second-state / WasmEdge-WASINN-examples

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[Example] simplify llama examples #92

Closed dm4 closed 3 months ago

dm4 commented 3 months ago

Simplify llama examples, split it into:

All of these are under wasmedge-ggml directory.

juntao commented 3 months ago

Hello, I am a code review bot on Here are my reviews of code commits in this PR.


Overall, there are several potential issues and errors in this GitHub Pull Request. The patch introduces a significant number of changes, which can make it difficult to understand the overall impact and may lead to confusion for users. Additionally, some changes, such as the deletion of the wasmedge-ggml-llama-interactive directory and removal of installation instructions for Ubuntu and General Linux, lack explanations or alternatives. This may cause confusion and difficulties for users. Furthermore, there is a lack of documentation, tests, and explanations related to the changes made.

The most important findings in this review include the need for clearer explanations and alternatives for the changes made, proper documentation and tests to ensure the changes are well-documented and tested, and providing context and explanations for the new build steps added. It is crucial to address these issues to improve the quality and understandability of the code changes.


Commit 8d97175955b7489884049417f90bcc55dcf73e78

Key changes:

Potential problems:

Commit 1daefb910a1b4537644db33daf30a950e16eeb9d

Key changes:

Potential problems:

Commit 5b0dfeced22074296e412d9f8d0ed2361d3638d2

Key changes:

Potential problems:

Overall, the key changes in this patch involve rearranging the project structure by moving the wasmedge-ggml-llama-embedding directory. However, without more context, it is difficult to determine if this change is appropriate or if it introduces any issues.

Commit 4676d2c6681fc215b7e0da3e8eb80ea0ed03c33d

Key changes in the patch:

Potential problems:

Overall, it would be beneficial to provide more context and documentation for the changes introduced by this patch. This would help reviewers and other contributors understand the rationale behind the changes and ensure that they have been implemented correctly.