second-state / WasmEdge-WASINN-examples

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Merge `dev` branch #129

Closed dm4 closed 1 month ago

dm4 commented 1 month ago

Since the newer version of ggml plugin assets are released, merge the dev branch back to master

juntao commented 1 month ago

Hello, I am a code review bot on Here are my reviews of code commits in this PR.

Summary of GitHub Pull Request "Merge dev branch"

Potential Issues and Errors:

  1. Unforeseen Bugs and Compatibility: Introducing new functionality may lead to unforeseen bugs and compatibility issues, requiring thorough testing to mitigate risks.
  2. Dependency Concerns: The use of curl commands to download dependencies may introduce stability concerns as availability and changes in dependencies could disrupt the project.
  3. Complex Configurations: The addition of complex configurations and dependencies may increase build times and maintenance complexities.
  4. Lack of Documentation: The significant amount of code lacks clear documentation, impacting understanding and future maintenance efforts.
  5. Minimal Error Handling: Inadequate error handling (expect calls) could lead to crashes and should be improved for robustness.

Important Findings:

  1. Updated README and Logic Changes: Changes include updating README files, modifying logic in main files, and increasing the size of wasm files with potential impact on program behavior and performance.
  2. Job Additions and Updates in CI Workflow: New jobs and updates in the CI workflow may affect testing and functionality without accompanying tests to validate the changes.
  3. Security and Stability: Direct use of environment variables without verification poses security risks, warranting attention to handle sensitive data securely.
  4. Code Clarity and Readability: The complexity in code structures and logic requires refactoring for clarity, maintenance, and proper documentation for future maintainers.
  5. Testing and Error Handling: Thorough testing of the new functionality and enhancements, coupled with comprehensive error handling improvements, are necessary to ensure robustness and reliability.

In summary, this PR introduces significant changes that need careful consideration and testing to ensure functionality, stability, and security are not compromised. It is recommended to address the potential issues highlighted, document the changes effectively, improve error handling, and conduct thorough testing before merging to maintain code quality and project integrity.


Commit 9a2451a19510dbcab5048fb376e2e219f4866104

Key Changes:

  1. Added a new grammar example for ggml.
  2. Added a grammar test to the CI workflow.
  3. Added new files: Cargo.toml for the grammar project, for the grammar example, and defining the main logic for the grammar example.
  4. Added a new wasm binary file for the grammar project.

Potential Problems:

  1. The patch introduces new functionality, which might lead to unforeseen bugs and compatibility issues.
  2. The patch includes curl commands to download additional model resources. These dependencies might not be available or might change in the future, affecting the stability of the project.
  3. The addition of complex configurations and dependencies could increase build times and introduce complexities in maintaining the project.
  4. The patch introduces a significant amount of code without clear documentation on its purpose and how it fits into the existing system.
  5. Error handling in the new code (expect calls) is minimal. Proper error handling should be implemented to prevent crashes and provide clear feedback.

Commit a8b7686d92f188af4b0ed71f59119da76ee53fb0

Key Changes

  1. Updated the file to reflect changes in the command-r-plus-GGUF model being used.
  2. Modified the src/ file to include system prompts related to tools and instructions.
  3. Increased the file size of wasmedge-ggml-command-r.wasm.

Potential Problems

  1. In the updated, the URLs for downloading the model files have been changed to point to the command-r-plus model. Ensure that the new URLs are correct and accessible.

  2. In the src/ file, the addition of system prompts and instructions may affect the conversation logic. Make sure these changes align with the intended behavior of the program.

  3. The increase in the file size of wasmedge-ggml-command-r.wasm should be reviewed to ensure that it doesn't introduce any performance issues or unexpected behavior.

Overall, ensure that the changes maintain the functionality and integrity of the application, and test thoroughly to validate the updated behavior.

Commit aaae275d33b9ab6fbcd9fc6db818f809703cf30d

Key changes in the patch:

  1. Added a new job named "Embedding Example (Llama-2)" to the .github/workflows/llama.yml file. This job downloads a model file, performs a cargo build, and runs the wasm file through Wasmedge with specific parameters.
  2. Updated the existing job named "Embedding Example" to "Embedding Example (All-MiniLM)".

Potential problems:

  1. The patch introduces a new job but does not include any tests for the functionality added. It would be beneficial to add tests to ensure the new functionality works as expected.
  2. The patch does not provide much context about the changes made, making it less clear why these specific changes were necessary. Adding a more detailed description of the changes would be helpful for reviewers and future maintainers.
  3. It would be useful to confirm that the downloaded model file (llama-2-7b-chat.Q5_K_M.gguf) is from a trusted source to prevent security risks.
  4. Before merging, it is important to test the changes thoroughly to check for any potential bugs or issues that may have been introduced by the new functionality.

Commit d0528d2944a86e9ab45b5412c34111c6f6cfc396

Key Changes:

  1. Llama stream test added to CI workflow

    • A new test called "Llama2 7B (Streaming)" has been added to the CI workflow.
    • The test includes downloading a model, building the project, and running it with specific configurations.
  2. Code Changes in

    • serde_json and related functions were added for JSON handling.
    • The get_options_from_env function was included to retrieve options from environment variables.
    • The creation of hashmap for options and initialization of options were replaced by using the get_options_from_env function.
    • New logic for setting data to context based on user input was added.
    • Additional logic for processing user prompt and generating an appropriate response was introduced.

Potential Problems:

  1. Security and Stability Concerns:

    • The usage of environment variables directly in options without proper verification may lead to security vulnerabilities.
  2. Code Clarity and Maintainability:

    • The structure of the file seems to be complex and could be refactored for better clarity and maintainability.
    • The new logic for handling user prompt and response may need documentation for future maintainers.
  3. CI Testing Impact:

    • The new test added should be reviewed thoroughly to ensure it meets the expected testing criteria and does not introduce any unexpected behaviors.
  4. Code Readability Issues:

    • The long patches in the binary file may hide potential issues or make it harder to understand changes made to the binary.
  5. Error Handling:

    • Error handling should be reviewed to ensure all potential error scenarios are appropriately handled.

Overall, the changes seem to add significant functionality and scope to the project. It is essential to ensure that the new additions are well-tested and do not introduce any regressions or vulnerabilities.