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[BUG-41058] People getting past Estate and Land bans #12646

Open sl-service-account opened 15 years ago

sl-service-account commented 15 years ago

We have been documenting many people able to keep returning after being both land and estate banned. You can ban them and they are kicked from the Estate. But within a few minutes they are right back in front of you. I cannot reproduce this but I have a long list of ARs filed on people that are finding a way to get back on the sim after the ban is in place.


Requirements: 3+ sims (i will call them, a, b, c), owned by the same Sim Owner (SO). If you are an Estate Manager (EM), you must be on all 3. And an ALT or a resident tester (RT) who can help.


SO/EM will stay on sim a. RT will teleport into sim c, and set his homepoint. then RT will teleport into sim b.

SO/EM will ban via estate tools RT from sim A and select, Apply This Ban To All Estates owned... SO/EM will then verify via teleport and checking the estate ban list that the RT is on the estate ban list for sims a, b, c. SO/EM & RT will then verify that he has not been removed from sim b even though RT is now on the estate ban list for sim b. RT will then verify that he can TP into sim c. RT will then verify that he can log out & login via login to home to sim c. RT will then verify that he can logout & login via sim name to sim b. RT will then verify that he cannot login, tp in to sim A where the original ban is placed.

Expected Result:

If you reproduce this, please report, client versions of all involved, sim versions of all involved, and most importantly, how many people were on your estate ban list.


Original Jira Fields | Field | Value | | ------------- | ------------- | | Issue | BUG-41058 | | Summary | People getting past Estate and Land bans | | Type | Bug | | Priority | Unset | | Status | Needs More Info | | Resolution | Unresolved | | Labels | estate, permissions, access, ban, land | | Reporter | Melody Regent (melody.regent) | | Assignee | Melody Regent (melody.regent) | | Created at | 2009-07-26T16:20:58Z | | Updated at | 2019-05-17T07:55:00Z | ``` { 'Date of First Response': '2009-07-26T11:27:35.000-0500', 'Last Triaged': '2009-07-27T13:10:00.000-0500', 'Linden Lab Internal Branch': '1.36.4', 'Previous Issue ID': '', 'System': 'SL Simulator', 'What just happened?': '.', 'What were you doing when it happened?': '.', 'What were you expecting to happen instead?': '.', } ```
sl-service-account commented 15 years ago

Melody Regent commented at 2009-07-26T16:21:13Z

4051-6573685 18/7/2009 3:38 PM PDT Bans not working - this is a ticket I currently have open.

They are currently happening on Route 66 and Mojave Desert

Route 66 - Dyson Lowtide Daxx Deepdene Maxxx Plutonian

You can see ARs on this one as well, lots of them for this all on July 18

Mojave Desert - Aldo Weisser (and alts) on July 24th

all ARd and all on that ticket

sl-service-account commented 15 years ago

Zoha Boa commented at 2009-07-26T16:27:35Z

Had the same here on our sims. A person was ejected from the land AND banned 3 times on ALL sims of our estates by 2 different estate owners and the griefer came back each time. Something IS wrong ...

sl-service-account commented 15 years ago

CK Winx commented at 2009-07-26T16:48:50Z

Yep i saw yesterday the same bug. have then talking with a guy in live support chat and he told me to make a Abuse report .'

sl-service-account commented 15 years ago

Melody Regent commented at 2009-07-26T17:00:30Z

An abuse report doesnt fix the bug, it only alert them to the user. We need more support than 'file an AR".

This is part of the service we pay for. Once reason I want my own sims is that I can Estate Ban. My clients come to me because they have this as well. This is like a basic need. Now that is being taken away from us and we are told "file and AR'

I tried to get them there to activly WATCH this going on, when we went HOURS dealing with it. HOURS

I am documenting AVs and times on a ticket. I will start adding that here as well. So they can track the full picture. I would encourage anyone that sees this happen to not only file the AR LL so desperately needs to see but to add the following here as well so it can be tracked

Sim name: AV name: Estate or Land ban: Date: Time(s) they come back:

sl-service-account commented 15 years ago

Gordon Wendt commented at 2009-07-26T17:19:44Z, updated at 2009-07-26T17:21:33Z

I'd advise against naming names of perpetrators, although LL doesn't always enforce it, it is a CS violation to name names on the JIRA among other places and can lead to anything from being "talked to" by the g-team (usually Alexa or Rob) or suspended from the JIRA.

sl-service-account commented 15 years ago

Ann Otoole commented at 2009-07-26T17:50:29Z

Probably another example of the wonders of open source. I.e.; a client that ignores ban lines.

EVERYTHING has to be server side and access to the functions be through a transaction manager. Until then it is a joke to call SL anything but a video game.

sl-service-account commented 15 years ago

Gordon Wendt commented at 2009-07-26T17:54:59Z

Ann, on the estate level that's not possible, if you are banned from a region or an island that's server side as in the server will not let you in. For most things I think it's the same for parcels although since you can still touch, buy, and do many other things on a parcel that you are banned from I guess a client could simulate you being on a parcel you are banned from while your avatar is actually outside of it since the server wouldn't let you physical move in.

sl-service-account commented 15 years ago

Ann Otoole commented at 2009-07-26T18:09:18Z

Concur with having an estate is the only way to have peace and security. Parcels are a free for all.

What I am saying is all functions, permissions on content, parcel access, transactions, even importing content need to be server side. Otherwise all this is academic since the source code is free. For instance password encryption and storing locally is a complete joke if the source code to the method of encryption is freely available.

And yes I have heard of clients that have the avi in one position and "animate" them to an offset. This is both an griefing method and defense method. (shoot me hahahah your bullets just pass through) So basically an account banned from a parcel needs to not be able to animate in to that parcel nor interact with anything in that parcel as well and being invisible to anyone inside that parcel.And all of the functionality to do this be server side.

I do not expect Linden Lab to care much about this one. What are they going to do? Limit what animations can do? All those people with those walking around in bored fashion and dancing all over animations will be up in arms.

What should be is not necessarily what will be. However if LL does not deal with this then estate land will suddenly become attractive again and reverse the flow of accounts to the $400 a month to LL 4096 tier payers level.

sl-service-account commented 15 years ago

GreenLantern Excelsior commented at 2009-07-26T18:27:19Z

Gordon, I would be interested to see which specific item in the Community Standards you think is violated by posting an avatar's name in the JIRA. You can go to the sim in question and see every name on their ban list, so it's not private information, and it's certainly not Disclosure.

I have a shield system called SmoothMove that places the image of my avatar several tens of meters forward from its actual position. It is supposed to make that image the target of anyone who is shooting, while keeping the avatar itself out of the line of fire. Maybe that's what is happening here. I would be happy to test this with anyone who is interested to determine whether this is what you are seeing.

sl-service-account commented 15 years ago

Nuala MacMoragh commented at 2009-07-26T18:43:00Z

It appears that there's a hight limit on the banlines. Over 811 m ppl can get over the banline and give you the finger. I have a guy repeatedly coming into my club laughing at me and harrassing away clients. I've filed a ticket and abuse reports.

sl-service-account commented 15 years ago

Lea Vendetta commented at 2009-07-26T18:58:56Z

We have had this issue repeatedly on Biker Haven. For us it typically resolves if we restart the sim after issuing the estate ban. Once the sim has been restarted the ban sticks and the person can no longer access the sim.

sl-service-account commented 15 years ago

Melody Regent commented at 2009-07-26T19:27:47Z

@ Gordon, posting names is not a violation, it is the conversations that are the violation and that is not being posted here. I was actually asked by a Linden themselves to post this info. Because I cant post THAT conversation I wont. GreenLantern is correct in that these are also public names since you can see them on ban lists. I would still encourage people to list the facts and nothing more. We don't need to know the whys, just the times, who and where.

@Ann, I have no doubt this is a client exploit. As a matter of fact I have been told the name of once client that can get past bans and have passed this on to the Lindens. I am working with my staff to look into this client to see if, in fact, we are able to get past bans with it.

@Green & Ann, this is not an animations thing. This is indeed someone getting past the ban. When they come they can interact, speak on voice, sit in chairs...the works. Unless the animation or projection can interact with me on a real time basis, this is not those.

@Nuala, This has nothing to do with ban height limits. There has always been height limits since day one. Mainly so people can fly over one parcel to the next. What this is, is people on PARCEL ban still being able to walk into your club and interact with the people. Not yell from above it. It is also people on ESTATE ban that can actually get back on the sim itself. If you are on Estate ban, you shouldn't even be able to TP to the sim, much less walk around like you own the place.

Lea - Yes, sim restarts help with this, somehow that makes them stick. But then if you have someone with 40 alts (Yes, that was one case with us) then you are restarting your sim 40 times. How many times in a day do you want to restart your computer? Bleh. Gotta loves those bikers! The biker sims I own is where I get the most issues.

sl-service-account commented 15 years ago

SeanD Serpente commented at 2009-07-26T19:28:14Z

See this is what's happening as i see it. They are full aware of it, but doing nothing about it...that's how i understand it right? So what i get from this is LL is not giving a crap about sl anymore but the money they get in. A year ago when I started sl, things were perfect and this "free place" was actually free and enjoyable. You know what happens when you file an AR on someone?.... nothing!! nothing what so ever.... i never ever got any feedback....and never heard a word if i got an AR on me. And this issue....they don't care.... I voted now for this...but look at the changes they made.... all the voting against the adult mayority thing....the OS issue....the avatar script limits soon to happen....non of the voting jiras have taken any effects at all. So i guess we have to question ourselfs.... what are we dealing with here with LL. My viewing... a regime and we are their toys they can treat as they please..... Funny they are trying to destroy piece by piece the fun of SL as we all knew it. Good job LL. It's working.

sl-service-account commented 15 years ago

Gordon Wendt commented at 2009-07-26T22:33:43Z

@Melody, ok, I retract my previous statement then. I wonder what change in presumably the 1.27 server code would have caused this.

sl-service-account commented 15 years ago

Couldbe Yue commented at 2009-07-26T22:43:47Z

could this be part of it? I don't know why they'd do it but it could be you're banning them and then they're using this to circumvent. But then if a sim restart fixes the problem it probably isn't. So I'm just throwing it in the mix just in case the issues are related somehow amd you can see a correlation

sl-service-account commented 15 years ago

Harleen Gretzky commented at 2009-07-26T23:11:34Z

It can also be circumvented by using invalid home locations (SVC-3543) or having your home location set to the region you are being banned from (SVC-2519)

sl-service-account commented 15 years ago

Melody Regent commented at 2009-07-26T23:33:13Z

@Gordon, This has been a small issue for atleast a year. But it is becoming a larger issue now. I am not sure if it is beucase more people are learning how to do it or if the new codes are easier to get around.

@Harleen, In our experience, if someone is Estate banned, even if home is set to that sim, the home is removed. We did this with both our Estate Managers and with some alts to test. Once they were estate banned, the home TP was no longer valid. We have found this useful when one resident leaves and another moves in.

@CouldBe, The not able to find people usually is that the Gteam has worked fast and banned people. We have found that sometimes once they get to us and start griefing, that ARs have piled up and when we go to file they are gone already. But I am going to keep a watch to see if it is more than that.

sl-service-account commented 15 years ago

Harleen Gretzky commented at 2009-07-27T00:24:26Z

Wonder if the same holds for auto-generated home locations? Most of the examples in SVC-2519, were from avatars going from Orientation Island to the region and then that region becomes the home location automatically.

sl-service-account commented 15 years ago

Da Scribe commented at 2009-07-27T17:24:49Z

I have experienced this first hand with avatars being estate banned and then coming back into the region after the estate ban has been placed. To bring more jest to the situation I even asked an avatar to come back again after seeing that the user was evading the ban, I re banned the avatar and what followed was the standard sinking into the ground and then returning moments later even though that ban was placed. I have seen too many occurrences where someone is place in a estate ban to be able to return. This is close to a showstopper which allows repetitive grieving of regions and would have to have someone to continuously send the banned avatars away just to keep the regions clean.

Pass this around to your fellow region owners and estate managers. Lets get some more comments and votes on this.

sl-service-account commented 15 years ago

Trixi Wuyts commented at 2009-07-27T21:37:20Z

i just was in live chat with a supported, thats what i've been told: NO: Ok as I say Trixi, you can submit a support ticket regarding that issue for the relavent department to have a look into that for you, but if you are waiting for someone to have a look into that jira article you would have to be patient for that.

well... great rofl. thats the kind of support i like.. coughs

sl-service-account commented 15 years ago

Melody Regent commented at 2009-07-29T19:14:21Z

Sim name: Isle of Farnacium AV name: welltn Vella Estate or Land ban: Both Date: July 29 Time(s) they come back: From 2pm to about 2:15

sl-service-account commented 15 years ago

Melody Regent commented at 2009-08-03T00:10:20Z

Sim name: Loon Lagoon AV name: Delaine Seiling Estate or Land ban: Both Date: Aug 2nd

Sim name: Loon Lagoon AV name: jinny Spore Estate or Land ban: Both Date: Aug 2nd

Bother are possible alts of Rigormortis Urvilan - admitted copy bot thief

ARs filed on both

sl-service-account commented 15 years ago

Bau Ur commented at 2009-08-03T15:01:35Z

Banlink seems to still be working okay though. Hard to imagine how it would be working if land lists are not accepting new names properly, and acting accordingly, but it does seem to work. I recommend it.

sl-service-account commented 15 years ago

Melody Regent commented at 2009-08-04T02:56:47Z, updated at 2009-08-04T03:17:53Z

Sim name: Loon Lagoon AV name: zomg2 Crumb Estate or Land ban: both Date: Aug 3rd Time(s) they come back: 3 times

Sim name: Loon Lagoon AV name: Christopher Wardell Estate or Land ban: both Date: Aug 3rd Time(s) they come back: 1 time (15 hours later)

sl-service-account commented 15 years ago

Ceorl Onlyone commented at 2009-08-05T00:37:39Z

I have been able to replicate this issue using an alt, and from what I see, there is no clever trick of avoiding estate bans. They simply don't work consistently.

In the past few weeks we have filed dozens of ARs for avatars whom we either could not ban or who would return after being banned. However we assumed they had found some countermeasure. This evening though, after dealing with a griefing from an avatar I estate banned last week, I tried a little experiment.

I logged on as both my estate manager avatar and as an alt with no rights on the estate. I estate banned the alt. The alt was tp'ed home. The alt then however was able to tp right back to the sim it was estate banned from and stand in front of the estate manager.

I sent the alt exploring around the estate, and did find that it was banned from some of the sims, but in less than one out of five.

I unbanned the alt and repeated the exercise. The alt was again banned in some of the estate's sims, different ones this time, but not all.

sl-service-account commented 15 years ago

Dale Innis commented at 2009-08-05T13:03:22Z

Wow, that's craziness! Voted.

sl-service-account commented 15 years ago

Dannoth Dagger commented at 2009-08-10T09:48:55Z

We had a griefer - Dussel Weissnicht - who I originally banned when they rezed several objects which repeated the word NOMA or something like that at least. I estate banned him, returned his objects, and figured that it was all over.

To my surprise, and frustration, he came back just half an hour later and rezed more than 1750+ prim boxes of particle spam. I then had to go around the estate removing his prims - parcel by parcel - and banning him from each individual parcel too.

Fortunately when I put both of the estates on access only that did work, otherwise I would have been screwed. But this needs fixing as a matter of URGENCY.

sl-service-account commented 15 years ago

Holger Gilruth commented at 2009-08-14T06:59:23Z

Same at the Sims Wien Salzburg Deutschland Startinsel

sl-service-account commented 15 years ago

Satir DeCuir commented at 2009-08-14T20:03:15Z

I just had an incident where 4 avatars, probably the same person (same profile, picks etc), entered my sim full of copyboted clothes and hair and boots (how do I know... original store names still on prims, without the creator we all know but their own names as 'creator', and full perm), I banned them from my sims, and they just managed to come back! And I couldnt ban anymore. I had to watch they walk to a tent and a build, teleport the 'bot' that was also banned but came back, the main edited my builds prob to get name, then waved "bybye you idiot for creating stuff in sl" and thats it.

Please fix this issue ASAP! I'm one step close to just leave SL. So many theft issues and now somehow a bug or w/e that makes us impossible to ban... I think there is no more hope.

sl-service-account commented 15 years ago

Phoenix Mahogany commented at 2009-08-17T21:57:50Z

I just witnessed 2 banned AVs invading a store about a 1/2 hour ago that were BOTH BANNED as well. If this crap continues, then security in SL is totally useless and griefer-style wars can easily happen. As a club manager of over 2 1/2 years I DEPEND upon this method of security to keep things running smoothly...

To paraphrase Degeneration X (WWE fame)

WE just got 2 words for ya - FIX IT!

sl-service-account commented 15 years ago

zFire Xue commented at 2009-08-25T04:34:39Z

In Whitmyre sandbox, if I ban a person, they are able to return. This is true so far if they are above 1500 meters, and given a TP by another avatar that is already in the sim. This is 2 months old information.

sl-service-account commented 15 years ago

MarkByron Falta commented at 2009-08-25T12:27:12Z

Not able to reproduce this - perhaps somebody can post a snapshot of a banned AV in the region along with the region/estate dialog box showing the AV's name in the Banned Residents list.

sl-service-account commented 15 years ago

Gwen Debruyere commented at 2009-08-26T12:51:53Z

Sim name: Bourbon 3 AV name: Manon Skirr Estate or Land ban: both (all estate) + banlink (now) Date: Aug 26th Time(s) they come back: 2 times

I have a snapshot, i will attach it.

sl-service-account commented 15 years ago

Day Oh commented at 2009-08-30T17:22:05Z

I was banned from a parcel today, by the owner of a region, who insisted that since I was still on the region, I was somehow "getting around the system" ... It's easy to believe this is attributable to a misunderstanding of the difference between estate and parcel bans.

sl-service-account commented 15 years ago

Dale Innis commented at 2009-08-31T12:42:17Z, updated at 2009-08-31T12:42:43Z

That's entirely possible in your case, Day, but I don't think it can explain any (let alone all) of the other reports in this JIRA...

I think we got a real actual bug here. :)

sl-service-account commented 15 years ago

EriX Oh commented at 2009-08-31T20:02:26Z, updated at 2009-08-31T20:03:06Z

still in the sim, even when estate-banned

Attached the screenshot

sl-service-account commented 15 years ago

Ann Otoole commented at 2009-09-01T12:46:48Z, updated at 2009-09-01T12:47:49Z

A resident named Copycat Viper evaded parcel ban on Kali Isle using Cryolife this morning. Not real subtle. Looks like they have figured out how to compromise access control. I would not call a vulnerability that is increasingly being exploited a bug.

sl-service-account commented 15 years ago

Dale Innis commented at 2009-09-01T13:35:30Z, updated at 2009-09-01T13:37:39Z

Do we have any reason to think that the viewer the banned person is using is significant?

Maybe the people doing some of these tests could use Emerald (which, I think, can detect various common viewer types)?

Conversely, has anyone seen the bug manifest when the banned person was known to be using the standard viewer?

(Not sure what you mean about not calling it a bug, Anne. It's definitely not a feature! :) I'm just using "bug" in the generic "program doing something it's not supposed to do" sense; if the server is allowing people into places where they are banned, that's a bug to me.)

sl-service-account commented 15 years ago

Maggie Darwin commented at 2009-09-01T16:32:42Z

No matter what people are running clientside, if a banned avi can get into a region, it's server bug.

sl-service-account commented 15 years ago

Gordon Wendt commented at 2009-09-01T17:06:31Z

Dale, I don't think it's a viewer issue and every bit of evidence I've seen seems to back that up. There's a widely purpotrated myth that some viewers are "bad" but I don't think that bears out.

Dale, ask any PR person and they'll tell you a feature, ask any lawyer and they'll tell you no comment, ask most techies and unless you're also a techie you won't understand the answer they give :)

sl-service-account commented 15 years ago

Dale Innis commented at 2009-09-01T17:19:58Z

Definitely agreed, Maggie. Establishing whether or not the banned AVs are using a particular client would just be useful to help with repro and diagnosis.

sl-service-account commented 15 years ago

MarkByron Falta commented at 2009-09-01T22:46:28Z, updated at 2009-09-01T22:49:41Z

I'd chance a wild guess that it might be due to the number of banned residents, and that perhaps the server is only enforcing the ban on the first 300 or 400 hundred banned residents as opposed to the full 500, or just breaking entirely if more than 300 or 400 AV's in the list. That snapshot shows that there's 493 residents on the estate ban list (500 max). Alternatively perhaps a subset of severs are corrupted; as I mentioned before, I can't reproduce this problem.

sl-service-account commented 15 years ago

Ceorl Onlyone commented at 2009-09-02T01:29:57Z

Regarding the client, I don't believe it is a factor in the failure of estate bans. Using my banned test alt, I am able to enter sims I should be banned from whether using either the standard client or Snowglobe.

I have repeated my test numerous times, and I can consistently demonstrate the problem. On an estate of over 40 sims, I banned a test alt of mine which has no rights on the estate and no group memberships which are associated with the estate.

The test avatar was initially ejected when first banned, but was able to immediately teleport back to the sim where he was when the ban was put in place.

I have repeatedly tested with this avatar on every sim in the estate, and consistently the ban fails to work on about half the sims. However, the sims where the ban works or doesn't work will vary from day to day, but consistently about 20 out of 40 sims.

It does not appear that a restart of a sim will permanently make the ban work, although in some cases it appears to have had a temporary effect of enabling the ban. The next day however, the banned avatar might be able to teleport in freely.

We run a ban list of about 320 out of 500 currently.

sl-service-account commented 15 years ago

Ann Otoole commented at 2009-09-02T02:48:37Z

Hopefully the client is irrelevant beyond the association of people using certain clients tend to be banned all the time. As for the number of banned people no there is no correlation. I have only 135 or so in my estate ban list and far less in my parcel ban list and it obviously still happens. Banning has zero effect at all. Neither does teleporting home in the most recent case. banned and teleported home the resident remained in place going about whatever the business was. Maybe the upcoming rolling restart has a fix in it.

sl-service-account commented 15 years ago

Intari Marjeta commented at 2009-09-03T15:45:29Z

Tried to find out why using following config(without success):

2 alts(both Estate Managers). Estate-level ban list contains about 45 people Alts have home set to this sim. Meerkat viewer svn r211

Adding one alt to estate ban and attempting to tp back - no success(as it should), 'tp home' - message about invalid tp location. (as it should)

Eject resulted in being dropped into same sim Kick(using estate tools) - avatar is being force-tp'ed to bay city Adding to estate level ban list while avatar is here and in phantom mode(Meerkat/Emerald(?) feature) - avatar is force tp-ed but completed incorrectly (shows it's bay city estate but same parcel name as before and crash after that) Adding to estate ban list without phantom mode - force-tp (without crash) Attempting to re-login with home set to banned location- 'your home region is not available'

sl-service-account commented 15 years ago

Suzie Sewell commented at 2009-09-06T04:45:31Z

I am an admin on an estate in Second Life. We have recently been subjected to a number of visits from individuals who are on the estate ban list. We have filed ARs in each of these cases. At first, we speculated that the people involved were using browsers which ignored the estate ban provisions in Second Life, but too many such people were arriving for this to be credible.

For this reason, we experimented with the estate ban as follows. This experiment was done while I was using the Linden Labs viewer (Second Life 1.22.11 (113941) Mar 6 2009 12:50:02).

The experiment was performed on two estates, both owned and managed by the same sim owner. One estate (Estate A) is composed of several sims, each undivided into parcels. Another estate (Estate B) is composed of a single sim divided into parcels. Estate A and Estate B share a border.

I started from a location outside the two estates. The sim owner then put me on the estate ban list for both estates.

When I attempted to teleport into any of the regions in Estate A, I was denied entry(a message said I was banned). When I attempted to teleport into Estate B, however, I was allowed to enter. I then was able to fly directly from Estate B into Estate A. Once in Estate A, I could cross sim boundaries inside Estate A, and teleport between sims in Estate A, with no hindrance.

After I entered one of the sims in Estate A, another admin placed me on the land ban list in that sim. I was immediately removed from the land and placed on another sim in Estate A (where, again, I was on the estate ban list but not on the land ban list). I was once again able to move about without hindrance, except to the sim where I was on the land ban list.

A second admin repeated the same actions with the "Imprudence" viewer and was able to freely teleport into all sims on which she was estate banned.

sl-service-account commented 14 years ago

Ian Berensohn commented at 2009-09-20T01:12:03Z, updated at 2009-10-03T22:40:13Z

We just noticed this when we banned two avatars and they returned later in the day, evidently oblivious to the fact they had been banned. They could not have been using it as a home. They TP-ed back to the sim in which they were banned at ground level and remained totally unaffected. We had to do a double take of the ban list to be sure we weren't seeing things.

sl-service-account commented 14 years ago

Digital Digital commented at 2009-10-11T22:02:37Z

Today on one of my sims I experienced this same issue! An avatar came on and was acting very suspicious writing in text saying export and import etc, I would IM him asking what he was doing and he would not respond at all, however he would in Regular world chat say the same thing over and over "I'm new" and thats all he would say! Would not respond in IM only in world saying exact same thing I'm new. I finally started to see things like prims popping up in the sim and he was boxing stuff up that had names of items of things in my sim! My friend was there an witnessed the whole thing turned out he was copying stuff from the sim! so we Estate banned him and he came back! We made sure he was banned and he kept coming back! I then issues a restart command to the sim seemed like it was only thing we could do! He then went to the sim next door that I also own and same thing sim would come up and he would go back and do same thing! I had to call concierge up direct and tell them to shutdown both of my regions. They shut them down so I and my witnesses could abuse report him and he actually got banned from sl cause he is not showing up in search. Scary thing was he was an old avatar old creation date and his profile looked legit im guessing someone hacked whosever account and was using it for copybot purposes! Just my guess!

Anyways it was very upsetting to see this person kept coming back and I literally had to have my sim taken offline until could get abuse reports in!

I really hope this issue gets fixed!

sl-service-account commented 14 years ago

Drew Dwi commented at 2009-10-20T13:07:03Z, updated at 2009-10-20T13:10:26Z

Ok, this is my repro which I have watched working. I need sim owners/managers to assist in reproducing this so we can get this fixed!

Requirements: 3+ sims (i will call them, a, b, c), owned by the same Sim Owner (SO). If you are an Estate Manager (EM), you must be on all 3. And an ALT or a resident tester (RT) who can help.


SO/EM will stay on sim a. RT will teleport into sim c, and set his homepoint. then RT will teleport into sim b.

SO/EM will ban via estate tools RT from sim A and select, Apply This Ban To All Estates owned... SO/EM will then verify via teleport and checking the estate ban list that the RT is on the estate ban list for sims a, b, c. SO/EM & RT will then verify that he has not been removed from sim b even though RT is now on the estate ban list for sim b. RT will then verify that he can TP into sim c. RT will then verify that he can log out & login via login to home to sim c. RT will then verify that he can logout & login via sim name to sim b. RT will then verify that he cannot login, tp in to sim A where the original ban is placed.

Expected Result:

We need a solid repro for this to get fixed. Please email me drew.dwi A/T gmail if you need assistance running this.


– sorry for edits, dyslexic killed me with the TR/RT ect

sl-service-account commented 14 years ago

Drew Dwi commented at 2009-10-20T13:07:46Z

updating effected versions.