second-state / WasmEdge-WASINN-examples

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[Example] ggml: use b2694 to verify the behavior #133

Open hydai opened 4 weeks ago

juntao commented 4 weeks ago

Hello, I am a code review bot on Here are my reviews of code commits in this PR.

Commit 64384910a2570e74df11c15fa105ac95348b7d85

Key Changes

Potential Problems

  1. Lack of Explanation: The commit message lacks details on why the change was made. It would be beneficial to include a more descriptive explanation of why wasi_nn-ggml is being replaced or supplemented by wasi_nn-ggml-b2694.

  2. Impact on Behavior: The impact of introducing wasi_nn-ggml-b2694 is unclear. Without more context or testing results, it's challenging to assess the effect it will have on the workflow or project behavior.

  3. Consistency: The change introduces a new plugin but does not provide information on whether this change affects other parts of the system or if any other configurations need to be adjusted accordingly.

  4. Testing: It is not clear whether sufficient testing has been conducted with the new plugin (wasi_nn-ggml-b2694). Additional information detailing the testing process and results would be useful.

Overall, the pull request lacks context, testing details, and clarity on the implications of the introduced changes. It would be beneficial to address these points before merging the pull request.