seblindfors / ConsolePort

ConsolePort - Game Controller Addon for World of Warcraft
Artistic License 2.0
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General feedback #2 #4

Closed seblindfors closed 9 years ago

seblindfors commented 9 years ago

Use this thread to post general feedback. What you should post here:

What you shouldn't post here:

Unoriginal02 commented 9 years ago

Hello, i'already binded stuff as i wanted for the test i was doing, so you can put restrictions again. I was just curios about something i'm gonna show you in a few minutes

seblindfors commented 9 years ago

I want to remove the restrictions anyway, to make it possible to select focus, change chat tabs, zoom in on map etc. Basically, whatever you want that is clickable in the interface. Right now, it might cause bugs if you try to bind stuff that is loaded on demand, such as Compact raid frames.

I'm going to implement a system for separate raid bindings, so that healers can load a separate set for raid groups where they can bind buttons to the raid frames.

Uploading the new build in a second. I think you'll love what I've done to the rebinding process :wink:

Unoriginal02 commented 9 years ago

Can't wait to see!

Meanwhile, i'm gonna share some offtopic i did today. After seeing the way you display the combos in the game menu, it inspired me for an action bar layout for those tweaking lovers. (I personally prefer to leave the default WOW UI so i can upgrade the game without worrying about messing it up, but i really had to test that idea to see how it works)


Expanding the concept you put on the combo tooltip in the game menu, you find that the buttons are sorted by it's difficulty of reach. (The easiest button to reach is the square, while L1+Square is a bit harder, L2+Square is harder and L1+L2+Square is the hardest ) You can sort action bars using the same concept. In that way yo can easilly configure types of combos, or place spells on the grid depending on its relevance for your game play.

02 Here's a little heat map to explain the idea.

For example: The top row is used for the Main Spells, Rotation, Etc. Those are the easier buttons. From there for example we have that R1 column is dedicated to fast movement spells, and R2 column is dedicated to healing spells sorted on how much i love them in combat and so on.

Edit: I also guess a layout like this could help to improve some things: If you are spamming a spell that is placed on the red zone, you may reconsider placing it somewhere easier to reach.

The last three spells of each row (The blue box) are unbinded and they are for those fancy little things we have: Customes, shapeshifting, etc.

I've been playing a bit with it, and even though i'll go back to the default UI, the esperience was quite pleasant.

seblindfors commented 9 years ago

That's interesting. But I would argue that R1+R2 are the easiest buttons to reach, because you can click them even while turning the camera :wink:

Now, I'd like you to test two things for me.

  1. Try rebinding action buttons with the new system and let me know what you think
  2. Try rebinding to dominos buttons and see if shit hits the fan
Unoriginal02 commented 9 years ago

oh... touché... I will reconsider those buttons.

Going to rebind stuff

Unoriginal02 commented 9 years ago

Wow that is awesome!!! ¿Is there some kind of fading flash available? not the ant animation, just a plain white surface that fades to transparent like a flash bang? if not, don't worry :D I suggest that to use when unbinding keys (yay) and at the end of the traveling spell when he reaches its cell. The animation on the action bar is just perfect.

I did bind stuff in Dominos and Default UI, and it worked all perfectly.

As a side note, when you unbind stuff and re-open the controller window, things get funky: wowscrnshot_032415_195413

seblindfors commented 9 years ago

How did you make that happen? I added a fix to prevent binding to config buttons, which will be included in the next build. I also added a "glove cursor" when the target button doesn't have an icon.

Unoriginal02 commented 9 years ago

I hovered each cell and clicked the left mouse button (L3) and closed the window. Then after reopening, things appeared that funky. Also each unbind came with the ant animation highlight + the kick icon. Wich i guess it's a very appropiate bug

seblindfors commented 9 years ago

After investigating I found even more bugs. Looks like I rolled this out too soon. Rebinding the main action bar doesn't work properly, it just looks like it does. I've fixed this now along with a few other issues. Will upload new build now.

Edit: Can you check if you can still recreate the bug with build 0.2.23? I can't do it from the description you provided. Remember if you want to completely reset your bindings, you can type /cp resetAll

Unoriginal02 commented 9 years ago

Oh! now i can't unbind from the controller panel.

seblindfors commented 9 years ago

It's intentional. There is a problem with the framework and empty bindings at the moment. I will add the ability to have empty bindings when it is completely bug free.

Unoriginal02 commented 9 years ago

so no, i couldn't reproduce the bug :)

seblindfors commented 9 years ago

Gotta ask though. Why do you want empty bindings? :confused:

Unoriginal02 commented 9 years ago

To be able to clear the whole thing and start binding from clean. Or to clean some mistakes.

seblindfors commented 9 years ago

That makes sense. I will get it working soon enough.

seblindfors commented 9 years ago

The bindings frame has been improved alot in the last build: image

Unoriginal02 commented 9 years ago

What do you mean?

seblindfors commented 9 years ago

You can now import settings from other characters, so you don't have to redo it all if you like a specific setup for all your characters.

Unoriginal02 commented 9 years ago

Wow that's fantastic! didn't thought of that, since i've started trying the addon i did not pick up my main again.

seblindfors commented 9 years ago

I also fixed a major bug I completely overlooked. Your changed bindings used to get saved regardless if you pressed okay or cancel. The difference was that pressing okay would apply the changed bindings immediately and pressing cancel would apply them the next time you logged in.

seblindfors commented 9 years ago

I was wondering if I could trouble you for something else. You seem to enjoy making graphics anyway. I've gotten requests to make a quest item button that you can attach quest items to, so you don't have to keep dragging them to your bars.

I've added a PSD to the artwork folder called Extrabuttons, which contains all the existing extra action button graphics, some extra stuff and an instruction layer for the measurements. Maybe you could make something out of it that clearly explains both that it's for quest items and for use with the controller?

These are the existing extra button graphics: image

Unoriginal02 commented 9 years ago

Now that's beauty! I really love the idea. How it will behavior? each time you get a usable quest item this graphic will fade in and attach the item automatically?

By the graphic, i'm thinnking to pick one of those amazing frams, and add a circle with an exclamation symbol. This will help you recognize that frame as a questbutton frame.

Something like this: questbutton

seblindfors commented 9 years ago

Haha, that's actually quite nice looking. :wink:

Actually, I think it's a better approach to let the player decide on that issue. It's very common that you have at least one usable quest item in your bag, but that doesn't mean you want that button to show. I'm going to add a tooltip on items in the bag that prompts you to add it to the extra button.

Unoriginal02 commented 9 years ago

You can do that by programming? I mean pic that asset from wow ui library and a smaller circle frame above with the quest symbol, wich will be a new graphic. Will it save weight?

Unoriginal02 commented 9 years ago

"I'm going to add a tooltip on items in the bag that prompts you to add it to the extra button"

That's hot!

seblindfors commented 9 years ago

It will, but not by much. One of those buttons are only about 50kb, so it's not a heavy graphic. When it comes to memory usage, it doesn't affect the addon at all since all graphics are only loaded once when the game client is started. The problem I see with having that particular graphic is that it's not clear that it belongs specifically to the controller addon.

Something to this effect, a bit more customized: image

Unoriginal02 commented 9 years ago

Nice approach! I will try to find something similar, but not that PSX oriented. You know, there is a lot of hate out there xD

I mean to find something that can suit all fans, both psx and xbox

seblindfors commented 9 years ago

:laughing: Well, ideally I would like to keep it like everything else; one graphic for each setup.

Unoriginal02 commented 9 years ago

oh, one gaphic for xbox, and another for psx layout?

seblindfors commented 9 years ago

Yes. But they should look fairly similar, just distinguished by the icons, more or less.

Unoriginal02 commented 9 years ago

i like it!

seblindfors commented 9 years ago

Which file was the quest button that you used?

seblindfors commented 9 years ago

If you have a better suggestion than these, please send them :wink: image image

Unoriginal02 commented 9 years ago

the quest symbol itself, is mine. the round frame is blizz ui

Unoriginal02 commented 9 years ago

i like your idea, just will polish it a bit

seblindfors commented 9 years ago

Should I upload what I've done so far or are you making your own version?

Unoriginal02 commented 9 years ago

yup please

seblindfors commented 9 years ago

Okay, I've added the layers to Extrabutton.psd in the group Example

Unoriginal02 commented 9 years ago

You're going to love this. quest button dark bg questbutton white bg

And this deserves the aggro sound once you summon this frame :D

Unoriginal02 commented 9 years ago

Just pushed that thing in case you want to work with it.

seblindfors commented 9 years ago

Holy shit! :smile:

seblindfors commented 9 years ago

This looks amazing. :wink:

Unoriginal02 commented 9 years ago


seblindfors commented 9 years ago

Interestingly, this is pretty much exactly what I imagined in my head before asking you to do this. Regarding the buttons flying out like that :smile:

Unoriginal02 commented 9 years ago

Glad to hear :D hope it motivates with the process of converting caffeine into code.

seblindfors commented 9 years ago

I want to credit you for your work somehow. How would you like me to do that?

Unoriginal02 commented 9 years ago

I don't know how it is done? A "thanks to:" into the readme file? Or don't mind, the pleasure to colaborate and do nice things is good enough

seblindfors commented 9 years ago

I'll make it happen somehow. Now I have to figure out how to add this in-game. Shouldn't be too problematic :wink:

Unoriginal02 commented 9 years ago

Can't wait to see. Nowadays i had my struggle with usable quest items.

seblindfors commented 9 years ago

image Quick preview. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: