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[BUG-234961] Post Processing Effects (Glare) #11783

Closed sl-service-account closed 4 months ago

sl-service-account commented 5 months ago

How would you like the feature to work?

While PBR is a huge upgrade, I do believe the added benefits of postprocessing effects like glare are a massive game changer. I have direct side by side comparisons to show proof how big of a change it makes just having some glare.

In my use case, as a jewelry creator, you can directly see the effect. However glare isn't just for jewelry of course, it would happen off the reflection of a car, or a shiny stool, etc. I could make a list of things because the truth is that it would actually affect an entire scene.

Maybe we're currently in a situation where we're getting PBR situated first before an idea like this but I figured I'd throw it out there and get it in the air.

(Apologies for the watermarks in the center, it must be done)

Why is this feature important to you? How would it benefit the community?

As a game designer, its features like these that motivate me and many others to create, and it's their absence that frustrates us since their existence is not uncommon within the space and feel like they are at a fingertips reach away.

As for users that don't create, it's highly likely that they take photos or just enjoy having the best graphics in their hands. Which is why lots of users have chosen 3rd party viewers with more graphical options. Let's say they don't use a 3rd party viewer, they still probably edit their photos and try to mimic post processing effects.

Being able to create beautiful things easily is infectious. Having more people interested in creating things is extremely important for the growth of Second Life. The more beautiful the world gets, the more people want to stay and view more. The PBR update is a huge step in the right direction, and I think Linden Labs could take it this one step further to solidify the worlds beauty even more.

An update like this would receive overwhelming support.

Thanks, ATD


Original Jira Fields | Field | Value | | ------------- | ------------- | | Issue | BUG-234961 | | Summary | Post Processing Effects (Glare) | | Type | New Feature Request | | Priority | Unset | | Status | Closed | | Resolution | Unactionable | | Created at | 2024-01-07T22:39:24Z | | Updated at | 2024-01-24T19:21:22Z | ``` { 'Build Id': 'unset', 'Business Unit': ['Platform'], 'Date of First Response': '2024-01-10T05:52:49.489-0600', 'How would you like the feature to work?': "While PBR is a huge upgrade, I do believe the added benefits of postprocessing effects like glare are a massive game changer. I have direct side by side comparisons to show proof how big of a change it makes just having some glare. \r\n\r\nIn my use case, as a jewelry creator, you can directly see the effect. However glare isn't just for jewelry of course, it would happen off the reflection of a car, or a shiny stool, etc. I could make a list of things because the truth is that it would actually effect an entire scene. \r\n\r\nMaybe we're currently in a situation where we're getting PBR situated first before an idea like this but I figured I'd throw it out there and get it in the air. \r\n\r\n(Apologies for the watermarks in the center, it must be done)", 'ReOpened Count': 0.0, 'Severity': 'Unset', 'Target Viewer Version': 'viewer-development', 'Why is this feature important to you? How would it benefit the community?': "As a game designer, its features like these that motivate me and many others to create, and it's their absence that frustrates us since their existence is not uncommon within the space and feel like they are at a fingertips reach away.\r\n\r\nAs for users that don't create, it's highly likely that they take photos or just enjoy having the best graphics in their hands. Which is why lots of users have chosen 3rd party viewers with more graphical options. Let's say they don't use a 3rd party viewer, they still probably edit their photos and try to mimic post processing effects.\r\n\r\nBeing able to create beautiful things easily is infectious. Having more people interested in creating things is extremely important for the growth of Second Life. The more beautiful the world gets, the more people want to stay and view more. The PBR update is a huge step in the right direction, and I think Linden Labs could take it this one step further to solidify the worlds beauty even more.\r\n\r\nAn update like this would receive overwhelming support.\r\n\r\nThanks,\r\nATD", } ```
sl-service-account commented 5 months ago

observeur commented at 2024-01-10T11:52:49Z, updated at 2024-01-10T11:54:56Z

i'm glad you made this suggestion because i was about to do it myself. and wanted to be sure it hadn't been proposed already. I quickly noticed the absence of this effect for shiny material when doing my first experiments with PBR some weeks ago. and it feels like a little regression compared to the standard rendering vs pbr, considering it had a pretty basic yet enjoyable implementation of this effect. Having those gorgeous looking metallic or glass surfaces now, the lack of this feature is specially noticeable in pbr viewers.. I would add that the chromatic effet might be a bit too much, i'm not a fan of it personally, but a subtle gloom effect would be much appreciated indeed.

sl-service-account commented 5 months ago

Gwyneth Llewelyn commented at 2024-01-12T20:20:55Z

but a subtle gloom effect would be much appreciated indeed. Well, you could always try to use a very subtle glow setting :)

I know, it's not the same thing...

sl-service-account commented 5 months ago

JIRAUSER347749 commented at 2024-01-12T23:52:07Z, updated at 2024-01-12T23:58:03Z

Thanks for the suggestion Gwyneth. I recently was testing the glow to try to get an effect like glare or bloom. It was unsuccessful, I made custom emission maps for the PBR materials for my diamonds with many different trials and errors. Nothing came out usable unfortunately.

The issue is that the glow needs to be really bright to make any visual difference in bright windlights, and usually this ends up being way too bright for any dark windlights.

Shown is two versions of glow/emissive testing i did. One is very bright, too bright for darkness like I said before, and the other one I tried to tame the brightness but is hardly noticeable during the day. I kind of came to the conclusion that the subtle one is really the only usable one for me because it kind of made the diamond pop a bit in the nighttime but it still isn't the glare or bloom that led me down this path in the first place of course.

I should say, after viewing side by side, Test 1 on Bright WL is definitely visible, but it is also definitely not the effect I'm trying to achieve with these tests. 

(also let's ignore me spelling visible wrong multiple times please lol)


sl-service-account commented 5 months ago

observeur commented at 2024-01-13T23:21:28Z

i tried playing with emissions maps as hategunner, ... with similar results.

sl-service-account commented 5 months ago

JIRAUSER347749 commented at 2024-01-17T04:08:42Z, updated at 2024-01-17T18:38:09Z

I took a poll on my business' Instagram account asking about an update like this. After only 4 hours, well you can see the results. I'm fairly certain the only vote for no was either a troll or an accident. EDIT: 19 hours into the poll, the results so far are 70 votes for yes and 1 vote for no. I'm probably not gonna post/update from here on. If there's anything I can do to help see this through, let me know.

sl-service-account commented 5 months ago

Spidey Linden commented at 2024-01-24T19:21:23Z

Hello, and thank you for your feature request.

Incoming suggestions are reviewed in the order they are received by a team of Lindens with diverse areas of expertise. We consider a number of factors: Is this change possible? Will it increase lag? Will it break existing content? Is it likely that the number of residents using this feature will justify the time to develop it? This wiki page further describes the reasoning we use:

This particular suggestion, unfortunately, cannot be tackled at this time. However, we regularly review previously deferred suggestions when circumstances change or resources become available.

We are grateful for the time you took to submit this feature request. We hope that you are not discouraged from submitting others in the future. Many excellent ideas to improve Second Life come from you, our residents. We can’t do it alone.

Thank you for your continued commitment to Second Life.