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Open wangxianbin222 opened 1 year ago

wangxianbin222 commented 1 year ago


jingb commented 1 year ago

hello, are you here

flows-network-integration[bot] commented 1 year ago

Hello! Yes, I'm here. How can I assist you today?

wangxianbin222 commented 1 year ago


flows-network-integration[bot] commented 1 year ago

I'm sorry, but as an AI language model, I don't have the capability to predict future events or outcomes such as predicting the 2023 UEFA Champions League winner. It's important to remember that sports matches are unpredictable and influenced by many factors such as team performance, injuries, luck, and other variables that are often difficult to predict.

wangxianbin222 commented 1 year ago


flows-network-integration[bot] commented 1 year ago


wangxianbin222 commented 1 year ago


flows-network-integration[bot] commented 1 year ago


  1. 确认自己符合报考条件:一般来说,公务员要求具有相关专业学士以上学历,年龄在18-35周岁之间,身体健康等。

  2. 关注招考公告:政府机关和事业单位一般都会在官方网站公布招考公告,您需要关注官方网站或者报刊、电视等媒体,了解报考时间、考试科目、考试内容等信息。

  3. 做好准备工作:考公务员需要掌握相关的知识和技能,可以通过自学或者参加培训班等方式进行备考。还需要熟悉考试方式和内容,进行模拟试题练习,提高应试能力。

  4. 提交报名申请:在报名时间内,按照招考公告的要求提交报名申请,并按要求提交所需的材料。

  5. 参加招考考试:通常考试分为笔试和面试两个环节,需要根据招考公告要求参加相应的考试。

  6. 考试合格且体检合格的应试者入选录用:应试者通过考试并体检合格后,就可以获得录用资格,成为政府机关和事业单位的公务员。


wangxianbin222 commented 1 year ago


flows-network-integration[bot] commented 1 year ago



2.练习做题: 练习做题是不可或缺的一步,可以提高自己做题速度,增加自身的做题经验,熟悉题型、知道考试难度和考题范围。





wangxianbin222 commented 1 year ago


flows-network-integration[bot] commented 1 year ago


  1. 娱乐场所,如夜总会、KTV、酒吧、飞机场灯光舞厅等。

  2. 按摩场所,如足疗、推拿、盲人按摩等。

  3. 宾馆旅馆等住宿场所,如高档酒店、招待所、出租房等。


wangxianbin222 commented 1 year ago


flows-network-integration[bot] commented 1 year ago










wangxianbin222 commented 1 year ago


flows-network-integration[bot] commented 1 year ago





flows-network-integration[bot] commented 1 year ago

I'm sorry, but as an AI language model, I don't have the capability to provide you the current time. Please check your device's clock, or ask a voice assistant like Siri or Alexa if you have one.

ywang305 commented 1 year ago

in rails, I see an symbol or method named action_name, what is it?

flows-network-integration[bot] commented 1 year ago

In Ruby on Rails, action_name is a method that is available in controllers. This method returns the name of the current controller action being executed as a symbol.

For example, if you have a PostsController with an index action, accessing action_name inside index action would return :index. You can use this method to check which action is being executed in various parts of your application.

Here's an example of how to use action_name in a Rails controller:

class PostsController < ApplicationController
  def index
    if action_name == "index"
      # do something specific for index action
      # do something for other actions
flows-network-integration[bot] commented 1 year ago

In Ruby on Rails, action_name is a method that is available in controllers. This method returns the name of the current controller action being executed as a symbol.

For example, if you have a PostsController with an index action, accessing action_name inside index action would return :index. You can use this method to check which action is being executed in various parts of your application.

Here's an example of how to use action_name in a Rails controller:

class PostsController < ApplicationController
  def index
    if action_name == "index"
      # do something specific for index action
      # do something for other actions
ywang305 commented 1 year ago

show me an example of using Envelope in Gem "docusign_esign"

flows-network-integration[bot] commented 1 year ago

Sure! Here's an example of using the Envelope class in the docusign_esign gem:

# First, authenticate and create a client using the `DocuSign::eSign::ApiClient` class

# Create an envelope with a document
envelope_definition ={
  status: 'sent',
  documents: [{
      documentBase64: 'base64-encoded-document-string',
      name: 'example_document.pdf',
      documentId: '1'
  recipients: {
    signers: [{
        email: '',
        name: 'Recipient Name',
        recipientId: '1',
        tabs: {
          signHereTabs: [
              documentId: '1',
              recipientId: '1',
              tabLabel: 'Sign Here'

# Create the envelope using the EnvelopeApi class
envelope_api =
envelope_summary = envelope_api.create_envelope(account_id, envelope_definition)
puts "Envelope sent with ID: #{envelope_summary.envelope_id}"

This example creates an envelope with a single PDF document and a single recipient who is asked to sign at a specific location on the document. The envelope is then sent using the create_envelope method of the EnvelopeApi class.

ywang305 commented 1 year ago

what is the mind model of Envelope in Docusign

flows-network-integration[bot] commented 1 year ago

In the DocuSign platform, an Envelope is essentially a container for all the information necessary to send a document or transaction for signature. It represents a single signing request and contains various components such as the document(s) to be signed, the recipients who should sign or receive copies of the documents, and any necessary authentication or routing information.

More specifically, an Envelope contains the status of the signing process, the list of recipients who need to sign, and the tabs (such as signature or date fields) that need to be applied at specific locations on the document(s). Other details such as email subject and message, custom fields, branding information, and notifications can also be included.

In summary, the Envelope class in the DocuSign platform serves as a way to encapsulate and manage all the elements involved in the signing process, and allows developers to create, send, and manage these envelopes programmatically.

ywang305 commented 1 year ago

example to send an Envelope

flows-network-integration[bot] commented 1 year ago

Sure, here's an example of how you can send an envelope using the DocuSign eSignature API:

# First, authenticate and create a client using the DocuSign::eSign::ApiClient class

# Define the envelope's recipient(s) and document(s)
signer1 =
  email: '',
  name: 'Jane Doe',
  recipient_id: '1',
    sign_here_tabs: [
        anchor_string: '/signature1/',
        anchor_units: 'pixels',
        anchor_x_offset: '0',
        anchor_y_offset: '-7'
document1 =
  document_base64: Base64.encode64('document_data_goes_here'),
  name: 'example_document.pdf',
  document_id: '1'

# Create and send the envelope
envelope_definition =
  email_subject: 'Please sign this document',
  documents: [document1],
  recipients: [signer1]),
  status: 'sent'
envelope_api =
envelope_summary = envelope_api.create_envelope(account_id, envelope_definition)
puts "Envelope sent with ID: #{envelope_summary.envelope_id}"

This example creates an envelope with a single PDF document and a single recipient who is asked to sign at a specific location on the document. The EnvelopeDefinition object is then passed to the create_envelope method of the EnvelopesApi class to send the envelope.

ywang305 commented 1 year ago

what's HMAC in Docusign service

flows-network-integration[bot] commented 1 year ago

In the DocuSign service, HMAC stands for "Hash-based Message Authentication Code." It is a way to ensure the integrity and authenticity of data being sent between two parties. HMAC uses a secret key to generate a digital signature for a message, which can then be verified by the receiving party using the same secret key. This helps to prevent tampering and unauthorized access to sensitive data. In DocuSign, HMAC is used to secure and verify API requests sent to the service.

ywang305 commented 1 year ago

why we still need HMAC in terms of that there is already HTTPS/SSL connection

flows-network-integration[bot] commented 1 year ago

Even though HTTPS/SSL provides a secure and encrypted communication channel between a client and a server, it can still be vulnerable to attacks such as Man-in-the-Middle (MITM) attacks, where an attacker intercepts the communication and steals or alters the data being transmitted.

HMAC provides an additional layer of security by ensuring the integrity and authenticity of the data being transmitted. It does this by generating a digital signature using a secret key and message, which can then be verified by the receiving party using the same secret key. This helps to prevent tampering and unauthorized access to sensitive data.

Therefore, using HMAC in addition to HTTPS/SSL can provide an even greater level of security and ensure that the data being transmitted is authentic and has not been altered.

ywang305 commented 1 year ago

HMAC is using symmetric or asymmetric key ?

flows-network-integration[bot] commented 1 year ago

HMAC (Hash-based Message Authentication Code) is a technique that uses a symmetric key to generate a digital signature for a message.

In an HMAC system, both the sender and receiver share a secret key, and the sender uses this key to generate a digital signature for a message. The receiver then uses the same key to verify the signature and ensure that the message has not been tampered with.

Symmetric key algorithms are generally faster and more efficient than asymmetric key algorithms, making them a popular choice for HMAC implementations. As a result, HMAC is typically implemented using a symmetric key.