sebv / spawn-mocha-parallel

Spawn mocha child processes in parallel
MIT License
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Parallel options #2

Open grawk opened 9 years ago

grawk commented 9 years ago

If opts.iterations is defined, mochaStream will pass along all test files as an array, and execute spawnMocha.add for each iteration array element.

This allows parallel behavior where each spawned process operates over the same file/fileset, but each process will differ based on the iteration level "opts" overrides to the top level "opts" object.

Only for those opts properties that it makes sense to override on a per-process basis is the iteration level override used.

sebv commented 9 years ago

Could you not mix code formatting and functional commits? It makes it makes it very had to read the changes.

grawk commented 9 years ago

Hi @sebv apologies for that. I have a habit of auto-formatting as I go. I tried to figure out how to change my editor rules to match the style you'd originally used, but couldn't. And I was interested to get your opinion on the substantive changes. When I can sit at my computer for a length of time I'll go carefully through and roll back the stylistic changes.

If you're inclined you can use w to evaluate the non-whitespace changes:

grawk commented 9 years ago

I added a new exported method to cover this use case. Instead of using promises I used the callback task pattern as mentioned in the gulp docs:

There is duplicated code between mochaStream and mochaIteration. That can be cleaned up by extracting the error and end handlers from both and generalizing. But, I wanted to run this approach by you first.

sebv commented 9 years ago

Try this pattern, it's better for promise:

var Q = require('q'),
      exec =  Q.denodeify(require('child_process').exec),
      glob = Q.denodeify(require('glob;));

gulp.task('a task', function() {
   return exec('ls').spread(function(stdout, stderr) {

gulp.task('a task', function() {
   return glob('**/*-specs').then(function(files) {

Edit: Sorry might not be clear, I try to stay away from callbacks, they don't really scale in complexity, so I keep them to very low level stuff, and wrap them immediately and systematically in promises.

grawk commented 9 years ago

What do you think of SpawnMocha being its own module? If it is, and has the small changes for iterations then it can be consumed in any number of styles of module (gulp task, grunt task, promise API, callback API, stream API).

sebv commented 9 years ago

It already is, there are no dependencies on gulp.

grawk commented 9 years ago

Yes of course that's true. I've pared down the PR to be the essence of what is necessary to override the opts for individual spawned processes. The callback example remains in the gulpfile as an example of how to use overrides.