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Write a github issue template for this repo #53

Open shivaylamba opened 1 year ago

flows-network-integration[bot] commented 1 year ago

Sure, I can help you with that! Here is an example of a GitHub issue template for this repo:

Issue Title

[Add a descriptive title for the issue]


[Provide a clear and concise description of the issue]

Steps to Reproduce

[If applicable, provide step-by-step instructions to reproduce the issue]

Expected Behavior

[Describe the behavior you were expecting]

Actual Behavior

[Describe the behavior you encountered]

Screenshots/Logs (Optional)

[If applicable, attach screenshots or logs that can help clarify the issue]

Additional Context

[Include any other relevant information about the issue]

You can customize this template by adding or removing sections based on your specific needs.

shivaylamba commented 1 year ago

Use the following request body: { "version": 0, "orderId": "5349b4ddd2781d08c09890f4", "orderNumber": "309019176", "orderDate": "2022-05-12T09:30:31.198Z", "cancellationDate": "2022-05-12T09:30:31.198Z", "allocationDate": "2022-05-12T09:30:31.198Z", "channelId": "12", "cartId": "b03b72dc-78d8-4ea4-90fc-2fe6a1fe6569", "type": "WEB", "subType": "International", "processName": "CANCEL", "employeeId": "43278", "retail": { "locationNum": 123, "cashierId": "C-123", "registerId": "113", "transactionId": "R123-431-1133-2129" }, "orderSubTotal": 123.45, "originalSubTotal": 113.45, "orderDiscount": 1.23, "originalDiscounts": 1.45, "feeTotal": 12.34, "originalFeeTotal": 12.34, "taxTotal": 12.34, "appeasementTotal": 12.34, "originalTaxTotal": 12.34, "returnTotal": 12.34, "cancelTotal": 12.34, "invoiceTotal": 12.34, "orderTotal": 146.9, "originalOrderTotal": 146.9, "currency": "USD", "statusCode": "ORDER_CREATED", "statusDescription": "Order Created", "attributes": { "type": "String/Number/JSON", "purchaseOrder": "String", "salesRepId": "String", "approve": "String", "fraudCheckSessionId": "aee6d1face0e4d55948d1e30b6240048", "fraudCheckStatus": "UPDATED", "fraudCheckTransId": "0R12TQ46", "fraudScore": "31" }, "fees": [ { "type": "shipping", "value": 34.56, "invoiceValue": 34.56 } ], "appeasements": [ { "appeasementCounter": 1, "reasonCode": "Incorrect item", "subReasonCode": "Late shipping", "value": 34.56, "invoiceValue": 34.56, "payments": [ { "paymentCounter": 1, "refundAmount": 40 } ] } ], "discounts": [ { "quantity": 2, "amount": 2.4, "unit": "AMOUNT_OFF", "value": 2, "promoId": "HNY2022", "promoCode": "HNY2022", "promoTitle": "Happy New Year", "type": "promotion", "invoiceQuantity": 2, "returnQuantity": 2, "cancelQuantity": 2 } ], "customer": { "name": { "first": "John", "middle": "Middle", "last": "Doe" }, "email": "", "phone": { "number": "55555555555", "type": "MOBILE" }, "userId": "62272e917b12209e68751d94", "accountId": "62272e917b12209e68751d94", "employeeId": "62272e917b12209e68751d94", "company": "fabric" }, "payments": [ { "paymentCounter": 1, "paymentDate": "2022-01-27T16:15:58-05:00", "billToId": "62272e917b12209e68751d94", "paymentIdentifier": { "cardIdentifier": "3456", "expirationYear": "2029", "expirationMonth": "2029", "paymentId": "62272e917b12209e68751d94", "fabricPaymentReference": "test" }, "paymentProvider": "stripe", "paymentToken": { "token": "pi_34tr6787rt", "paymentType": "VISA" }, "paymentMethod": "CREDIT_CARD", "authAmount": 123.2, "chargedAmount": 60, "refundAmount": 40, "currency": "USD", "conversion": 1, "paymentStatus": "OK", "partialCapture": "false", "finalCapture": "false", "paymentLog": "payment response list", "billToAddress": { "name": { "first": "John", "middle": "Middle", "last": "Doe" }, "email": "", "phone": { "number": "55555555555", "type": "MOBILE" }, "address1": "First line of address", "address2": "123 Parking Lot", "address3": "Third line of address", "address4": "Fourth line of address", "city": "Beaumont", "state": "TX", "country": "USA", "postalCode": "77705", "type": "residence", "latitude": 35.294952, "longitude": 32.294952 }, "attributes": { "expirationMonth": 12 } } ], "items": [ { "lineItemId": "b03b72dc-78d8-4ea4-90fc-2fe6a1fe6569", "lineItemNumber": 1, "itemId": "1234", "sku": "P1234", "channelId": "WHBM", "segment": "P1234", "vendorId": "P1234", "title": "Item", "type": "WEB_SHIP", "subType": "Borderfree", "backorder": true, "orderedQuantity": 60, "backOrderedQuantity": 10, "pendingShippedQuantity": 10, "pendingShippedBackOrderQuantity": 10, "shippedQuantity": 10, "deliveredQuantity": 10, "invoiceQuantity": 10, "cancelledQuantity": 10, "pendingReturnQuantity": 10, "processingReturnQuantity": 10, "rejectedReturnQuantity": 10, "returnedQuantity": 10, "reshippedQuantity": 10, "uom": "EA", "shipToId": "b03b72dc-78d8-4ea4-90fc-2fe6a1fe6569", "itemUnitPrice": 10, "itemSubTotal": 600, "originalItemSubTotal": 600, "itemFeeTotal": 5, "originalFeeTotal": 5, "itemShippingTotal": 5, "originalShippingTotal": 5, "appeasementTotal": 5.5, "itemDiscountsTotal": 55, "originalDiscounts": 55, "itemTaxTotal": 5, "originalTaxTotal": 555, "itemTotal": 555, "originalItemTotal": 555, "outstandingItemTotal": 555, "originalOutstandingItemTotal": 555, "invoiceTotal": 555, "currency": "USD", "employeeId": "5345HJH", "associateId": "5345HJH", "fees": [ { "type": "tax", "value": 34.56, "invoiceQuantity": 34, "refundAmount": 10.4, "quantity": 12 } ], "appeasements": [ { "appeasementCounter": 1, "reasonCode": "Incorrect item", "subReasonCode": "Late shipping", "value": 34.56, "invoiceValue": 34.56, "payments": [ { "paymentCounter": 1, "refundAmount": 40 } ] } ], "returns": [ { "shipmentId": "12353543", "shipmentLineItemId": "2412341", "shipmentQuantity": 1, "refundAmount": 11.29, "invoicedAmount": 11.29, "returnsCreatedAt": "2022-09-14T14:07:36.861Z" } ], "taxCode": "FR01", "taxDetail": [ { "type": "tax", "value": 34.56 } ], "discounts": [ { "quantity": 2, "amount": 2.4, "unit": "AMOUNT_OFF", "value": 2, "promoId": "HNY2022", "promoCode": "HNY2022", "promoTitle": "Happy New Year", "type": "promotion", "invoiceQuantity": 2, "returnQuantity": 2, "cancelQuantity": 2 } ], "attributes": { "isDonation": true, "isGiftCard": false, "isFinalSale": false, "returnsLink": true }, "exchangeItem": true, "parentLineItemNumber": 12, "pendingExchangeQuantity": 12, "exchangeQuantity": 13, "refundAmount": 12.4, "lineOrderStatus": "VALID", "infiniteConsent": true, "notes": [ { "timestamp": "2022-05-12T09:30:31.198Z", "user": "62272e917b12209e68751d94", "notes": "Extra information to be provided" } ], "gifting": true } ], "shipInfo": [ { "shipToId": "5349b4ddd2781d08c09890f4", "taxCode": "FR01", "locationNum": "123", "pickup": [ { "name": { "first": "John", "middle": "Middle", "last": "Doe" }, "email": "", "phone": { "number": "55555555555", "type": "MOBILE" }, "pickupType": "Primary" } ], "shipToAddress": { "name": { "first": "John", "middle": "Middle", "last": "Doe" }, "email": "", "phone": { "number": "55555555555", "type": "MOBILE" }, "address1": "First line of address", "address2": "123 Parking Lot", "address3": "Third line of address", "address4": "Fourth line of address", "city": "Beaumont", "state": "TX", "country": "USA", "postalCode": "77705", "type": "residence", "latitude": 35.294952, "longitude": 32.294952 }, "taxDetail": [ { "type": "tax", "value": 34.56 } ], "shipMethod": "Express Delivery", "shipToType": "SHIP_TO_ADDRESS", "estimatedShipDate": "2022-05-12T09:30:31.198Z", "estimatedDeliveryDate": "2022-05-12T09:30:31.198Z", "shipToPrice": 20, "shipToDiscount": 12.6, "shipToTaxTotal": 12.6, "shipmentInstructions": "User instructions", "attributes": { "isOpenBox": false, "isOTPDElivery": true } } ], "auditLogs": [ { "auditId": "62272e917b12209e68751d94", "auditType": "string", "employeeId": "62272e917b12209e68751d94", "auditTimestamp": "2022-05-12T09:24:54.804Z", "source": "POS", "reasonCode": "POS", "subReasonCode": "POS", "policyCode": "POS", "note": "Note", "lineItemId": "b03b72dc-78d8-4ea4-90fc-2fe6a1fe6569", "lineItemNumber": 1, "sku": "F5F", "quantity": 1, "amount": 2.4, "paymentToken": { "token": "pi_34tr6787rt", "paymentType": "VISA" }, "success": true, "paymentResponse": {}, "updatedFields": [ { "fieldName": "UOM", "fieldOriginalValue": "PK" } ], "attributes": { "property1": {}, "property2": {} } } ], "notes": [ { "timestamp": "2022-05-12T09:30:31.198Z", "user": "62272e917b12209e68751d94", "notes": "Extra information to be provided" } ], "orderReleaseTimestamp": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "updatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z" }

and create two mcq question for Get an order API - Retrieves an order by orderId or orderNumber. If orderId or orderNumber is not provided, this endpoint retrieves all orders for a merchant.

flows-network-integration[bot] commented 1 year ago

Sure, here are two MCQ questions based on the Get an order API:

  1. What is the purpose of the Get an order API? a. Retrieves an order by orderId or orderNumber b. Places a new order in the system c. Deletes an existing order from the system d. Updates an existing order in the system

Answer: a. Retrieves an order by orderId or orderNumber

  1. If no orderId or orderNumber is provided, what does the Get an order API do? a. Retrieves all orders for a merchant b. Returns an error message c. Deletes all orders for a merchant d. Creates a new order for a merchant

Answer: a. Retrieves all orders for a merchant

shivaylamba commented 1 year ago

A price list is a collection of items and their assigned prices. An item can exist in multiple price lists. This gives you the ability to assign different prices to same item. Price lists let you set currency and duration of the prices. For example, if the price list expires, the prices of the items within the price list will also expire.

When requesting prices or evaluating promotions, you should mention the price list ID that you want to use. You can configure the pricing API to include your default price list in all requests.

use this information and create a mcq question around Which option(s) best describes the use cases that price lists cover?

flows-network-integration[bot] commented 1 year ago

Which option(s) best describes the use cases that price lists cover?

A. Allowing the assignment of different prices to the same item B. Setting currency and duration of prices C. Configuring default price list in all requests D. All of the above

Answer: D. All of the above