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[BUG-10980] Option to "Unwear" the default SL avatar. #1246

Open sl-service-account opened 8 years ago

sl-service-account commented 8 years ago

How would you like the feature to work?

Create a default inventory item that is worn by all people "Standard Second Life Body" Just make it so it's worn by default but can be removed.

Option : Split up the new "inventory item" into 3 inventory items:

"Standard Second Life Head"

"Standard Second Life Torso"

"Standard Second Life Legs"

Why is this feature important to you? How would it benefit the community?

IT FREES UP THE SERVER SIDE BAKER : This is by far and away the biggest benefit. If the SSB is no longer being "taken up" by Alphaing out the entire default body. This allows those texture sheets and the already secure inventory system to be "applied" ( redirected? ) meaningfully to new mesh bodies ( Since they're no longer "just alphaed out " ). This provides MASSIVE gains:

Presently popular mesh bodies in SL are "Onion Avatars" meaning they have 3-5 extra layers of rendered mesh just milimeteres beyond the skin layer that are used to "fake" clothing layers and tattoo layers. Onion avatars are exceptionally render heavy and laggy as they need to be chopped up into multiple pieces in order to simulate "alpha layers".

Just to lay it out in specifics : The most popular mesh body replacement in SL presently is "Maitreya Laura", it's a well designed optimized "Onion" avatar that weighs in at roughly 108K triangles due to it's onion layers ( Of which it has 4 ) So if allowed access to the SSB the excess "clothing shells' could be shed reducing it's polycount in quarter~ a nice elegant 27K.

The other popular mesh body is "The Mesh Project" weighing in at a whopping 330K Tris,

The Third most common is Slink actually, at 54K ( go Siddean poly efficiency! )

The Fourth most common is Belleza Venus ~ at ( I think ) ~ 270K for just the body ( 745K with 'multi-pose' hands & feet, yes that's 3/4 of a MIL polys )

The polycount efficiency is gains are staggering.

Improved Security: Presently when "faking" tattoo layers and alpha layers on existing bodies "texture appliers" are used, which are basically scripted boxes with the UUID's of textures stored inside that sends the texture UUID's to the body. ~ The problem with this is that means anyone who hacks ( I'm using the term "hack" here loosely~ as in they figure out what channel the box is talking to the mesh attached body on and create a listener ) the box can just grab the UUID's of the contained textures and apply them to whatever they see fit!! Removing the applier "box" and tapping in directly to the SSB system would once again let people gain the security of having a "no Mod" skin object that they can sell. Additionally SSB textures are less usable from a content theft standpoint as they are often missing large chunks due to worn clothes & alphas.

Increased Flexibility of legacy content: Obviously not all old skins will work on new bodies~ (lots of little misalignments of textures and such UV maps change slightly ) and obviously not all old system clothes are works of art that you really want on your newly detailed fancy avatar~ but it'd be nice if people had the option to try.

Less Confusion: Wearing appliers and finding clothes with appliers that fit your body etc etc ~ is a trying task. This will simplify things a LOT.

Less Lag: Presently calculating the existence of a default avatar body is largely pointless as most people are wearing full body alphas already.

Less Lag: #2 Decreases a massive portion of texture usage that goes into having each individual texture shown and rendered on the mesh body. Fixing some of the "texture shifting" issues people get due to too high rez textures in a scene.



Original Jira Fields | Field | Value | | ------------- | ------------- | | Issue | BUG-10980 | | Summary | Option to "Unwear" the default SL avatar. | | Type | New Feature Request | | Priority | Unset | | Status | Accepted | | Resolution | Accepted | | Created at | 2015-12-17T00:31:05Z | | Updated at | 2018-02-23T16:37:53Z | ``` { 'Business Unit': ['Platform'], 'Date of First Response': '2015-12-17T14:37:42.540-0600', 'How would you like the feature to work?': 'Create a default inventory item that is worn by all people "Standard Second Life Body" Just make it so it\'s worn by default but *can be removed*.\r\n\r\nOption : Split up the new "inventory item" into 3 inventory items:\r\n\r\n"Standard Second Life Head"\r\n\r\n"Standard Second Life Torso"\r\n\r\n"Standard Second Life Legs"\r\n', 'ReOpened Count': 0.0, 'Severity': 'Unset', 'Target Viewer Version': 'viewer-development', 'Why is this feature important to you? How would it benefit the community?': '*IT FREES UP THE SERVER SIDE BAKER* : This is by far and away the biggest benefit. If the SSB is no longer being "taken up" by Alphaing out the entire default body. This allows those texture sheets and the already secure inventory system to be "applied" ( redirected? ) meaningfully to new mesh bodies ( Since they\'re no longer "just alphaed out " ). This provides *MASSIVE* gains:\r\n\r\nPresently popular mesh bodies in SL are "Onion Avatars" meaning they have 3-5 extra layers of rendered mesh just milimeteres beyond the skin layer that are used to "fake" clothing layers and tattoo layers. Onion avatars are exceptionally render heavy and laggy as they need to be chopped up into multiple pieces in order to simulate "alpha layers".\r\n\r\nJust to lay it out in specifics : The most popular mesh body replacement in SL presently is "Maitreya Laura", it\'s a well designed optimized "Onion" avatar that weighs in at roughly 108K triangles due to it\'s onion layers ( Of which it has 4 ) So if allowed access to the SSB the excess "clothing shells\' could be shed reducing it\'s polycount in quarter~ a nice elegant 27K.\r\n\r\nThe other popular mesh body is "The Mesh Project" weighing in at a whopping 380K Tris, \r\n\r\nThe third most common is Belleza Venus ~ at ( I think ) ~ 270K triangles for the full body.\r\n\r\nThe polycount efficiency is gains are staggering.\r\n\r\n*Improved Security:*\r\nPresently when "faking" tattoo layers and alpha layers on existing bodies "texture appliers" are used, which are basically scripted boxes with the UUID\'s of textures stored inside that sends the texture UUID\'s to the body. ~ The problem with this is that means anyone who hacks the box can just grab the UUID\'s of the contained textures and apply them to whatever they see fit!! Removing the applier "box" and tapping in directly to the SSB system would once again let people gain the security of having a "no Mod" skin object that they can sell.\r\n\r\n*Increased Flexibility of legacy content:*\r\nObviously not all old skins will work on new bodies~ (lots of little misalignments of textures and such UV maps change slightly ) and obviously not all old system clothes are works of art that you really want on your newly detailed fancy avatar~ but it\'d be nice if people had the option to try.\r\n\r\n*Less Confusion:*\r\nWearing appliers and finding clothes with appliers that fit your body etc etc ~ is a trying task. This will simplify things a LOT.\r\n\r\n*Less Lag:*\r\nPresently calculating the existence of a default avatar body is largely pointless as most people are wearing full body alphas already.\r\n', } ```
sl-service-account commented 8 years ago

polysail commented at 2015-12-17T14:55:38Z

Edit: Clarified "hacking" and added texture efficiency gains to benefits.

sl-service-account commented 8 years ago

Lucia Nightfire commented at 2015-12-17T20:37:43Z

Related to

sl-service-account commented 8 years ago

polysail commented at 2015-12-19T04:32:02Z

Updated some slight errors in the mesh body polycounts.

sl-service-account commented 7 years ago

polysail commented at 2016-10-05T12:19:58Z

After reading a heapload of Linden Lab Viewer code, I've come to realize doing this exact thing as described may not be so easy after all. A lot of things seem to depend on the LLM mesh being there. HOWEVER~ There's other ways to accomplish this same sort of effect. One of which is to forcibly stop rendering on the llm for a given body part. The other is to create a secondary "baker channel" that just blanks entire body parts, and that's all it does.

Not sure which of these would be easier to implement.