secdevops-cuse / CyberRange

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Removal of "${ }" characters and subnet variables #70

Open labmaster-q opened 4 years ago

labmaster-q commented 4 years ago

As per the issue raised by cappetta about the terraform v0.12.15 deprecation of the "${ }" characters in the HCL language the characters have been removed from the indicated files.

In addition the local variables assigning the subnet in each of the .tf files in assets has been modified. This is due to an issue with public IPs being assigned to each instance on launch.

cappetta commented 4 years ago

Thank you for the PR - My initial test of similar changes prior to the BH Arsenal presentation were not fully successful. I think the newest version of terraform requires a bit more testing. I'll add this to my to-do list and circle back once I resume development and confirm CICD test will pass validation. Thanks again!

cappetta commented 4 years ago

This addresses - just received notice that Terraform v0.12.20 has been released. Definitely have a bunch of testing to perform & need to confirm Circle CI is using the latest image - which it appears it is : circleci terraform latest config

cappetta commented 4 years ago

working on the cicd pipeline and adding terraform checks, I've updated an open issues with the details on the terraform failures. I've pushed passed those issues & cicd builds are almost all green again. I'll look to merge these into the pipeline with this effort as well