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[BUG-5664] The New Transactions History Page Does Not Show a Daily Total and There is No Way to Download Excel File #13609

Open sl-service-account opened 10 years ago

sl-service-account commented 10 years ago

Steps to Reproduce

Checking my Transactions History.

Actual Behavior

Checked the Transactions History page as I do several times a day, to check my total sales and debits for the day. I've done this regularly for years and find it very useful to see my daily total. Arrived at the page to see a listing of transactions with no totals!

Expected Behavior

I want to see my daily totals for the day! I also want to be able to download excel file, not just csv.

Other information

Please please please revert or make an option to view only the current day with daily totals of credits and debits. This is INCREDIBLY useful for merchants. Thank you.



Original Jira Fields | Field | Value | | ------------- | ------------- | | Issue | BUG-5664 | | Summary | The New Transactions History Page Does Not Show a Daily Total and There is No Way to Download Excel File | | Type | Bug | | Priority | Unset | | Status | Accepted | | Resolution | Accepted | | Reporter | Sera Lok (sera.lok) | | Created at | 2014-04-08T16:58:48Z | | Updated at | 2014-06-11T21:07:50Z | ``` { 'Business Unit': ['Platform'], 'Date of First Response': '2014-04-08T12:05:34.876-0500', "Is there anything you'd like to add?": 'Please please please revert or make an option to view only the current day with daily totals of credits and debits. This is INCREDIBLY useful for merchants. Thank you.', 'System': 'Website', 'Target Viewer Version': 'viewer-development', 'What just happened?': "Checked the Transactions History page as I do several times a day, to check my total sales and debits for the day. I've done this regularly for years and find it very useful to see my daily total. Arrived at the page to see a listing of transactions with no totals!", 'What were you doing when it happened?': 'Checking my Transactions History.', 'What were you expecting to happen instead?': 'I want to see my daily totals for the day!', } ```
sl-service-account commented 10 years ago

Marianne McCann commented at 2014-04-08T17:05:35Z

Confirming the above. Also as a meta issue, the load time on this system seems very very high. Still, this puts a much greater burden on SL merchants. Please reconsider these changes.

sl-service-account commented 10 years ago

Robin Sojourner commented at 2014-04-08T17:06:50Z

This is horrible, and will make my daily accounting much more difficult, not to mention the trouble it will cause with customer service.

Those of us who are running businesses in SL need to have running daily totals, transaction IDs, and excel files.

Please fix this ASAP.

sl-service-account commented 10 years ago

Pamela Galli commented at 2014-04-08T17:07:11Z

Now I have to total my sales myself every day?

All of my records from day one have been Excel, not CSV, which is cumbersome.

I don't know whether to cry or throw up. Please reconsider!

sl-service-account commented 10 years ago

Legend Hye commented at 2014-04-08T17:10:07Z

A system that works yet again replaced by something that does not work. This seems to be the Linden Lab work ethic. Please prove me wrong and fix this.

sl-service-account commented 10 years ago

Arwen Serpente commented at 2014-04-08T17:10:42Z

It has potential to be nice because there is a "filter" field and it can load more than just 500 transactions for us to see. Having said that, the way it was rolled out - without notice, without totals, taking forever to load, the default has dates all mixed up, no more xls, and friends list is no longer on the left side panel - is terrible.

sl-service-account commented 10 years ago

Kean Kelly commented at 2014-04-08T17:37:41Z, updated at 2014-04-08T17:39:21Z

The new layout, besides taking forever to load, lacks basic features like a total, XLS file download and a refresh button!

Atm my ending balance changes with around 60K lindens pr transaction, transactions that are around 0-75 lindens.

I do like the search function, but that could be achieved before by a simple chrome search.

sl-service-account commented 10 years ago

Arwen Serpente commented at 2014-04-08T17:41:54Z

LL - the CSV is currently broken - I selected a specific date range (April 7 and 8 as a test), however, no matter what I do, it downloads the entire 30 day timeframe.

sl-service-account commented 10 years ago

24Karat Roux commented at 2014-04-08T17:42:32Z

Ditto all above comments. Please give us back what we had - these changes are not helpful to merchants!

sl-service-account commented 10 years ago

Mitzy Burns commented at 2014-04-08T17:45:53Z

As a long-standing business operator in SL (2006) I rely heavily on trying to balance my daily income with my daily expenditure. This is a complete nightmare and has left me feeling very disappointed that we were not consulted about the change. Once upon a time in SL we would have had to fill in a survey for our views. This was obviously implemented by a person who does not do daily business in SL. PLEASE RECONSIDER!

sl-service-account commented 10 years ago

Polyester Partridge commented at 2014-04-08T17:47:03Z

I agree that we need those daily totals back as well as being able to display more than 100 items per page!

I tried downloading the CSV file to see what I could do with that, but currently the link doesn't work. Please fix!

sl-service-account commented 10 years ago

MadMacit commented at 2014-04-08T17:49:32Z

Definitely a bad improvement. The previous version was better because:

  1. was possible to see the balance of the filtered period
  2. when a filter was applied, refresh the page was keeping the filter and updated the results
  3. was possible to export in xls too
  4. was clear that the day changed according SL time. Right know it does not seems like that

The only improvement is barely aesthetic, which is totally useless and childish

sl-service-account commented 10 years ago

Nirmanakaya Yalin commented at 2014-04-08T17:50:17Z

Why making things for merchants even more difficult? Takes long time to load, is difficult to read and I want my totals back, Thanks.

sl-service-account commented 10 years ago

starshiptrooper commented at 2014-04-08T17:52:37Z

CHANGE IT BACK!!!!![ YOU TOOK THE TRANSACTION NUMBERS THAT EVERYONE RELIES ON HEAVILY]( YOU TOOK THE TRANSACTION NUMBERS THAT EVERYONE RELIES ON HEAVILY)!![ CHANGE IT BACK]( CHANGE IT BACK)!!! STOP FIXING WHAT ISNT BROKEN!!!!!! This is NOT better... put it back the way it was. How is a store owner supposed to track a sale if you took the transaction numbers????

sl-service-account commented 10 years ago

Abraxxa Anatine commented at 2014-04-08T17:53:10Z

Are you kidding me?![ I need my daily totals back and xml downloads as my record keeping software imports xml files. This is a disaster]( I need my daily totals back and xml downloads as my record keeping software imports xml files. This is a disaster)

sl-service-account commented 10 years ago

Arwen Serpente commented at 2014-04-08T17:54:17Z

Transactions are not updating. For instance, I set the date filters to April 7-8, there is no way to refresh the page for just those dates (clicking the filter button only works to set the dates specified, but does not refresh the transaction history after that). The entire page has to be refreshed to see new transactions. Doing this, the transactions are reset to default 30 days and become jumbled - I've got April 8 then March 30, then back to April 8, back to March 30, etc. Then the date filter has to be reset for the current day or two and the whole thing is frozen again. In the current state, the change is full of bugs and an inefficient use of Merchant time.

sl-service-account commented 10 years ago

Kean Kelly commented at 2014-04-08T17:56:10Z

I need this to be reliable for tax reasons. Please fix ASAP.

sl-service-account commented 10 years ago

Evachangin Serendipity commented at 2014-04-08T17:57:45Z

It is hard to believe that you = LL have done this in this manner ... it is no longer a functional record Transaction ID is essential for Identification Ability to refresh is essential Running balances & totals are essential Being able to download for Excel is essential

You have even got destination & Source reversed !!

I just shake my head & wonder what you guys in the Lab are thinking or NOT

sl-service-account commented 10 years ago

JeremyAtticusFinch commented at 2014-04-08T17:58:37Z

Stop fixing things that are not broken!

sl-service-account commented 10 years ago

Reven Rosca commented at 2014-04-08T17:58:55Z

I like the new layout, and am very happy for the filtering options, given that it is possible to show more than one filtered page. Transaction IDs can just as well be displayed in the download in my case, so I don't mind not seeing them on the web. I can work with CSV instead of XML and XLS too, but please, PLEASE, take your time to do the small code change it should be to default the list to one day as before. In return, you will see less strain on your servers.

sl-service-account commented 10 years ago

krasnirex commented at 2014-04-08T17:59:35Z

How about adding a "show today's transactions" button and a "show month's transactions" button to let residents choose. Also, I confirm that the CSV file exported does not follow the filter on the website. It exports the whole range of days available.

sl-service-account commented 10 years ago

CommerceTeam Linden commented at 2014-04-08T18:02:57Z

Thank you all for the comments, we are reviewing them all.

Thanks, The Lindens

sl-service-account commented 10 years ago

Reven Rosca commented at 2014-04-08T18:05:06Z

Filters and date spans actually work, in a non scrambled manner,and even lets you update the page, but only if you change the number of displayed items in the list.

sl-service-account commented 10 years ago

Sera Lok commented at 2014-04-08T18:11:45Z

Thank you Thank you Lindens, I see that it has been reverted for now.

sl-service-account commented 10 years ago

CommerceTeam Linden commented at 2014-04-14T19:06:09Z

While we are working to get a test page ready for your review, we'd like some clarification of how the ID Prefix column is used. This field only shows the first 8 characters of the ID field, which is not unique to the transaction. The full ID field contains 36 characters (including dashes). How is the ID Prefix useful when it is not unique?

And, do you want to have 36 characters take up space on an already very narrow report if we put the full ID on the in-page report?

sl-service-account commented 10 years ago

Pamela Galli commented at 2014-04-14T21:06:23Z

Just FYI, I don't use the ID numbers.

sl-service-account commented 10 years ago

Gibson Firehawk commented at 2014-04-14T21:16:05Z, updated at 2014-04-14T21:18:03Z

The ID field is useful in the same ways that only the last several digits of a social security number or a bank account number are displayed for verification or lookup on websites without necessarily needing to showing all of the digits to do so. Something like showing an appended ID field by default and then giving the user the ability to see the full ID if needed would be great.

sl-service-account commented 10 years ago

Phoebe Avro commented at 2014-04-14T21:31:04Z

I do believe the order number from the detail field was removed for MP sales

sl-service-account commented 10 years ago

CommerceTeam Linden commented at 2014-04-14T21:35:40Z

Thanks, Gibson, that is helpful.

Phoebe, the order number from Marketplace should still appear in the description field--the contents of the Description field were not changed. Once we get the test up, you can take a look, as will we.

sl-service-account commented 10 years ago

Phoebe Avro commented at 2014-04-14T21:46:13Z

The time stamps had also been changed to the users local time too, this needs to be set to SL time as it is now i would think

sl-service-account commented 10 years ago

Reven Rosca commented at 2014-04-15T00:09:41Z

I don't use transaction numbers at all. I can't even see the need for them unless a merchant names all their items "object" or similar. Transactions will be distinguishable by time stamps, object name (SKU), customer and price.

sl-service-account commented 10 years ago

Marianne McCann commented at 2014-04-15T01:16:00Z

It has been common practice with many merchants, in cases of failed deliveries and other issues, to request the transaction number from their customer.

sl-service-account commented 10 years ago

Darrius Gothly commented at 2014-04-15T01:53:36Z

While I recognize the desire to enhance and improve the information provided by the Transaction Report, please keep in mind that any changes made to the existing system will have massive and incredibly expensive results on 1000's of Second Life users. If you insist on revamping the data provided, please .. PLEASE .. keep the existing data formats and information available for those that need to maintain continuity. It's called "Backward Compatibility" and it is crucial to any Information Processing system. Imagine the damage that would result if each new version of Windows was completely incompatible with the previous. While the Transaction Report is not such a far reaching resource, it IS critical to the daily operations of many people's businesses.

When you release the "New and Improved" report, keep the old data and file formats still available. This will allow us all to maintain continuity and migrate to the new system in due course .. NOT in sheer panic overnight. Please PLEASE respect our needs in this situation and do not cut us off at the knees as has happened in the past.

This is your chance to DO IT RIGHT! You have all the tools, all the time and all the incentive to approach this with care, diligence and professionalism. I now put it to you, CommerceTeam Linden and the new CEO Ebbe .. make it work for EVERYONE and not just for a fleeting desire to "do something neat".

As for the ID Prefix column: I do not currently use it in any of my operations and consider it only a placeholder column. Expanding the data reported to the full 36 characters will not have any affect on my accounting and bookkeeping operations other than to increase the storage requirements for that column.

sl-service-account commented 10 years ago

CommerceTeam Linden commented at 2014-04-15T17:33:37Z

In order to track the current issues with this page, here is a summary of what we have identified so far from various feedback sources:

sl-service-account commented 10 years ago

Darrius Gothly commented at 2014-04-15T18:13:51Z

In response to your list of identified issues:

Is there a URL for a sample report that we can preview to be sure we are "in sync" with your development team? It would be helpful if we can see how things are progressing so we can alert you to potential oversights and/or help eliminate useless data/work. In other words .. BEFORE you pour concrete on it, we'd like to see how it looks so we can prevent serious problems from becoming "standard" and permanently broken.

sl-service-account commented 10 years ago

Pamela Galli commented at 2014-04-15T18:14:37Z

Since I cannot see the "new" transaction page, and only saw it for an hour or so, I cannot confirm all of these, but:

Results cannot be exported in XLS OR XML. (I use XLS.)

There is no visible RUNNING total for the day.

The time and date should be SLT.

sl-service-account commented 10 years ago

CommerceTeam Linden commented at 2014-04-15T18:17:21Z

This is just a summary of what feedback we have gotten so far. We'll update the blog once we have the page ready for review.

Why is XLS needed? CSV is a more portable format compatible with Excel.

sl-service-account commented 10 years ago

Reven Rosca commented at 2014-04-15T18:34:41Z

Updating search filters does not pull new data

XML is my preferred format for download, but XLS and CSV work as well. It's just a matter of adjusting my conversion routines.

I have one wish, though: Can you please make Inworld and Marketplace statistics consistent? I guess and hope this was the reason why you chose CSV in the first place.

sl-service-account commented 10 years ago

Pamela Galli commented at 2014-04-15T18:35:28Z

Not with my Mac version. I have to go through a number of conversion steps.

In any case as Darrius points out, all my records are in XLS format and I need all going forward to be the same.

sl-service-account commented 10 years ago

Darrius Gothly commented at 2014-04-15T18:36:55Z

XLS format is directly usable by Excel and includes proper data formatting. For example, dates and times are directly represented as Date/Time format but are actually stored in the exported data as Excel's internal numeric format. CSV format stores dates and times as textual information which must be converted. However the primary reason is .. because that's what is available now and many processes either manual or semi-automatic depend on the input data being in XLS format. Please remember that backward compatibility, as much as feasible, eases acceptance and integration of the new features.

I've not seen it written anywhere, but exactly what IS the purpose of rewriting the Transaction History report? What new data, features, capabilities are driving this effort? What will be improved by making this modification?

I can point to lots of places where the changes will be detrimental, but I'd like some explanation of what benefits this brings. So far I've not seen any benefits mentioned or suggested; I've only seen changes without any explanation of how the new report is an improvement over what exists now. (In other words, when you sold this idea to upper management, what bullet points did you use to sell it to them .. so they would approve the expenditure of employee hours and QA resources?)

sl-service-account commented 10 years ago

Pamela Galli commented at 2014-04-15T18:46:38Z

Yes, forgive us for appearing to be feet-dragging Luddites, but as usual we are in the dark about what benefit is supposed to be gained from this. From our perspective it just looks like breaking what isn't broken.

It is bad enough that we lost so much reporting functionality when Xstreet was shut down but now to have even my basic ability to track sales compromised as well?

sl-service-account commented 10 years ago

DT Zanzibar commented at 2014-04-15T19:25:07Z, updated at 2014-04-15T19:29:13Z

as Per Pamela ... I am Mac based as well I have 4 years of trading records based on XLS I really don't want to be running conversions

I find the running balance to be very useful in keeping track of where I am at ... in world records are not reliable I hope that wasn't removed

as per Darius ... I would really like to know what the expected benefits of this work input by the Lab are expected to be for us, the users

I would also like to be able to preview the changed format before it hits me on my actual transaction page ... I was knocked over with its brief appearance

I would also like to loudly thank Commerce Team Linden for engaging in constructive discussion on these issues - WAY to GO !!

sl-service-account commented 10 years ago

Kean Kelly commented at 2014-04-15T20:21:21Z

Regarding the XLS file download:

CSV lacks the formatting that makes it instantly usable for binary processing. XLS is formatted which means I can immediately read totals and all sort of info from it.

Please keep the XLS download possible.

sl-service-account commented 10 years ago

Cudaboy Lockjaw commented at 2014-04-16T06:59:08Z

Excel is way more superior compared to CSV as it is able to do a lot more to the tabular data. Formatting is one of the biggest features. You can change fonts, colors, and the sizes of each cell so that the table is much easier to read and more pleasant to the eyes of the reader. You also have the ability to embed tables within the Excel files that give a visual representation of the data. CSV has no provisions for saving table information in itself. There is really no need to use CSV unless you have some specialized application that is irreplaceable and does not recognize the data in an Excel file.

sl-service-account commented 10 years ago

Sera Lok commented at 2014-04-16T15:03:09Z

Agree with the comments about XLS downloads, please keep these available.

sl-service-account commented 10 years ago

Marianne McCann commented at 2014-04-16T16:38:17Z

My question on XLS downloads (which I do use) and other removed features: what was the logic behind their removal? Was there a specific reason they needed to be removed? I think a sense of the "why" for changes, particularly functionality changes like this, would be a useful part of this discussion. Can Commerce Team enlighten?

sl-service-account commented 10 years ago

CommerceTeam Linden commented at 2014-04-16T18:14:30Z

We have posted a blog ( to alert users that they are now able to try out the new version of the page alongside the old.

In addition, we have provided instructions and background on the changes to this page in a wiki article,, linked from the blog post.

sl-service-account commented 10 years ago

CommerceTeam Linden commented at 2014-04-16T18:18:42Z

For those with the concerns about XLS format no longer being available, we would like you to try out the new CSV format with your existing process and report back here what issues you are facing. Since CSV is compatible with Excel, we'd like to understand what is not present in the CSV that is needed for your calculations. We understand that date/time formatting is one. Once the CSV is loaded, does setting your own formatting and saving as an XLS solve the other problems we've seen reported here?

sl-service-account commented 10 years ago

Phoebe Avro commented at 2014-04-16T18:28:19Z

I can't download the CSV the download link does not work i get this on a blank page {"reload_now":true,"server_response":true}

sl-service-account commented 10 years ago

CommerceTeam Linden commented at 2014-04-16T18:41:33Z

We are working on a fix for the CSV issue. In the short term, if you refresh the page after seeing this message, the link will then work.

sl-service-account commented 10 years ago

Rose Mackie commented at 2014-04-16T18:48:46Z

The previous page layout and usability works well for those who use it the most, i.e. merchants. Why are you wasting resources on changing something that works instead of applying yourselves to things that don't work well, like inventory management?