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[BUG-9235] Sim Crossing mess up Edit Rights and also you cant cross the sim when you ride anything #16758

Open sl-service-account opened 9 years ago

sl-service-account commented 9 years ago

Steps to Reproduce

look the field up

Actual Behavior

  1. I log in Sophia and walk over to sophia west i cant edit any items anymore also when i have the rights, i need to relog than it works again when i cross the over from sophia west do sophia the edit rights are gone again.

  2. i will ride a horse in sophia and will ride over the boarder to sophia west it dont work it stop me on the boarder and tell me i cant do this because it is not allowed... i have no rights but i can walk over to sophia west rezz the horse and ride there ....BUT when i try again to rider over the boarder back tell me i cant ......

Expected Behavior

i want that it will be solved

Other information

well if you cant solve it you should talk with the owner and find a better resolution

Original Jira Fields | Field | Value | | ------------- | ------------- | | Issue | BUG-9235 | | Summary | Sim Crossing mess up Edit Rights and also you cant cross the sim when you ride anything | | Type | Bug | | Priority | Unset | | Status | Needs More Info | | Resolution | Unresolved | | Reporter | Rahid1 (rahid1) | | Created at | 2015-05-09T05:41:31Z | | Updated at | 2022-12-10T04:06:20Z | ``` { 'Business Unit': ['Platform'], 'Date of First Response': '2015-05-09T03:56:06.572-0500', "Is there anything you'd like to add?": 'well if you cant solve it you should talk with the owner and find a better resolution', 'Severity': 'Unset', 'System': 'SL Simulator', 'Target Viewer Version': 'viewer-development', 'What just happened?': '1. I log in Sophia and walk over to sophia west i cant edit any items anymore also when i have the rights, i need to relog than it works again when i cross the over from sophia west do sophia the edit rights are gone again.\r\n\r\n2. i will ride a horse in sophia and will ride over the boarder to sophia west it dont work it stop me on the boarder and tell me i cant do this because it is not allowed... i have no rights but i can walk over to sophia west rezz the horse and ride there ....BUT when i try again to rider over the boarder back tell me i cant ......\r\n', 'What were you doing when it happened?': 'look the field up', 'What were you expecting to happen instead?': 'i want that it will be solved ', 'Where': 'sophia and sophia west', } ```
sl-service-account commented 9 years ago

Whirly Fizzle commented at 2015-05-09T08:56:07Z

Heya Rahid,

Sophia & Sophia West are not public access so I can't check but it sounds like one or both of the regions may need a restart. Those regions are not on Mainland so must be privately owned. You should contact the estate owner or an estate manager to investigate and they can restart the regions if needed.

sl-service-account commented 9 years ago

Rahid1 commented at 2015-05-09T09:28:54Z

Hey whirly that we did, all done and tried already we restarted the sims both and we tried all settings dont help you have any other ideas ?

sl-service-account commented 9 years ago

Caleb Linden commented at 2015-05-12T00:13:02Z

Hi Rahid1, Could you provide the coordinates of starting point and destination where the edit rights are changing? Do you login to those points directly?

sl-service-account commented 9 years ago

Rahid1 commented at 2015-05-12T09:13:13Z

Hello Caleb it is not important where i log if i log in the sim where i want to edit it work ....but when i WALK from one sim to the other the edit rights are gone

sl-service-account commented 9 years ago

Rahid1 commented at 2015-05-12T14:55:37Z, updated at 2015-05-12T14:56:48Z

i thought maybe it will get resolved soon but seems there is no resolution for this problem i try all day but nothing change .....i only can edit on the sim where i log in

sl-service-account commented 9 years ago

Caleb Linden commented at 2015-05-13T21:51:34Z

Hi Rahid1,

I need your help narrowing down the issue and grabbing better logging information.

  1. Could you ride the horse from Sophia to Sophia West? (Giving me a time and date). Expecting you are not able to enter Sophia West as per bug description.
  2. Could you just walk from Sophia to Sophia West? (time and date)
  3. If you can, provide me the object ID via Second Life note card so that I can look for what the issue is that prevents it from entering Sophia West.
sl-service-account commented 9 years ago

Rahid1 commented at 2015-05-14T05:04:41Z

Hello Caleb, time and date not important it is always like that. it do not work ...and it is not important what i ride i also can try car or motorbyc or ballon so far i grab something and want to cross the sim when i sit on something (( horse, ballon, motorbyc....) i cant cross the sim boarder...... Walk i can always over to the other sim no problem ....i can rezz on both sims items on both sims ....all no problem but i cant ride something . if you want to test it i am a lot online and maybe we can met us there and you can have a look ...

there must be something with the boarder also take the edit rights away .....

sl-service-account commented 9 years ago

Whirly Fizzle commented at 2015-05-14T07:44:33Z, updated at 2015-05-14T08:29:42Z

I reproduced the problems with Rahid on his regions. The problems are intermittant, but happen often. Rahid also restarted both regions and nothing changed - problems still often reproduced. Problems reproduced on both Second Life 3.7.28 (300918) Apr 14 2015 17:06:20 (Second Life Release) and Firestorm viewers.

Sophia West Second Life Server Group owned by Sophie's Wonderful Worlds (secondlife:///app/group/1962b50c-8df9-e627-02a4-f14f5b09d94a/inspect) Build, Object entry, run scripts are set to: Everyone.

Sophia Second Life RC Magnum Group owned by Sophie's Wonderful Worlds (secondlife:///app/group/1962b50c-8df9-e627-02a4-f14f5b09d94a/inspect) Build, Object entry, run scripts are set to: Everyone.

Bug reproduces when both regions are set to group access only. Rahid set both regions to public access to allow me to test and bug still reproduces the same.

Edit rights failing Both Rahid1 (Resident) and ManiRanjali (Resident) granted me their edit rights. ManiRanjali granted me edit rights at 00.20 SLT on May 14th while I was on Sophia region. I was able to edit and moe objects owned by ManiRanjali on Sophia region just after this. Then I crossed over to Sophia West at 00.21 SLT. I was unable to edit/move a box rezzed by ManiRanjali

00.40 SLT, standing at I can edit/move a tree owned by ManiRanjali I cannot edit a box or 2 plants owned by ManiRanjali - the objects that I cannot edit.move are not locked. Here is a gif showing the problem:

Relogging will fix the problem, until you cross the region border again - but, its intermittant. example - I relogged at 12.48am (this time on the LL viewer) to Sophia West. Now I can edit the 2 plants and box owned by ManiRanjali but I cannot edit a tree or grass owned by ManiRanjali - this time I had not crossed between the 2 regions.

Ref: BUG-6019 and BUG-7822 This is the first time I have ever been able to reproduce what appears to be those 2 bugs.

Cannot reposition - permission denied This one also reproduces intermitantly but often. ** Rez a default cube and sit on it. ** Drag the cube over the region border in edit. ** Sometimes the cube will move over the region border with no error. ** Often the cube will move over the region border but ping back with the error message "Can't reposition – Permission denied" ** This reproduces when dragging from Sophia to Sophia West & Vice versa.

When the bug reproduces, dragging the same cube over the region border when not sitting on it always works without problems. Also, when this reproduces, it can work for one person at the same time its failing for another when both people are sitting on and dragging the same cubes over the region border in the same location. The same with the edit rights problem, it can be working fine for one person and not for another when editing the same objects they both have edit rights over. But then 10 minutes later it will be failing for the person it was previously working for.

You should be able to reproduce this fairly easily yourself on those 2 regions Caleb.

sl-service-account commented 9 years ago

Rahid1 commented at 2015-05-14T08:08:48Z

[01:07:39] Second Life: Can't reposition – permission denied

it changes and happen again and again

sl-service-account commented 9 years ago

Whirly Fizzle commented at 2015-05-14T08:36:07Z

Rahid said he also picked up everything from both regions, so they were empty. He then restarted both regions. The problem still reproduced.

sl-service-account commented 7 years ago

Saeros Linden commented at 2017-07-07T00:42:22Z

Our apologies, it appears this jira has been a victim of a spammer. We’re cleaning up the offending comments, sorry for the mess!