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[Example] ggml: add test for set input twice #121

Closed dm4 closed 1 month ago

juntao commented 1 month ago

Hello, I am a code review bot on Here are my reviews of code commits in this PR.

Summary of GitHub Pull Request Review for "[Example] ggml: add test for set input twice"

Potential Issues and Errors:

  1. Unused Code: Remove commented-out code to maintain a clean codebase.
  2. File Size Changes: Be cautious about significant changes in wasm file sizes to avoid performance issues.
  3. Missing Tests: Include tests to validate new functionality and prevent regressions.
  4. Metadata Handling: Ensure metadata retrieval functions handle errors and unexpected structures correctly.
  5. Missing Test Description: Add a description in the README to explain the purpose of the new test.
  6. Understanding Test Behavior: Enhance comments or documentation to clarify the test's specific requirements.
  7. Error Handling: Improve error handling in test logic to provide informative messages and handle unexpected situations.
  8. File Permissions: Check and set correct permissions for the new wasm file.
  9. External Dependencies: Verify the availability and reliability of external sources used in the test.
  10. Consistency in Tests: Ensure the new test aligns with the style and structure of existing tests for a unified approach.

Most Important Findings:

Addressing these issues and findings will help strengthen the pull request and ensure the reliability and maintainability of the codebase.


Commit bfbbe1a11e37054de323f12df523766f3367fed2

Key Changes:

  1. Added code to display metadata on CI for the "llama" and "llava" examples.
  2. Added code to show the number of input tokens, "llama.cpp" versions, and other metadata.
  3. Updated the file sizes of the wasmedge-ggml-llama.wasm and wasmedge-ggml-llava.wasm files.

Potential Problems:

  1. Unused Code: There is commented-out code in the file that could be removed to keep the codebase clean.
  2. File Size Changes: Be cautious about large changes in file sizes for the wasm files. Ensure that the changes are expected and do not introduce any performance issues.
  3. No Tests: It seems like this PR focuses on adding functionality and does not include any tests for the added code. It's always good practice to include tests to validate new features and prevent regressions.
  4. Metadata Handling: Ensure that the metadata retrieval and display functions are working correctly and handle any potential errors or unexpected metadata structures.

Overall, the changes look good, but the potential problems mentioned above should be addressed before merging the PR.

Commit b75259e8bfa521812ce169618ea871a9e6e354ce

Key Changes:

  1. Added a new test named "Set Input Twice" for the ggml project.
  2. New files were created: wasmedge-ggml/test/set-input-twice/Cargo.toml, wasmedge-ggml/test/set-input-twice/, wasmedge-ggml/test/set-input-twice/src/, and wasmedge-ggml/test/set-input-twice/wasmedge-ggml-set-input-twice.wasm.
  3. The test executes a set_input operation twice to ensure consistent results.

Potential Problems:

  1. Missing Test Description: The test implementation in looks good, but it would be beneficial to add a description in the README explaining what is being tested and why.

  2. Difficult to Understand Behavior: The test logic relies on comparing the number of input tokens before and after setting the input twice. Consider adding more comments or documentation to clarify this specific requirement.

  3. Error Handling: Error handling in the test logic could be improved. Instead of just panicking, consider more informative error messages or additional ways to handle unexpected situations.

  4. File Permissions: Ensure that the new 'wasmedge-ggml-set-input-twice.wasm' file has the correct permissions set for execution.

  5. Potential External Dependencies: The test fetches files from external sources. Ensure the availability and reliability of these sources for consistent test execution.

  6. Consistency with Existing Tests: Ensure the new test is consistent in style and structure with existing tests to maintain a unified testing approach across the project.

These findings should guide you to further review and enhance the changes in the pull request.