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about hyperbolic space #14

Closed yxonic closed 1 year ago

yxonic commented 1 year ago

What are the pros and cons to use hyperbolic space in Knowledge Graph representation?

flows-network-integration[bot] commented 1 year ago

Hyperbolic space is becoming increasingly popular for representing complex structures such as the word embeddings in natural language processing or the node and edge embeddings in graph neural networks. Here are some potential pros and cons to consider when using hyperbolic space for Knowledge Graph representation:


  1. More compact and efficient representation: Hyperbolic spaces can encode higher-dimensional information in a more compact way than Euclidean spaces. This can be especially beneficial when working with very large and complex Knowledge Graphs.
  2. Capture hierarchical relationships: Hyperbolic spaces are particularly good at capturing hierarchical relationships between entities in a Knowledge Graph. This is because hyperbolic space has more curvature than Euclidean space, which allows it to represent exponentially more points in the same amount of space.
  3. Out-of-sample generalization: Hyperbolic embeddings can better generalize to new nodes and relationships that weren't present in the training data. This is because the exponential nature of hyperbolic space means that new points can be "extrapolated" from the existing embeddings.


  1. Difficult to visualize: Hyperbolic space can be challenging to visualize for humans, which can make it harder to understand and interpret the embeddings.
  2. Non-Euclidean geometry can be hard to work with: Many traditional machine learning algorithms and tools operate in Euclidean space, so using hyperbolic space can require specialized software and development.
  3. Possible computational complexity: Hyperbolic space can be computationally expensive to work with, especially as the dimensionality of the embeddings increases. This can make it difficult to train and work with large-scale Knowledge Graphs.
yxonic commented 1 year ago

Is it a good idea to combine information in both Euclidean space and hyperbolic space?

flows-network-integration[bot] commented 1 year ago

Yes, combining information from both Euclidean space and hyperbolic space can be a good idea, as each space has its own advantages and disadvantages. For example, Euclidean space is more familiar to humans, and many traditional machine learning algorithms and tools operate in this space. However, hyperbolic space can be more efficient in representing hierarchical data structures such as Knowledge Graphs.

One approach is to use a hybrid model that combines the strengths of both spaces. For example, a model could use hyperbolic space to capture hierarchical relationships between entities in a Knowledge Graph, and then use Euclidean space to add additional features or contextual information that might not be part of the graph structure. This approach has been taken in recent research, where researchers have proposed hyperbolic neural networks that combine both types of spaces.

The specific approach will depend on the particular use case, as well as the available resources, but combining information from both spaces can lead to more accurate and efficient models in some cases.

yxonic commented 1 year ago

Are hyperbolic space representations generally two dimensional?

flows-network-integration[bot] commented 1 year ago

Hyperbolic space representations can have any number of dimensions, just like Euclidean space. In fact, hyperbolic spaces are defined by their intrinsic curvature, which determines their dimensionality. Specifically, a hyperbolic space of constant curvature can have any number of dimensions, whereas a Euclidean space has only three dimensions.

That being said, some recent research in hyperbolic geometry and machine learning has focused on two-dimensional hyperbolic spaces as a way to visualize and analyze complex data structures such as Knowledge Graphs. This is because two-dimensional hyperbolic spaces are more intuitive and easier to visualize than higher-dimensional spaces, and can still capture many of the key properties of hyperbolic geometry, such as exponential growth and hierarchical structure.

However, high-dimensional hyperbolic spaces can also be used to represent complex data structures, and may be necessary in some cases to accurately capture the intrinsic geometry of the data. Ultimately, the best approach will depend on the specific application and the particular data structure being analyzed.

yxonic commented 1 year ago

How to incorporate Knowledge Graphs in recommender systems?

flows-network-integration[bot] commented 1 year ago

Incorporating Knowledge Graphs into recommender systems can improve the accuracy and interpretability of the recommendation results. Here are some common approaches to integrating Knowledge Graphs into recommender systems:

  1. Knowledge Graph-based Collaborative Filtering: Collaborative filtering focuses mainly on user-item interactions, and does not take into account the relationships between items. To incorporate the relationships between items, researchers have proposed methods that use the structure of the Knowledge Graph to model the interactions between users and items. These methods typically use graph neural networks or other deep learning techniques to learn representations of the user-item-Knowledge-Graph subgraphs that capture the relevancy, similarity, and distance between entities.

  2. Knowledge Graph-based Content-based Filtering: In content-based filtering, recommendations are made based on the attributes of the items and the user preferences. To model the relationships between the items and the user preferences, some researchers have proposed methods that use the structure of the Knowledge Graph to propagate the user preferences to the relevant items in the graph. Again, these methods typically use deep learning techniques to learn the representations of the user-Knowledge-Graph subgraphs that capture the user preferences and the relevancy, similarity, and distance between items.

  3. Knowledge Graph-based Hybrid Recommender Systems: A third approach is to combine collaborative filtering and content-based filtering by taking into account both user-item interactions and the attributes of the items. To incorporate the Knowledge Graph into hybrid recommender systems, some researchers have proposed methods that use the graph structure to model the hierarchical relationships between items and to propagate the signals from similar items in the graph.

These are just some approaches to incorporating Knowledge Graphs into recommender systems. The specific approach will depend on the specific application and the nature of the Knowledge Graph and the available data.

yxonic commented 1 year ago

What are scale-free graphs?

flows-network-integration[bot] commented 1 year ago

Scale-free graphs are a type of complex network where there are only a few nodes with a very high degree of connectivity, while most other nodes have fewer connections. This leads to a graph structure that is characterized by a heavy-tailed or power-law degree distribution, where the distribution of the number of connections (or degree) of each node follows a power-law function.

In a scale-free graph, the highly connected nodes are called "hubs" and are thought to play an important role in the structure and dynamics of the network. These hubs are often important for the spread of information, disease, or other types of contagion.

Scale-free graphs can be found in many natural and artificial systems, such as social networks, the internet, biological networks, citation networks, and many others. They are thought to arise through a process of preferential attachment, where new nodes are more likely to connect to nodes that are already highly connected, leading to a self-reinforcing process where the rich get richer.

Understanding the structure and dynamics of scale-free graphs is an important area of research, as it can help us understand how complex systems evolve and function.

yxonic commented 1 year ago

Why is the name "scale-free"?

flows-network-integration[bot] commented 1 year ago

Scale-free networks get their name from the fact that their degree distribution follows a power-law function, which means that the distribution has the same shape on any spatial or temporal scale. This is in contrast to random graphs, where the degree distribution is typically Gaussian-shaped and changes as the size of the graph changes.

The power-law degree distribution means that the number of nodes with k connections decreases as a power function of k. This implies that the distribution has no characteristic scale, or length scale, because the function scales across several orders of magnitude. So, no matter how you zoom in or out on a scale-free network, the degree distribution has the same shape.

This property of scale-freeness has important implications for the structure and dynamics of complex networks. For example, it has been shown that scale-free networks are more resilient to random node failures, but more vulnerable to targeted attacks on the hub nodes. Furthermore, scale-free networks are thought to be more efficient at spreading information, but also more prone to the spread of viruses and other types of contagion.

Overall, the "scale-free" property of these networks captures the idea that they lack a characteristic scale or length, and have properties that are invariant over many scales.

yxonic commented 1 year ago

Are there any other scale-free concepts in machine learning?

flows-network-integration[bot] commented 1 year ago

The concept of scale-freeness has been explored in various machine learning contexts, particularly in the areas of feature selection and representation learning. Here are some examples:

  1. Scale-free Feature Selection: Scale-free feature selection aims to identify a subset of the most informative features from a larger set of features. This is done by selecting features based on their power-law distribution of scores, rather than just their raw score values. This approach ensures that the selected features have a similar distribution of values, regardless of their scale, making them more robust to data transformations and feature scaling.

  2. Scale-free Representations: One key goal of representation learning is to find low-dimensional representations that preserve the structure and relationships of high-dimensional data. Recently, researchers have proposed using hyperbolic geometry, which is a type of non-Euclidean geometry that exhibits scale-free properties, as a way to model complex data structures such as Knowledge Graphs. In hyperbolic representations, embeddings of similar entities are closer together in the hyperbolic space, regardless of their global ranking, leading to a more scale-free structure.

  3. Scale-free Learning Rate Scheduling: In training deep neural networks, the learning rate determines how much the model parameters are updated at each iteration of the optimization algorithm. Recent research has explored using scale-free learning rate scheduling, where the learning rate is scaled in a way that mirrors the power-law degree distribution of the network. This approach has been shown to lead to faster convergence and better performance in certain types of networks.

These are just some examples of how the concept of scale-freeness has been applied in machine learning. As machine learning continues to evolve, it is likely that we will see more ideas and methods inspired by scale-free concepts.

yxonic commented 1 year ago

If I want to review a paper about using hyperbolic space for recommender systems, what aspects should I check?

flows-network-integration[bot] commented 1 year ago

When reviewing a paper about using hyperbolic space for recommender systems, here are some aspects you might consider checking:

  1. Relevance: Does the paper clearly explain why hyperbolic space is useful for recommender systems, and how it improves upon existing methods? Does the paper provide enough background information and context for the reader to understand this?

  2. Approach: Does the paper present a clear and feasible approach for using hyperbolic space in recommender systems? Are the methods and techniques used appropriate and well described?

  3. Experiments: Does the paper present experiments and results that demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method? Are the experiments well-designed, with appropriate baselines and evaluation metrics?

  4. Significance: Does the paper make a significant contribution to the field of recommender systems, either by proposing a new method or by improving upon existing ones? Does it have implications for other areas of research, or for practical applications in industry?

  5. Clarity and organization: Is the paper well-written, with clear and concise language? Is it well-organized, with an easy-to-follow structure and clear section headings?

  6. References: Are the references relevant and up-to-date? Does the paper build upon existing research in a meaningful way?

By considering these aspects, you can provide a comprehensive and thoughtful review of the paper.