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Distributed transaction #6

Open secns opened 4 days ago

secns commented 4 days ago

A distributed transaction is a type of transaction that spans multiple networked databases or services. In a distributed system, a transaction might involve multiple distinct data sources, which can be on different servers or even in different geographical locations. Distributed transactions ensure that all the involved databases or services are in a consistent state, even if the transaction is spread across various systems.

Usage Scenarios

  1. Microservices Architectures: In systems where functionality is broken into microservices, a single business process might need to update data across several microservices.
  2. Multi-Database Systems: When applications need to work with multiple databases, which might be of different types or located on different servers.
  3. Cloud Computing: For applications running on cloud platforms that might need to interact with various cloud services, each maintaining its own data store.
  4. E-commerce: When processing an order, it might be necessary to update inventory, charge a credit card, and update an order database, each potentially on different systems.
  5. Banking and Finance: Transferring money between accounts that are managed by different banking systems.

Problems When Lacking Distributed Transactions

When distributed transactions are not used, several problems can arise:

  1. Inconsistency: Without distributed transactions, there is no guarantee that all parts of a transaction will be committed successfully. For example, if part of a transaction fails but another part succeeds, it can lead to data inconsistency. This could mean that an order is placed but not recorded in inventory, leading to stock discrepancies.

  2. Partial Updates: Without distributed transactions, if a transaction partially completes, some systems might be updated while others are not. This can create scenarios where data is only partially committed across systems, leading to inaccuracies and potential data corruption.

  3. Complicated Error Handling: Handling errors becomes much more complex because each system involved in the transaction needs to handle rollback and consistency checks independently. This can lead to increased code complexity and higher chances of bugs.

  4. Data Integrity Issues: Ensuring data integrity across multiple systems without distributed transactions can be very challenging. Systems must implement their own mechanisms to ensure that data remains accurate and consistent, which can be error-prone.

  5. Increased Development Complexity: Developers must write additional code to manage the transaction's state manually across different systems, leading to higher development costs and longer development times.

Key Concepts in Distributed Transactions

  1. Two-Phase Commit (2PC): A protocol to ensure all participating databases agree to commit or rollback a transaction. It involves a "prepare" phase where each system indicates whether it can commit, and a "commit" phase where the transaction is either committed or rolled back based on the responses.

  2. Compensation: An alternative approach where, instead of ensuring all-or-nothing atomicity, compensating transactions are used to undo the effects of partial transactions in case of failures.

  3. Eventual Consistency: A model where the system does not guarantee immediate consistency but ensures that, given enough time, all updates will propagate through the system and all replicas will become consistent.


Distributed transactions are crucial for maintaining consistency and reliability in systems that span multiple databases or services. Without them, systems face challenges in ensuring data consistency, managing partial updates, handling errors, and maintaining data integrity. While implementing distributed transactions can add complexity, it is often necessary to avoid the significant issues that arise from their absence.

secns commented 4 days ago

The lack of native support for distributed transactions in HBase may lead to several issues:

  1. Data Consistency Issues: In scenarios requiring strong consistency across rows or tables, the absence of distributed transaction support means developers must implement complex logic themselves to maintain data consistency. This can result in data inconsistencies during concurrent operations or multi-step processes.

  2. Increased Complexity: Application developers might need to implement compensating logic or rely on external coordination services (like Apache ZooKeeper) to mimic transactions, which increases system complexity and maintenance overhead.

  3. Performance Challenges: While HBase's optimistic concurrency control (e.g., MVCC) helps manage concurrent access to some extent, in scenarios demanding strict transactional order and consistency, such mechanisms may be insufficient and could introduce additional performance costs.

  4. Limited Transaction Isolation: HBase primarily supports transactions at the row level, meaning it cannot inherently provide transaction isolation levels similar to SQL databases (such as Repeatable Read or Serializable), potentially failing to meet data integrity requirements in certain business contexts.

  5. Functional Limitations: For applications relying on ACID (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability) properties, HBase's limitations may hinder feature implementation, especially when dealing with complex business logic or multi-step procedures.

To address these issues, the community and enterprises have developed extensions and solutions, like Omid, which adds distributed transaction support to HBase, aiming to enhance its transaction-processing capabilities for applications requiring transaction guarantees. However, integrating these solutions also necessitates considering their impacts on system performance and operational complexity.