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[BUG-41048] [Bento] When wearing some Bento content, all walking animations freeze. #12638

Open sl-service-account opened 7 years ago

sl-service-account commented 7 years ago

I'm unsure if this is a bug as such, or whether it's a "bad" content problem.

Steps to Reproduce


Original Jira Fields | Field | Value | | ------------- | ------------- | | Issue | BUG-41048 | | Summary | [Bento] When wearing some Bento content, all walking animations freeze. | | Type | Bug | | Priority | Unset | | Status | Needs More Info | | Resolution | Unresolved | | Reporter | Whirly Fizzle (whirly.fizzle) | | Created at | 2016-12-13T12:46:39Z | | Updated at | 2023-12-08T09:52:07Z | ``` { 'Business Unit': ['Platform'], 'Date of First Response': '2016-12-17T22:56:49.724-0600', 'ReOpened Count': 0.0, 'Severity': 'Unset', 'System': 'SL Viewer', 'Target Viewer Version': 'viewer-development', 'What just happened?': 'Filling in...', 'What were you doing when it happened?': '...', 'What were you expecting to happen instead?': '....', } ```
sl-service-account commented 7 years ago

Whirly Fizzle commented at 2016-12-15T22:19:44Z

This bug reproduces with other Bento wings and also a Bento cape.

Other repro items:

sl-service-account commented 7 years ago

Whirly Fizzle commented at 2016-12-17T21:15:02Z

@Vir Please can you set this issue to NMI. A creator wants to leave a comment with their findings & another repro item. Thanks :)

sl-service-account commented 7 years ago

Callum Meriman commented at 2016-12-18T04:56:50Z

Ah, not a real creator, just a neko. Commenting it's not just wings, also tails. Happens with the Bento neko tail here

sl-service-account commented 7 years ago

Vir Linden commented at 2016-12-20T14:51:01Z

It is definitely possible to mix wing-flap animations with default walking. For example, upload the attached basic_wing_flap.anim and play it in-world. Will continue to flap while you walk, fly, etc. Possibly the issue is with some scripts?

sl-service-account commented 7 years ago

Vir Linden commented at 2016-12-20T15:13:41Z, updated at 2016-12-20T16:04:38Z

Same test works if the priority for the animation and all its joints is set to 6 (file attached)

sl-service-account commented 7 years ago

Vir Linden commented at 2016-12-20T19:55:21Z, updated at 2016-12-20T21:08:30Z

In the case of the fate wings, it looks like the issue is the animation overrider. This check:

if(anim_state == "Walking")//another lil hack so the av turn itself 180 when walking backward 
  llStopAnimation("walk");//comment these 2 lines if you have a real backward animation 

Causes the walk to be disabled. Commenting out those lines seems to fix the problem.

sl-service-account commented 7 years ago

Vir Linden commented at 2016-12-20T20:24:25Z, updated at 2016-12-20T20:42:23Z

Removing the animation override for walk entirely (just comment out those table entries) also seems to fix the frozen legs problem, although of course it also removes the wing animation.

sl-service-account commented 7 years ago

Vir Linden commented at 2016-12-20T21:08:11Z

The Fateplay animated cloak has the same issue, removing the lines

if(anim_state == "Walking")//another lil hack so the av turn itself 180 when walking backward 
  llStopAnimation("walk");//comment these 2 lines if you have a real backward animation

from the script fixes the problem.

sl-service-account commented 7 years ago

Whirly Fizzle commented at 2016-12-24T01:26:44Z

Confirmed commenting out those 2 lines fixes the problem on Second Life (Second Life Release).

sl-service-account commented 7 years ago

Whirly Fizzle commented at 2016-12-24T01:45:53Z

Why is this only a problem with Bento content & is it technically a bug? The scripts in most of the repro Bento content are no mod, so the only workaround for users atm is to use an old style ZHAO. I can't tell if those 2 culpret script lines are used in the no mod repro examples like the aii wings.

sl-service-account commented 7 years ago

Vir Linden commented at 2016-12-25T18:50:28Z

I don't think it's a problem specifically with bento content - it looks like you would have the same problems using that script to run arm animations while walking or whatever. Bento just makes it more likely that you would want to combine animations in this way. Would call it a content bug (problem with the script) rather than an SL bug.

sl-service-account commented 7 years ago

Pirschjaeger Fassbinder commented at 2016-12-26T01:30:59Z

I am having this same issue while trying to make my tail animate using the llSetAnimationOverride. It seems that it replaces the entire animation for that particular state. I tried just getting rid of the walk and run overrides in my script but my avatar still played just the tail animations when sitting, standing and etc. This is when I am not using a ZHAO-based HUD. It works okay when I am using a ZHAO-based HUD and I do not have the walk and run overrides in the script. I would not exactly know the work around for making a script that would animate the bento bones for each animation state in addition to other animations for those states since I am really bad at scripting, but I assume I might need to try to make something that resembles the ZHAO overrider.

sl-service-account commented 7 years ago

Pirschjaeger Fassbinder commented at 2016-12-26T22:01:02Z

OK, I took out the part stopping the default walk animation and some other part that somehow involves walking out of a ZHAO-II animation override script and it seems to work so far when I am not using another ZHAO animation overrider. Therefore, when the modified ZHAO-II animation overrider for the tail is on, it does not stop the default walk and the legs continue to animate. I just do not know if this is an efficient way of doing this.

sl-service-account commented 7 years ago

Whirly Fizzle commented at 2017-01-01T01:08:09Z, updated at 2017-01-03T18:56:18Z

All the Bento Angel and demon wings in this store reproduce the problem, unless you wear a ZHAO: (fixed link ooops) Both demo wing sets there will repro. The scripts are no mod so I don't know if the cause is the same.

I actually have not found a Bento tail, wing set or any Bento attachment at all that does not repro this "bug" yet. I guess all the creators must be using ZHAO systems or it would have been noticed when they tested.

sl-service-account commented 7 years ago

Vir Linden commented at 2017-01-03T15:25:37Z

llSetAnimationOverride() does have the limitation that it can only do a 1-for-1 replacement of an existing animation. In the future we might want to have a way within LSL allow supplemental animations that would play alongside the existing animation, to cover use-cases like flapping the wings while walking. This is a topic we have been discussing recently in the content creation user group (

From an efficiency standpoint, llSetAnimationOverride() is much more efficient than the old-style overriders like ZHAO, because it only sends animation updates on a transition. If there are other limitations that currently discourage this mechanism from being used, we would be interested to hear about them.

sl-service-account commented 7 years ago

Whirly Fizzle commented at 2017-01-03T18:57:04Z, updated at 2017-01-03T18:57:20Z

Vir, just realised I had the wrong link to the new repro wings above. The correct link is

sl-service-account commented 7 years ago

Whirly Fizzle commented at 2017-01-04T03:16:51Z

These Bento hand animations repro the problem unless you use a ZHAO.

I'm using the above animation HUD with these Bento replacement arms

sl-service-account commented 7 years ago

Tapple Gao commented at 2017-01-12T22:24:12Z

this looks similar to a bug I discovered recently in my own AO script. llStopAnimation("Walking") used to only stop the default walking animation, but now it instead stops whatever the llSetAnimOverride("Wallking") animation is.

sl-service-account commented 7 years ago

Tapple Gao commented at 2017-01-12T22:29:27Z

Also, Note that firestorm by default uses a different default walking animation than LL viewer, one that turns the avatar around when walking backward. This causes avatars that are meant to be walking backward to instead turn around when watched from a firestorm viewer. The real default walking animation is used if "preferences > move and view > movement > Disable avatar turning to face camera locally when walking backward" is unchecked. This preference is checked by default

sl-service-account commented 7 years ago

Whirly Fizzle commented at 2017-01-15T21:34:48Z

More repro Bento wings:

sl-service-account commented 7 years ago

Vir Linden commented at 2017-07-06T14:40:36Z

Our apologies, it appears this jira has been a victim of a spammer. We've cleaned up the offending comments, sorry for the mess!

sl-service-account commented 3 years ago

JIRAUSER333987 commented at 2020-09-14T02:08:38Z

i have the same problem when using my Tail AO HUD with my Firestorm AO. As soon as i take off the tail hud i walk fine otherwise with it on i glide. Is there a fix for this yet?? it seems this has been an issue for a while

sl-service-account commented 3 years ago

Whirly Fizzle commented at 2020-09-14T16:17:14Z

Hiya xEnigma,

Check the script in the Tail AO HUD for these 2 lines or similar:

if(anim_state == "Walking")//another lil hack so the av turn itself 180 when walking backward 
llStopAnimation("walk");//comment these 2 lines if you have a real backward animation

Commenting out these 2 lines should fix the problem.

If the script in the Tail AO HUD is not mod, you will need to contact the creator to fix the problem in their script & issue an updated HUD. Point the creator to this JIRA issue to comment if they don't have the above 2 lines in their script & believe the problem is caused by a different issue,

sl-service-account commented 7 months ago

Elvina Ewing commented at 2023-12-08T09:36:57Z

i have the same problem. I'm making bento wings and made a ZHAO hud that plays different bento animations for those wings. Everything works great, except walking. The scripts i used are ZHAO, got them here:

At first i thought that it was a priority issue. So i loaded my AO with different priority walking animations, - it didn't make any difference. They all froze while wearing my bento hud. I am using the builtin Firestorm AO. Then i read somewhere that it might be a Firestorm issue, so i got myself a cheap AO and turned off Firestorm AO. The walking animation in this AO has a priority 4, and my bento animation has a priority 3, so when walking the walking animation does keep on working, but the bento animation doesn't work instead. 

When turning off all AOs, and just using native SL walk also freezes that walk!!

Then i thought that it might be a ZHAO specific issue, and went looking for another fullperm AO system. The first one i saw on MP was a totally different system, but the review on it said that it freezes their walking animation, too! Clearly, there is a problem somewhere, but where?

Then i tested both these wings and hud on an alt, who uses another non-builtin AO, and she had no problems at all. Everything kept on working as intended, nothing froze, the walking animation kept working and the bento animation too, while walking. So, i really have no clue what causes the issue.

Any ideas?

PS. could mesh body have something to do with it? I wear Meshbody Classic, my alt wears Maitreya LaraX.


sl-service-account commented 7 months ago

Elvina Ewing commented at 2023-12-08T09:52:08Z

more info: 

so, i took off all mesh body parts and turned off AO, the problem is still there. So it's not mesh body specific. What is happening is when i change from stand to walk, the walking animation freezes, and i just glide (as shown in OP). If i happen to stumble across a small object while walking-gliding, it makes the walking animation reappear and then i keep on walking normally. Then, if i stop, and then start walking again, it freezes again. Until i stumble again, and then it works again. So, something is wrong with changing the state from "stand" to "walk"