"title": "Not closing <b> or <strong>unknown tag</strong>, kept as text ; <i>italic rendered</i>"
Zotero desktop client bibliography as HTML
<div class="csl-entry">
<i>Not closing <b> or <strong>unknown tag</strong>, kept as text ;
<span style="font-style:normal;">italic rendered</span></i>
(s. d.).</div>
<div class="csl-entry">
<i>Not closing <b> or <strong>unknown tag</strong>, kept as text;
<i>italic rendered</i></i>.
(s. d.).</div>
Please follow the general troubleshooting steps first:
Bug reports:
Zotero support some rich text formatting for titles in bibliography.
Zotero desktop client bibliography as HTML
I’ve been advised by @dstillman about that, there is a special tagsoup parser in Zotero https://github.com/zotero/zotero/blob/main/chrome/content/zotero/itemTree.jsx#L2610
As a quick fix, I use your “additionalMarkup” hook, but not with a full tagsoup parser.
Used CSL stylesheet:
Used CSL metadata