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[BUG-10558] [Valhalla] Major HTML5 Video Performance Issues #875

Closed sl-service-account closed 7 months ago

sl-service-account commented 8 years ago

Steps to Reproduce

Media & MOAP prims

Actual Behavior

Poor performance

Expected Behavior

Better performance

Other information

So I was asked to provide some feedback about Valhalla’s new media function thingies that sort of stemmed from

As an example, please do reference .. Don’t worry, it’s only 4 minutes with a lil remix. 

They look like a lot of media prims but believe me events, arenas, stages, eSports, and heck, even some avatar prims rely on them.

So now that we’re going to be forced to rely on HTML5, it’s not going to be a huge deal. Sure it’s going to break EVERY SINGLE TV IN SL, but the alternative is going to be much, much worse. Flash and Quicktime need to die for more reasons than 0 day exploits, tracking, insecure transactions, and I could go on. Part of my RL job involves security consulting, and I have a CEH (Certified Ethical Hacker) certification.

In the video, those are roughly 30 prims with the land media texture. They have different offsets, zooms, and glows. The source is – the land media is set to which is SL’s best way to embed YouTube. It’s strictly HTML5 so changing to that shouldn’t be a problem. Right?

So we have 2 choices now, and both of them are horrid with Valhalla. I’d probably prefer MOAP but it’s limited to 8 faces. I’m not sure if that was an arbitrary limit or a limitation based on resources used by average viewers. I tried both and even when using strictly HTML5, Valhalla lags. I’m also not sure if the Chromium Embedded Framework (CEF) needs to be better optimized, but as of now, it’s not a viable option. Note that the SL Viewer (and Firestorm) handles HTML5 just fine. Valhalla is the problem at this point.

I’d be happy to provide further info, videos, repo prims you can test on, whatever. Let me know. Just please be cautious forcing CEF/Valhalla on content creators until the performance issues are addressed.

Original Jira Fields | Field | Value | | ------------- | ------------- | | Issue | BUG-10558 | | Summary | [Valhalla] Major HTML5 Video Performance Issues | | Type | Bug | | Priority | Unset | | Status | Closed | | Resolution | Expected Behavior | | Reporter | DJQuad Radio ( | | Created at | 2015-10-25T22:28:47Z | | Updated at | 2017-05-08T23:51:54Z | ``` { 'Business Unit': ['Platform'], 'Date of First Response': '2015-10-25T18:05:00.849-0500', "Is there anything you'd like to add?": 'So I was asked to provide some feedback about Valhalla’s new media function thingies that sort of stemmed from\r\n\r\nAs an example, please do reference .. Don’t worry, it’s only 4 minutes with a lil remix. \uf04a\r\n\r\nThey look like a lot of media prims but believe me events, arenas, stages, eSports, and heck, even some avatar prims rely on them.\r\n\r\nSo now that we’re going to be forced to rely on HTML5, it’s not going to be a huge deal. Sure it’s going to break EVERY SINGLE TV IN SL, but the alternative is going to be much, much worse. Flash and Quicktime need to die for more reasons than 0 day exploits, tracking, insecure transactions, and I could go on. Part of my RL job involves security consulting, and I have a CEH (Certified Ethical Hacker) certification.\r\n\r\nIn the video, those are roughly 30 prims with the land media texture. They have different offsets, zooms, and glows. The source is – the land media is set to which is SL’s best way to embed YouTube. It’s strictly HTML5 so changing to that shouldn’t be a problem. Right?\r\n\r\nSo we have 2 choices now, and both of them are horrid with Valhalla. I’d probably prefer MOAP but it’s limited to 8 faces. I’m not sure if that was an arbitrary limit or a limitation based on resources used by average viewers. I tried both and even when using strictly HTML5, Valhalla lags. I’m also not sure if the Chromium Embedded Framework (CEF) needs to be better optimized, but as of now, it’s not a viable option. Note that the SL Viewer (and Firestorm) handles HTML5 just fine. Valhalla is the problem at this point.\r\n\r\nI’d be happy to provide further info, videos, repo prims you can test on, whatever. Let me know. Just please be cautious forcing CEF/Valhalla on content creators until the performance issues are addressed. ', 'ReOpened Count': 0.0, 'Severity': 'Unset', 'System': 'SL Viewer', 'Target Viewer Version': 'viewer-development', 'What just happened?': 'Poor performance', 'What were you doing when it happened?': 'Media & MOAP prims', 'What were you expecting to happen instead?': 'Better performance', } ```
sl-service-account commented 8 years ago

Whirly Fizzle commented at 2015-10-25T23:05:01Z

When you say the Valhalla viewer lags, do you mean that the media playback on Valhalla is "stuttery" when using your example setup shown in the video or do you mean that the general viewer performance on Valhalla is bad (low FPS) when around media sources or just low FPS in general even when not around media?

sl-service-account commented 8 years ago

DJQuad Radio commented at 2015-10-26T15:21:29Z

For both media textured prims and MOAP, the video itself stutters periodically, pauses a second or two, then quickly catches up. I haven't noticed any FPS or other performance issues other than HTML5 media itself. I probably should have been more specific in the original title that it's specific to HTML5 video. :)

sl-service-account commented 8 years ago

Whirly Fizzle commented at 2015-10-26T21:51:54Z

Do you have your repro build rezzed anywhere inworld? Can you give a SLURL?

I haven't been able to reproduce any problems yet with stuttery media playback on Valhalla. I placed the land media texture on 216 prim faces & tested with your given land media URL and also with, which is better to see if there's any delay or stuttering in media playback as it's people talking. So far the media is playing as smoothly as it does on webkit viewers.

One thing I have seen on Valhalla is a high number of llceflib_host.exe processes running when you are around a lot of media sources. - there are 29 llceflib_host.exe processes running here. Could this maybe cause media playback performance issues? I have no idea if this many llceflib_host.exe processes is normal or not and so far I have not had any performance problems with Valhalla on that system.

Second Life 4.0.0 (305703) Oct  6 2015 16:16:54 (Second Life Project Valhalla)
Release Notes

You are at 208.8, 81.2, 35.6 in Nuts Island located at (
(global coordinates 256,209.0, 311,377.0, 35.6)
Second Life Server

CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4770K CPU @ 3.50GHz (3491.93 MHz)
Memory: 16268 MB
OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 64-bit Service Pack 1 (Build 7601)
Graphics Card Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
Graphics Card: GeForce GTX 750/PCIe/SSE2

Windows Graphics Driver Version: 10.18.0013.5850
OpenGL Version: 4.5.0 NVIDIA 358.50

libcurl Version: libcurl/7.38.0 OpenSSL/1.0.1h zlib/1.2.8
J2C Decoder Version: KDU v7.2
Audio Driver Version: FMOD Ex 4.44.31
LLCEFLib/CEF Version: 1.2.0-(CEF-WIN-3.2454.1323-32)
Voice Server Version: Vivox 4.6.0017.21209

Built with MSVC version 1800
Packets Lost: 113/36,275 (0.3%)
sl-service-account commented 8 years ago

DJQuad Radio commented at 2015-10-29T21:04:14Z

I'll make a repo within the next few days, sorry for the delay. I'm really surprised 216 prim faces didn't cause any performance issues though. Around 30 did for me. My specs are a bit lower though -

Second Life 4.0.0 (305703) Oct  6 2015 16:16:54 (Second Life Project Valhalla)
Release Notes

You are at 44.0, 152.0, 1,001.0 in Margaritaville located at (
(global coordinates 178,988.0, 288,152.0, 1,001.0)
Second Life Server

CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4460  CPU @ 3.20GHz (3192.61 MHz)
Memory: 12221 MB
OS Version: Microsoft Windows 8.1 64-bit  (Build 9600)
Graphics Card Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
Graphics Card: GeForce GT 720/PCIe/SSE2

Windows Graphics Driver Version: 9.18.0013.3292
OpenGL Version: 4.4.0

libcurl Version: libcurl/7.38.0 OpenSSL/1.0.1h zlib/1.2.8
J2C Decoder Version: KDU v7.2
Audio Driver Version: FMOD Ex 4.44.31
LLCEFLib/CEF Version: 1.2.0-(CEF-WIN-3.2454.1323-32)
Voice Server Version: Vivox 4.6.0017.21209

Built with MSVC version 1800
Packets Lost: 0/1,433 (0.0%)

As far as the llceflib_host.exe processes, they seem normal. I could be wrong but the ll part is Linden lab (LL's complied version of ceflib_host), the cef is Chromium Embedded Framework, and the lib is obviously library. The processes are sandboxed, much like when you launch Chrome and there are dozens of chrome.exe processes. Sandboxing in that way takes more resources but it's a lot more secure.

So anyway, I'll make some repo prims to share with everyone within the next couple days and will probably make a video of it as well.

sl-service-account commented 8 years ago

DJQuad Radio commented at 2015-10-30T01:23:35Z

I cut down on the media prims to (I think) 24 and it's still a freaking skippy lagfest

I 2x'd but check it out - the music is good (grins) but the media prims skip non stop. My CPU is at 13% and my GPU 6%.

To repo it, the music was set to and the media was set to (<- strictly HTML5).

Again, on Firestorm and the official viewer it works perfectly. Flash/Quicktime isn't the issue - this is strictly HTML5.

sl-service-account commented 8 years ago

Whirly Fizzle commented at 2015-10-30T12:43:01Z

Yeah that's pretty choppy on your video.

Each time the media prims stall on your video, the whole scene render is stalling though, not just the media playback. You can see the moving clouds in the sky and your avatar animation also stalling at exactly the same time the media playback is stalling. Hard to say if that stall is just because of the way the video is captured but if you are seeing the same choppiness inworld also affecting the whole scene, then it looks like it's a viewer performance issue rather then just a problem with the media playback performance itself. If you do see the whole world view stalling as it is on the video, does it only happen when you are around media sources?

sl-service-account commented 8 years ago

DJQuad Radio commented at 2015-10-30T21:46:36Z

Yeah it only happens around media. Sometimes just the media stutters, sometimes the viewer itself stutters as well. I've been unable to make a reliable repo where it's just the media or the entire viewer - the same prims have caused stuttering in both.

I used FRAPS to capture the video but it looks the same whether I'm capturing or not. Capturing at 30FPS/720p only increases CPU by about 10%.

Does HTML5 use DirectX? If so, it may help the devs if I provided my DxDiag output? I'm actually not sure if that contains performance info but if it does, I could provide it when media is stuttering and when it's not, just for a comparison.

I'll try to produce a reliable repo but either way it's still an issue with Valhalla. Like I said this hasn't happened once with Firestorm nor the regular viewer. In fact I tried both after I recorded the video and both were as smooth as silk. heh

sl-service-account commented 8 years ago

Kyle Linden commented at 2015-11-02T17:40:24Z

Hi DJQuad,

Thank for reporting this and providing the video. We will look for your more detailed repro steps and/or location.

Please press the Info Provided button when you update this issue.


sl-service-account commented 8 years ago

DJQuad Radio commented at 2015-11-07T23:02:19Z

During the TPV meeting, this Jira was brought up and clearly Oz misunderstood the issue by saying "oh I saw it - 30 prims? Don't expect that to work" Whirly was trying to explain he misunderstood. Clearly he "saw it" but didn't understand the issue that will affect hundreds of content creators.

Let me try to sum this up so the Lindens won't blow this off like Oz did.

I've been perusing the advantages of Valhalla and CEF and for the life of me I don't understand the advantage. The point is to block Flash/Quicktime, which is absolutely needed for security reasons. Why not just block that content in the regular viewer like most web browsers do by default?

sl-service-account commented 8 years ago

Whirly Fizzle commented at 2015-11-08T00:07:07Z, updated at 2015-11-08T00:53:14Z

I was confused with what the Lindens were saying at the TPV meeting too - they seemed to think this was an excessive number of prims using the parcel media texture. There has never been a problem with a large number of prims using the parcel media texture to play parcel media. I still have no idea why they think this should be a problem. It still isn't a problem for myself on Valhalla either. If the set up was using shared media (MOAP), then yes, there would be a problem, it isn't actually possible to use MOAP for this kind of media build because it's limited to loading only the closest 8 media faces.

Using a large number parcel media textured prims all playing the land media is a commonly used setup in many places, for example SL clubs - the club walls, dancefloor prims & other structures will be displaying parcel media. Examples: The animated faces here are all using different repeats/offsets of the parcel media texture pointing at a video stream.

Another example: There are many many (hundreds) of seperate prims in this build all displaying parcel media. The artist Thoth Jantzen regularly displays this kind of media content at Lea and at SLB & it's very popular.

sl-service-account commented 8 years ago

DJQuad Radio commented at 2015-11-08T01:16:46Z

When Oz blew it off I think he didn't know the difference between MOAP and parcel media prims.

Here's another example with literally over 100 prims all playing a single video with no lag whatsover. It's an arena with weekly shows.

So much for "Don't expect that to work".. :) Variations of the arena entrance has for over 7 years.

sl-service-account commented 8 years ago

Whirly Fizzle commented at 2015-11-08T01:42:14Z, updated at 2015-11-08T01:49:23Z

If Lindens would like to explore a location with hundreds of prims displaying parcel media, visit this location: Remember to enable media ;) This is Fuschia Nightfire's Work of Zero Significance. This is a perfect example of normal large scale parcel media use inworld. Pretty much every object on this region is playing parcel media.

Here is a gif showing the location with media enabled on Valhalla: If it's animating, the prim face is playing parcel media.

sl-service-account commented 8 years ago

Whirly Fizzle commented at 2015-11-08T02:00:48Z, updated at 2015-11-08T02:40:05Z

Another demo location with hundreds of media prims: Actual number of land media prims = 319 in the main display for this scene: Each media prim is textured with the parcel media texture. The parcel media is pointing to Sit on the seats here, enable media, enter mouselook & watch the show. Works great on Valhalla too:

I hope the above 2 examples demonstrate to Oz & Grumpity that Dj Quads example build is not using an unusual number of land media prims at all. While I cannot reproduce his performance problem on Valhalla, his issue shouldn't be discounted because he is using "too many" land media prims.

Don't just watch the gifs though, go and visit those locations. The gifs do not do the installations justice.

sl-service-account commented 8 years ago

DJQuad Radio commented at 2015-11-08T03:50:20Z

They're gonna think we're on some serious drugs with all these examples.. lol.

In the examples listed I would imagine most are using TVs like NHC and VEA. I don't want to confuse the Lindens more but the TVs use Flash to play YouTube videos. As soon as sites like YouTube supported HTML5, using a link like in the Media URL negated the use of TVs, and therefore, Flash.

It made absolutely no difference changing from a TV that set the Media URL (Flash) to a direct HTML5 URL - Media prims worked exactly the same way in every case whether it was Flash or HTML5. TV's didn't adopt that change because most of them haven't been updated in over 3 years.

Instead of introducing Valhalla/CEF for the performance reasons we've already noted, just block Flash in the current viewer like modern web browsers like Firefox and Chrome do.

I would suggest having internal support for YouTube that supports both individial videos and playlists like

sl-service-account commented 8 years ago

Whirly Fizzle commented at 2015-11-08T06:11:11Z

My examples are not using TV's at all, just standard prims/sculpts/mesh with varying cuts, offsets, repeats and textured with the parcel media texture.

Can you give a SLURL to a location which is reproducing the poor performance on Valhalla for you? I'm still not clear really what the performance problems you are seeing are or how to go about reproducing them.

The Lindens will need at least a location where you can reproduce the performance problem on Valhalla but not on default release and hopefully some steps to reproduce the problem to be able to investigate why it's only happening for you on Valhalla.

I watched the TPV meeting recording again where this was discussed and I'm curious now if what the Lindens meant was that they expected there to be new poor performance problems when around a lot of parcel media content on viewers using CEF. If it's the case that CEF viewers cannot cope with lots of parcel media content as well as webkit viewers can, then that needs to be listed as a known issue because it will affect a lot of content/locations. All I know is, I'm not personally seeing any difference in performance when around lots of parcel media content on Valhalla. It's as performant as on default release using webkit.

For reference: Here is the TPV meeting recording where this issue was discussed -

sl-service-account commented 8 years ago

DJQuad Radio commented at 2015-11-08T22:13:08Z

All I can say for now is that it lags horribly on Valhalla and doesn't at all in the official viewer and Firestorm. I can't exactly do a perfect repo because what lags for me and others may not for the Lindens, and vice-versa.

I'm also not exactly the best case - heck, all I did was try around 30 prims to notice the difference. My software dev background has taught me tho, if it's happening to 1 person out of 3 who have truly looked into it, it will affect 1/3rd of tens of thousands of people.

I asked before about the following issues that will hopefully help diagnose what's going on -

sl-service-account commented 8 years ago

Oz Linden commented at 2015-11-09T18:58:58Z

My comment in the TPV meeting was based on a careless reading - sorry - I was indeed confusing Parcel Media with MoaP.

More specific performance data and repro steps would certainly be useful, since our testing of multiple prims using parcel media don't show a performance problem on the Valhalla viewer.

I'm not sure how the MoaP limit was chosen, but at the moment we're not considering changing it, so let's leave that out of this issue.

There were a number of reasons to move from the old qt/webkit to CEF, the most important being that we believe that it provides better support for keeping up with evolving web usage. Flash was not a major consideration, since we would have recommended moving away from it in any event.

sl-service-account commented 8 years ago

DJQuad Radio commented at 2015-11-09T21:19:19Z

Thanks for the info. Since we're currently at the "it lags for me but not you" point, what specific performance data would be the most helpful to provide as it's happening? Task Manager screenshots? DxDiag exports? Something else?

DxDiag would seem like the most helpful, but I don't know if CEF uses DirectX, nor if it outputs current resource usage or just detailed system specs.

sl-service-account commented 8 years ago

Oz Linden commented at 2015-11-10T15:35:00Z

If DxDiag is focused on DirectX it probably won't help, since the viewer doesn't use DirectX.

One thing I notice looking at the YouTube links you provided is that those are very high resolution streams (far higher than you can usefully display on an in-world surface). Perhaps the old webkit was doing more scaling earlier in the pipeline? Have you experimented with how using lower resolution streams affects the lag you're experiencing?

sl-service-account commented 8 years ago

DJQuad Radio commented at 2015-11-11T00:15:26Z

The video was rendered at the minimum HD resolution, which is 720p (and 30 fps) as most modern YouTube videos are at minimum, HD. We might have different definitions of very high resolution but to me that means anything 1080p and above (1k, 2k, and 4k). More and more YouTube videos are becoming 1080p/60fps, and in the upcoming months and years, 2k and 4k content will become the norm imo.

webkit scaling just resizes the end-result afaik, it still uses the same quality, fps, network bandwidth, and resources. It just shows a video at a different aspect ratio. It's sort of like how a 720p movie on Netflix would look on a 4k TV, or how a 4k movie would look on an SD TV.

I can try SD resolution at 360p but the prims that show a 1:1 ratio will look horrible. The prims parts themselves that have zooms, offsets, and glows should obfuscate that poor quality though, if that makes sense. Please let me know.

sl-service-account commented 8 years ago

Whirly Fizzle commented at 2015-11-11T00:34:33Z

DJ's example URL at gets scaled down to 640x360 when playing via MOAP or internal web browser in the CEF viewer.

External web browser:


sl-service-account commented 8 years ago

DJQuad Radio commented at 2015-11-12T03:24:39Z

I’m not sure if this will help or not, but I experimented with a lower res video. I originally tried to beat-match it but you probably can’t tell from the video.

It was captured at 1080p/60fps (HD). I then rendered it at 480p/30fps (SD) and uploaded it to YouTube.

As expected, it looks hella bad in SL but that’s not a surprise since it’s 480p. I must admit that CEF performs marginally (LITERALLY marginally) better, but the quality is horrid. – WARNING – If you’re prone to seizures, do not watch the video. It’s an original mix but the video is very flashy.

sl-service-account commented 8 years ago

Oz Linden commented at 2015-12-02T15:35:54Z

I'd like to start examining this using examples we can all visit and check in SL.

I just built one using as parcel media on 48 prims at

Playback on my Macbook running Second Life 4.0.0 (307894) is smooth and my viewer is getting 62fps.

sl-service-account commented 8 years ago

Whirly Fizzle commented at 2015-12-02T17:28:48Z

@Oz Performance at your test scene is fine for me. General viewer performance is as expected and comparable to default release and the media playback is smooth with no stuttering.

I am using I have viewer settings on defaults, which for my card is High-Ultra (shadows enabled). Standing infront of the media scene, my FPS remains steady at ~55 FPS:

Second Life 4.0.0 (308430) Nov 30 2015 18:01:44 (Second Life Release)
Release Notes

You are at 29.0, 59.0, 46.6 in Hippo Hollow located at (
(global coordinates 238,109.0, 244,795.0, 46.6)
Second Life RC LeTigre
Release Notes

CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4770K CPU @ 3.50GHz (3491.94 MHz)
Memory: 16268 MB
OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 64-bit Service Pack 1 (Build 7601)
Graphics Card Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
Graphics Card: GeForce GTX 750/PCIe/SSE2

Windows Graphics Driver Version: 10.18.0013.5900
OpenGL Version: 4.5.0 NVIDIA 359.00

libcurl Version: libcurl/7.38.0 OpenSSL/1.0.1h zlib/1.2.8
J2C Decoder Version: KDU v7.2
Audio Driver Version: FMOD Ex 4.44.31
LLCEFLib/CEF Version: 1.4.0-(CEF-WIN-3.2526.1347-32)
Voice Server Version: Vivox 4.6.0017.21209

Built with MSVC version 1800
Packets Lost: 220/16,488 (1.3%)
sl-service-account commented 8 years ago

Whirly Fizzle commented at 2015-12-07T22:29:06Z

@DJQuad There is a new Valhalla viewer available for testing:

sl-service-account commented 8 years ago

DJQuad Radio commented at 2015-12-07T22:56:11Z

I recently upgraded to Windows 10 and then did a full reset to clear out the junk from Windows 8. It's a lot better than before but still not as good as the regular viewer.

I guess this can be closed because I can't repo it, especially since I upgraded. There's definitely going to be performance reports in the future from others when CEF becomes the norm in the viewer though.

sl-service-account commented 8 years ago

Whirly Fizzle commented at 2015-12-21T04:05:54Z

I found one way to reproduce terrible performance on Valhalla viewers, but I suspect it may be expected behaviour. Repro is easy - just be around a lot of WebGL media content & FPS plumets until you disable media.

Just a single prim face playing some webGL content drops my FPS from ~60 FPS down to ~15 FPS.

Media disabled: Media enabled:

Second Life 4.0.0 (309247) Dec 16 2015 19:01:02 (Second Life Release)
Release Notes

You are at 127.2, 171.0, 21.1 in Testylvania Sandbox located at (
(global coordinates 332,671.0, 306,347.0, 21.1)
Second Life Server
Release Notes

CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4770K CPU @ 3.50GHz (3491.93 MHz)
Memory: 16268 MB
OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 64-bit Service Pack 1 (Build 7601)
Graphics Card Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
Graphics Card: GeForce GTX 750/PCIe/SSE2

Windows Graphics Driver Version: 10.18.0013.5906
OpenGL Version: 4.5.0 NVIDIA 359.06

libcurl Version: libcurl/7.38.0 OpenSSL/1.0.1h zlib/1.2.8
J2C Decoder Version: KDU v7.2
Audio Driver Version: FMOD Ex 4.44.31
LLCEFLib/CEF Version: 1.5.1-(CEF-WIN-3.2526.1347-32)
Voice Server Version: Vivox 4.6.0017.21209

Built with MSVC version 1800
Packets Lost: 163/20,309 (0.8%)
sl-service-account commented 8 years ago

Oz Linden commented at 2015-12-21T14:34:51Z

Opening in Chrome on my (relatively new) Macbook Pro consumes half the cpu, so yes, I'd say that's expected behavior.