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[BUG-9797] large blocks of chat appear in wrong order #17251

Closed sl-service-account closed 7 months ago

sl-service-account commented 9 years ago

Steps to Reproduce

roleplay which sometimes involves a large block of text that comes over in two sections

Actual Behavior

A large block of chat is broken up into sections, and they appear in the wrong chronological order. Example: 19:44] Peregrine Luigi Pelham (peregrinepelham): empfangen." As he is perched at the very edge of the dock the tears roll along his cheeks and fall to kiss the seawater. [19:44] Peregrine Luigi Pelham (peregrinepelham) does what he often does in times of stress, fix on the words of the operas he has learned and which he associates with happier times. He recites to himself, quietly singing inside his head, "We have through sorrow and joy, gone hand in hand; From our wanderings, let's now rest, in this quiet land." He looks at the casket, the sea beneath it, and his eyes fill with tears. He does not choke or wipe them ..they fall as tribute along his cheeks. The words of the prince, "or set your grief free and let it break from you" move him deeply. He is not himself moved to go to the coffin. He instead stands and quietly sings, very softly, to the ocean, to the ripping waves, to the shades of creatures that appear just enough as shadows on the surface. At the edge of the gathering, whispering so as not to intrude on anyon's thoughts, he quietly sings to the sea foam. "Nun der tag mich mud gemacht, soll mein sehnliches verlangen, reundlich die gestirnte nacht...'" He pauses for a soft breath. ",,,wie ein mudes Kind

Expected Behavior

This is what that chat would look like if it was appearing in the correct order [19:44] Peregrine Luigi Pelham (peregrinepelham) does what he often does in times of stress, fix on the words of the operas he has learned and which he associates with happier times. He recites to himself, quietly singing inside his head, "We have through sorrow and joy, gone hand in hand; From our wanderings, let's now rest, in this quiet land." He looks at the casket, the sea beneath it, and his eyes fill with tears. He does not choke or wipe them ..they fall as tribute along his cheeks. The words of the prince, "or set your grief free and let it break from you" move him deeply. He is not himself moved to go to the coffin. He instead stands and quietly sings, very softly, to the ocean, to the ripping waves, to the shades of creatures that appear just enough as shadows on the surface. At the edge of the gathering, whispering so as not to intrude on anyon's thoughts, he quietly sings to the sea foam. "Nun der tag mich mud gemacht, soll mein sehnliches verlangen, reundlich die gestirnte nacht...'" He pauses for a soft breath. ",,,wie ein mudes Kind {19:44] Peregrine Luigi Pelham (peregrinepelham): empfangen." As he is perched at the very edge of the dock the tears roll along his cheeks and fall to kiss the seawater.

Other information

Thank you for your attention to this. I created this at the suggestion of and apologize if I did anything wrong in filing this jira.

Original Jira Fields | Field | Value | | ------------- | ------------- | | Issue | BUG-9797 | | Summary | large blocks of chat appear in wrong order | | Type | Bug | | Priority | Unset | | Status | Closed | | Resolution | Not Applicable | | Reporter | Parker Panache (parker.panache) | | Assignee | Caleb Linden (caleb.linden) | | Created at | 2015-07-31T16:43:38Z | | Updated at | 2018-03-16T23:11:18Z | ``` { 'Business Unit': ['Platform'], 'Date of First Response': '2015-07-31T18:10:24.606-0500', "Is there anything you'd like to add?": 'Thank you for your attention to this. I created this at the suggestion of and apologize if I did anything wrong in filing this jira. ', 'Severity': 'Unset', 'System': 'SL Simulator', 'Target Viewer Version': 'viewer-development', 'What just happened?': 'A large block of chat is broken up into sections, and they appear in the wrong chronological order. Example: \r\n19:44] Peregrine Luigi Pelham (peregrinepelham): empfangen." As he is perched at the very edge of the dock the tears roll along his cheeks and fall to kiss the seawater.\r\n[19:44] Peregrine Luigi Pelham (peregrinepelham) does what he often does in times of stress, fix on the words of the operas he has learned and which he associates with happier times. He recites to himself, quietly singing inside his head, "We have through sorrow and joy, gone hand in hand; From our wanderings, let\'s now rest, in this quiet land." He looks at the casket, the sea beneath it, and his eyes fill with tears. He does not choke or wipe them ..they fall as tribute along his cheeks. The words of the prince, "or set your grief free and let it break from you" move him deeply. He is not himself moved to go to the coffin. He instead stands and quietly sings, very softly, to the ocean, to the ripping waves, to the shades of creatures that appear just enough as shadows on the surface. At the edge of the gathering, whispering so as not to intrude on anyon\'s thoughts, he quietly sings to the sea foam. "Nun der tag mich mud gemacht, soll mein sehnliches verlangen, reundlich die gestirnte nacht...\'" He pauses for a soft breath. ",,,wie ein mudes Kind\r\n', 'What were you doing when it happened?': 'roleplay which sometimes involves a large block of text that comes over in two sections', 'What were you expecting to happen instead?': 'This is what that chat would look like if it was appearing in the correct order\r\n[19:44] Peregrine Luigi Pelham (peregrinepelham) does what he often does in times of stress, fix on the words of the operas he has learned and which he associates with happier times. He recites to himself, quietly singing inside his head, "We have through sorrow and joy, gone hand in hand; From our wanderings, let\'s now rest, in this quiet land." He looks at the casket, the sea beneath it, and his eyes fill with tears. He does not choke or wipe them ..they fall as tribute along his cheeks. The words of the prince, "or set your grief free and let it break from you" move him deeply. He is not himself moved to go to the coffin. He instead stands and quietly sings, very softly, to the ocean, to the ripping waves, to the shades of creatures that appear just enough as shadows on the surface. At the edge of the gathering, whispering so as not to intrude on anyon\'s thoughts, he quietly sings to the sea foam. "Nun der tag mich mud gemacht, soll mein sehnliches verlangen, reundlich die gestirnte nacht...\'" He pauses for a soft breath. ",,,wie ein mudes Kind\r\n{19:44] Peregrine Luigi Pelham (peregrinepelham): empfangen." As he is perched at the very edge of the dock the tears roll along his cheeks and fall to kiss the seawater.', } ```
sl-service-account commented 9 years ago

Lucia Nightfire commented at 2015-07-31T23:10:25Z is possibly to blame as I commonly see out of order chat and dialogs with it.

sl-service-account commented 9 years ago

Caleb Linden commented at 2015-08-03T17:30:52Z

Hi Peregrine Luigi Pelham, which region/location did you dwell in when the chat order was mixed up?

sl-service-account commented 9 years ago

Caleb Linden commented at 2015-08-06T18:23:22Z

Also Lucia or Peregrine, do you know if the chat test was posted in one huge chunk or in segments as it appears except in the wrong order? Are we talking about Group Chat? or Nearby Chat/IM? Could you post more example texts on this jira, please?

sl-service-account commented 9 years ago

Parker Panache commented at 2015-08-12T06:44:54Z

Sorry, just saw this. The problem happens in Wasteland, the sim host to Convergence City roleplay. This is in local chat, but I never post stuff that long in IMs. Here is an example from last night: [23:22] Parker (parker.panache): shivers, realizing this is more than cold. So he quickly agrees with Skylar. "That's excellent advice marshal, but if you loan me some handcuffs, I can make sure she's confined properly there." He wiggles his eyebrows. More tenderly, he says to Sofia, "So you had another hard day, babe, rats, want to head home? I can grab a coat for you, looks like the dome let in the cats and dogs. You can tell me all about it on the way." When she says 'home," he fetches the coat and waves to everyone. ((heading out to get ready for rl bed, thank you all for the rp!)) [23:22] Parker (parker.panache) nods over at Eglantine. "Barry Manilow gets a bum rap, and I think we all know that. Some of his stuff is soulful. I don't know how popular culture picks out its victims, but it has some method.," For some reason, reference to victims makes him think of the evil garden gnomes he thinks Eglantine has been telling him about, and he looks up at the roof. Then he adds, to Cavanaugh, "Oh Luigi has aworld class opera voice, but he looks down on popular music. I'm sure if you heard him sing Barry Manilow, or what's the other one .. I think it's Air Supply .. you hear him deliberately being offkey. What you want to do is ask him to sing you an aria, close your eyes, and get swept away. if you care for opera." He looks back and forth between the man he knows is a proper gentleman and Eglantine. "Oh, I'm sorry, I've been rude, this is Miss .. oh dear, It's Miss Eglantine Bloom, right? Please meet Mr. Cavanaugh " He looks back at Sofia, hugs her from behind gently and squeezes her, trying to soothe her as she

So to answer your question, the chat is posted in one large chunk and it appears in the wrong order, if I understand you right.

Here is another example

[23:08] Parker (parker.panache): Luigi. "He once told me he tortured prisoners by singing Barry the Manilow to them. Haha, like that ever happens. I busted up and was like, 'Luigi, you have a wild imagination.'" [23:08] Parker (parker.panache) looks over puzzled as Lachlan as he refers to Sofia in ill spirits as it seems, to him, that this is just how she's always been lately. He turns to look at her with new concern, wondering if he missed something. He smiles though at Cavanaugh. "I'm sure the company in here will be better than out there with Sofia, Eglantine, Skylar and Analise here, you and I simply being optional accessories, but then again, I enjoy the full moon. I've never had any problems, I think because a lot of the .. problems are people who outside of the full moon are some of our best patrons. That's what I hope and pray anyway." He whispers to Sofia, "shhh, Analise is happy with her $7.93 an hour. But how are you doing, babe, really?" He winces when Skylar refers to to a raise, looking at Ana nervously, who smirks at him. "Well yes, I am always willing to discuss compensation with Analise, though as I have told her, if we had to pay her what she was worth, we'd need all the money in Convergence." He laughs at her comment about

sl-service-account commented 7 years ago

Saeros Linden commented at 2017-07-07T00:45:12Z

Our apologies, it appears this jira has been a victim of a spammer. We’re cleaning up the offending comments, sorry for the mess!

sl-service-account commented 6 years ago

Bugsly Linden commented at 2018-03-16T23:11:19Z

Looks like this was related to some lag issues at the time. Closing this