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[BUG-10870] visibility of socks #1155

Open sl-service-account opened 8 years ago

sl-service-account commented 8 years ago

Steps to Reproduce


Actual Behavior

with new release I cannot see my socks well. I wear mastery feet and when I wear socks I see very bad my socks at feet... This problems happens with new release and if I go inworld with firestorm viewer, I see all very well

Expected Behavior

nothing of particularly, I was wearing my outfit

Other information

to see well texture of my socks... it seems a sort of bad setting graphics, coz in firestorm it's all ok and I see my socks texture fine... anyway, I don't know about debug settings in graphics :(


Original Jira Fields | Field | Value | | ------------- | ------------- | | Issue | BUG-10870 | | Summary | visibility of socks | | Type | Bug | | Priority | Unset | | Status | Needs More Info | | Resolution | Unresolved | | Reporter | Asia Connell (asia.connell) | | Created at | 2015-12-05T23:43:13Z | | Updated at | 2017-07-07T15:51:15Z | ``` { 'Business Unit': ['Platform'], 'Date of First Response': '2015-12-06T11:25:55.525-0600', "Is there anything you'd like to add?": "to see well texture of my socks... it seems a sort of bad setting graphics, coz in firestorm it's all ok and I see my socks texture fine... anyway, I don't know about debug settings in graphics :(", 'ReOpened Count': 0.0, 'Severity': 'Unset', 'System': 'SL Viewer', 'Target Viewer Version': 'viewer-development', 'What just happened?': 'with new release I cannot see my socks well. I wear mastery feet and when I wear socks I see very bad my socks at feet... This problems happens with new release and if I go inworld with firestorm viewer, I see all very well', 'What were you doing when it happened?': 'everywhere', 'What were you expecting to happen instead?': 'nothing of particularly, I was wearing my outfit', 'Where': '', } ```
sl-service-account commented 8 years ago

Whirly Fizzle commented at 2015-12-06T17:25:56Z

Heya Asia,

I can't find "mastery feet" anywhere. Do you have a marketplace link for the feet & socks? If not, can you give the creator name & the exact name of the "mastery feet" product?

sl-service-account commented 8 years ago

Asia Connell commented at 2015-12-06T17:46:54Z

I've this issue with Maitreya and Slink too, and only since new viewer release and not with firestorm

sl-service-account commented 8 years ago

Whirly Fizzle commented at 2015-12-06T18:00:09Z

So to reproduce it with Slink feet (I have those), would I have to wear a sock applier? Will any sock applier do? Or are the socks you are wearing in your attached image a seperate mesh attachment?

Which version of Firestorm are you using? Is it the latest 4.7.5 release or are you on an older version? I'm wondering if what you are seeing is BUG-10747. This bug does reproduce on Firestorm too, but only on the new 4.7.5 release.

Another thing to check please - do you see the problem with both Advanced Lighting Model (ALM) enabled and disabled? LL viewer: Me -> Preferences -> Graphics -> Advanced -> Advanced Lighting Model. Firestorm: Avatar -> Preferences -> Graphics -> General -> Advanced Lighting Model.

sl-service-account commented 8 years ago

Asia Connell commented at 2015-12-06T18:42:10Z

yes, I've the latest version of firestorm and, in sl official viewer, issue doesn't change with or without Advanced Lighting Model... with all my socks appliers :(

In my latest firestorm version ( 4.7.5 release) I see very well, I've not problems; issue is only in LL Official Viewer latest version

sl-service-account commented 8 years ago

Whirly Fizzle commented at 2015-12-06T18:50:43Z

You're actually using an RC viewer - This viewer really shouldn't affect mesh rendering though. If you use the default LL release viewer from, do you see the same problem?

sl-service-account commented 8 years ago

Whirly Fizzle commented at 2015-12-06T19:38:02Z

Here I'm wearing the "Slink AvEnhance Feet Female Mid" with Stocking layer enabled and I'm wearing this applier I see the stocking layer applied correctly to the mesh feet.

On Firestorm 4.7.5: On Second Life 4.0.0 (307894: (Same graphics settings on both viewers, ALM enabled).

I'm on Windows though, possibly this is a mac specific problem?

sl-service-account commented 8 years ago

Whirly Fizzle commented at 2015-12-06T19:45:47Z

Your image actually looks like the stocking layer mesh is not fitting over the foot mesh as it should. The stocking layer is a seperate onion skin mesh layer that sits over the base mesh foot layer. It's as if either the foot mesh or stocking layer mesh is deformed.

Do you have the tattoo layer turned on under the stocking/sock layer? I wonder if its alpha conflict if both the tattoo layer & stocking/sock layer texture contain alpha.

sl-service-account commented 8 years ago

Asia Connell commented at 2015-12-06T21:45:32Z

I'm on Mac, yes.. I don't know as it's on Windows, of course.. but I know that I've this problem only with last release of official viewer... when I use firestorm I see all in a perfect way.

sl-service-account commented 8 years ago

Asia Connell commented at 2015-12-06T21:47:26Z

and no, with release before of this actual I'm using I hadn't issue... I've this issue only with this actual release

sl-service-account commented 8 years ago

Kyle Linden commented at 2015-12-08T17:41:58Z

Hi Asia,

Will you please try to reproduce this issue on the current release version of Second Life which you can download from

Next, please attach a copy of your settings.xml file which you can locate in /Users/[username]/Library/Application Support/SecondLife/user_settings


sl-service-account commented 8 years ago

Asia Connell commented at 2015-12-09T15:52:23Z

Hi Kyle, after I downloaded file dmg from ur link, it looked on my desk :((((

anyway, last release I've in use in other my mac all works at the best on my socks...

so, u know in what way may I delete dmg file form my desk :( ( ok , I need to ask to apple support )

regards, ac