sebkln / form_examples

TYPO3 extension. Provides various examples of using the TYPO3 Form Framework, including: XLIFF translations • Frontend templating • Email templating • New backend fields • New form prototypes • SaveToDatabase finisher
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Request for extending the examples #3

Closed wini2 closed 3 years ago

wini2 commented 3 years ago


very helpfull examples, thanks a lot.

As an expert for TYPO3-form-framework you may help me with two beginner-problems/questions I'm dealing with.

Is it possible to show up staticTexts on summary pages and e-mails? Is it possible to alter the output of checkboxes on summary-pages and e-mails form - or 1 to no or yes?

Maybe you could describe a solution or add to your examples.

Thanks for your help

sebkln commented 3 years ago

I answered your question on StackOverflow.

StackOverflow or TYPO3 Slack are the right places to ask these kind of questions, as there are plenty of kind TYPO3 people who can help you. Please don't use GitHub issues for general support. Thanks!