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[BUG-233274] Add a function to detect the "scripted agent / bot" status of an agent #10392

Open sl-service-account opened 1 year ago

sl-service-account commented 1 year ago

How would you like the feature to work?

The required flag could be added to the llRequestAgentData() function, which would return TRUE if the account has the Scripted Agent status set. Similar to returning the Payment Info On File flag.

Why is this feature important to you? How would it benefit the community?

There is signficant concern amongst residents about the increased use of bots, TPing around the grid continually to gather data on residents and disturning our use of land which we pay for by landing there, sometimes next to our beds! Since this seems an acceptable use of bots to LL, we urgently need a manner to detect and eject bots from our parcels.

This would give residents at least some means of protecting their privacy on their land without resorting to antisocial methods like whitelists and ban lines, which also disrupt free travel in vehicles etc.

Obviously, bots not indicated as such would not be detected but that is a matter for the TOS and LL to act on.



Original Jira Fields | Field | Value | | ------------- | ------------- | | Issue | BUG-233274 | | Summary | Add a function to detect the "scripted agent / bot" status of an agent | | Type | New Feature Request | | Priority | Unset | | Status | Accepted | | Resolution | Accepted | | Created at | 2023-01-28T21:32:08Z | | Updated at | 2023-03-30T16:28:15Z | ``` { 'Build Id': 'unset', 'Business Unit': ['Platform'], 'Date of First Response': '2023-01-28T16:59:54.491-0600', 'How would you like the feature to work?': 'The required flag could be added to the llRequestAgentData() function, which would return TRUE if the account has the Scripted Agent status set. Similar to returning the Payment Info On File flag.', 'ReOpened Count': 0.0, 'Severity': 'Unset', 'Target Viewer Version': 'viewer-development', 'Why is this feature important to you? How would it benefit the community?': 'There is signficant concern amongst residents about the increased use of bots, TPing around the grid continually to gather data on residents and disturning our use of land which we pay for by landing there, sometimes next to our beds! Since this seems an acceptable use of bots to LL, we urgently need a manner to detect and eject bots from our parcels. \r\n\r\nThis would give residents at least some means of protecting their privacy on their land without resorting to antisocial methods like whitelists and ban lines, which also disrupt free travel in vehicles etc.\r\n\r\nObviously, bots not indicated as such would not be detected but that is a matter for the TOS and LL to act on.', } ```
sl-service-account commented 1 year ago

usagihara commented at 2023-01-28T22:59:54Z, updated at 2023-01-28T23:20:31Z

Seconded. If we're not allowed to conceal our account status I see no good reason why bots should be afforded that privilege. If they're not doing anything nefarious, revealing their scripted agent status shouldn't be a problem.

sl-service-account commented 1 year ago

Fortyniner Beck commented at 2023-01-28T23:04:43Z

I would agree with this and Sparkle Bunny’s ’ comment.

sl-service-account commented 1 year ago

Count Burks commented at 2023-01-28T23:40:47Z

I did make the suggestion to Linden Lab concierge support to implement Disallow Scripted Agents in the Estate Panel. This function should also be implemented in the ABOUT LAND window of a parcel. This would also help to keep out bots from regions and parcels. 

sl-service-account commented 1 year ago

Lucia Nightfire commented at 2023-01-29T00:43:08Z

I don't recommend making it a dataserver based function, else there will be a cold war with people spamming the dataservers trying to check scripted agent status of every user key known.

I, instead, recommend a llGetObjectDetails() and OBJECT_SCRIPTED_AGENT method that requires the target at least be in the same region or nearby.

Also, the "land next to our beds" argument is kind of strange. Who would want a stranger, bot or user, unexpectedly entering their bedroom?

sl-service-account commented 1 year ago

Lyric.Demina commented at 2023-01-29T01:04:17Z

agreed and watching and hoping.

sl-service-account commented 1 year ago

rick.daylight commented at 2023-01-29T01:49:55Z

I agree with Lucia Nightfire regarding the llGetObjectDetails() being a much better way; I somehow forgot about that one. 

sl-service-account commented 1 year ago

coffeedujour commented at 2023-01-29T05:00:02Z

Agree with Lucia, this data needs to be received quickly so snap judgements can be made.

Count's suggestion for disallowing scripted agents entirely is also really great and relevant to this feature by reducing how much it gets hammered.

I would also suggest making parcels not shown in search entirely invisible to scripted agents.

sl-service-account commented 1 year ago

Feorie Frimon commented at 2023-01-29T23:25:57Z

I second this ticket! :)

sl-service-account commented 1 year ago

Takura Thielt commented at 2023-01-30T00:56:13Z

Adding my support for this feature. I think my opinion coincides with the comments by Coffee Pancake, Lucia Nightfire and Count Burks.

sl-service-account commented 1 year ago

simplynemz commented at 2023-01-30T01:48:31Z

As the representative for one of the most well known bot teams on Second Life currently, I would like to express my own personal support along with the support of the entire team for this feature.

Please implement as soon as viable.

sl-service-account commented 1 year ago

Alkaia Exonar commented at 2023-01-30T04:17:54Z

A scripted solution in general to the "bot problem" is a losing proposition, and this particular implementation of it (via dataserver event) is even more so. If a method for disallowing bots is desired, Count Burks' suggestion of adding it to the estate panel is significantly better. Avatars entering a region is already a lag pain point, we don't need to make it worse by having people running dataserver-based scans each time it happens. 

sl-service-account commented 1 year ago

rick.daylight commented at 2023-01-30T05:23:03Z

Alkaia has valid points, this is not a good solution to the 'general bot problem' although it is not intended to be a good or complete solution to that issue, just one solution. I agree that adding a bot exclusion possibility at a parcel and estate level is better to prevent bots entering in the first place.

However, it remains that we require the ability to detect scripted agents. I believe that land owners might soon have the scripted ability to detect HUDs worn by their visitors along with other worn objects, so that they can better monitor the use of their land be avatars. This falls under the very same category of giving land owners the ability to monitor, and control access if necessary, at a more granular level then an outright estate or parcel bot ban.

Besides, if the feature is implemented as suggested by Lucia instead of by a dataserver event, that is not even an issue and it would make for a much smoother implementation.

sl-service-account commented 1 year ago

Extrude Ragu commented at 2023-01-30T06:47:51Z

Some people are suggesting that there should be a checkbox to disallow scripted agents from entering a region. Whilst I think this is a good idea, I want to point out that not all bots are bad - Sometimes a region owner may have a scripted agent of their own, for example a display bot for a clothing store or NPC agent, in such a case the region owner would need some way to allow their own scripted agents into the sim whilst still blocking third party operated scripted agents.


One workaround would be that 'Allowed agents' that are added to parcel whitelist can access the region regardless of scripted agent status, or the Allowed groups.

sl-service-account commented 1 year ago

Gabriele Graves commented at 2023-01-30T09:26:51Z, updated at 2023-01-30T09:27:54Z

Also adding my support for this feature.  It may not be perfect or all encompassing by itself but it is an important part of the tool kit for the land owner.

Even if the bots teleport in and out too quickly to take action then, it does mean that a land owner/security system can know that a bot has been and possibly add them to the ban list to block their next visit.

I like the idea of being able to region ban bots, especially with the access list override that @Extrude Ragu suggested.

I can even see some use for bot owners with the function in this JIRA.  A place could be designed to offer bots some services and use a common protocol squawked directly to the bots to advertise that they are available and begin an automated negotiation.  Could be useful for things like charging points, auto-navigation and courier drops in grid-wide games such as GTFO to incorporate.

sl-service-account commented 1 year ago

Andred Darwin commented at 2023-02-01T15:51:40Z

I also support this ticket, it's past due the "data gathering bot festival" gets addressed, I agree that some may have its uses, but is it worth compared to the negative impact in experience and perception for many? 

sl-service-account commented 1 year ago

Mikal Brinner commented at 2023-02-02T22:56:21Z

I support the ticket as well.  If after better identifying the locusts of bots to sims, it would be helpful to control their access in the land settings similar to "payment info on file" or "adult".  Surely by setting access to "payment info on file" would seem reasonable as a solution, but many avatars do not have payment info on file and avatars operated by a human.  I would love to block bots period from my sim without filling up names on my access ban list.

sl-service-account commented 1 year ago

Spidey Linden commented at 2023-02-08T18:30:01Z

Issue accepted. We have no estimate when it may be implemented. Please see future release notes for this fix.