sebshader / pdnext

Color-themed Pure data with different inlets & outlets for messages and signals
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Change bright color of main window and scroll bar to dark in dark mode #16

Open aviloff opened 2 years ago

aviloff commented 2 years ago

On mac os these stay bright. Is there a chance to make them dark too or control the color?

sebshader commented 2 years ago

this is kind of difficult, since pd is developed with the relevant option turned off, and the various dialogs are built around dark mode being disabled. In general I try to avoid messing with the preference files in order to keep as much compatibility with vanilla as possible. I did have a convo w/ someone who changed the relevant parts themselves, I'll see if I can find it.

btw when you say "color of main window" you mean the bar at the top and not the logs right (which should be getting set with the color theme)? That actually may be able to be put in a color option..

sebshader commented 2 years ago

you should be able to color the main console part: If not it is some bug Screen Shot 2022-05-30 at 2 40 50 PM

aviloff commented 2 years ago

Thanks a lot for your brilliant effort of saving users' eyes at night.

As you understand I was asking about the remaining bright bits on the sides of the screenshot you sent.

sebshader commented 2 years ago

so copying from my discussion w/ narcell on the pd-next thread at the pd forum narcell: (1) I tried to make the menu bar to dark with the Info.plist file and it worked for a while but the next time when im tried to run Pd the UI was white again but the os appearance was dark... can anyone help with this specific thing?

to try this: Open Pd/Content/Info.plist in TextEdit or any Plist editor (on mac) and replace the NSRequiresAquaSystemAppearance to look like this:


me: native dark window manager stuff like topbars, buttons, dropdowns etc. being reflected was disabled because it created too much inconsistency. So dark mode as a whole was removed.

here's the commit:

(from the comment it seems like it's set to true in 2 places, the defaults file as well as the plist?) though I'm successfully reading from some defaults to tell if darkmode is on here... idk me again: so looking at it a bit more, if you do want to mess with it you can try deleting the exec defaults write $::pd_guiprefs::domain NSRequiresAquaSystemAppearance -bool true line in pd_guiprefs.tcl.

Then you probably also have to delete the ~/Library/Preferences/org.puredata.pd.pd-gui.plist file, or at least delete the


in it narcell: oh yes thank you! its dark now, i know now what 'inconsistency' you were talking about. its okay for now. if I have the ability to do it I will try to find these bugs. me later: There is very little chance that dark mode will not be disabled in the 0.52 version. Getting it to look consistent is just too much trouble. You could try making a pull request for Pd to do that, though.

and it still might be too much trouble..