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[BUG-230143] Discord INTEGRATION into Viewer #7877

Closed sl-service-account closed 5 months ago

sl-service-account commented 3 years ago

How would you like the feature to work?

DISCORD chat servers integrated into viewer (as in special separate window or added to IM/group chat tabs of legacy chat system).

Then SL users could choose between using SL legacy chat system or discord. (that has all stickers, gifs, memes ability).

Then there would be 2 parallel chat systems in SL. The SL users who are used of the old ways of chatting could keep using the legacy chat system while everyone else who wants can use the new.

Can be integrated in other viewers if it can't be in official one. I've heard that TPV's would need to have permission from LL for something like that.

Why is this feature important to you? How would it benefit the community?

WHY DISCORD? BECAUSE IT has all that SL legacy CHAT is missing!

Second Life is not going to capture wider internet population if we don't make it go on with the times. The way internet communities communicate now days has shifted.

Pictures, GIF Smileys, stickers & MEMES are the way the wider internet population is used to communicate these days. Discord has it all.

Picture is worth 1000 words. With pictures, GIF Smileys, stickers & MEMES the community can express more.

I run a SL group of 35 000+ people. Memes, gifs and pictures posting would be a great addition to SL. Especially if LL wants to capture younger population.

With parallel discord chat integration there is no risk of upsetting the users who would prefer not to use this feature.





Original Jira Fields | Field | Value | | ------------- | ------------- | | Issue | BUG-230143 | | Summary | Discord INTEGRATION into Viewer | | Type | New Feature Request | | Priority | Unset | | Status | Closed | | Resolution | Unactionable | | Reporter | Wili Clip (wili.clip) | | Created at | 2021-01-29T23:26:12Z | | Updated at | 2021-06-26T03:18:13Z | ``` { 'Build Id': 'unset', 'Business Unit': ['Platform'], 'Date of First Response': '2021-01-29T18:23:26.718-0600', 'How would you like the feature to work?': "DISCORD chat servers integrated into viewer (as in special separate window or added to IM/group chat tabs of legacy chat system).\r\n\r\nThen SL users could choose between using SL legacy chat system or discord. (that has all stickers, gifs, memes ability).\r\n\r\nThen there would be 2 parallel chat systems in SL. The conservative SL users could keep using the legacy system while everyone else who wants can use the new. \r\n\r\nCan be integrated in other viewers if it can't be in official one. I've heard that TPV's would need to have permission from LL for something like that.\r\n\r\n", 'ReOpened Count': 0.0, 'Severity': 'Unset', 'Target Viewer Version': 'viewer-development', 'Why is this feature important to you? How would it benefit the community?': "WHY DISCORD? BECAUSE IT has all that SL legacy CHAT is missing!\r\n\r\nSecond Life is not going to capture wider internet population if we don't make it go on with the times. The way internet communities communicate now days has shifted.\r\n\r\nPictures, GIF Smileys, stickers & MEMES are the way the wider internet population is used to communicate these days. Discord has it all.\r\n\r\nPicture is worth 1000 words. With pictures, GIF Smileys, stickers & MEMES the community can express more.\r\n\r\nI run a SL group of 35 000+ people. Memes, gifs and pictures posting is needed. Especially if LL wants to capture younger population. \r\n\r\n", } ```
sl-service-account commented 3 years ago

polysail commented at 2021-01-30T00:23:27Z

This would invite a horrendous policing and moderation problem to a system that already lacks policing and moderation.  We already have countless invites to ad-hoc group chats that we never wanted to be in, with content we never wanted to read.  Having this support would give trolls a massive additional toolset to grief people even further.  Discord servers are mostly invite only~ and even then require massive amounts of moderation.  Inviting that functionality to SL, where a substantial fraction of the groups already are open enrollment is simply inviting a catastrophe.

Improvements to SL's Group chat reliability would always be welcome ~  but these additions are not the way.  Also they open up additional greifing vectors due to data limits etc.  Most discord servers have only a few hundred people each, there are SL groups with 600,000 + Members.

Let discord be discord, and SL be SL.

sl-service-account commented 3 years ago

Norsk Himmel commented at 2021-01-30T00:27:26Z

I agree with Polysail. A hideous idea for chatting within SL and would mean moderators of group chats would have no choice but to run this childish "chat" system. I'd prefer a working text chat system within SL, which didn't constantly fail to open chats / snoozes chats on its own timeframe

sl-service-account commented 3 years ago

polysail commented at 2021-01-30T02:01:13Z, updated at 2021-01-30T02:06:43Z

Just to further clarify here ~ there are features of Discord that should be strongly considered for SL, were a chat overhaul to take place.  The ability to edit prior messages, see a chat history from a conversation that took place while you were not directly connected to SL~  heck~~ just... not having chat being sent as plain text over the internet  ( HTTPS chat anyone? Plz? I hope I'm wrong about this, but it's my understanding of how things are at the moment??? ) would be really nice.  ( something I really hope has been addressed in the new mobile apps...  last thing I want to see is SEC issues relating to naughty texts on phones being spread far and wide akin to the early days of WhatsApp )

The notion of "Let's Modernize SL Chat services" is long overdue but it needs a heavy rewrite to separate it from a multitude of other capacities that SL Groups are tied to~ in the same manner than numerous other systems that SL has in place are piggybacked upon other capacities that they should be largely divorced from.

sl-service-account commented 3 years ago

Wili Clip commented at 2021-01-30T02:51:26Z

My suggestion is that the discord integration would run in parallel to the SL legacy chat.  Those SL users who are afraid of negative impact of it would simply not use the discord integration. SL chat as it is now would NOT get replaced by discord.

Discord integration would be turned off by default and those SL users who would want to have access to discord from SL viewer would turn it on. This way there is no additional moderation needed for those who prefer to use the SL legacy chat because they're not going to use discord. It would be OPTIONAL.

Group moderation and its organization in SL is a responsibility of group creator and moderators.

I believe that discord implementation in Second Life would cater to younger population who are more expressive and chat features that discord brings are very important for them. Younger population will get old (it is important that they become part of SL platform when they're younger). Second Life from marketing perspective should target whole population. Second Life is a global virtual world.

Just because some people are afraid of changes we should not lock platforms from getting new features.


sl-service-account commented 3 years ago

polysail commented at 2021-01-30T11:42:23Z, updated at 2021-01-30T15:11:36Z

Yeah yeah.  I read your thing, despite your multiple insinuations that my comments indicate that I'm incapable of reading.

Believe it or not this highly advanced method of Discord Integrations is already active:

You click a link to a discord server.  Your web browser takes you to that discord server.  No one forces you to click a link and look in a separate window.  It's Optional.  It's Parallel to SL Chat ~ in so far as the two never co-mingle ~~ and what's even better is it's even moderated by the discord server owner at no additional liability to Linden Lab with it's own separate optional voice capabilities! ~~~ If you're having a hard time getting people to use this highly advanced method of Discord Integration, you can even include a persistent link to your Discord server in your Group Description.  It's already implemented  Congratulations  Fastest feature request implementation ever. Linden Lab is amazing. 

An "Optional Parallel Chat System" is EXACTLY what discord IS already.

I think our time is better invested in looking for ways to improve the existing chat system in meaningful ways rather than adding other systems on top of it.  Let other systems handle what they do best.

sl-service-account commented 3 years ago

Wili Clip commented at 2021-01-30T14:20:46Z, updated at 2021-01-30T14:41:11Z


If you don't like the idea it is ok and fine. If you don't like me because I suggested something you don't like or think is a bad idea its fine too. But I would appreciate if you don't lower yourself to a personal level and express yourself in disrespectful way to me or ridicule me or use forum type of bullying tactics. I don't know you. I don't have anything against you personally.

I ask you for basic respect.

I did not insinuate in any comment here that you're incapable of reading. I've never disrespected you in any way - so I don't understand why you are resorting to a level that edges on a personal attack.

From the way you write about closing this Jira topic and expressing as if you have influence over this Jira process I have to ask: Are you an employee of LL or in any way connected to Linden Lab company or have influence over that company?

Putting this aside. I'd ask anyone commenting here to be respectful of each other and if you think this is a good idea or bad please express it using logical reasoning and arguments.

Something like this:

I think this is a good idea because:

sl-service-account commented 3 years ago

Beq Janus commented at 2021-01-30T15:38:34Z

Some may recall that some TPVs once had IRC integration. This was seized upon by the lab for the reasons stated here. Linden Lab has both a regulatory and fiduciary responsibility to oversee and police their platform, a chat system, parallel or other otherwise that is integrated into the user experience but unable to be controlled is not going to fit with those needs.

Richer content makes sense, Discord as a solution is picking one of many possible technology platforms, and one that is mistrusted by many, that has shown a general animosity to external administration and which has a very opaque approach to privacy, data protection and its relationship with law enforcement agencies. Linden Lab is a regulated business due to the Linden Dollar currency and need to balance their regulatory requirements for anti-money laundering controls and other oversight with their service provision. 

A more constructive approach to this Jira would be to submit a feature request that defines a list of improvements that you would like to see, you can then leave the consideration and implementation to those who are fully appraised of all the constraints.

Away from the features suggested, I don't believe a parallel (integrated) service makes any sense, it would bifurcate communications and make it very hard for people to manage groups, search and maintain histories etc. I do think that there is a wider concern for the lab to consider if we accept that social chat and communication is a significant part of the Second Life experience, anything that takes people away from the platform for that purpose (such as external discord) whether that be because of functional needs or the abysmal performance and reliability, is potentially another nail in the coffin of the platform if not managed carefully. 


sl-service-account commented 3 years ago

Chaser Zaks commented at 2021-01-30T16:16:17Z, updated at 2021-01-30T16:19:25Z

Personally, while I do use Discord, I do not trust Discord to not abuse their powers. Everyone I have on Discord I have means of contacting in the event Discord decides to abuse their platform to censor people. (Yes, I am aware it is a private platform and they can censor who they want, but it comes at a risky business when some people are completely shut out of communication)

Additionally, Discord does not provide chat integration like you are wanting. The most they provide is "Rich Presence" which allows display of various game informations to the Discord client so that it can appear on the person's profile. Such integration as per the described suggestion is explicitly forbidden by Discord's Terms of Service.

I would however, love to see Second Life's chat overhauled, providing similar formatting as to markdown, bbcode, or xml/html(Which, it does support to a extent, with <icon></icon>(Very extremely limited cases where this is able to be used) and \[ link]).

All said and done, I am against anything that involves utilizing third party services that are not fully controlled by Linden Lab. Such solutions would be ripe for abuse, and cause confusion among what is and isn't allowed.

sl-service-account commented 3 years ago

Wili Clip commented at 2021-01-30T17:22:57Z, updated at 2021-01-30T17:45:35Z

Thank you Beq Janus. I was not aware that TPV's had IRC integration in the past and that it was a problem for LL.

Yes I agree if there are any legal restrictions for integrating discord into SL that needs to be looked into from both companies sides and legal point of views -TOS (discord <> LL). From what I know both LL & Discord are US registered companies and both have responsibility to follow the US laws. From this reasoning I am thinking that a parallel integration into SL wouldn't make LL break any laws. My reasoning could be wrong.

As I am not a lawyer myself and law is not my field (as a business person I am learning about it all the time - especially US Law as its different). Legal implications of the discord feature request are for Linden Lab legal team to check how things are exactly in case of Discord or for lawyers or law knowledgeable people to comment.

I appreciate that my feature request is being considered and some valid points and constructive arguments are being shared and I am also learning a great deal from it.

As a creative developer inside Second Life who is always trying to move limits I have learned that it is always best to ask Linden Lab before committing yourself to any work that takes investment of money, time and energy. This time I dedicated this feature request in the name of all TPV developers so that they will know for sure if they are allowed to integrate discord in their viewer or not.

sl-service-account commented 3 years ago

polysail commented at 2021-01-30T18:04:12Z, updated at 2021-01-30T18:07:02Z

Willi ~ It is for the reasons I listed, as well as the multitude of reasons that people far more eloquent than I ~ ( like Beq and Chaser ) listed that I was strongly suggesting in my comment thread that you distill your request into a list of features that you would like to see integrated into SL chat in order to modernize it ~ rather than focusing on Discord itself.

My earlier frustration stemmed from your response which I interpreted as "Ign0rE F33dBak and ReSTAaTe my ORIGINAL POINT wITH MoRe CapITAL Letters and Bold fonts!"  Perhaps a situation I interpreted the intent of incorrectly~ if I did. I apologize.

As I stated prior~ I too would love to see SL chat improved overall, as well as some assurance that the old chat transmission protocols which used to be in place have been replaced with more modern secure standards~  since plain text chat by modern day standards is regarded as a gaping privacy concern.  I don't have the technical information on this at the moment, but I hope it's been addressed at least with regards to the mobile apps. that are to be released.

The initial list of "Discord type features" that come to mind would be :

Date tiered chat history that doesn't involve a separate window

The ability to alter messages sent less than 5 minutes ago.

Read group chat message backlogs of conversations that happened within a logical time window before you logged on.  ( Reading Support chat for the last 36 hours hardly seems useful )  Implementation of something like this would have to be very cautious~ lest chat backlogs of (relatively) useless data could become quite overwhelming very quickly.  Perhaps keep on hand the last 30 lines of text or something instead?

Inline images for Person-to-Person Chats ( Group chats this might become a security / griefing vector as I expressed concern about in previous posts )

"Reactions to previous messages / Meme reactions" feature, which would have to be heavily curated.

Pinned messages ( Maybe? ) 


All of these sorts of things would require an incredibly in-depth overhaul of the SL chat system, so I wouldn't expect anything like this in the near future ~ but perhaps with Uplift completed there's more "revamp server code" programming bandwidth that's become available ~ Who knows !  That's what feature requests are for !!


sl-service-account commented 3 years ago

Gaia Clary commented at 2021-01-31T10:27:30Z, updated at 2021-01-31T19:56:00Z


We decided to move our community support out of the SL chat and into Discord about 2 years ago. But this was not an easy decision to make because we where a bit afraid to lose contact to the SL community (which fortunately was not the case after all). Here are the main reasons why we finally decided to go with Discord. Maybe this can help to find improvements for the SL Chat. The list below is in order of importance (as i see it):

  1. Discord chat is so much more responsive compared to SL chat (we have about 8000 members in SL and 2000 members in Discord).
  2. We can see the chat history at any time. So we can answer questions hours after they have been posted.
  3. I personally love the feature that i can edit previous comments, because i am a notorious typo maker :)
  4. Often we communicate by using images. But this is something related to the nature of our chat that is mostly about supporting the usage of 3D content creation tools.
  5. We organize our chat into several related channels which keeps things together (on server) and separated (on topic)
  6. I find emojis a really good addition to chat and being able to add custom icons to our server can also be helpful at times, although its mostly used at the moment to have "more fun" and :broccoli: ! (members of our Discord chat know what i mean :) )


    I am sure i am missing something still. If possible i add it to the list when i remember.

sl-service-account commented 3 years ago

Wili Clip commented at 2021-02-01T16:46:27Z, updated at 2021-02-01T17:19:07Z

I will try to be short as I am very busy these days. 1stly I apologize to everyone for not being very eloquent. For me its more important to get the message across than being politically correct and to not offend anyone. I'd rather be remembered by validity of my arguments than anything else. We are living in a different world today and it is changing faster than we can comprehend.

I am 32 I invest into crypto and the future and I am already getting lost in how fast things are changing. I am trying to hang out more with younger people to learn from them (I am checking Tik Tok these days to see how they operate). I follow biggest tech venture capitalist and learn from them and what they do and what they invest into.

I've read an article the other day

It opened my eyes even more...

Marketing companies did analysis and it comes out that today 35% of the world population is inhabited by gen Z (jokingly I call them the ones who were born with mobile phones in their hands). They are all connected in a network. They are like bees... they use technology to stay connected.

At my age this puts me in the middle of the gap of 2 generations. Baby boomers (born with RADIO & TV) and Gen Z. I am learning to understand both and become a sort of a bridge between 2 big generations. It is helping me a lot in my business endeavors.

Think a bit about it. Gen Z is now 35 % of world population and sadly we live in a world where old people die young ones are getting older. 35% will become 40% and then 50% and so on in coming years. If you want to survive long term you want to adapt your platform to be a place for all age groups and especially for Gen Z. These are your future consumers.

Gen Z will call tech platforms where they can not express themselves and have fun connecting with others as BORING and they will leave. I think I even read about a young talented programmer who came from Teen Grid and is now employed by Google and has declined a job with LL. She mentioned among other things that Second Life doesn't even have memes, gifs and stickers, hashtags. Gaia Clary above beautifully described the advantage of modern communication tools that discord enables.


Even if LL doesn't enable TPV's to integrate discord or other chat platform that enables more ways to connect through modern ways of communication. I believe that LL should heavily invest into modernizing the communication within SL. But as a young businessman who is also a developer I have my doubts if LL has enough employees with very specific development skills to modernize the chat on their own. It has to either invest and hire the right people or take a risk and open up and create bridges.

People will more and more want to spend their time on platforms where they feel they have more freedom and where they can express themselves better.

If the ways of communication in Second Life get modernized it will benefit all the virtual businesses and content developers as it will increase retention rate of new SL users. But it needs to be done fast. Time is ticking for all of us.

This is an example of a tide that lifts all boats and this should be interest of all of us who managed to make it in Second Life.

I've seen that Linden Lab has been doing an amazing job on re-branding and opening up - It has helped Second Life quite a lot. I'll always campaign for LL to open up even more \O.. O/

Even as a scripter in Second Life I am missing more scripting functions that would let us scripters achieve greater interoperability.

As a businessman (I do run largest ad network in SL for 10 years already) I miss basic text editing tools for notecards + links and displayed images. Lot of marketing is done through notecards. Notecards is another low hanging fruit that LL can bring in improvements that will have massive positive effect in Second Life.


Anything that Second Life can upgrade to help us virtual businesses to be able to market our virtual products better and generate more sales will elevate whole Second Life and also increase the value of Linden Lab company.

Second Life could be turned into an amazing platform for doing business from within. The outside businesses never did and will never know about the many advantages of running business from within SL. The businesses that were grown in Second Life from ground up are the real innovators and are leading the way towards that potential of reality that Second Life could be used for running business operations.

I've started a SL group: SL Business consortium and we're getting together biggest business heads in SL to create brainstorming meetings about how we could with our cooperation help Second Life. Because our lives are heavily intertwined with destiny of Second Life. The next plan we have is to define the biggest pain points for future growth and lowest hanging fruits in terms of possible updates and new features in Second Life that would have massive positive effect.

There is not a lot interest yet so I put my head out and risk being ridiculed... I can take one for the team \O.. O/ I run an ad network in SL at nearly non profitable prices for last 10 years and doing my best to help virtual businesses. I get profits from my other products. I've had my most successful game products copied and I've learned to ignore that... even learned that copies in long term are actually helping to promote my game. I learned that from futuristic tech author Cory Doctorow who gives his books copyright free.

My personal business goal in SL is to enable virtual millionaires in Second Life as that would create great news in external media and create new wave of sign ups into Second Life from whole tech community and if the way one can communicate in SL with others is modernized it can become a place where young people want to hang out and spend their money.  

It is so funny but also so real the fact that a simple title: Second Life creates millionaires or Millionaires are being created in Second Life in some important magazines or news medias (+ social media would pay attention to it) would create a MAD rush of new users for SL. I'd like to see that happens one day. -

Open platforms are the future. We are now in age of fast decentralization of things. Platforms that don't interface well with others are going to stay the things of the past.






sl-service-account commented 3 years ago

polysail commented at 2021-02-01T20:22:37Z

Willi ~  your zeal is admirable so instead of ignoring you this entire time, I've ~ I've continued to put some time and energy in to reiterate the same piece of advice.

If you want to make Second Life a better place, sweeping rhetoric and inspirational stories are best posted on the forums ( which the Lindens also read actually ! )  The JIRA is for Step-by-Step actionable improvements that can have their implementation costs broken down into small calculated elements.  I cannot emphasize this part enough.  To use your love of font accents ::  Step-by-Step Actionable Ideas that can have their Impact Analyzed.

This isn't the place for the "Why", this is the place for the "How".  Which is why I have been so strenuously asserting.  Step-by-step instructions.

To reiterate Beq Janus's prior point : "A more constructive approach to this Jira would be to submit a feature request that defines a list of improvements that you would like to see, you can then leave the consideration and implementation to those who are fully appraised of all the constraints."

What specific features ( from Discord ) do you want implemented?  Why would they be needed?  What data do you have to support that GenZ relies upon them?  Scientific approaches to scientific problems.

To use a more "Real world" example.  This isn't the stump-speech at the political rally.  "We're going to plant a million trees."  ~ No, this is the place where we go "Okay ~ we've promised to plant a million trees, now we need to figure out ~ What kind of trees? Where are we going to plant them?  Who has land rights for these sorts of things?  Which kinds will live the longest?  What is the water consumption impact?  How much time will it take for them to no longer need attendance?? ~~ etc etc.  If you've found your way to the JIRA~ the question isn't 'do I want to make SL a better place' ~ it's HOW exactly do we do that?

sl-service-account commented 3 years ago

Gaia Clary commented at 2021-02-01T21:25:46Z

I just had a thought about the "How to"...

I do not know if this is feasible and of any value and probably it is already known, but there is a software named Rocket Chat which looks pretty much the same as what we see in discord. It may even be so that discord is based on rocket chat? no idea. All i know is that the blender development community uses rocket chat and it has about everything that is at least on my own wish list from further up :)

Rocket chat comes with an MIT license and it sounds like it can well be used as a starting point.

The link to the license page is:

As i wrote above i have no idea if this of any help, i just wanted to be sure its known, just in case.

sl-service-account commented 3 years ago

Wili Clip commented at 2021-02-01T21:30:03Z, updated at 2021-02-02T01:48:37Z

polysail you still haven't answered my question do you work for Linden Lab or in what capacity are you speaking in the name of LL? My feature request was very specific.

If you work for LL then direct question for you and for LL is:  Can the third party viewer creators integrate discord into the viewer (as a widget) or would that be by LL considered as something that changes user experience too much and would put TPV in violation of the TPV agreement?

In case if its not allowed then the specific features requested for SL legacy chat are very nicely summed up in a list point by point by Gaia Clary in her comment.

sl-service-account commented 3 years ago

Chaser Zaks commented at 2021-02-02T04:58:13Z

(I am not a lawyer, I am not Linden Lab, this is my interpretation of the rules. This interpretation may not be used for legal purposes. If such purpose is needed, please review the policy yourself.) Linden Lab has provided a Third Party Viewer policy here. In specific, this is a anchor link to the prohibited features: To answer your question as to whether it is allowed for a TPV to implement a third party chat service into the viewer, I'd say the answer is "Yes, it is allowed" with caveats. Specifically:

2.e You must not use or distribute features or functionality that transmit Second Life usernames or passwords anywhere except to Linden Lab servers. Third-Party Viewers must not retain a user’s username or password anywhere except on the user’s own system. Other than having to explicitly ask for the Resident's permission(or make it clear such actions will take case upon connecting) to use their username when connecting to a third party chat, I am not seeing anything that forbids use of third party chats.

However, there have been in the past issues where viewers integrated third party chat services such as Internet Relay Chats where issues arised where Linden Lab was then unable to take action upon residents who were reported for misconduct outside of their platform. This is likely due to the confusion it causes residents where they are different platforms. It is probable that Linden Lab would amend the Third Party Viewer agreement if such type of chats are implemented again, especially at large scale.

Additionally, integrating Discord as a widget in the way you are describing is not possible, they do not provide such methods to do this. Integration of Discord in such a way would be a violation of Discord's Terms of Service.

sl-service-account commented 3 years ago

Wili Clip commented at 2021-02-02T15:04:39Z, updated at 2021-02-02T15:29:06Z

@[~chaser.zaks] can you copy paste the excerpt from Discord Terms of Service where its clearly stated that implementing discord chat in a widget is a violation of their terms?

I have found this If its prohibited by discord TOS then how are they allowed to do it?

For all the different web platforms:

sl-service-account commented 3 years ago

Wili Clip commented at 2021-02-02T17:39:12Z, updated at 2021-02-02T17:53:39Z

I'd like to just give a concrete example to the decision makers in Linden Lab about how much the discord can boost the sales of virtual products in Second Life.

We have recently started a viral marketing campaign for our breedables product in Second Life. Following is excerpt from our 35 000+ members group in Second Life that through a web hook we broadcast onto our discord chat server. I copied a quick screen capture using gyazo that enables instant screenshot uploaded to their server and we get a link to share with others.


Discord displays images from links. As a SL group we are not afraid of spammers, we have strict TOS, we have 2 - 3 people constantly watching chatter and even when they don't manage to watch it there are no spammers as members would loose their ability to participate in group - get banned.




(With the Gamestop squeeze on shorts. I am sure recently everyone became aware of the power that online communities now days are getting to move markets and shift things - make or break a company). Without implementation of modern means of communication on internet its impossible to grow massive communities.

(modern marketing is done in within communities with tools such as Instagram, Twitter, Flicker - the only thing that matters now days are the numbers and how well networked you are and how many people you can reach). People want to share their content from other social media. In company Facebook they know that. If you let people share their social media from other platforms you enjoy the growth that is caused from the "Network Effect". This is very important.

sl-service-account commented 3 years ago

Kyle Linden commented at 2021-02-03T19:15:44Z

Hello, and thank you for your feature request.

Incoming suggestions are reviewed in the order they are received by a team of Lindens with diverse areas of expertise. We consider a number of factors: Is this change possible? Will it increase lag? Will it break existing content? Is it likely that the number of residents using this feature will justify the time to develop it? This wiki page further describes the reasoning we use:

This particular suggestion, unfortunately, cannot be tackled at this time. However, we regularly review previously deferred suggestions when circumstances change or resources become available.

We are grateful for the time you took to submit this feature request. We hope that you are not discouraged from submitting others in the future. Many excellent ideas to improve Second Life come from you, our residents. We can’t do it alone.

Thank you for your continued commitment to Second Life.