secdev / scapy

Scapy: the Python-based interactive packet manipulation program & library.
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Interfaces not detected/recognized on Win Server 2012 r2 + Python 2.7.13 #1239

Closed ushkyr closed 6 years ago

ushkyr commented 6 years ago

installed scapy + npcap 0.99 r1 at windows server 2012 r2 attempted to sniff - only loopback activity tracked. tried pushing ethernet interface through:

_>>> conf.iface = dev_from_index(12)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "c:\Python32\lib\site-packages\scapy\arc
 in dev_from_index
    return IFACES.dev_from_index(if_index)
  File "c:\Python32\lib\site-packages\scapy\arc
 in dev_from_index
    raise ValueError("Unknown network interface
ValueError: Unknown network interface index 12_ 

same wtih loopback interface (22) works - scapy sniffs loopback activity.

also tried to push interface to conf by conf.iface='Citrix PV Network Adapter #0', use 'iface = 'Citrix PV Network Adapter #0' as sniff() parameter - all to no avail.

interfaces as seen from PowerShell

_netsh interface>show interface

Состояние адм.  Состояние     Тип              Имя интерфейса
Разрешен       Подключен      Выделенный       Ethernet
Разрешен       Подключен      Выделенный       Npcap Loopback Adapter

netsh trace>show interface

Ethernet адаптер Npcap Loopback Adapter:
    Описание               :     Адаптер замыкания на себя Microsoft KM-TEST
    GUID интерфейса:  {C851219D-897B-4FA5-BE4A-24A55401F3F2}
    Индекс интерфейса                  : 22
    LUID интерфейса:  0x600000A000000

Ethernet адаптер Ethernet:
    Описание               :     Citrix PV Network Adapter #0
    GUID интерфейса:  {E155A952-6C7F-4107-91A1-7AA40FA1F4F6}
    Индекс интерфейса                  : 12
    LUID интерфейса:  0x600000B000000_
gpotter2 commented 6 years ago

Hi ! Could you post the result of IFACES In a scapy shell ?

ushkyr commented 6 years ago

hi, here it comes. with loopback driver uninstalled would show empty table headers

>>> from scapy.all import *
>>> ifaces
INDEX  IFACE                                    IP         MAC
22     Адаптер замыкания на себя Microsoft KM_  00:00:00:00:00:00
ushkyr commented 6 years ago
>>> conf
ASN1_default_codec = <ASN1Codec BER[1]>
AS_resolver = <scapy.as_resolvers.AS_resolver_multi instance at 0x029EB490>
BTsocket   = <BluetoothRFCommSocket: read/write packets on a connected L2CAP...
L2listen   = <L2pcapListenSocket: read packets at layer 2 using libpcap>
L2socket   = <L2pcapSocket: read/write packets at layer 2 using only libpcap>
L3socket   = <L3pcapSocket: read/write packets at layer 3 using only libpcap>
auto_crop_tables = True
auto_fragment = 1
cache_iflist = ['\\Device\\NPF_{C851219D-897B-4FA5-BE4A-24A55401F3F2}']
cache_ipaddrs = {'\\Device\\NPF_{C851219D-897B-4FA5-BE4A-24A55401F3F2}': '\x...
checkIPID  = 0
checkIPaddr = 1
checkIPinIP = True
checkIPsrc = 1
check_TCPerror_seqack = 0
color_theme = <NoTheme>
commands   = IPID_count : Identify IP id values classes in a list of packets...
contribs   = {}
crypto_valid = False
crypto_valid_advanced = False
debug_dissector = 0
debug_match = 0
debug_tls  = 0
default_l2 = <class 'scapy.packet.Raw'>
emph       = <Emphasize []>
ethertypes = <ethertypes/ n_802_1AE n_802_AD>
except_filter = ''
extensions_paths = '.'
fancy_prompt = True
geoip_city = None
histfile   = 'C:\\Users\\\xc0\xe4\xec\xe8\xed\xe8\xf1\xf2\xf0\xe0\xf2\xee\xf...
iface      = <NetworkInterface Адаптер замыкания на себя Microsoft KM-TEST {...
iface6     = <NetworkInterface Адаптер замыкания на себя Microsoft KM-TEST {...
interactive = False
interactive_shell = ''
ipv6_enabled = True
l2types    = 0x0 -> Loopback (Loopback) 0x1 <- Dot3 (802.3) 0x1 <-> Ether (E...
l3types    = 0x3 -> IP (IP) 0x800 <-> IP (IP) 0x806 <-> ARP (ARP) 0x86dd <->...
layers     = Packet : <member 'name' of 'Packet' objects> NoPayload : <membe...
load_layers = ['l2', 'inet', 'dhcp', 'dns', 'dot11', 'gprs', 'hsrp', 'inet6'...
logLevel   = 30
manufdb    = None
mib        = <MIB/ roleOccupant id_ad_caRepository keyUsageRestriction EV_Ce...
min_pkt_size = 60
neighbor   = Ether -> IPv6 Ether -> LLC Ether -> ARP Dot3 -> LLC Dot3 -> IP ...
netcache   = arp_cache: 0 valid items. Timeout=120s in6_neighbor: 0 valid it...
noenum     = <Resolve []>
padding    = 1
padding_layer = <class 'scapy.packet.Padding'>
prog       = cmd = 'C:\\Windows\\system32\\cmd.exe' cscript = 'C:\\Windows\\...
promisc    = 1
prompt     = '>>> '
protocols  = <C:\Windows\system32\drivers\etc\protocol/ rvd udp ipv6_route g...
raw_layer  = <class 'scapy.packet.Raw'>
raw_summary = False
resolve    = <Resolve []>
route      = Network Netmask Gateway Iface Output IP Metric 255.0....
route6     = Destination Next Hop Iface Src candidates Metric ::1/128 :: Ада...
services_tcp = <C:\Windows\system32\drivers\etc\services-tcp/ kpop efs knetd...
services_udp = <C:\Windows\system32\drivers\etc\services-udp/ ms_rome p2pgro...
session    = ''
sniff_promisc = 1
stats_classic_protocols = [<class 'scapy.layers.inet.TCP'>, <class '
stats_dot11_protocols = [<class 'scapy.layers.inet.TCP'>, <class 'scapy.laye...
stealth    = 'not implemented'
temp_files = []
teredoPrefix = '2001::'
teredoServerPort = 3544
use_bpf    = False
use_dnet   = False
use_npcap  = True
use_pcap   = False
use_pypy   = False
use_winpcapy = True
verb       = 2
version    = 'git-archive.dev617920fdd'
warning_threshold = 5
wepkey     = ''
gpotter2 commented 6 years ago

Well scapy only detects one single interface: the loopback one. Please check that you are connected to Internet :/

If you think there is a bug, please submit the result of the following commands in powershell:

Get-NetAdapter | select InterfaceDescription, InterfaceIndex, Name, InterfaceGuid, MacAddress, InterfaceAlias | fl
Get-WmiObject Win32_NetworkAdapter | select Name, InterfaceIndex, InterfaceDescription, GUID, MacAddress, NetConnectionID | fl
ushkyr commented 6 years ago

knocked off the loopback to check. ifaces returned empty table

>>> from scapy.all import *
>>> ifaces

pinged google - I'm connected

PS C:\Users\Администратор> ping

Обмен пакетами с [] с 32 байтами данных:
Ответ от число байт=32 время=15мс TTL=48
Ответ от число байт=32 время=15мс TTL=48
Ответ от число байт=32 время=15мс TTL=48
Ответ от число байт=32 время=15мс TTL=48

Статистика Ping для
    Пакетов: отправлено = 4, получено = 4, потеряно = 0
    (0% потерь)
Приблизительное время приема-передачи в мс:
    Минимальное = 15мсек, Максимальное = 15 мсек, Среднее = 15 мсек
PS C:\Users\Администратор> Get-NetAdapter | select InterfaceDescription, InterfaceIndex, Name, InterfaceGuid, MacAddress, InterfaceAlias | fl

InterfaceDescription : Citrix PV Network Adapter #0
InterfaceIndex       : 12
Name                 : Ethernet
InterfaceGuid        : {E155A952-6C7F-4107-91A1-7AA40FA1F4F6}
MacAddress           : DE-64-D4-21-BF-2E
InterfaceAlias       : Ethernet
PS C:\Users\Администратор> Get-WmiObject Win32_NetworkAdapter | select Name, InterfaceIndex, InterfaceDescription, GUID, MacAddress, NetConnectionID | fl

Name                 : Мини-порт глобальной сети (L2TP)
InterfaceIndex       : 2
InterfaceDescription :
GUID                 :
MacAddress           :
NetConnectionID      :

Name                 : Мини-порт глобальной сети (SSTP)
InterfaceIndex       : 3
InterfaceDescription :
GUID                 :
MacAddress           :
NetConnectionID      :

Name                 : Мини-порт глобальной сети (IKEv2)
InterfaceIndex       : 4
InterfaceDescription :
GUID                 :
MacAddress           :
NetConnectionID      :

Name                 : Мини-порт глобальной сети (PPTP)
InterfaceIndex       : 5
InterfaceDescription :
GUID                 :
MacAddress           :
NetConnectionID      :

Name                 : Мини-порт глобальной сети (PPPOE)
InterfaceIndex       : 6
InterfaceDescription :
GUID                 :
MacAddress           :
NetConnectionID      :

Name                 : Мини-порт глобальной сети (IP)
InterfaceIndex       : 7
InterfaceDescription :
GUID                 :
MacAddress           :
NetConnectionID      :

Name                 : Мини-порт глобальной сети (IPv6)
InterfaceIndex       : 8
InterfaceDescription :
GUID                 :
MacAddress           :
NetConnectionID      :

Name                 : Мини-порт глобальной сети (Сетевой монитор)
InterfaceIndex       : 9
InterfaceDescription :
GUID                 :
MacAddress           :
NetConnectionID      :

Name                 : Сетевой адаптер с отладкой ядра (Майкрософт)
InterfaceIndex       : 10
InterfaceDescription :
GUID                 :
MacAddress           :
NetConnectionID      :

Name                 : RAS асинхронный адаптер
InterfaceIndex       : 11
InterfaceDescription :
GUID                 :
MacAddress           :
NetConnectionID      :

Name                 : Адаптер Microsoft ISATAP
InterfaceIndex       : 15
InterfaceDescription :
GUID                 :
MacAddress           :
NetConnectionID      :

Name                 : Citrix PV Network Adapter #0
InterfaceIndex       : 12
InterfaceDescription :
GUID                 : {E155A952-6C7F-4107-91A1-7AA40FA1F4F6}
MacAddress           : DE:64:D4:21:BF:2E
NetConnectionID      : Ethernet

Name                 : Адаптер Microsoft 6to4
InterfaceIndex       : 13
InterfaceDescription :
GUID                 :
MacAddress           :
NetConnectionID      :

Name                 : Teredo Tunneling Pseudo-Interface
InterfaceIndex       : 14
InterfaceDescription :
GUID                 :
MacAddress           :
NetConnectionID      :

Name                 : Адаптер Microsoft ISATAP #2
InterfaceIndex       : 26
InterfaceDescription :
GUID                 :
MacAddress           :
NetConnectionID      :
gpotter2 commented 6 years ago

Thanks a lot ! I will need additional data to investigate:

ushkyr commented 6 years ago

Hi, here it comes

>>> import platform; platform.release()
>>> get_if_list()
>>> get_windows_if_list()
[{'name': 'Citrix PV Network Adapter #0', 'netid': 'Ethernet', 'mac': 'DE:64:D4:
21:BF:2E', 'win_index': '12', 'guid': '{E155A952-6C7F-4107-91A1-7AA40FA1F4F6}',
'description': ''}]
gpotter2 commented 6 years ago

Hmmm get_if_list returns the interfaces that Npcap detects. It seems that it’s broken on their end.

Could you try to uninstall Npcap and use winpcap instead ? Can’t say if it will work but it’s worth a try

ushkyr commented 6 years ago

worked!!! thank you so much! winpcap made it.

>>> from scapy.all import *
>>> get_if_list()
>>> sniff()
<Sniffed: TCP:16 UDP:541 ICMP:0 Other:2644>
gpotter2 commented 6 years ago

EDITED: You may want to post your story in which is basically the same issue as yours

gpotter2 commented 6 years ago

@guedou May be closed (unrelated to scapy)