiant star used in the way stone recipe. It is a astral sorcery late game item (original crafting recipes):

Eversio irradiant star recipe

A quick demo of such a ritual can be watched under

The ritual scrolls remain unchanged overall, only the return scroll has been made way easier. It's a pretty limited one time consumable that has no use without a waystone.

Return Scroll Bound scroll Warp scroll
return warp bound
Returns to the last created waystone when consumed. Can be bound to a waystone by right clicking it and returns to this stone when consumed. Allows you to select the waystone that you wan't to teleport to when consumed.

For the bound scroll and especially the warp scroll I'm unsure if they are balanced in a good way, I have no idea if they are too expensive or to cheap. Only play testing will show.

I also did some smaller tweaks to the config:

  1. In case someone wants to put this on a multiplayer server and use global waystones (globally available for all players) for travelling they should have the same properties as player dependent ones:

       # Set to false to make all global waystones not cost any experience, regardless of method used.
       B:"Global Waystones Cost XP"=false
  2. Cooldown of one is looking strange as the stone gets a insanely fast recharging durability bar. Also no cool down is way more convenient:

       # The cooldown between usages of the warp stone in seconds.
       I:"Warp Stone Cooldown"=0
  3. Warp stones should take the same time to use as warp scrolls:

       # The time it takes to use a warp stone in ticks. This is the charge-up time when holding right-click.
       # Min: 1
       # Max: 127
       I:"Warp Stone Use Time"=8
J0B10 commented 3 years ago

A quick note on the waystone textures:

I made sure that the mods allow this adapted use of their textures.
Waystones is under MIT and Botania under a custom license that allows reuse and adaption as long as credit is given and a open source license with a share alike clause (which is the case for LGPL 2.1) is used.

I added copyright watermarks to the files, just to be sure but if there will be a license / credits list somewhere we should also add it there.

J0B10 commented 3 years ago

updated gitignore and fixed credits watermark shown when breaking waystone