seblovett / VLSI

VLSI design project
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Final Report #96

Closed seblovett closed 10 years ago

seblovett commented 10 years ago

I have added the skeleton outline for the report to the repo. Please have a look through and comment if you have any suggestions.

Work allocations are as below, but programmers guide takes priority. Please check the boxes when you have done / want reviewing.

Please see the tex files for general outline of what to write about. I will inform when I've edited through.

arr1g13 commented 10 years ago

I guess I have to do the introduction too Henry.....

seblovett commented 10 years ago

If you want to do the introduction, you are more than welcome to!

arr1g13 commented 10 years ago

ya sure... i will do... Since im at home im not able to work well here but ill complete my part by the next week end by 27th april..... is tht fine??

seblovett commented 10 years ago

Please concentrate on the programmers guide first (#92) before doing this! Programmers guide is due two weeks today, so we need to get on with that!

seblovett commented 10 years ago

Also, earlier would be better. As it's due in later that week, it doesn't give much time for editing. Please can you get something done soon. Even if you're not happy with it, or it's not 100% complete, it gives me something to read and get feedback as to content. @ashleyjr same to you please. Can you crack on with the Programmers Guide.

arr1g13 commented 10 years ago

sure.... I will try to do it asp....

ashleyjr commented 10 years ago

@seblovett Will be working on it this week

mw92 commented 10 years ago

How are we going about referencing? One references list, or one per chapter that needs it?

seblovett commented 10 years ago

One big one I reckon.

mw92 commented 10 years ago

Is there a way of making appendices not start with title in center of page, otherwise the IS Summary will have lots of blank space before starting on next page. Plus appendices arent as important to require a centre page title.

seblovett commented 10 years ago

I'll look into it.

seblovett commented 10 years ago
seblovett commented 10 years ago

I have done the schematic for the regBlock. A few outline standards for the schematics:

Any more, please add to this list.

seblovett commented 10 years ago

@mw92 - I've had a read through the Instruction Set section and put some green todos for comments. Overall, you seem to have covered it all. However, it's reads more like a story. As we're going to be short on space (max 30 pages for main body), we can't afford this. It should be more documenting what it does and design decisions we made. Other thing is you start saying "in the remaining 10 bits" when there isn't any discussion before this as to format. Should be more of a "A three operand instruction with a total of 8 registers is used because of the space limitiations in a 16bit instruction..."

seblovett commented 10 years ago

@mw92 - more of a coding style suggestion - can you write one sentence per line rather than one paragraph per line. Makes it easier to find a sentence to edit.

seblovett commented 10 years ago

@mw92 - the ALU design section is a bit too long. 8 pages is a significant proportion of our 30, and this is with missing figures, not the full sized ones. I've gone through and made some comments. However, it's difficult to find a lot to crop out as it is well worded and relevant! Have a think, but don't crop anything out until we've got a first draft and we know how much over we are. Overall though, this is good. Couple of dry bits that I've identified. ISA section should be more like this.

seblovett commented 10 years ago

@mw92 - ref your comment about the chapter titles. I have changed these now. However, your table looks unlikely to fit onto the same page. Maybe look into long tables for this? EDIT - in Report.tex, there is a commented line I've added \usepackage{showframe}. If you uncomment this and compile, it will show the text frames and that your table overflows these a lot. It looks unlikely it will fit on the same page as the title.

mw92 commented 10 years ago

no offence, but what I have written is not at any standard ready for reviewing, so comments will be ignored until such a time when it is.

mw92 commented 10 years ago

@seblovett I dont like your datapath modulear diagram, its confusing, named wrong in places, and I dont think Ir needs to be shown passing around side/top

mw92 commented 10 years ago

with div of labour, get rid of the 99-1 split, was a joke there is no need to account for something that was practically nothing

seblovett commented 10 years ago

I have added a macro \review{ Chapter } which will make a yellow to do note. When you have completed a chapter / section / subsection, please use this to indicate to me you want it read. I'll then put any comments in green todos.

seblovett commented 10 years ago

@mw92 - I have removed the figure. I was debating it, but thought it was better to do it then remove it.

seblovett commented 10 years ago

It's looking good! At ~32 pages at the moment - not including @ashleyjr 's code listing. So not much cropping to do. Can everyone have a read through before the meeting today please? Cheers.

seblovett commented 10 years ago

@mw92 - Your Circuit diagrams seem different. Did you use the library I provided? The AND gates look too much like OR gates (and very different from mine) and this confused me when trying to understand one of your circuits.

mw92 commented 10 years ago

No, didnt know you had made a library, tried drawing gates myself but I know they are not great

seblovett commented 10 years ago

I mentioned this a few times in meetings. It's located at $HOME/eagle/lbr/c035u.lbr .

seblovett commented 10 years ago

Thinking about it, I'm don't see the advantage of putting the verilog listing in. Anyone got any pressing reasons for keeping it? It's not that spectacular of code.

seblovett commented 10 years ago

Also - thoughts on putting listings of outputs instead of the terminal screen shots?

seblovett commented 10 years ago

I've had a chat to my engineering consultant. He doesn't think that the test results in the back aids to anything, and isn't easy to understand and recommends the removal. Thoughts?

ashleyjr commented 10 years ago

I agree

seblovett commented 10 years ago

@mw92 - Equation~\eqref{eq:DecSUB2} requires 8 gates and is unimplementable. I'm pretty sure it can be implemented. Can there be a reason why you're saying this please.

And I'm pretty sure "unimplementable" is not a work

mw92 commented 10 years ago

it cant be implemented using our library as there is no 3 input AND gate

mw92 commented 10 years ago

changed word and expanded now

seblovett commented 10 years ago

... but one cascade two AND gates to make a three input AND gate... I'll put "for the same reason" in afterwards then. But surely the reason is the size of the implemented logic, not the lack of being able to.

mw92 commented 10 years ago

ok so removing the need for an extra gate to implement it then