second-state / WasmEdge-WASINN-examples

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Enable b2479 CI workflow #120

Closed hydai closed 1 month ago

juntao commented 1 month ago

Hello, I am a code review bot on Here are my reviews of code commits in this PR.

Commit 99a49d165ff937db4a075e98876201db1f9d8e99

Key Changes:

  1. The patch enables the b2479 CI workflow by changing the value of the 'plugin' key in the llama.yml workflow file from 'wasi_nn-ggml-b2334' to 'wasi_nn-ggml-b2479'.

Potential Problems:

  1. It's important to verify that the new 'wasi_nn-ggml-b2479' plugin is compatible with the existing setup and does not introduce any regressions or issues.
  2. It would be beneficial to ensure that the new plugin version does not have any breaking changes that could impact the CI workflow.
  3. The patch lacks details about why the switch to the new plugin version is necessary, so it might be useful to include a brief explanation in the commit message for clarity.
  4. It's advisable to run thorough tests after enabling the b2479 CI workflow to confirm that everything functions as expected with the updated plugin.