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What's the most important features in a cloud data warehosue? #6

Open flaneur2020 opened 1 year ago

flaneur2020 commented 1 year ago

What's the most important features in a cloud data warehosue?

flows-network-integration[bot] commented 1 year ago

There are several important features to consider when choosing a cloud data warehouse:

  1. Scalability: A cloud data warehouse should be able to scale up or down based on data volumes and processing needs.

  2. Performance: The performance of the data warehouse should be predictable and consistent even with large data volumes and complex queries.

  3. Integration: The ability to integrate with different data sources and tools is critical for a cloud data warehouse.

  4. Security: The warehouse should provide robust security features such as role-based access control, encryption, and audit logging.

  5. Flexibility: The ability to support multiple data formats, data types, and deployment options is critical.

  6. Cost: The pricing model of the cloud data warehouse should be transparent, flexible, and predictable.

flaneur2020 commented 1 year ago

how to implement a cloud data warehouse to reduce the cost to extreme?

flows-network-integration[bot] commented 1 year ago

Here are some ways to reduce the cost of implementing a cloud data warehouse:

  1. Use data compression: Compressing data can reduce the amount of data storage required and, consequently, reduce the cost of storage.

  2. Use data partitioning: Partitioning data can help in improving querying performance and reduce the amount of data that needs to be processed, thereby decreasing processing costs.

  3. Implement data archiving: Archiving can help you move less frequently used data to less expensive storage options such as S3 Glacier. This can free up storage and processing resources for more frequently used data sets.

  4. Optimize queries: Writing efficient queries can help reduce the amount of processing needed to respond to a query, thereby reducing costs.

  5. Use auto scalability: Auto-scaling allows the cloud data warehouse to scale up or down automatically based on workload or usage patterns. So, the resources allocated can be more precisely scaled to handle the actual workload.

  6. Use serverless options: Serverless technologies like AWS Lambda functions can be used to perform ETL processes without the need for dedicated compute resources.

  7. Use reserved instances: By reserving instance capacity for a longer period, you can save up to 75% of the cost of on-demand pricing. Cloud providers offer significant discounts on reserved instances.

flaneur2020 commented 1 year ago

serverless is a good technology, however it have some limits on executing ETL processes, likewise it have a limited CPU power & limited memory, how to override these limits without losing the benefits of serverless?

flows-network-integration[bot] commented 1 year ago

You are right that serverless may have some limits on executing ETL processes, including limited CPU power and memory. However, there are a few ways to overcome these limits while still enjoying the benefits of serverless.

  1. Use parallel processing: When processing a large data set, break it down into smaller, parallelizable tasks that can be distributed across many serverless functions, each acting on a small portion of data. By dividing the workload, you can take advantage of the scalability of serverless while still maintaining adequate resources for each task.

  2. Use serverless APIs: APIs can be used to access preconfigured ETL service instances that run on dedicated compute instances with more powerful CPUs and more memory resources. Serverless APIs can also provide optimized execution environments that abstract away the underlying infrastructure and allow users to focus more on the ETL process.

  3. Use AWS Lambda layers: Layers are packages of shared code that can be used across multiple lambda functions. By using layers, you can add additional libraries, dependencies, and other customizations to Lambda functions to enhance their capabilities beyond what is available natively within serverless.

  4. Use cache: By caching intermediate results, you can limit the amount of data that needs to be processed repeatedly in serverless functions, thereby reducing the amount of CPU and memory resources required for compute.

  5. Use pre-built templates: Many cloud vendors provide pre-built ETL templates, such as AWS Glue jobs, that use efficient algorithms and resource-optimized coding practices to minimize compute requirements while still achieving acceptable performance.

By applying these techniques, you can work around the limitations of serverless while still enjoying the benefits of cost-effectiveness, scalability, and ease-of-use.

flaneur2020 commented 1 year ago

the serverless tech also have a limit about it lacks standard among diferent cloud providers, if I want provide a service on serverless technolodgy and also hope to provide services on multiple cloud providers, what's the best practise?

flows-network-integration[bot] commented 1 year ago

You are right that serverless technologies lack standardization across different cloud providers, which can make it challenging to provide services on multiple cloud platforms. Here are some best practices to consider:

  1. Use a cloud-agnostic library or framework to write serverless functions: You can use cloud-agnostic libraries (like OpenFaaS, Knative, or Crossplane) or framework (like the Serverless Framework) to write your serverless functions. This approach allows you to write your code once and deploy it across multiple cloud providers, greatly reducing the effort required to build and maintain separate codebases for each provider.

  2. Use abstraction layers: Abstraction layers, like Apache OpenWhisk, can be used to define a common set of APIs for triggering and executing serverless functions that can be implemented by multiple cloud providers. This approach abstracts away the underlying infrastructure, making it easier to migrate between cloud providers or implement multi-cloud strategies.

  3. Follow a cloud-agnostic deployment process: You can use a cloud-agnostic deployment process (like GitOps) to enable your serverless functions to run transparently across multi-cloud providers. Tools like Jenkins X or Argo CD can be used to deploy and manage serverless functions in a standard way, regardless of the underlying cloud provider.

  4. Use cloud-agnostic service composition tools: You can use cloud-agnostic service composition tools (like Istio, Service Mesh, or Kong) to define common service meshes across multiple cloud providers, enabling you to manage and monitor a set of serverless functions with a common control plane.

  5. Leverage cloud-neutral APIs: Cloud-neutral APIs, like AWS EventBridge or Google Cloud Functions, can be used to enable interoperability and data exchange between serverless functions deployed on multiple cloud providers.

By following these best practices, you can overcome the lack of standardization between serverless providers and enable your serverless functions to run transparently across multi-cloud providers.

flaneur2020 commented 1 year ago

can you suggest any cloud-agnostic solution? what're the names of these libraries or deployment processes?

flows-network-integration[bot] commented 1 year ago

Sure, here are some cloud-agnostic solutions that can be used for writing and deploying serverless functions:

  1. OpenFaaS: OpenFaaS is a cloud-agnostic serverless framework that allows developers to build and deploy functions to any cloud or server environment. It supports multiple languages and can be used to build and deploy functions on AWS, Azure, Google Cloud, and on-premise environments.

  2. Crossplane: Crossplane is an open-source, cloud-native framework that allows for a unified API and set of tools to provision, manage, and compose infrastructure across a wide range of cloud providers and on-premise environments.

  3. Serverless Framework: The Serverless Framework can be used to build and deploy serverless applications and functions on any cloud platform, including AWS, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud, and more. It provides a simple, open-source platform for writing your code and deploying it across multiple cloud providers.

  4. GitOps: GitOps is a cloud-agnostic deployment process that uses Git as the source of truth for declarative infrastructure and application management. It can be used to deploy and manage serverless applications and functions in a consistent, cloud-agnostic way.

  5. Istio: Istio is a cloud-agnostic service mesh that enables unified management of microservices deployed across multiple cloud providers. It can be used to manage and monitor serverless functions with a common control plane.

These are some of the cloud-agnostic solutions available to help developers write and deploy serverless functions on multiple cloud platforms.

flaneur2020 commented 1 year ago

to be honest I dont like openfaas very much, as it installs too many CRDs in my kubernetes cluster, way too many CRDs, already have got toooo many CRDs, makes me crazy.

flows-network-integration[bot] commented 1 year ago

I understand your concern. If you’re looking for an alternative to OpenFaaS that's less intrusive in terms of creating too many CRDs, here are a few options:

  1. Kubeless: Kubeless is a Kubernetes-native serverless framework that enables developers to create and deploy functions in any language. It deploys functions as Kubernetes-native objects, like pods, services and deployments, reducing the number of CRDs required.

  2. Nuclio: Nuclio is an open-source serverless platform that offers high performance and flexibility. It interfaces directly with Kubernetes, and offers a Kubernetes connector that exposes Kubernetes resources as trigger events.

  3. Fission: Fission is a Kubernetes-native, open-source serverless framework that can be deployed in any Kubernetes cluster. It offers a simple developer experience and a flexible architecture, without the need for additional infrastructure like servers or containers.

  4. OpenWhisk: OpenWhisk is an open-source serverless platform that supports a range of programming languages and enables developers to write and deploy functions using Docker containers. It can be deployed on Kubernetes, and offers a lightweight architecture with minimal dependencies.

Hopefully one of these options will better suit your needs and help you avoid having too many CRDs in your Kubernetes cluster.

flaneur2020 commented 1 year ago

nice suggestions, thank you!

flows-network-integration[bot] commented 1 year ago

You're welcome! I'm glad I could help. If you have any more questions, feel free to ask.