sebschub / FontPro

LaTeX support for Adobe's Pro opentype fonts: Minion Pro, Myriad Pro, Cronos Pro and possibly more
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Footnotes and KOMA #14

Closed cgnieder closed 11 years ago

cgnieder commented 12 years ago

By chance I noticed that you adapted the “fix” for an issue with KOMA's footnotes from (

I would think a cleaner and safer way would be to use


This wouldn't for example change people's own definitions of footnotes.


sebschub commented 11 years ago

Sorry for the wait. As far as I can see, your suggestion does not work. Your command affects to complete footnote including the normal footnote text producing unreadable text. Changing only the label of the footnote with \addtokomafont{footnotelabel} does also not work because \fontfamily{MinionPro-Extra} itself already produces superscript numbers. The default definition of \deffootnote includes a \textsuperscript, though, which results in a superscript version of the superscript number.

Since one has to explicitly use the footnotefigures option to affect the settings, it should be ok to include a warning in the manual. Any other idea?

sebschub commented 11 years ago

I'll close this for now, comments added in 2324bb4cb5f675e618088d84687cf4c0b5c7b8c9. Please re-open if you have another proposition.

cgnieder commented 11 years ago

Another possibility might be a redefinition of \@makefnmark (the superiors package does that for example). I'm no font expert but I'm confident it should be doable to provide a \sustyle and \textsu pair for access to superior numbers. Other font packages like libertine-type1 for example do that. Then a definition like


would work. Since I don't have the Miniion Pro package installed (is there a reason it's not in TeX Live (License?)?) I show an example with the libertine-type1 package:



text\footnote{text}\footnote{text} \textsu{1234567890}

sebschub commented 11 years ago

This is already done in the style file but it does not have any effect on the number in front of the footnote:



cgnieder commented 11 years ago

I don't understand that. It works perfectly for me, in case of your example giving bold numbers instead of superscripted ones (of course \bfseries is a bad choice here since following text is now bold, too).

sebschub commented 11 years ago

Just look at the output (used very small page size for that): footnote Only the footnote symbols in the text are modified, not in front of the very footnotes. And only the latter are the issue here and before. The numbers in the text were always correct with KOMA classes. PS: The MinionPro style file is free but not the font. And since there are different font version, I cannot provide the metrics. Therefore, people have to generate them themselves.

cgnieder commented 11 years ago

“The MinionPro style file is free but not the font.” I thought it'd be something like that.

I think I completely misunderstood the issue (or at least forgot what it was about in the first place)... sorry for that! The only other way that I can see now would be to redefine \textsuperscript (or \@textsuperscript), something that packages like xltxtra do. I'm not sure that would be better so you're probably right and should leave things as they are. Sorry for the rumble...