secile / UsbCamera

C# source code for using usb camera and web camera in WinForms/WPF. With only single CSharp source code. No external library required.
MIT License
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Camera preset #7

Closed artmanxxx closed 3 years ago

artmanxxx commented 3 years ago

Hi, How i call/set preset from/to cam? Example tnx

secile commented 3 years ago

Hello. Are you saying that you want to get default value of tilt, zoom, exposure, brightness, contrast, and so on?

artmanxxx commented 3 years ago

Hi, First, thank you for your answer. No, I know how to get default value of tilt, zoom.

I don't know how i get current value, and how i set or call preset in/from camera memory. Over UVC usb If i connect camera to RS232 i send command VISCA

81 01 04 00 02 FF - On 81 01 04 00 03 FF - Off

81 01 04 3D 02 FF - CAM WDR On 81 01 04 3D 03 FF - CAM WDR Off

81 01 04 33 02 FF - BlackLight On 81 01 04 33 03 FF - BlackLight Off

Call preset 1/2 81 01 06 01 VV WW 01 03 FF 81 01 06 01 VV WW 02 03 FF

I am work in IT department high school. We have 100 hybrid class ( camera and mic ) I need create small program for control ptz camera.


secile commented 3 years ago

Are you meaning the word 'preset' is a set of tilt, zoom, exposure, brightness..., that is saved on camera memory, and you want to switch these properties at once? My library use DirectShow, and I do not know such method in DirectShow.

To get current value, you have to change source code a little. could you try this?

line 254: current

public Property(int min, int max, int step, int @default, int flags, Action<DirectShow.CameraControlFlags, int> set)
    this.Min = min;
    this.Max = max;
    this.Step = step;
    this.Default = @default;
    this.Flags = (DirectShow.CameraControlFlags)flags;
    this.CanAuto = (Flags & DirectShow.CameraControlFlags.Auto) == DirectShow.CameraControlFlags.Auto;
    this.SetValue = set;
    this.Available = true;

is change to

public Func<int> GetValue { get; private set; }
public Property(int min, int max, int step, int @default, int flags, Action<DirectShow.CameraControlFlags, int> set, Func<int> get)
    this.Min = min;
    this.Max = max;
    this.Step = step;
    this.Default = @default;
    this.Flags = (DirectShow.CameraControlFlags)flags;
    this.CanAuto = (Flags & DirectShow.CameraControlFlags.Auto) == DirectShow.CameraControlFlags.Auto;
    this.SetValue = set;
    this.GetValue = get;
    this.Available = true;

line 201: current

prop = new Property(min, max, step, def, flags, (flag, value) => cam_ctrl.Set(item, value, (int)flag));

is change to

Func<int> get = () =>
    int value = 0;
    cam_ctrl.Get(item, ref value, ref flags);
    return value;
prop = new Property(min, max, step, def, flags, (flag, value) => cam_ctrl.Set(item, value, (int)flag), get);

line 208: current

prop = new Property(min, max, step, def, flags, (flag, value) => vid_ctrl.Set(item, value, (int)flag));

is change to

Func<int> get = () =>
    int value = 0;
    vid_ctrl.Get(item, ref value, ref flags);
    return value;
prop = new Property(min, max, step, def, flags, (flag, value) => vid_ctrl.Set(item, value, (int)flag), get);

now, you can use

var value = prop.GetValue();

Please let me know If it works fine. If it is OK, I will commit my repository.

artmanxxx commented 3 years ago

Hi, Ok, thank you. Will check and let you know.

Best regards, Aleksey Danilov

artmanxxx commented 3 years ago

Thank, work!!! I not really professional programmer. I am system IT

How i can optimize this code?


    public void GetTiltValue()
        UsbCamera.VideoFormat[] formats = UsbCamera.GetVideoFormat(comboListCameraBox.SelectedIndex);
        var CameraCreateConnect = new UsbCamera(comboListCameraBox.SelectedIndex, formats[0]);

        UsbCamera.PropertyItems.Property propTilt;
        propTilt = CameraCreateConnect.Properties[DirectShow.CameraControlProperty.Tilt];
        var value = propTilt.GetValue();

        richTextBox1.Text = Convert.ToString(value);


secile commented 3 years ago

Hello, thank you for your response. As to your code, I could not comment because too less information. Typically, you had better create UsbCamera instance once in Form constructor or Load event.

artmanxxx commented 3 years ago

secile very thank.