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[BUG-231519] Complete the Route 8 Linden road in Dammastock Region #8984

Open sl-service-account opened 2 years ago

sl-service-account commented 2 years ago

How would you like the feature to work?

Currently, the Linden Route 8 road in Satori, between then regions of Finsteraarhorn and Bietschhorn, is unfinished. The Dammastock region contains a Linden protected route through the region, but it is just empty land - there is no road installed. To pass between the aforementioned regions, a tunnel teleport system is used. As most of the Dammastock region is now vacant land owned by Guy Linden, with the exception of two resident owned parcels on the eastern side, it makes sense to complete the road through the region, as it would cause minimal (if any) disruption to the existing parcel owners.

Why is this feature important to you? How would it benefit the community?

Currently, outside of the nearby Blake Sea area, the northern coastline of Satori is the most heavily trafficked area used by vehicle travellers. Along the coastline there are many airports, marinas, GTFO hubs, and points of interest, most of which all back on the the Route 8 Road at some point. For anyone attempting to travel from Northeast Satori to Northwest Satori, via road, requires them to detour deep into the middle of the continent before they can re-join Route 8 towards the western side. Finishing off this road would allow road users to quickly move between Northeast and Northwest Satori - promoting increased traffic in the area as well as improving community relations between the many travelling and roleplay groups and places in that area.




Original Jira Fields | Field | Value | | ------------- | ------------- | | Issue | BUG-231519 | | Summary | Complete the Route 8 Linden road in Dammastock Region | | Type | New Feature Request | | Priority | Unset | | Status | Accepted | | Resolution | Accepted | | Reporter | Eowyn Southmoor (eowyn.southmoor) | | Created at | 2021-12-04T02:56:05Z | | Updated at | 2021-12-16T15:26:17Z | ``` { 'Build Id': 'unset', 'Business Unit': ['Platform'], 'Date of First Response': '2021-12-03T23:34:53.903-0600', 'How would you like the feature to work?': 'Currently, the Linden Route 8 road in Satori, between then regions of Finsteraarhorn and Bietschhorn, is unfinished. The Dammastock region contains a Linden protected route through the region, but it is just empty land - there is no road installed. To pass between the aforementioned regions, a tunnel teleport system is used. \r\nAs most of the Dammastock region is now vacant land owned by Guy Linden, with the exception of two resident owned parcels on the eastern side, it makes sense to complete the road through the region, as it would cause minimal (if any) disruption to the existing parcel owners.', 'ReOpened Count': 0.0, 'Severity': 'Unset', 'Target Viewer Version': 'viewer-development', 'Why is this feature important to you? How would it benefit the community?': 'Currently, outside of the nearby Blake Sea area, the northern coastline of Satori is the most heavily trafficked area used by vehicle travellers. Along the coastline there are many airports, marinas, GTFO hubs, and points of interest, most of which all back on the the Route 8 Road at some point. For anyone attempting to travel from Northeast Satori to Northwest Satori, via road, requires them to detour deep into the middle of the continent before they can re-join Route 8 towards the western side. Finishing off this road would allow road users to quickly move between Northeast and Northwest Satori - promoting increased traffic in the area as well as improving community relations between the many travelling and roleplay groups and places in that area.', } ```
sl-service-account commented 2 years ago

Eowyn Southmoor commented at 2021-12-04T03:04:22Z

To add to the above, another Jira was created for this same region, suggesting a tunnel instead of completing the road. It is:


sl-service-account commented 2 years ago

Anitya Leclerc commented at 2021-12-04T05:34:54Z

I just want to add my vote for completing this road. The Dammastock section of what should be route 8 is tremendously annoying, and I'd love to see it completed with a road.

Not having a road is particularly frustrating for drivers, since going off-road is often an extremely hazardous prospect due to ban lines, security orbs, or even just terrain that is difficult for a lot of vehicles to handle well.

There are specialized huds that can detect some of these dangers, but every hud adds more scripts that potentially make driving harder in a different way (and they only work one sim at a time, so every off-road sim-crossing is a hazardous unknown).

A teleport is also very unsatisfactory, because most vehicles have to be rezzed to work, and you can't take a rezzed car or truck with you through a teleport. Abandoning your vehicle and then getting set up again? Incredibly frustrating!

In addition to completing a route that is heavily trafficked by many users for different kinds of fun and roleplay, this would also raise the value of the land in Dammastock and potentially surrounding sims, which would decrease the amount of abandoned mainland.

Finally: A road would be much better than a tunnel. It's hard to suspend my disbelief when I'm supposed to proceed underwater with my avatar as if that's not deeply weird! (See also: the train routes in the chalet region of Bellisseria). 

sl-service-account commented 2 years ago

anna2358 commented at 2021-12-04T09:50:10Z, updated at 2021-12-04T09:51:29Z

I would like to support this request.  For me, 70% of my interest in Second Life comes from travelling and visiting the wonders that the imagination of residents has created (I've seen all the molehills now).  In recent years this has diminished as more and more Mainland is abandoned (I think some of this is fuelled by the Linden Homes development).  Those who continue to look for Mainland plots to build on, look for connected plots - either sea-side or road-side.  The development of additional interest groups like GTFO and PODs depend critically on having open routes to travel by vehicle.  And while you are at it, a railway on the continent would be nice.

sl-service-account commented 2 years ago

Atomic Infinity commented at 2021-12-04T10:10:17Z

+1 vote to link up the road :)

Teleport tunnels are interesting, but not really that good for physical vehicle travel what with the delete & re-rezz. Having a complete navigable road would be much superior to benefit all road users and help landowners in the area with their community projects.

sl-service-account commented 2 years ago

Catriona Glenfadden commented at 2021-12-04T11:17:18Z

Completing this route would be a boon, teleport and re-rezz is frustrating for drivers.

sl-service-account commented 2 years ago

Francesca Alva commented at 2021-12-04T11:43:18Z

Please continue the road: there is nothing more frustating than a route that just stops. It is important that Mainlanf is preserved and revitalised and the Pod Tours are an excellent way of introducing people to areas they woul not otherwise have found. Protected roads and waterways are essential to the tours.

sl-service-account commented 2 years ago

Christi Charron commented at 2021-12-04T12:36:28Z

This would be fantastic for The Drivers of SL Group and for travel on the continent in general.  It would also work well for GTFO! deliveries.

sl-service-account commented 2 years ago

VenKellie commented at 2021-12-04T18:42:55Z

+1 vote for this too eh

This would be very handy for GTFO and GridHaul players.

sl-service-account commented 2 years ago

Henri Beauchamp commented at 2021-12-04T19:59:03Z

+1 for the road completion.

sl-service-account commented 2 years ago

scriptworks commented at 2021-12-04T21:02:17Z

+1 from me.

sl-service-account commented 2 years ago

JIRAUSER339625 commented at 2021-12-05T03:39:06Z, updated at 2021-12-05T04:30:53Z

This definitely makes a lot of sense. The land is already set aside and subdivided...  It would require simply some terraforming and the laying of the actual road, I can see one of the wonderful Moles having some fun with that but it would make a deal of difference to a lot of drivers!  Compared to some of the other incomplete roads, this one would seem to be a fairly simple project all ready to be done  :)

The Jira cites "...minimal (if any) disruption..," to private landholders nearby;  having looked at the route, I actually can't see that there would be any real disruption at all, since the whole route required is already protected land.  The only possible impact might be at the edges when the route is terraformed, and this should be minimal indeed.

Just one extra comment...  I wonder why the neighbouring land is in the name of Guy Linden, and not simply abandoned land?  Is there some interesting project planned?  The section to the south has only been owned by Guy for two months, and the section to the north for one month.  But the Protected Land route has been there since 2015.  So really, there should be no obstacle.

sl-service-account commented 2 years ago

Els Velde commented at 2021-12-05T13:01:48Z, updated at 2021-12-06T11:50:00Z

this will be great to have, i use that road a lot with GTFO.


No need for landscaping .. make a sort of flyover road :)

sl-service-account commented 2 years ago

arabellajones commented at 2021-12-05T15:42:59Z

The whole Satori road grid has some strange gaps, enough to provoke wonderment at what past Lindens were thinking, but this is the one that looks easy to fix.

sl-service-account commented 2 years ago

Yevad Doobie commented at 2021-12-05T18:37:30Z

This doesn't belong here.  A ticket needs to be submitted, under the heading land and regions.  I recommend "FAO LDPW" in the title.

sl-service-account commented 2 years ago

VenKellie commented at 2021-12-05T19:00:53Z

Yevad, tickets have been made before and nothing has been done.

sl-service-account commented 2 years ago

DarrenVMeter commented at 2021-12-06T14:05:41Z

We'll see what happens with this!   Hopefully something.   I had suggested a tunnel, if they didn't want to disrupt and of the land owners above, which are now only a couple.   

Tunnel Jira:


sl-service-account commented 2 years ago

DarrenVMeter commented at 2021-12-10T21:08:22Z

Patch Linden was going to send someone to check it out, and said hopefully he'll know something by next week sometime.

sl-service-account commented 2 years ago

JIRAUSER339625 commented at 2021-12-12T15:51:01Z

Interesting antics there today...  I saw a GTFO truck struggle off the road and around the tunnel entrance and make its way along the unpaved right of way until it got back to the road at the other end of Dammastock.  Building a surface road would make so much sense.

As for Guy Linden's land on either side of the right of way, I now have insight into what that's about:  I believe someone expressed interest in it as abandoned land, Guy then reserved it, but either he or the interested party has then forgotten to progress it further.  Unless it was meant to be sent to auction.  Either way, the road reserve is unaffected.

sl-service-account commented 2 years ago

Thor Bjornson commented at 2021-12-16T02:44:53Z

I would welcome the ability to drive along that stretch of highway if the tunnel was opened up. 

sl-service-account commented 2 years ago

Derrick Linden commented at 2021-12-16T15:26:18Z

Hi all! Thanks for the suggestion - Guy also recognized the opportunity to fix this tunnel. We'll work on this as soon as possible!