Closed joohing closed 1 month ago
Are you on the latest master?
From the code you are not. Please update to the latest master before reporting issues😅
Yeah that was it - sorry for wasting your time!
No problem! I am wondering if I should make that the default behaviour even if it is a hack
It's a good question, I think there might be problems if the buffer is outside the solution though. Maybe it would be best to check if the selected solution contains the buffer first, and only if not, then try to find a csproj and so on.
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd({ "BufEnter" }, {
group = vim.api.nvim_create_augroup("Roslyn", { clear = true }),
pattern = "*.cs",
callback = function(opt)
-- If buffer in solution
if vim.g.roslyn_nvim_selected_solution then
if check_if_buffer_in_solution(whatever) then
.... start lsp....
if not valid_buffer(opt.buf) then
local csproj_files = utils.try_get_csproj_files()
if csproj_files then
return start_with_projects(cmd, opt.buf, csproj_files, roslyn_config)
local sln_files = utils.get_solution_files(opt.buf, roslyn_config.broad_search)
if sln_files and not vim.tbl_isempty(sln_files) then
return start_with_solution(opt.buf, cmd, sln_files, roslyn_config, on_init_sln)
local csproj = utils.get_project_files(opt.buf)
if csproj then
return start_with_projects(cmd, opt.buf, csproj, roslyn_config)
-- If buffer not in solution and also couldn't find any solution in the buffer's dir
if vim.g.roslyn_nvim_selected_solution then
local sln_dir = vim.fs.dirname(vim.g.roslyn_nvim_selected_solution)
return lsp_start(cmd, opt.buf, sln_dir, roslyn_config, on_init_sln(vim.g.roslyn_nvim_selected_solution))
How could I check if the solution contains the buffer though? I looked into getting all files contained in a solution for something else, and I couldn't find any good way to do that
If "file is in the folder of the solution" implies "file is part of solution" (which I honestly don't know if it does), then my first thought would be
I don't even have a degree yet so I'm sorry if all that completely misses the mark 😄
Yeah maybe something like that + some extra checks could work, but I don't think that it is worth it🤷♂️ it seems pretty fast as it is now after I fixed the problems in the other issue
When switching to a .cs buffer, I encounter half a second of lag. It is due to this autocmd that you create in init.lua:
Which ends up calling logic which (without having looked at it too much) selects a solution and tells the server to start etc. Maybe this is not the cause of the issue and I'm stupid (not unlikely) but in that case, one of the functions must have a side effect that costs more time to run than anticipated.
I fixed it by moving the last paragraph up below the
check, and now everything is fast as frick. Like this: