sebsauvage / Shaarli

The personal, minimalist, super-fast, no-database delicious clone.
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Shaarli behind an apache proxy #132

Open StephaneMangin opened 10 years ago

StephaneMangin commented 10 years ago

Hi there,

I use an apache proxy to distribute my services. BUT, shaarli does not want to be such as efficient behind this kind of structure. I mean, i use lxc to chroot my services behind a apache proxy, i have an owncloud, an autoblog, etc... Only Shaarli refuse to work with.

First, i have systematically an error concerning php sessions, then to obtain the right to create my account, i have to comment the php code that check this function. Then, after the registering, i can't login with user and password previously entered. I check a bit the code but i am not a php programmer, only python, very sorry ;)

Could this be checked one day to prevent this.

Thank you very much. I apologize for my poor english, but i think about our english friends, as far as i can do ;)

Salutation à l'équipe qui fait un super boulot. Surtout à Mr Seb ;)

Merci !

nodiscc commented 10 years ago

Hi, do you still have this problem? If so, can you tell more about your configuration? is apache running inside lxc? or outside?

an error concerning php sessions

Can you post the error message? Do you get the error in your browser? In apache logs?

i have to comment the php code that check this function

What line in particular?


nodiscc commented 9 years ago

@StephaneMangin Hello, il y a eu quelques changements sur un fork communautaire de Shaarli (, surtout des corrections de bugs, un peu de cleanup et quelques nouvelles fonctionnalités). Peux tu réessayer avec ce fork?

i have systematically an error concerning php sessions

C'est normal si tu accèdes à ton serveur en utlisant localhost ou un autre nom d'hôte sans points. La specification des cookies HTTP empêche de stocker les cookies pour un nom de domaine où il n'y a aucun point (voir Essaye depuis un navigateur qui ne respecte pas la spec (Firefox), ou essaye avec un accès direct par adresse IP ou FQDN.

Pour le reverse proxy, ça ne devrait pas poser de problème sauf au niveau du RSS où il y a actuellement un bug. Si ça pose un souci, peux tu essayer cette méthode et nous dire si ça fonctionne?

Si tout est ok, je pense que tu peux fermer ce bug :)


nodiscc commented 9 years ago

No updates from the reporter for more than one year. I think it's safe to close this, apache reverse proxy bugs have already been reported and being worked on. (a list at

dper commented 9 years ago

Not to mention, Apache itself has been updated many times. If something were buggy in the code base there, for whatever version it happened to be, it might be fixed now anyway. Likewise for any other programs used in the reverse proxying effort.