seblindfors / ConsolePort

ConsolePort - Game Controller Addon for World of Warcraft
Artistic License 2.0
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General feedback #3

Closed seblindfors closed 9 years ago

seblindfors commented 9 years ago

Use this thread to post general feedback. What you should post here:

What you shouldn't post here:

seblindfors commented 9 years ago

It looks slapped on there, as if added without molding some of the graphics around it. I do, however, agree there needs to be more presentation. Hmm...

Not to go off on another tangent, but did you like the hollow circles instead of having the background? I think it looks cooler.

Unoriginal02 commented 9 years ago

I love them! It blends better with the game, plus seeing this screen with two console controllers in World of Warcraft is a wonderful mindfuck. Though you installed the addon knowing what to expect, the first screen tells you that shit got real and you'll play wow with a controller.

Bonus track, did you improved something in the process of targeting / looting? Yesterday i've been playing super fast, I don't know mahbe i'm getting used to the addon.

About the text don't worry, i drop the thought in case it inspires you somehow. The current screen is working well tho.

seblindfors commented 9 years ago

I changed the behaviour of mouse look slightly. It doesn't trigger on losing targets anymore, which was a bit of an annoyance to me.

Apart from that, the largest change I can think of is there might have been a slight performance improvement from redoing the secure button handling. Before I rewrote that system, the button on the controller would actually press the buttons on your bars. Now, the buttons just call the action of the button on the bar, essentially cutting out the middle man.

Apart from that, I think you're getting used to it. :)

Unoriginal02 commented 9 years ago

Then the sensation goes better and better. For now the overall concept you put on binding keys, is awesome, I only changed the the action of the raw cross (jump) for the L1+Cross combo.(target)

Also i wonder if lefties will prefer their modifiers on the right side, instead of left. But they will tell you if they need that :)

Apart from that, the rest is brilliant

seblindfors commented 9 years ago

I intend to implement a modifier swap eventually but it's not a priority.

Could I trouble you for something? I'd like to have a button replacement for the automatic mouse look. This is for the people who don't like this feature and want to turn it on manually. I need some graphics to place just beneath the character and should ideally be non-obstructive but still clear enough to click on. Do you have any ideas?

Unoriginal02 commented 9 years ago

Is it like a little icon at the character's feet that will trigger mouse look whe clicked?

seblindfors commented 9 years ago

Yes. It won't be visible when you are mouse looking but it will show up when you're not, if you have this mode toggled. It needs to be big enough to click with ease.

Unoriginal02 commented 9 years ago

Could it be a not so big black icon that highlights like the controller selection screen once hovered?

That way you could achieve a not so much intrusive icon when dont interacting with it, and a super evident spot of interaction once hovered.

Also: wich kind of image would represent the action of the icon? An eye? 4 arrows?

seblindfors commented 9 years ago

Yes, that would work. I'm planning to have its alpha value modified by mouse position, so the closer you get to it with the cursor, the more visible it becomes.

Unoriginal02 commented 9 years ago

Interesting! Please drop a comment if you have an idea of what icon could represent that action.

I will look into wow's icon library to see if appears an icon of a dude turning around.

Unoriginal02 commented 9 years ago

Is there a problem to use wow icons? Or they all must be original?

seblindfors commented 9 years ago

I'm not really sure what kind of icon would do. Maybe like a camera with indicative arrows around it? Haha. This is the stuff I'm terrible at.

No you may use any WoW art you want. Have you extracted the art files from WoW yet? There is a ton of graphic stuff in there you might like to play around with.

seblindfors commented 9 years ago

Here's a new addition. Now you can tweak the mouse options as you please. image

Unoriginal02 commented 9 years ago

Hello! i don't see this menu :(

I only see the bindings panel, and if i click on the ConsolePort, appears a lonely checkbox that allows me to load a camera movement for each time i talk to an NPC. I have to add that this is a really cool feature.

Edtit: Wait!! i said nothing, I forgot to replace the old addon for the new one... You know, those kind of funny things that happens to those new-to-be-dad. Gonna test this bad boy right now!

seblindfors commented 9 years ago

Did you update correctly? I pulled the files from the git to confirm and the menu is there for me.

Unoriginal02 commented 9 years ago

That was the thing. Sorry!

Unoriginal02 commented 9 years ago

Trigger when player starts moving is love. Trigger when player starts moving is life.

Also i liked to be able to avoid triggering mouselook when interacting with npcs. I think it has potential for the AH brokers.

seblindfors commented 9 years ago

I might add more events eventually. At least this gives people a little more freedom with how the addon works :)

Unoriginal02 commented 9 years ago



seblindfors commented 9 years ago

That looks great! This is my only concern: loading textures is somewhat taxing, but setting their alpha value is not. Is there any way you could make it so that I can fade the glow when you are not hovering the button?

If ita possible, make a plain black version, then a glow for it that I can manipulate and then a separate glow for hover. 3 textures total

Unoriginal02 commented 9 years ago

Let's see if i get it right:

One texture with the raw icon all black without glow. One texture with the glow and a hole where the icon lays One texture with the hovering icon on fire.

seblindfors commented 9 years ago


Unoriginal02 commented 9 years ago

There you go, hope it fits your needs. I did it really fast because i had not much time left today.

Tell me if you need something else!

Unoriginal02 commented 9 years ago

Today i've became a ninja. The greatest ninja in the human history.

I use the Square button a lot, and also this button is used to roll "Need". So imagine that i almost "ninjnaed" the whole run. The funny part also was to explain the reasons of my mistake,

In this case, the feature of blocking panel interaction while in combat did not work a lot. Also in the event of two panels giving you the chance to interact with them via buttons, there is no way to realize wich panel will be affected once the button is pressed.

Situation: A roll window appeared for that shiny and awesome sword. But also appeared a completion quest panel. Both having interactions with the circle. I pressed the circle expecting to interact with the quest panel, but rolled greed on the sword instead.

Dunno how i managed to make the roll panel interact first while the quest panel was the last to appear.

Dunno if i explained myself well.

seblindfors commented 9 years ago

Hm, are you sure about the combat thing? If the combat did not block it, you should have received a bunch of "Interface action failed because of an addon". Otherwise it's a bug on my part that I missed somehow (even though I was pretty thorough in the implementation). Might it have been you were accidentally needing on stuff when you got out of combat briefly inbetween pulls?

Regarding the roll panel; all poups are prioritized over everything else. The reason is twofold: Popups require "special treatment", and they propagate in the middle of the screen. By special treatment, I mean they have to be securely pressed for certain actions (example: replacing a glyph or a talent) and the way they are handled is a bit different from most frames. Since they require secure handling, they are prioritized over everything else EXCEPT for the normal loot frame (you should be able to loot all the junk and still have a moment to decide on the blues or epics).

I agree that the current way of dealing with several frames is deeply flawed and you really have no idea which one will be receiving input if you don't see a highlight or a tooltip attached to the frame. Having that said, do you think it would be a good idea to fade the frames or do you have another solution that comes to mind?

Unoriginal02 commented 9 years ago

I did another run to make sure about what happened, and the combat did block the panel. I think it has more to do with those moments when the combat ends but I keep spamming buttons.

Maybe an option to avoid button interaction on loot screen lke you did with the cameralook feature may come in hady whenever more people comments an issue like that.

regarding the several (i must add that this is an issue that i didn't encounter until today, so maybe is not an issue at all, Also it came with two very different panels in priority as you said) Question: Apart from the top priority panels like popups, wich behavior has the other windows in interaction? The last you open, the first on interaction? and if you click whatever in another window, this new window will be the one affected by the buttons? Question: Is it possbile to add a very very subtle glow to the window wich has your focus?

Hope any of these makes sense. My engrish goes psycho at 2:00 am

seblindfors commented 9 years ago

Basically, any time you open a new frame, it claims focus of your buttons. The popups will always claim your focus, regardless if you open the map or whatever. The other frames just do this whenever they are opened.

I'm not sure how to achieve the glow. I do, however, know how to desaturate stuff: image Is this a good approach?

Edit: This works, but after testing it out I found that it's very taxing to consistently desaturate all textures, because it has to be done recursively. I'm going to include it in the next version, but it might not be there to stay.

Unoriginal02 commented 9 years ago

I think this is a very exceptional issue. At least yesterday was the first time I encountered this little conflict. Usually i had no problem opening panels, browsing stuff and interacting with buttons.

The only time i got a conflict was when a roll dialog appeared and i wanted to close the quest panel to think deeply on my roll decision.

If you want the next time playing i will focus on browsing stuff, to get a deeper look on this. Did you encounter an annoinance while browsing stuff?

A couple of ideas:

But when encountering exceptional situations like the pop ups, then just hide all the suggested buttons of the panels that lay beneath the popup. That way you will have a visual guide to where the interaction focus is at that moment.

(By suggested button i mean the little circle at the side of a panel button suggesting the key to press)

seblindfors commented 9 years ago

That is a valid idea. I might try that. Did you try the latest patch with the desaturation?

Unoriginal02 commented 9 years ago

Nope, not yet. Gonna try to test it before lunch. :)

Unoriginal02 commented 9 years ago

I'm testing it, to be honest i was expecting stuff to desaturate, and even tho it happened i didn't noticed.

I opened my bags, and then my character tab, The bags desaturated and i did not notice. Also when clicking back to the bags they didn't turn in color again.

As you said before I agree that this is maybe a too expensive solution for what it solves. Also there are cheaper solutions, isn't it?

Regarding the manual mouslook trigger icon, i don't know how to make it appear. :(

seblindfors commented 9 years ago

The mouse look icon is not implemented yet. Just added the graphics.

Unoriginal02 commented 9 years ago

Ah :) my bad

seblindfors commented 9 years ago

I'm having a hard time reproducing the bug where the desaturation stays on the frame when it shouldn't. I did what you described and the desaturation works as it should for me.

Unoriginal02 commented 9 years ago

Open character Tab, and then open all bags. Character tab will become grayed out, and if you interact with it, it wont turn in color again. If you interact with a single object of your gear, its icon will turn in color.

At least this happens to me

seblindfors commented 9 years ago

Alright. I'll probably replace this system anyway. I'm going to take about a week's break from coding because I have upcoming exams. Feel free to post more stuff for me to fix.

Unoriginal02 commented 9 years ago

By replace you mean to not put it in the addon, right? I wont distract you from what's important, so best of luck for this week. Do your best! ¿Are you studying something related to programming? cause you should!

seblindfors commented 9 years ago

Yes, I want to keep my addon very light and this functionality uses a lot of memory to track down and modify textures. I'd rather come up with something else that doesn't require manipulating every single piece of a specific frame.

I study computer science, so yes, it's very much related to programming :)

Unoriginal02 commented 9 years ago

Mini idea (i think it is impossible)

Context: You get a quest and you need to kill 6 young wolves. Usually, you run over the field clicking and hovering mobs until the tooltip tells you that you found the ones you need. By default the tooltip is hid while in mouselook mode until you summon the mouse.

Idea: Imagine that when you target a mob who is requested for a quest you summon the tooltip for a moment and then hide it again. If the target is not involved in any of your current quests, then don't summon the tooltip (the default behavior)

This way you could run targeting wildly until the tooltip appears and tells you to kills those dudes.

seblindfors commented 9 years ago

Updated splash: image Improved wizard with warnings: image

Unoriginal02 commented 9 years ago

I made a few tweaks on the targeting behavior i'd like to share. The purpose of this mesage is not to suggest any change on the original behavior wich is very good, but to share another point of view.

i'm testing the addon with a monk (melee), and got some problems targeting mobs when things get funny with a lot of chaos on the fight.

So i did the next changes:

I've lost the abbility to swipe targets to only be able to target the one that is in front of my eyes, (Dunno if i could improve this).

I'm testing this configuration for a couple of days now, and find it quite agile. I only miss the chance to swipe targets. It would be nice if somehow there was a timer in wich if the button is pressed faster than X ms it only cancels the current target the firt time you smash the button, and the other hits it only swipes targets.

Hope you're dong great with exams!

seblindfors commented 9 years ago

When I used this to tank in dungeons I would use R3 (right mouse button) alot, much like I do on quest items and NPCs. The reason is that target cycling takes too much time and right clicking clicks the target right in front of me.

I'm not sure what you're suggesting is possible due to target functions being protected and hard if not impossible to tweak. What is the macro you're using?

Unoriginal02 commented 9 years ago

Hmm that sounds interesting! Gonna try this!

seblindfors commented 9 years ago

Custom game menu with bindings on mouse over! image

Unoriginal02 commented 9 years ago

I find the right column of buttons something near pornographic. Also i don't really get the purpose of the central controller. It looks super hot but i find it slightly redundant. (There is the controller pane wich not only tells your bindings but also allows to change them.) I have to say that the way you have to tell the bindings is way more clear than in the controller pane.

Wich need this feature covers? Is this important enough to be in the game menu? If you place that feature inside the controller pane, would it cover the same need?

Note that the controller look slightly off centered, moving it some pixels up will help to center the image and help the shadow to not appear from the bottom.

Bonus track: Would you like some hover effects? highlight

PS: I'm not ansewring yet to the targeting macro comment as i'm testing it more in depth. Now i'm playing with the "Cancel Target / Then target" macro as "L1+Cross" and the standard swiping targets as "L2+Cross".


seblindfors commented 9 years ago

In console games, it is common to have a clear map of the keybindings, often easily accessible from the game menu. The reason I put it in there is because people requested an "overlay" of the bindings, because you sometimes forget where you put a specific binding. This creates more of a console style game menu. Do you think it would be a good idea to create the bindings panel around the same concept? As in, you click one of the buttons and then you get somewhat of a dropdown in which you can assign stuff?

Edit: Regarding the hover effect, it could be done but I would need shapes for every TYPE of button. It's not super hard to achieve though.

Edit2: Here's what's actually going on, lol. image

Unoriginal02 commented 9 years ago

I kind of love what i see, and i agree that is a common console-ish feature.


Bonus track: If you were able not only to re-bind the key, but also to reassign a spell, that would be awesome, but i wonder you dont have the power to modify the spell location on the action bar at your will. Note: if seen an addon that suggests spell layouts for each class, and i think it places the spells where it wants.

seblindfors commented 9 years ago
  1. This would work for the round buttons, but the option and arrow buttons wouldn't match, shapewise.
  2. Yes, the addon could potentially read the actual spell instead of the button it's assigned to.
  3. Well, no. Not in its current state. Tooltips are a bit tricky, but I could solve it by replacing it with a frame instead.
  4. This is very possible to do, but I'm not sure I want to. At the moment, it's not that hard to reassign spells anyway. You can just pick it up out of the spellbook and place it with the cursor quite easily.
Unoriginal02 commented 9 years ago
  1. Do you plan putting a visual reference of each button inside those red buttons? You could get a white version of each button without the round gray circle. Or you could use gray square buttons matching the gray backrground of the circle buttons artwork, and then place the circle artwork inside the square button. I wish to god you don't think that i am as dumb as i sound writting english lol.
  2. What is better to show: the action bar button assigned, the current spell inside that button, or both?
  3. I suggested this to be able to leave a floating window (popup like) and move the mouse to click an hypothetic "edit binding" button.
seblindfors commented 9 years ago

First of all, you do not need to apologize for your English. I understand you just fine, and you have proven many times over that you're not dumb lol.

When it comes to the hover effects, doing something like you did with the mouse over graphic should work great. That way it's portable, I will only need a couple of extra graphics and it will not be "messy". image The idea is pretty simple actually. Instead of putting button graphics inside the mouse over frames, I'll just put glow effects in them and overlay them on the big controller graphic. For example, with the PS controller, I would need ONE glow effect for

  1. Round button
  2. Share/options button
  3. Arrow button (I can just rotate the texture, so only need one)
  4. Shoulder buttons

The problem with showing spells is that you don't know where that binding is from a spell name. On the other hand, it would LOOK much better. Another idea is to include the icon for the spell in the tooltip string (quite easy, actually) which will add the spell icon next to the name of the button holding that spell.