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[Example] ggml: Support LLAMA3 #131

Closed hydai closed 4 weeks ago

juntao commented 4 weeks ago

Hello, I am a code review bot on Here are my reviews of code commits in this PR.

Commit d8ecd0aac0eda67da89cc7b59c9c04cb5c6f60c5

Key Changes:

  1. Added support for a new feature called LLAMA3 in the ggml project.
  2. Added new workflows and configurations related to LLAMA3 support.
  3. Updated file sizes for the generated wasm files after the changes.

Potential Problems:

  1. Missing Unit Tests: The patch introduces significant code changes, but it lacks corresponding unit tests to ensure the new feature works as expected and to prevent regressions.

  2. Security Risks: The patch includes a curl command to download a file from the internet (Meta-Llama-3-8B-Instruct.Q5_K_M.gguf). This could pose a security risk if the source is untrusted or compromised.

  3. Hardcoded Strings: Several hardcoded strings are added in the source code, which may not be ideal for maintainability and localization support in the future.

  4. Error Handling: The patch lacks comprehensive error handling mechanisms, notably in handling network errors during file downloads or environment variable parsing.

  5. Code Duplication: There is noticeable code duplication in setting options based on environment variables in multiple places. Refactoring these parts into reusable functions could improve maintainability.

  6. Performance Impact: As the LLAMA3 feature involves additional processing and configurations, performance testing should be conducted to verify that there are no significant performance regressions.

In summary, while the patch introduces new functionality, it needs improvements in terms of testing, security practices, error handling, and code quality to ensure a robust and maintainable implementation.