sebpiq / backbone.statemachine

Simple finite-state machine for Backbone. View states made easy. Synchronizing your application's parts with events made easy.
MIT License
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State machine events should be Backbone events #1

Closed sebpiq closed 12 years ago

sebpiq commented 12 years ago

Right now there is separation between state machine events and backbone events (e.g. triggering a state machine event with 'receive') ... there shouldn't be.

sebpiq commented 12 years ago

for example this could simplify the following case :

    MyView = StatefulView.extend({
        events: {'click': 'clickedCallback'},

        states: {idle: {}, focused: {}},
        transitions: {
            idle: {focus: {enterState: 'focused'}},
            focused: {blur: {enterState: 'idle'}}
        currentState: 'idle',

        clickedCallback: function() {

Where the sole purpose of the callback is to trigger a state-machine event when click event received. Cool thing would be :

    MyView = StatefulView.extend({

        states: {idle: {}, focused: {}},
        transitions: {
            idle: {click: {enterState: 'focused'}},
            focused: {blur: {enterState: 'idle'}}
        currentState: 'idle',

sebpiq commented 12 years ago

Events could also be event selectors as in Backbone.Events :

    MyView = StatefulView.extend({

        states: {idle: {}, focused: {}},
        transitions: {
            idle: {'click .aSpecialDiv': {enterState: 'focused'}},
            focused: {blur: {enterState: 'idle'}}
        currentState: 'idle',

sebpiq commented 12 years ago

all fixed