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[BUG-234987] PBR materials seem to reflect light from underneath and sides in shadow are to light #11806

Closed sl-service-account closed 4 months ago

sl-service-account commented 5 months ago

What just happened?

I'm making PBR materials for furniture. I upload materials directly as I made them in Substance Painter. But when I look at them in SL, they seem to reflect some light from the bottom. Also, the backs, that in the shadowside, are to light. Both look unnatural.

They are SL or firestorm problems, not visible in SP, and seem to come from the reflection of the roughness metallic. It can be fixed by making those areas on the roughness metallic darker in Photoshop.

But that is not a great solution. If I make them look as they should, and you fix this later on, I am stuck with too dark backs and bottoms.

What were you doing when it happened?

trying out PBR materials

What were you expecting to happen instead?

I expected the bottom of furniture to be darker, as the ground does not give light. I also expect the backs of furniture, to be darker than the parts that catch light.

Other information


Original Jira Fields | Field | Value | | ------------- | ------------- | | Issue | BUG-234987 | | Summary | PBR materials seem to reflect light from underneath and sides in shadow are to light | | Type | Bug | | Priority | Unset | | Status | Closed | | Resolution | Duplicate | | Reporter | Froukje Hoorenbeek (froukje.hoorenbeek) | | Created at | 2024-01-16T15:56:39Z | | Updated at | 2024-01-25T18:47:59Z | ``` { 'Build Id': 'unset', 'Business Unit': ['Platform'], 'Date of First Response': '2024-01-16T12:31:30.489-0600', 'ReOpened Count': 0.0, 'Severity': 'Unset', 'System': 'SL Viewer', 'Target Viewer Version': 'viewer-development', 'What just happened?': "I'm making PBR materials for furniture. I upload materials directly as I made them in Substance Painter. But when I look at them in SL, they seem to reflect some light from the bottom. Also, the backs, that in the shadowside, are to light. Both look unnatural. \r\n\r\nThey are SL or firestorm problems, not visible in SP, and seem to come from the reflection of the roughness metallic. It can be fixed by making those areas on the roughness metallic darker in Photoshop. \r\n\r\nBut that is not a great solution. If I make them look as they should, and you fix this later on, I am stuck with too dark backs and bottoms. ", 'What were you doing when it happened?': 'trying out PBR materials', 'What were you expecting to happen instead?': 'I expected the bottom of furniture to be darker, as the ground does not give light. I also expect the backs of furniture, to be darker than the parts that catch light. ', 'Where': 'firestorm alpha viewer', } ```
sl-service-account commented 5 months ago

JIRAUSER341268 commented at 2024-01-16T18:31:30Z

Hi Froukje ,

Are you able to supply the location of the content in SL or images of what you're seeing in both SL and SP? Alternatively, attach the content to this Jira or email it to either or so that we can investigate the issue further

sl-service-account commented 5 months ago

Froukje Hoorenbeek commented at 2024-01-18T11:43:29Z

Hi Atlas,

these pictures are taken on my mainland plot, outside, in the new midday environment, with the Firestorm Alpha viewer. I focussed on the leather. I make mostly furniture and cannot control what environment they end up in, or what my customers do with reflection probes and such. 

Apart from the obvious, a blue shine that makes the chair pink instead of red, this is what I noticed. 

Light from underneath pictures 1 and 2: The red leather tub chair on the right is the chair with textures. The chair on the left is made with materials. 

Back in shadow seems to light compared to front: I downloaded the new firestorm alpha viewer today and it seems less obvious now. 

Leather tub chair in substance painter: as I made the materials in SP, soft1 front environment. 

I'll leave the chairs out for a while, in case you want to see this inworld:

Kind regards, 











sl-service-account commented 5 months ago

Gwyneth Llewelyn commented at 2024-01-19T18:55:30Z

How does it look like on the latest version of the official SL viewer? There are differences between how SL and Firestorm approach the rendering pipeline, you know. I'm not saying that they are "better" or "worse" — just, well, different. Different enough to cause what you're seeing in Firestorm but not on the SL Viewer, for example.

Here's a thought. Do you know what HDRI image is being used by Firestorm on their viewer? I understand that some content creators prefer to do their work using a "ground-less" HDRI, i.e. sky all around, because that way the object is uniformly lit (there are plenty of "all sky" HDRI images out there). This may avoid certain situations where an object is lifted from the ground and seen from below (imagine an arm being raised while wearing PBM-enhanced clothes).

Assuming that Firestorm Alpha uses exactly the same HDRI file as LL for its "new midday", then, of course, you should not see any differences between both viewers. But if the Firestorm team have slightly tinkered with the HDRI image — or, rather, used a different one — then it might explain why you are apparently seeing some light coming from below.

(Note: my first plausible explanation of what you're seeing was to ask your first at what height your sandbox was, when you took the attached pictures; then I saw your SLURL, which clearly shows they have been taken at ground level :))

sl-service-account commented 5 months ago

Froukje Hoorenbeek commented at 2024-01-20T10:06:09Z

Hi Gwyneth,

I looked at this in the official viewer and saw the same thing, so it is not viewer-related.

I also tried the chairs on my platform first, and then moved them to ground level to make sure it was not because I had them high up in the air. 

Kind regards, 


sl-service-account commented 5 months ago

JIRAUSER341268 commented at 2024-01-25T18:46:24Z

This issue is being moved to Canny. Please find your issue at the below link. The above comments are also being copied across.