sebsel / seblog-kirby-webmentions

Webmention plugin for Kirby 2
MIT License
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Google Plus Details #2

Open marcthiele opened 7 years ago

marcthiele commented 7 years ago

Hey Sebastiaan,

Not sure if this is an issue of the plugin or the way Bridgy handless the information or even Google+ itself, but some information is not displayed correctly. Icons and date are wrong, as you can see in my post here:




sebsel commented 7 years ago

Hm, I don't have Google+ myself and I can't seem to find the post using this guide to's source urls:

If you go to the folder of your post, there is a .webmentions folder, with .json files. One of them (I assume the first, starting with 0-, for januari 1970) contains that particular mention. It would be nice to know the contents of the page behind the "source":"https:\/\/\/(...)".

If that page has no dt-published, it's a problem with or Google+.

But yeah, the template should check for 0 before parsing/showing a date. The original plugin used the date the mention came in if dt-published was empty, but then every re-mention would be saved as well. So another option would be to add a received field in the mentions, and show that if dt-published is empty. I also probably should dedupe on u-uid, not on dt-published + source. But that's a different issue.