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[BUG-235005] [PBR] and LINUX: Fog/Mist/Snow Problem (not only anymore)? Strongly fluctuating & fps drop to below 10, jerking (jumpy walk) #11823

Closed sl-service-account closed 4 months ago

sl-service-account commented 5 months ago

What just happened?

I filed already a Jira here:

Phoenix-Firestorm Preview Group Support told me I shall  test the Alchemy PBR too to see if it is a Phoenix Firestorm problem or it is a Linden Linux Module problem on which the Linux viewers are based. 

Since 2016 I do not use Windows anymore - only very rarely in a virtual box and in a virtual box the graphics hardware can't be accessed by the Windows viewer as needed.

Recently tested LINUX viewer:

Tested environment: 1) Sky, Water and Day Cycle = Default 2) Shared Environment 3) Day Cycle "Age of Sorcery", Water = Day Cycle based, Sky = Nacon's Ghost


Problems with:

Main issues I noticed since 05/Dez/2023:

  1. Very jerky walk (jumpy movement), not ever from the beginning, often after a time of walking,
  2. unstable fps when walking, on some places drops to below 10 fps, recovers more or less well when standing again, again and again it gets so bad that it becomes impossible to walk purposefully,
  3. in a building or areas framed by buildings or rows of buildings prevent the fps from falling excessively (here especially soulstone sim: café inside and stairway between rows of buildings)

    What were you doing when it happened?

I went for a normal walk in the respective regions to explore them, stopping here and there to enjoy the landscape and the atmosphere.

What were you expecting to happen instead?

Smooth walking when going for a walk, no drops in fps when walking, also no excessive jerking even at a higher fps (about 20 fps and higher), even with graphics setting High the behavior remains, only from graphics setting Mid I can walk smoothly with my avatar. But my hardware isn't that bad for such a massive drop in performance. With the current non-PBR viewer, walking/running is still possible at around 20 fps - even on the soulstone sim without jerking.

Other information


Original Jira Fields | Field | Value | | ------------- | ------------- | | Issue | BUG-235005 | | Summary | [PBR] and LINUX: Fog/Mist/Snow Problem (not only anymore)? Strongly fluctuating & fps drop to below 10, jerking (jumpy walk) | | Type | Bug | | Priority | Unset | | Status | Closed | | Resolution | Unactionable | | Labels | pbr | | Created at | 2024-01-22T10:05:08Z | | Updated at | 2024-01-26T00:21:26Z | ``` { 'Build Id': 'unset', 'Business Unit': ['Platform'], 'Date of First Response': '2024-01-22T12:12:55.551-0600', 'ReOpened Count': 0.0, 'Severity': 'Unset', 'System': 'SL Viewer', 'Target Viewer Version': 'viewer-development', 'What just happened?': 'Detailed description see:\r\n\r\nSince 2016 I do not use Windows anymore - only very rarely in a virtual box and in a virtual box the graphics hardware can\'t be accessed bei the Windows viewer as needed.\r\n\r\nRecently tested LINUX viewer:\r\n- Phoenix Firestorm [PBR] Alpha (and older alphas)\r\n- Alchemy [PBR] Beta\r\n\r\nTested environment:\r\n1) Sky, Water and Day Cycle = Default\r\n2) Shared Environment\r\n3) Day Cycle "Age of Sorcery", Water = Day Cycle based, Sky = Nacon\'s Ghost\r\n\r\nSettings:\r\n- Ultra graphics setting (pre-loaded PBR settings before login in Firestorm viewer or check the graphic setting directly after login and, if necessary, apply the correct graphic setting for PBR, if required)\r\n- 120 meter draw distance usually\r\n\r\nProblems with:\r\n- foggy/misty regions (even with windlights that are set by region (shared environment)\r\n- falling snow\r\n- possibly densely built-up areas\r\n\r\nMain issues I noticed since 05/Dez/2023:\r\n1. Very jerky walk (jumpy movement),\r\n2. unstable fps when walking, drops to below 10 fps, recovers more or less well when standing again, It gets so bad that it becomes impossible to walk purposefully,\r\n3. in a building or areas framed by buildings or rows of buildings prevent the fps from falling excessively (here especially soulstone sim: café and stairway between rows of buildings)', 'What were you doing when it happened?': 'I went for a normal walk in the respective regions to explore them, stopping here and there to enjoy the landscape and the atmosphere.', 'What were you expecting to happen instead?': "Smooth walking when going for a walk, no drops in fps when walking, also no excessive jerking even at a higher fps (about 20 fps and higher), even with graphics setting High the behavior remains, only from graphics setting Mid I can walk smoothly with my avatar. \r\nBut my hardware isn't that bad for such a massive drop in performance.\r\nWith the current non-PBR viewer, walking/running is still possible at around 20 fps - even on the soulstone sim without jerking.", 'Where': "IKISOU Japan City (Angel Bliss)\r\n\r\n\r\nVIKING Settlement of Rungardvik (Rungardvik)\r\nTraditional nordic or medieval attire is advised on that sim or wear the guest tag you can get on the entrance to the sim.\r\n\r\nHere the jerking starts if I come close to this landmarks:\r\n (falling snow only and maybe something else)\r\n (fallings snow, mist/fog)\r\nThere was also a drop in fps. In some cases, however, the fps did not recover to the good initial value after entering the sim and exploring there for a while.\r\nOn the Rungardvik marketplace, it is sometimes a mystery to me why the fps drops extremely there. Maybe one just has to have walked long enough before for this effect to occur on this place.\r\nSee attached pictures (examples for fps, done with Phoenix Firestorm [PBR] Alpha\r\n\r\nsoulstone (enchanted escape)\r\n\r\nSee attached picture (stairway between rows of buildings)\r\n\r\nAzoury (Elmira)\r\n\r\n\r\nSimilar problems I noticed here (but has no falling snow or mist/fog around it seems):\r\nRose Breedables Auctions Market & LGBTQ Hangout (Jonesford Heights)\r\n\r\nFor a moment, walking or running is possible without jerking, Then the jerking starts at initially high fps - even up to 50. After a moment, the fps also goes down, but usually not below 30 fps in that case. Nevertheless, there is again and again jerking when walking/running in between in this place. If I don't move the fps goes up again.\r\n\r\nBut I do have NOT a bit that problems here:\r\nRiver (Oritz) (or while walking the streets around)\r\n", } ```
sl-service-account commented 5 months ago

Dan Linden commented at 2024-01-22T18:12:56Z

Thank you for reporting this issue. Please be advised that we are no longer providing fixes for the linux version of the Second Life Viewer.

More details on this decision and how to help resolve this issue, can be found here:

Please note that some third party viewers support Linux based viewers.