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[BUG-8631] Complete texture corruption followed by viewer crash, only when HttpPipelining is enabled #16223

Open sl-service-account opened 9 years ago

sl-service-account commented 9 years ago

Steps to Reproduce




Original Jira Fields | Field | Value | | ------------- | ------------- | | Issue | BUG-8631 | | Summary | Complete texture corruption followed by viewer crash, only when HttpPipelining is enabled | | Type | Bug | | Priority | Unset | | Status | Accepted | | Resolution | Accepted | | Reporter | Greatfox Snowpaw (greatfox.snowpaw) | | Created at | 2015-02-26T22:23:15Z | | Updated at | 2016-11-19T21:38:51Z | ``` { 'Business Unit': ['Platform'], 'Date of First Response': '2015-02-26T22:45:13.460-0600', "Is there anything you'd like to add?": 'WIP', 'Severity': 'Unset', 'System': 'SL Viewer', 'Target Viewer Version': 'viewer-development', 'What just happened?': 'Work in progress', 'What were you doing when it happened?': 'WIP', 'What were you expecting to happen instead?': 'WIP', } ```
sl-service-account commented 9 years ago

Greatfox Snowpaw commented at 2015-02-27T04:01:59Z

Will properly file this tomorrow. Please don't delete me.

sl-service-account commented 9 years ago

Monty Linden commented at 2015-02-27T04:45:13Z

Please include information on networking equipment: routers, wifi, tethered cell phone, mifi, etc.

sl-service-account commented 9 years ago

Whirly Fizzle commented at 2015-02-27T05:41:01Z, updated at 2015-02-27T06:42:31Z

Reproduced on Second Life 3.7.25 (299021) Feb 13 2015 15:21:02 (Second Life Release) & on a pipelining enabled Firestorm.

Network Information

System Information

Second Life 3.7.25 (299021) Feb 13 2015 15:21:02 (Second Life Release)
Release Notes

CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4770K CPU @ 3.50GHz (3491.97 MHz)
Memory: 16268 MB
OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 64-bit Service Pack 1 (Build 7601)
Graphics Card Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
Graphics Card: GeForce GTX 750/PCIe/SSE2

Windows Graphics Driver Version: 9.18.0013.4752
OpenGL Version: 4.5.0 NVIDIA 347.52

libcurl Version: libcurl/7.38.0 OpenSSL/1.0.1h zlib/1.2.8
J2C Decoder Version: KDU v7.0
Audio Driver Version: FMOD Ex 4.44.31
Qt Webkit Version: 4.7.1 (version number hard-coded)
Voice Server Version: Not Connected
Built with MSVC version 1600
sl-service-account commented 9 years ago

Whirly Fizzle commented at 2015-02-27T07:06:12Z

Callstack from crash on Second Life 3.7.25 (299021) Feb 13 2015 15:21:02 (Second Life Release) with HttpPipelining enabled

Operating system: Windows NT
                  6.1.7601 Service Pack 1
CPU: x86
     GenuineIntel family 6 model 60 stepping 3
     8 CPUs

Crash address: 0x47ebd18f
Assertion: Unknown assertion type 0x00000000

Thread 0 (crashed)
 0  ntdll.dll + 0x2e3be
    eip = 0x77a6e3be   esp = 0x00c0f270   ebp = 0x00c0f2a4   ebx = 0x23109290
    esi = 0x47ebd18b   edi = 0x23109288   eax = 0x00000000   ecx = 0x04b50000
    edx = 0x23109290   efl = 0x00210206
    Found by: given as instruction pointer in context
 1  ntdll.dll + 0x2e022
    eip = 0x77a6e023   esp = 0x00c0f2ac   ebp = 0x00c0f2bc
    Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
 2  kernel32.dll + 0x114ac
    eip = 0x76f014ad   esp = 0x00c0f2c4   ebp = 0x00c0f2d0
    Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
 3  msvcr100.dll!zzz_AsmCodeRange_End + 0x6c
    eip = 0x6cbc016a   esp = 0x00c0f2d8   ebp = 0x00c0f2e4
    Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
 4  msvcr100.dll!_aligned_free [align.c : 472 + 0x7]
    eip = 0x6cc367cc   esp = 0x00c0f2ec   ebp = 0x00c0f2f0
    Found by: call frame info
 5  SecondLifeViewer.exe!LLVBOPool::release(unsigned int,unsigned char volatile *,unsigned int) [llvertexbuffer.cpp : 247 + 0x9]
    eip = 0x01adef3b   esp = 0x00c0f2f8   ebp = 0x00c0f300
    Found by: call frame info
 6  SecondLifeViewer.exe!LLVertexBuffer::destroyGLBuffer() [llvertexbuffer.cpp : 1239 + 0x20]
    eip = 0x01adf064   esp = 0x00c0f308   ebp = 0x00c0f344
    Found by: call frame info
 7  SecondLifeViewer.exe!LLVertexBuffer::~LLVertexBuffer() [llvertexbuffer.cpp : 1044 + 0x4]
    eip = 0x01ae0456   esp = 0x00c0f320   ebp = 0x00c0f344
    Found by: call frame info
 8  SecondLifeViewer.exe!LLVertexBuffer::`vector deleting destructor'(unsigned int) + 0xa
    eip = 0x017bc4eb   esp = 0x00c0f34c   ebp = 0x00c0f350
    Found by: call frame info
 9  SecondLifeViewer.exe!LLPointer<LLVertexBuffer>::unref() [llpointer.h : 156 + 0x15]
    eip = 0x00fcd0a7   esp = 0x00c0f358   ebp = 0x00c0f378
    Found by: call frame info
10  SecondLifeViewer.exe!std::_Tree<std::_Tmap_traits<LLFace *,std::vector<LLPointer<LLVertexBuffer>,std::allocator<LLPointer<LLVertexBuffer> > >,std::less<LLFace *>,std::allocator<std::pair<LLFace * const,std::vector<LLPointer<LLVertexBuffer>,std::allocator<LLPointer<LLVertexBuffer> > > > >,0> >::_Erase(std::_Tree_nod<std::_Tmap_traits<LLFace *,std::vector<LLPointer<LLVertexBuffer>,std::allocator<LLPointer<LLVertexBuffer> > >,std::less<LLFace *>,std::allocator<std::pair<LLFace * const,std::vector<LLPointer<LLVertexBuffer>,std::allocator<LLPointer<LLVertexBuffer> > > > >,0> >::_Node *) [xtree : 1617 + 0x27]
    eip = 0x01129c77   esp = 0x00c0f380   ebp = 0x00c0f394
    Found by: call frame info
11  SecondLifeViewer.exe!LLVolumeGeometryManager::genDrawInfo(LLSpatialGroup *,unsigned int,LLFace * *,unsigned int,int,int,int) [llvovolume.cpp : 5812 + 0x21]
    eip = 0x017d2f17   esp = 0x00c0f39c   ebp = 0x00c0f528
    Found by: call frame info
12  SecondLifeViewer.exe!LLVolumeGeometryManager::rebuildGeom(LLSpatialGroup *) [llvovolume.cpp : 5017 + 0x23]
    eip = 0x017d42af   esp = 0x00c0f530   ebp = 0x00c0f614
    Found by: call frame info
13  SecondLifeViewer.exe!LLSpatialGroup::rebuildGeom() [llspatialpartition.cpp : 396 + 0x11]
    eip = 0x015465ef   esp = 0x00c0f61c   ebp = 0x00c0f66c
    Found by: call frame info
14  SecondLifeViewer.exe!LLPipeline::rebuildGroups() [pipeline.cpp : 3000 + 0x6]
    eip = 0x01828907   esp = 0x00c0f628   ebp = 0x00c0f66c
    Found by: call frame info
15  SecondLifeViewer.exe!display(int,float,int,int) [llviewerdisplay.cpp : 1039 + 0x9]
    eip = 0x016228fb   esp = 0x00c0f674   ebp = 0x00c0f8fc
    Found by: call frame info
16  SecondLifeViewer.exe!LLAppViewer::mainLoop() [llappviewer.cpp : 1454 + 0x20]
    eip = 0x00efde3c   esp = 0x00c0f904   ebp = 0x00c0fad8
    Found by: call frame info
17  SecondLifeViewer.exe!WinMain [llappviewerwin32.cpp : 322 + 0x8]
    eip = 0x01843032   esp = 0x00c0fae0   ebp = 0x00c0fb14
    Found by: call frame info
18  SecondLifeViewer.exe!__tmainCRTStartup [crtexe.c : 547 + 0x1b]
    eip = 0x021dc307   esp = 0x00c0fb1c   ebp = 0x00c0fba8
    Found by: call frame info
19  kernel32.dll + 0x13389
    eip = 0x76f0338a   esp = 0x00c0fbb0   ebp = 0x00c0fbb4
    Found by: call frame info
20  ntdll.dll + 0x39f71
    eip = 0x77a79f72   esp = 0x00c0fbbc   ebp = 0x00c0fbf4
    Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
21  ntdll.dll + 0x39f44
    eip = 0x77a79f45   esp = 0x00c0fbfc   ebp = 0x00c0fc0c
    Found by: previous frame's frame pointer

Callstack from Firestorm 4.7.0 (45028) Feb 25 2015 14:24:48 (Firestorm-Fizzlefire) with OpenSimulator support with HttpPipelining enabled

    ntdll.dll!RtlFreeHeap()  + 0xd0 bytes   
    kernel32.dll!HeapFree()  + 0xa bytes    
>   msvcr100.dll!free(void * pBlock)  Line 51   C
    msvcr100.dll!_aligned_free(void * memblock)  Line 473   C
    FirestormOS-Fizzlefire.exe!LLPrivateMemoryPoolManager::freeMem(LLPrivateMemoryPool * poolp, void * addr)  Line 1919 + 0x9 bytes C++
    FirestormOS-Fizzlefire.exe!LLImageFormatted::~LLImageFormatted()  Line 1334 + 0x19 bytes    C++
    FirestormOS-Fizzlefire.exe!LLImageJ2C::`scalar deleting destructor'()  + 0x14 bytes C++
    FirestormOS-Fizzlefire.exe!LLPointer<LLImageFormatted>::unref()  Line 157   C++
    FirestormOS-Fizzlefire.exe!LLTextureFetchWorker::endWork(int param, bool aborted)  Line 2102 + 0x1f bytes   C++
    FirestormOS-Fizzlefire.exe!LLWorkerClass::checkWork(bool aborting)  Line 370    C++
    FirestormOS-Fizzlefire.exe!LLTextureFetch::getRequestFinished(const LLUUID & id, int & discard_level, LLPointer<LLImageRaw> & raw, LLPointer<LLImageRaw> & aux, LLCore::HttpStatus & last_http_get_status)  Line 2936   C++
    FirestormOS-Fizzlefire.exe!LLViewerFetchedTexture::updateFetch()  Line 1955 C++
    FirestormOS-Fizzlefire.exe!LLViewerTextureList::updateImagesFetchTextures(float max_time)  Line 1090    C++
    FirestormOS-Fizzlefire.exe!LLViewerTextureList::updateImages(float max_time)  Line 725 + 0xb bytes  C++
    FirestormOS-Fizzlefire.exe!display(int rebuild, float zoom_factor, int subfield, int for_snapshot)  Line 890 + 0xc bytes    C++
    FirestormOS-Fizzlefire.exe!LLAppViewer::mainLoop()  Line 1704   C++
    FirestormOS-Fizzlefire.exe!WinMain(HINSTANCE__ * hInstance, HINSTANCE__ * hPrevInstance, char * lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow)  Line 329  C++
    FirestormOS-Fizzlefire.exe!__tmainCRTStartup()  Line 547 + 0x25 bytes   C
    kernel32.dll!BaseThreadInitThunk()  + 0xd bytes 
    ntdll.dll!RtlUserThreadStart()  + 0x21 bytes    
sl-service-account commented 9 years ago

Whirly Fizzle commented at 2015-02-27T07:14:24Z

@Monty - let me know if you want Wiresharks or any other tests done. I want to get this Forticlient crap off my computer :D

sl-service-account commented 9 years ago

MadMac Galaxy commented at 2015-02-27T20:47:52Z

@Whirly Fizzle, never doubt the Forticlient! XD

sl-service-account commented 9 years ago

Whirly Fizzle commented at 2015-02-28T03:19:00Z

After uninstalling Forticlient & a cache folder enema - behaviour is back to normal when running Second Life 3.7.25 (299021) Feb 13 2015 15:21:02 (Second Life Release) with HttpPipelining enabled :)

sl-service-account commented 9 years ago

Greatfox Snowpaw commented at 2015-02-28T12:54:06Z

Information and logs provided from my testing. I've also now uninstalled Forticlient and cleared my cache folders and everything is running fine with HttpPipelining enabled.

sl-service-account commented 9 years ago

Whirly Fizzle commented at 2015-02-28T22:30:26Z

I had to reinstall Forticlient to get Wiresharks for Nicky on Firestorm, so I did a capture on the LL viewer too - Second Life 3.7.25 (299021) Feb 13 2015 15:21:02 (Second Life Release) Session is only ~ 1 min long and then the viewer crashed. Plenty of those warnings in the logs though.

Wireshark & log: QAModeHttpTrace set to 1 Clean cache.

sl-service-account commented 9 years ago

MadMac Galaxy commented at 2015-03-03T13:41:50Z

Solution to the Forticlient bug. Disabling proxy in the advanced settings under file -> settings fixes it. Waiting on Futashy to post confirmation. Special thanks to kolawale_FTNT on the Fortinet forum, for presenting the solution.

sl-service-account commented 9 years ago

Whirly Fizzle commented at 2015-03-04T00:23:11Z

Confirmed that disabling FortiProxy under File -> Settings fixes the problem after a cache folder enema. FortiProxy is enabled by default.

Greatfox (issue filer) also confirmed this fixed the problem on the Firestorm JIRA:

Futashy added a comment - Yesterday

MadMac's fix in the above comment is confirmed to fix the issue entirely. No corrupted textures and no crash after disabling the proxy.

sl-service-account commented 9 years ago

Whirly Fizzle commented at 2015-03-08T00:31:33Z, updated at 2015-03-08T00:31:52Z

Norman Antivirus Security Suite also causes this same crash when HttpPipelining is enabled, though it takes longer to crash (about half an hour as opposed to a few minutes) and there is very little visible texture or mesh corruption - see BUG-8711

sl-service-account commented 9 years ago

Whirly Fizzle commented at 2015-08-19T16:01:37Z

This problem also affects SOPHOS UTM 9 stateful firewall.

Copying over information from a Firestorm ticket:

Sione Lomu added a comment - 9 hours ago

Seeing the exact same thing on x64. Had it on the beta and rolled back hoping it wouldn't be in release.

No Forticlient or Norton's here. Affecting all PC's behind SOPHOS UTM 9 stateful firewall with all outgoing protocols allowed.

Disabled Intrusion Prevention and Advanced Threat Detection as I thought the packet inspection might be causing it. Still happened.

This is a showstopper.

newview/lltexturefetch.cpp(2347) : 2015-08-19T06:06:19Z WARNING:#Texture LLTextureFetchWorker::callbackHttpGet: data_size = 1106 > requested: 600
newview/lltexturefetch.cpp(1742) : 2015-08-19T06:06:19Z WARNING:#Texture LLTextureFetchWorker::doWork: Partial HTTP response produces break in image data for texture d7b2c342-6736-3270-1f12-313561b679ff.  Aborting load.
newview/llviewertexture.cpp(2061) : 2015-08-19T06:06:19Z WARNING: LLViewerFetchedTexture::updateFetch: d7b2c342-6736-3270-1f12-313561b679ff Fetch failure, setting as missing, decode_priority 7900023.500000 mRawDiscardLevel 32767 current_discard -1 stats 00ce0000
newview/llviewertexture.cpp(2274) : 2015-08-19T06:06:19Z WARNING: LLViewerFetchedTexture::setIsMissingAsset: d7b2c342-6736-3270-1f12-313561b679ff: Marking image as missing
newview/lltexturefetch.cpp(2347) : 2015-08-19T06:06:19Z WARNING:#Texture LLTextureFetchWorker::callbackHttpGet: data_size = 4734 > requested: 600
newview/lltexturefetch.cpp(1742) : 2015-08-19T06:06:19Z WARNING:#Texture LLTextureFetchWorker::doWork: Partial HTTP response produces break in image data for texture faa82d88-0e7f-6976-0b0c-fd635d285618.  Aborting load.
llkdu/llimagej2ckdu.cpp(180) : 2015-08-19T06:06:19Z INFO:#LLImageJ2CKDU LLKDUMessageError::put_text: ONCE: KDU Error: Kakadu Core Error:

llkdu/llimagej2ckdu.cpp(180) : 2015-08-19T06:06:19Z INFO:#LLImageJ2CKDU LLKDUMessageError::put_text: ONCE: KDU Error: Illegal inclusion tag tree encountered while decoding a packet header.  This problem can arise if empty packets are used (i.e., packets whose first header bit is 0) and the value coded by the inclusion tag tree in a subsequent packet is not exactly equal to the index of the quality layer in which each code-block makes its first contribution.  Such an error may arise from a mis-interpretation of the standard.  The problem may also occur as a result of a corrupted code-stream.  Try re-opening the image with the resilient mode enabled.
newview/lltexturefetch.cpp(2444) : 2015-08-19T06:06:19Z WARNING:#Texture LLTextureFetchWorker::callbackDecoded: DECODE FAILED: c866dd2b-896b-64ae-2f17-3459321f9abe Discard: 0
newview/lltexturefetch.cpp(2444) : 2015-08-19T06:06:19Z WARNING:#Texture LLTextureFetchWorker::callbackDecoded: DECODE FAILED: 00f2e9f5-9404-824a-8b57-88b06a89d775 Discard: 0
newview/lltexturefetch.cpp(1888) : 2015-08-19T06:06:19Z WARNING:#Texture LLTextureFetchWorker::doWork: c866dd2b-896b-64ae-2f17-3459321f9abe: Decode of cached file failed (removed), retrying
newview/lltexturefetch.cpp(1888) : 2015-08-19T06:06:19Z WARNING:#Texture LLTextureFetchWorker::doWork: 00f2e9f5-9404-824a-8b57-88b06a89d775: Decode of cached file failed (removed), retrying
newview/lltexturefetch.cpp(2444) : 2015-08-19T06:06:19Z WARNING:#Texture LLTextureFetchWorker::callbackDecoded: DECODE FAILED: 19530e28-aa16-17f6-811b-e308897bc2c0 Discard: 2
newview/lltexturefetch.cpp(1888) : 2015-08-19T06:06:19Z WARNING:#Texture LLTextureFetchWorker::doWork: 19530e28-aa16-17f6-811b-e308897bc2c0: Decode of cached file failed (removed), retrying
newview/llviewertexture.cpp(2061) : 2015-08-19T06:06:20Z WARNING: LLViewerFetchedTexture::updateFetch: faa82d88-0e7f-6976-0b0c-fd635d285618 Fetch failure, setting as missing, decode_priority 4380056.500000 mRawDiscardLevel 32767 current_discard -1 stats 00ce0000
newview/llviewertexture.cpp(2274) : 2015-08-19T06:06:20Z WARNING: LLViewerFetchedTexture::setIsMissingAsset: faa82d88-0e7f-6976-0b0c-fd635d285618: Marking image as missing
newview/lltexturefetch.cpp(2347) : 2015-08-19T06:06:20Z WARNING:#Texture LLTextureFetchWorker::callbackHttpGet: data_size = 3316 > requested: 600
newview/lltexturefetch.cpp(1742) : 2015-08-19T06:06:20Z WARNING:#Texture LLTextureFetchWorker::doWork: Partial HTTP response produces break in image data for texture 0c760aa1-1514-4c73-cf1c-6f432e7e0cbf.  Aborting load.
newview/llviewertexture.cpp(2061) : 2015-08-19T06:06:20Z WARNING: LLViewerFetchedTexture::updateFetch: 0c760aa1-1514-4c73-cf1c-6f432e7e0cbf Fetch failure, setting as missing, decode_priority 2656181.000000 mRawDiscardLevel 32767 current_discard -1 stats 00ce0000
newview/llviewertexture.cpp(2274) : 2015-08-19T06:06:20Z WARNING: LLViewerFetchedTexture::setIsMissingAsset: 0c760aa1-1514-4c73-cf1c-6f432e7e0cbf: Marking image as missing
newview/lltexturefetch.cpp(2347) : 2015-08-19T06:06:20Z WARNING:#Texture LLTextureFetchWorker::callbackHttpGet: data_size = 6758 > requested: 600
newview/lltexturefetch.cpp(1742) : 2015-08-19T06:06:20Z WARNING:#Texture LLTextureFetchWorker::doWork: Partial HTTP response produces break in image data for texture 4b390c6f-6145-20e3-15af-9a753c9db35b.  Aborting load.
newview/lltexturefetch.cpp(2444) : 2015-08-19T06:06:20Z WARNING:#Texture LLTextureFetchWorker::callbackDecoded: DECODE FAILED: 40d58ca4-c106-697e-54ed-1bac5bb752d5 Discard: 0
newview/lltexturefetch.cpp(1888) : 2015-08-19T06:06:20Z WARNING:#Texture LLTextureFetchWorker::doWork: 40d58ca4-c106-697e-54ed-1bac5bb752d5: Decode of cached file failed (removed), retrying
newview/lltexturefetch.cpp(2347) : 2015-08-19T06:06:20Z WARNING:#Texture LLTextureFetchWorker::callbackHttpGet: data_size = 3386 > requested: 600
llkdu/llimagej2ckdu.cpp(180) : 2015-08-19T06:06:20Z INFO:#LLImageJ2CKDU LLKDUMessageError::put_text: ONCE: KDU Error: Missing or out-of-sequence tile-parts for tile number 
llkdu/llimagej2ckdu.cpp(180) : 2015-08-19T06:06:20Z INFO:#LLImageJ2CKDU LLKDUMessageError::put_text: ONCE: KDU Error: 0
llkdu/llimagej2ckdu.cpp(180) : 2015-08-19T06:06:20Z INFO:#LLImageJ2CKDU LLKDUMessageError::put_text: ONCE: KDU Error:  in code-stream!
newview/lltexturefetch.cpp(2444) : 2015-08-19T06:06:20Z WARNING:#Texture LLTextureFetchWorker::callbackDecoded: DECODE FAILED: 57c6793b-d3de-be32-e023-783ef572a737 Discard: 0
newview/lltexturefetch.cpp(1742) : 2015-08-19T06:06:20Z WARNING:#Texture LLTextureFetchWorker::doWork: Partial HTTP response produces break in image data for texture 4ff7a913-6237-23eb-bbeb-1e4b16fc70be.  Aborting load.
newview/lltexturefetch.cpp(1888) : 2015-08-19T06:06:20Z WARNING:#Texture LLTextureFetchWorker::doWork: 57c6793b-d3de-be32-e023-783ef572a737: Decode of cached file failed (removed), retrying
newview/lltexturefetch.cpp(2444) : 2015-08-19T06:06:20Z WARNING:#Texture LLTextureFetchWorker::callbackDecoded: DECODE FAILED: 4b76d29d-c535-cc11-a27b-86ff06aeecaf Discard: 0
newview/lltexturefetch.cpp(1888) : 2015-08-19T06:06:20Z WARNING:#Texture LLTextureFetchWorker::doWork: 4b76d29d-c535-cc11-a27b-86ff06aeecaf: Decode of cached file failed (removed), retrying
newview/lltexturefetch.cpp(2347) : 2015-08-19T06:06:20Z WARNING:#Texture LLTextureFetchWorker::callbackHttpGet: data_size = 3661 > requested: 600
newview/lltexturefetch.cpp(1742) : 2015-08-19T06:06:20Z WARNING:#Texture LLTextureFetchWorker::doWork: Partial HTTP response produces break in image data for texture 6e80ab7a-5ea0-f091-44f8-c9d6b909719f.  Aborting load.
newview/lltexturefetch.cpp(2444) : 2015-08-19T06:06:20Z WARNING:#Texture LLTextureFetchWorker::callbackDecoded: DECODE FAILED: 6b9c2ce4-7d8b-6f5a-f503-0cadc1d98a0f Discard: 0
newview/lltexturefetch.cpp(1888) : 2015-08-19T06:06:20Z WARNING:#Texture LLTextureFetchWorker::doWork: 6b9c2ce4-7d8b-6f5a-f503-0cadc1d98a0f: Decode of cached file failed (removed), retrying
newview/lltexturefetch.cpp(2347) : 2015-08-19T06:06:20Z WARNING:#Texture LLTextureFetchWorker::callbackHttpGet: data_size = 5535 > requested: 600
newview/lltexturefetch.cpp(1742) : 2015-08-19T06:06:20Z WARNING:#Texture LLTextureFetchWorker::doWork: Partial HTTP response produces break in image data for texture 72f168c6-adb4-cfcd-e8d1-856cd51df67d.  Aborting load.
newview/lltexturefetch.cpp(2347) : 2015-08-19T06:06:20Z WARNING:#Texture LLTextureFetchWorker::callbackHttpGet: data_size = 875 > requested: 600
newview/lltexturefetch.cpp(1742) : 2015-08-19T06:06:20Z WARNING:#Texture LLTextureFetchWorker::doWork: Partial HTTP response produces break in image data for texture 78c83043-d379-0538-ab0f-4d32c8522435.  Aborting load.
newview/lltexturefetch.cpp(2347) : 2015-08-19T06:06:20Z WARNING:#Texture LLTextureFetchWorker::callbackHttpGet: data_size = 920 > requested: 600
newview/lltexturefetch.cpp(1742) : 2015-08-19T06:06:20Z WARNING:#Texture LLTextureFetchWorker::doWork: Partial HTTP response produces break in image data for texture 4bae0ac1-1bba-134b-9588-96a0c2514c0b.  Aborting load.
newview/lltexturefetch.cpp(2347) : 2015-08-19T06:06:20Z WARNING:#Texture LLTextureFetchWorker::callbackHttpGet: data_size = 6657 > requested: 4734
newview/lltexturefetch.cpp(1742) : 2015-08-19T06:06:20Z WARNING:#Texture LLTextureFetchWorker::doWork: Partial HTTP response produces break in image data for texture 7c97f066-a654-09bd-5012-377b15296243.  Aborting load.
newview/lltexturefetch.cpp(2444) : 2015-08-19T06:06:20Z WARNING:#Texture LLTextureFetchWorker::callbackDecoded: DECODE FAILED: 65b7fca0-f655-eac6-fb04-74e12190403b Discard: 0
newview/lltexturefetch.cpp(2347) : 2015-08-19T06:06:20Z WARNING:#Texture LLTextureFetchWorker::callbackHttpGet: data_size = 7258 > requested: 937
newview/lltexturefetch.cpp(1888) : 2015-08-19T06:06:20Z WARNING:#Texture LLTextureFetchWorker::doWork: 65b7fca0-f655-eac6-fb04-74e12190403b: Decode of cached file failed (removed), retrying
newview/lltexturefetch.cpp(1742) : 2015-08-19T06:06:20Z WARNING:#Texture LLTextureFetchWorker::doWork: Partial HTTP response produces break in image data for texture 81ad09bd-fb79-7684-93e1-4d09af679fe3.  Aborting load.
newview/lltexturefetch.cpp(2444) : 2015-08-19T06:06:20Z WARNING:#Texture LLTextureFetchWorker::callbackDecoded: DECODE FAILED: 67ae8abc-3b14-1226-225d-9291955efe9f Discard: 0
newview/lltexturefetch.cpp(1888) : 2015-08-19T06:06:20Z WARNING:#Texture LLTextureFetchWorker::doWork: 67ae8abc-3b14-1226-225d-9291955efe9f: Decode of cached file failed (removed), retrying
llkdu/llimagej2ckdu.cpp(180) : 2015-08-19T06:06:20Z INFO:#LLImageJ2CKDU LLKDUMessageError::put_text: ONCE (10th time seen): KDU Error: Kakadu Core Error:

newview/lltexturefetch.cpp(2444) : 2015-08-19T06:06:20Z WARNING:#Texture LLTextureFetchWorker::callbackDecoded: DECODE FAILED: 840ea7eb-ee35-902f-88e3-c5603422f3a9 Discard: 3
newview/lltexturefetch.cpp(1888) : 2015-08-19T06:06:20Z WARNING:#Texture LLTextureFetchWorker::doWork: 840ea7eb-ee35-902f-88e3-c5603422f3a9: Decode of cached file failed (removed), retrying
newview/lltexturefetch.cpp(2347) : 2015-08-19T06:06:20Z WARNING:#Texture LLTextureFetchWorker::callbackHttpGet: data_size = 194645 > requested: 600
newview/lltexturefetch.cpp(1742) : 2015-08-19T06:06:20Z WARNING:#Texture LLTextureFetchWorker::doWork: Partial HTTP response produces break in image data for texture 150b7da8-64fb-b444-004e-a50fa52e7784.  Aborting load.
newview/llviewertexture.cpp(2061) : 2015-08-19T06:06:20Z WARNING: LLViewerFetchedTexture::updateFetch: 150b7da8-64fb-b444-004e-a50fa52e7784 Fetch failure, setting as missing, decode_priority 4380488.000000 mRawDiscardLevel 32767 current_discard -1 stats 00ce0000
newview/llviewertexture.cpp(2274) : 2015-08-19T06:06:20Z WARNING: LLViewerFetchedTexture::setIsMissingAsset: 150b7da8-64fb-b444-004e-a50fa52e7784: Marking image as missing
newview/lltexturefetch.cpp(2347) : 2015-08-19T06:06:20Z WARNING:#Texture LLTextureFetchWorker::callbackHttpGet: data_size = 2331 > requested: 600
newview/lltexturefetch.cpp(1742) : 2015-08-19T06:06:20Z WARNING:#Texture LLTextureFetchWorker::doWork: Partial HTTP response produces break in image data for texture 85d09bda-700a-55a7-3d21-412405f57235.  Aborting load.
newview/lltexturefetch.cpp(2347) : 2015-08-19T06:06:20Z WARNING:#Texture LLTextureFetchWorker::callbackHttpGet: data_size = 2971 > requested: 937
newview/lltexturefetch.cpp(1742) : 2015-08-19T06:06:20Z WARNING:#Texture LLTextureFetchWorker::doWork: Partial HTTP response produces break in image data for texture 7481d0e4-65b4-bdcf-14b4-cc6f85e84132.  Aborting load.
newview/lltexturefetch.cpp(2347) : 2015-08-19T06:06:20Z WARNING:#Texture LLTextureFetchWorker::callbackHttpGet: data_size = 3497 > requested: 937
newview/lltexturefetch.cpp(1742) : 2015-08-19T06:06:20Z WARNING:#Texture LLTextureFetchWorker::doWork: Partial HTTP response produces break in image data for texture 8c6c5528-6d81-6a03-0ae7-118f172c188a.  Aborting load.

Sione Lomu added a comment - 7 hours ago

After some more investigation I found out it was the web filtering system in Sophos UTM that was causing the issue. Disabling it fixed the problem. The Web Filter is a transparent proxy and content filter. Disabling it permanently is not an option as it protects the whole network.

Basically, what I can see is that HTTP pipeline texture data is getting messed up when passing through proxy servers/content filters and KDU is flipping out and crashing the viewer. Not sure what the solution is here, I can probably add exceptions to my UTM but that doesn't fix the problem. More people are going to encounter this problem and not know why it is happening.

Sione Lomu added a comment - 5 hours ago

Ok I see textures are now coming from local Akamai caches. Can't really bypass their ip range for security reasons. This is now a major issue for me.

Ref: Comments on FIRE-15625 starting HERE

Panda antivirus is also causing this problem for some users (not everyone & we can't reproduce it internally with Panda). Panda users are fixed by disabling Pipelining. The problem on Forticlient & Norman AV security suite can be reproduced internally by multiple people.

We are getting a new spate of this issue in the Firestorm 4.7.3 release because many are updating straight from the old 4.6.9 release which didn't have Pipelining.

Is this problem something that the various antivirus/proxy software devs need to fix or is it a bug in the viewer?

sl-service-account commented 9 years ago

Whirly Fizzle commented at 2015-08-19T16:09:34Z, updated at 2015-08-19T16:10:04Z

@Monty Do you want affected users (like Sione above) to file a new BUG report with LL viewer logs if they are using antivirus/Firewall software other than Forticlient (BUG-8631) & Norman Antivirus suite (BUG-8711)?

sl-service-account commented 9 years ago

Monty Linden commented at 2015-08-19T16:53:19Z

The anti-virus companies are going to have to address this for a stable, future-proof experience. A Jira-per-company might help hold their attention with some pointers in this one and other places (fs jira, slu, etc.). And of course, hit the companies' support systems as well and point them in here. They should know better at this point but...

Once they look at traffic to the CDN, it should be obvious what's gone wrong. But we'll have to get their attention first. Maybe time for a Wiki/KB article.

sl-service-account commented 9 years ago

Whirly Fizzle commented at 2015-08-21T06:10:13Z

Ok cheers Monty, I'll pass that on.

Further FS user comments:

Rich added a comment - 2 days ago - edited

I can confirm Sione's findings.

Corporate network sits behind a Sophos/Astaro UTM 9 device. Web Filtering is enabled and operating in transparent mode. Beginning with 4.7.1, textures and mesh objects (rigged and non-rigged) appeared corrupt. Rolling back to 4.6.9 resolved the issue. Installed 4.7.3 this morning and the same issue returned.

I can also confirm that disabling Web Filtering in the UTM device while leaving HTTP Pipeling enabled will resolve the problem, but that's not an option for us either. Leaving Web Filtering enabled and disabling HTTP Pipelining as described by Whirly resolves the problem (after a cache clear).

Edited to add: HTTP Pipelining seems to have been broken with the 9.3 release of UTM.

Rich's link won't load for me,but this one does:

Sione Lomu added a comment - 2 days ago

Thanks Whirly, that (disabling HttpPipelining) fixes it. Fingers crossed that the ability to disable it doesn't become deprecated or it's going to be game over for quite a few people.

I'll just disable it for now and hope one day Sophos will sort it out and I can turn it back on. I would have made bypass exceptions for it if the textures weren't coming from my ISP's Akamai caches, but letting everything in from them is a huge security hole.

From what Rich linked... It appears Sophos should actually support it and it's a bug. Those other local machine proxies may never support it. So this could be an ongoing issue for quite some time for some people.

sl-service-account commented 9 years ago

Whirly Fizzle commented at 2015-10-01T16:08:21Z

Another antivirus found to cause problems when Pipelining is enabled is IObit Malware Fighter -

Full details on This user was experiencing frequent system crashes on both the LL viewer and Firestorm viewer. She could run a pre-Pipelining version of Firestorm without any problems. Disabling HttpPipelining stopped the system crashes. Uninstalling IObit Malware Fighter allowed Pipelining to be left enabled in the viewers without triggering a system crash & everything appears to be fine now.

Here is the bug check for a system crash while running the LL viewer with IObit Malware Fighter installed and HttpPipelining enabled. Note that the faulting process, IMF.exe, is part of IObit Malware Fighter.

Loading Dump File [C:\Users\Whirly\Desktop\MEMORY.DMP]
Kernel Bitmap Dump File: Only kernel address space is available

************* Symbol Path validation summary **************
Response                         Time (ms)     Location
Deferred                                       SRV*f:\localsymbols*
Symbol search path is: SRV*f:\localsymbols*
Executable search path is: 
Windows 8 Kernel Version 9600 MP (8 procs) Free x64
Product: WinNt, suite: TerminalServer SingleUserTS Personal
Built by: 9600.17936.amd64fre.winblue_ltsb.150715-0840
Machine Name:
Kernel base = 0xfffff803`61a8e000 PsLoadedModuleList = 0xfffff803`61d637b0
Debug session time: Tue Sep 22 06:12:32.049 2015 (UTC + 1:00)
System Uptime: 1 days 1:31:14.743
Loading Kernel Symbols
Loading User Symbols
PEB is paged out (Peb.Ldr = 00000000`7ffdf018).  Type ".hh dbgerr001" for details
Loading unloaded module list
*                                                                             *
*                        Bugcheck Analysis                                    *
*                                                                             *

Use !analyze -v to get detailed debugging information.

BugCheck D1, {8, 2, 0, fffff800fe612ed9}

*** ERROR: Module load completed but symbols could not be loaded for UrlFilter.sys
Probably caused by : NETIO.SYS ( NETIO!StreamInvokeCalloutAndNormalizeAction+59 )

Followup: MachineOwner

6: kd> !analyze -v
*                                                                             *
*                        Bugcheck Analysis                                    *
*                                                                             *

An attempt was made to access a pageable (or completely invalid) address at an
interrupt request level (IRQL) that is too high.  This is usually
caused by drivers using improper addresses.
If kernel debugger is available get stack backtrace.
Arg1: 0000000000000008, memory referenced
Arg2: 0000000000000002, IRQL
Arg3: 0000000000000000, value 0 = read operation, 1 = write operation
Arg4: fffff800fe612ed9, address which referenced memory

Debugging Details:

READ_ADDRESS: unable to get nt!MmNonPagedPoolStart
unable to get nt!MmSizeOfNonPagedPoolInBytes


fffff800`fe612ed9 488b7008        mov     rsi,qword ptr [rax+8]




ANALYSIS_VERSION: 6.3.9600.16384 (debuggers(dbg).130821-1623) amd64fre

TRAP_FRAME:  ffffd000211eb810 -- (.trap 0xffffd000211eb810)
NOTE: The trap frame does not contain all registers.
Some register values may be zeroed or incorrect.
rax=0000000000000000 rbx=0000000000000000 rcx=ffffd000211eba40
rdx=0000000000000000 rsi=0000000000000000 rdi=0000000000000000
rip=fffff800fe612ed9 rsp=ffffd000211eb9a0 rbp=00000000000000e9
 r8=0000000000000000  r9=0000000000000000 r10=fffff800fe666b80
r11=ffffe00073f889b0 r12=0000000000000000 r13=0000000000000000
r14=0000000000000000 r15=0000000000000000
iopl=0         nv up ei pl zr na po nc
fffff800`fe612ed9 488b7008        mov     rsi,qword ptr [rax+8] ds:00000000`00000008=????????????????
Resetting default scope

LAST_CONTROL_TRANSFER:  from fffff80361be94e9 to fffff80361bdd9a0

ffffd000`211eb6c8 fffff803`61be94e9 : 00000000`0000000a 00000000`00000008 00000000`00000002 00000000`00000000 : nt!KeBugCheckEx
ffffd000`211eb6d0 fffff803`61be7d3a : 00000000`00000000 ffffd000`211ebb28 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000003 : nt!KiBugCheckDispatch+0x69
ffffd000`211eb810 fffff800`fe612ed9 : ffffe000`73f88a80 ffffe000`73f889b0 ffffd000`211ebaf0 ffffe000`73f88a80 : nt!KiPageFault+0x23a
ffffd000`211eb9a0 fffff800`fe61298f : 00000000`00000000 ffffe000`73f889b0 ffffd000`211ebb61 00000000`00000000 : NETIO!StreamInvokeCalloutAndNormalizeAction+0x59
ffffd000`211eba70 fffff800`fe61d0c2 : ffffe000`6b400014 fffff801`0229d1a0 ffffd000`00000001 ffffe000`73c8aaa0 : NETIO!StreamProcessCallout+0x76f
ffffd000`211ebbb0 fffff800`fe603569 : ffffe000`70e20014 ffffe000`73c8aaa0 ffffe000`70e25350 ffffd000`211ec420 : NETIO!ProcessCallout+0x972
ffffd000`211ebd20 fffff800`fe602270 : 00000000`00000000 ffffd000`211ec020 ffffd000`211ec478 00000001`ffffffff : NETIO!ArbitrateAndEnforce+0x2c9
ffffd000`211ebf20 fffff800`fe64ff00 : ffffe000`6b0247d0 ffffd000`211ec4b1 ffffe000`6c9ec3c0 fffff800`fe626179 : NETIO!KfdClassify+0x831
ffffd000`211ec3e0 fffff800`fe64f935 : 00000000`00000000 ffffe000`70e8a902 ffffd000`211ec588 fffff800`ff0a8350 : NETIO!StreamInternalClassify+0x110
ffffd000`211ec500 fffff800`fe64ca48 : 00000000`00000014 ffffe000`757a17b0 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000144 : NETIO!StreamInject+0x1fd
ffffd000`211ec5d0 fffff800`ff570ace : ffffe000`757a17b0 00000000`00000144 00000000`00000000 ffffd000`211ec600 : NETIO!FwppStreamInject+0x138
ffffd000`211ec660 fffff801`02df8c44 : ffffe000`7a41e690 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 fffff803`61b22b9a : fwpkclnt!FwpsStreamInjectAsync0+0xfa
ffffd000`211ec6c0 fffff801`02df8d74 : 00000000`00000002 00000000`000098c1 ffffe000`7545a010 ffffd000`00000000 : UrlFilter+0x1c44
ffffd000`211ec760 fffff803`61e47140 : 00000000`00000002 00000000`000036dc ffffd000`211ec841 ffffe000`6ad903c0 : UrlFilter+0x1d74
ffffd000`211ec7c0 fffff803`61f3221d : 00000000`00000005 ffffd000`211ecb80 00000000`00000499 00000000`00000000 : nt!IopSynchronousServiceTail+0x160
ffffd000`211ec890 fffff803`61efd54a : e000719f`7ed0effd 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 : nt!IopXxxControlFile+0xd2d
ffffd000`211eca20 fffff803`61be91b3 : 00000000`00000102 ffffd000`211ecad8 00000000`00000000 ffffc001`00000001 : nt!NtDeviceIoControlFile+0x56
ffffd000`211eca90 00000000`770c2352 : 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 : nt!KiSystemServiceCopyEnd+0x13
00000000`0c13f128 00000000`00000000 : 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 : 0x770c2352


fffff800`fe612ed9 488b7008        mov     rsi,qword ptr [rax+8]


SYMBOL_NAME:  NETIO!StreamInvokeCalloutAndNormalizeAction+59

FOLLOWUP_NAME:  MachineOwner





FAILURE_BUCKET_ID:  AV_NETIO!StreamInvokeCalloutAndNormalizeAction

BUCKET_ID:  AV_NETIO!StreamInvokeCalloutAndNormalizeAction


FAILURE_ID_HASH_STRING:  km:av_netio!streaminvokecalloutandnormalizeaction

FAILURE_ID_HASH:  {c2ca2d1f-cfdc-88d5-c7bc-7693b8f0de04}

Followup: MachineOwner

6: kd> lmvm NETIO
start             end                 module name
fffff800`fe600000 fffff800`fe678000   NETIO      (pdb symbols)          C:\ProgramData\dbg\sym\netio.pdb\873BD5E25CFD43A2A47494662C917A872\netio.pdb
    Loaded symbol image file: NETIO.SYS
    Image path: \SystemRoot\system32\drivers\NETIO.SYS
    Image name: NETIO.SYS
    Timestamp:        Mon Nov 10 02:58:13 2014 (546029C5)
    CheckSum:         00076D9B
    ImageSize:        00078000
    Translations:     0000.04b0 0000.04e4 0409.04b0 0409.04e4
sl-service-account commented 9 years ago

Monty Linden commented at 2015-10-01T22:56:47Z

Wow, it bugchecks windows. Impressive. On the plus side, that is guaranteed to grab someone's attention if a bug report is filed with IObit. Including black hats....

sl-service-account commented 8 years ago

Whirly Fizzle commented at 2016-01-12T15:15:02Z

Updated Sophos bug report link

sl-service-account commented 8 years ago

Whirly Fizzle commented at 2016-01-25T00:26:01Z

Add Webroot Antivirus to the list. This problem started with Webroot ~ 2 weeks ago with a Webroot update. Previously this was not a known problem with Webroot at all. Firestorm support have seen about 15 users affected so far (to my knowledge, there's probably more cases). Users have confirmed the texture/mesh corruption reproduces on any Pipelining enabled viewer and as with Forticlient, the viewer is also very crashy when Pipelining is enabled.

Disabling Webroot or Disabling Pipelining in the viewer both fix the problem.


sl-service-account commented 8 years ago

Whirly Fizzle commented at 2016-01-30T23:28:42Z

@Monty There are viewer logs on BUG-11314 from a user suffering from the new Webroot+Pipelining problem.

sl-service-account commented 8 years ago

Whirly Fizzle commented at 2016-02-09T11:09:26Z, updated at 2016-02-09T12:05:11Z

And we have a new contender!

Quick Heal Total Security 16.00 for 64 bit Windows: 30 day free trial available.

This was reported to Firestorm support by Diageron Resident. I can reproduce it.

Behaviour very much like Forticlient. Extreme corrupted mesh & textures followed by a viewer crash in ntdll.dll!RtlFreeHeap as soon as you enter an area with a lot of uncached textures.

sl-service-account commented 8 years ago

Whirly Fizzle commented at 2016-02-10T01:28:28Z

Firestorm JIRA issue for Quick Heal:

sl-service-account commented 8 years ago

Whirly Fizzle commented at 2016-02-13T03:27:01Z, updated at 2016-02-13T03:50:57Z

Since Quick Heal has been installed on my system I've also been seeing textures messed up on various websites when running Firefox web browser with network.http.pipelining.aggressive set to TRUE. I haven't seen any rainbow/corrupted textures in Firefox but several times now I've seen textures getting swapped around & replaced with different textures that appear elsewhere on the page. Example: Observed: Expected:

So far this hasn't reproduced when using Chrome web browser.

I have been unable to reproduce problems with map tiles at when using Firefox with Pipelining. It's pretty hard to spot if map tiles are getting swapped around though so this isn't a good test.

I have been able to reproduce swapped around map tiles on Open Street Maps with Pipelining enabled on Firefox - using the same repro as given in the comments on issue BUG-11314, however it's too intermittent to be a good test for Pipelining problems outside of the SL viewer. Example of messed up map tiles in Firefox on open street maps with network.http.pipelining.aggressive set to TRUE:

sl-service-account commented 8 years ago

Whirly Fizzle commented at 2016-02-14T16:14:33Z

I didn't test this one yet but users reported that another security software that causes this problem is "G-Buster Browser Defense" which is some Brazillian anti-phising thing that most Brazillian banks require you to install to use their online banking.

sl-service-account commented 8 years ago

Whirly Fizzle commented at 2016-03-13T01:53:18Z

Add Iobit Advanced system care to the list.

Usual symptoms, corrupted textures & mesh followed swiftly by a viewer crash in "ntdll!RtlFreeHeap". Same log barf as seen with all the other problem software. Had 2 cases since Friday come into FS support. Disabling Pipelining "fixes" them.

sl-service-account commented 7 years ago

Whirly Fizzle commented at 2016-11-19T21:38:52Z

Sophos have finally fixed this problem.

Chotaire Seelowe added a comment - Yesterday

Finally, in Sophos XG SFOS 16.* this issue is fixed. There was also another issue with meshes to suddenly stop loading and requiring a relog, this is also finally eradicated. If anyone is running Sophos XG, upgrade (SFOS 15 cannot be updated to 16, you need to reinstall).